Norman Mailer

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Norman Mailer Page 120

by J. Michael Lennon

  Hanssen, Robert, 678, 718–20

  Hanssen spy case, NM’s teleplay on, 718–20, 721

  Hardwick, Elizabeth, 116, 349, 385, 442

  Harlot (char.), see Montague, Hugh Tremont

  “Harlot High and Low, A” (Mailer), 499, 569, 599

  Harlot’s Ghost (Mailer), 429, 597, 605, 613, 629–36, 643–44, 650, 657, 691

  Alpha-Omega theory in, 635–36, 643, 649

  publicity tour for, 652–53, 659–60

  reviews of, 645–46, 647–50

  Uruguay section of, 613, 634–36, 647, 649, 743

  writing of, 607, 611–12, 614, 618, 620, 622–23, 625, 626, 629, 630–31, 632–33, 638–39, 642, 644, 651

  “Harlot’s Grave” (Mailer; unfinished novel), 644, 648, 652, 653, 664, 677, 691, 692, 695, 698, 701–2, 707, 712, 734

  Harmon, Susan, 414

  Harper’s, 307, 350, 378, 404, 408, 423, 441, 565

  Armies of the Night published in, 390–91, 392–93, 398

  Morris’s resignation from, 439–40

  “Prisoner of Sex” published in, 431, 435, 440

  Harper’s Bazaar, 142–43

  Harrison, Thomas, 552

  Harry G. (Bellevue inmate), 287–88, 305, 312, 352

  Harvard Advocate, 26, 28, 30, 32, 37, 39, 42, 46, 47–48, 242, 569

  Harvard Board of Overseers, 411, 412

  Harvard Crimson, 31, 38, 46–47, 52

  Harvard Dramatic Society, 51, 52

  Harvard Lampoon, The, 28

  Harvard University, 167

  isolationist-interventionist split at, 30–32

  NM at, see Mailer, Norman, at Harvard

  NM’s Nieman Fellows lecture at, 745

  racial makeup of student body at, 26

  Theodore White on, 25

  Harvey, William King “Bill” (char.), 629, 635, 647, 648

  Hasidim, 206–7

  “Havana” (Mailer; screenplay), 592, 620

  Hayden, Tom, 400

  Haydn, Hiram, 179

  Hayes, Harold, 265, 270, 332, 337–38, 344, 446–47, 474

  Hayward, Max, 314–15

  Hearn, Robert (char.), 76, 83, 84, 86–87, 90, 95, 108, 120, 129, 154

  Hearst, William Randolph, 414

  Hecht, Ben, 462

  Hecht, Harold, 120, 121, 126, 512

  Hefner, Hugh, 315, 322

  Heidegger, Martin, 317, 318, 319

  Heiden, Konrad, 63

  Heller, Joseph, 38, 260, 326

  Hellman, Lillian, 116, 136, 151, 169, 195, 227, 289, 364, 366, 371, 513

  Naked and the Dead dramatization attempted by, 2, 107, 108, 117, 120, 126, 169

  Hemingway, Ernest, 27, 35, 37, 39, 45–46, 51, 62, 128, 131, 150, 196, 254, 259, 278, 303, 327, 336, 353, 359, 424, 448, 481, 497, 630, 716

  advance copy of Deer Park sent to, 195–96

  NM on, 150, 300–302, 716

  suicide of, 297–300, 302

  Hemingway, Gregory, 501

  Hemingway, John, 737

  “Hemingway in Ketchum” (Fiedler), 300

  Henderson the Rain King (Bellow), 326–27

  Hersey, John, 61, 71

  Hersh, Seymour, 440

  Herzenberg, Jere, 521

  Herzog (Bellow), 347–48

  “He Was Her Man” (Mailer), 35

  Hickock, Richard, 477, 531, 534

  Hicks, Granville, 350, 378

  High Times, 539

  Hills, Rusty, 338

  Hillyer, Robert, 53

  “Hip, Hell, and the Navigator” (Stern/Mailer interview), 238–39, 244

  Hip, NM’s philosophy of, 203, 208, 219–20, 238–39, 240, 279

  history, catastrophic theory of, 96–97, 170

  “History as a Novel” (Mailer), see Armies of the Night, The

  History of Magic and Experimental Science (Thorndike), 576

  History of the Jews (Graetz), 527–28

  Hitchens, Christopher, 16, 637, 649, 683, 757

  Hitler, Adolf, 21–22, 54, 63, 435, 477, 711–12, 725

  NM’s novel about, see Castle in the Forest, The (Mailer)

  Hitler, Alois, 745, 753

  Hitler’s Youth (Jetzinger), 712

  Hittites, 502, 579

  Hodder and Stoughton, 536

  Hoffman, Abbie, 382, 428, 453, 455, 557, 704

  Hoffman, Dustin, 615

  Hofstadter, Douglas, 529

  Holbrooke, Richard, 279–80

  Holiday, Billie, 273

  Hollingsworth, Leroy (char.), 128, 129, 175

  Hollywood Reporter, 540

  Hollywood Ten, 111

  Holmes, Carol, 486, 507

  Holmes, John Clellon, 239–40

  Holmes, Larry, 631

  Home Town (Simenon), 79, 83

  Homosexual in America, The (Cory), 174

  “Homosexual Villain, The” (Mailer), 174–75

  Hoods, The (Grey), 493

  Hook, Sidney, 116

  Hooking Up (Wolfe), 710

  Hooper, Philip, 72

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 273, 629

  Hopkins, Will, 467

  Hornet, USS, 425

  Horney, Karen, 167

  Horowitz, Glenn, 737

  Horton, Lieutenant, 72, 73, 76

  Hotchner, A. E., 259

  Houdini, Harry, 509

  Hougan, Jim, 654

  House Un-American Activities Committee, 155

  Howard, Henry, 564, 722

  Howard, Richard, 608

  Howard, Ron, 736

  Howe, Irving, 113, 117, 134, 147, 161, 195, 205, 252, 257, 278, 356, 364

  Hubbard, Herrick “Harry” (char.), 629, 630, 634–35, 643, 648, 651

  Hughes, Langston, 116

  Hukbalahap (Huks), 71–72

  “Humanities in a Time of War, The” (Matthiessen), 32

  Humboldt’s Gift (Bellow), 137, 501, 603

  Humes, Anna Lou, 280, 283

  Humes, Harold L. “Doc,” 273–74, 279, 280, 281, 283–85

  Humphrey, Hubert H., 265, 405, 408, 409

  Hunt, Dorothy, 635, 643

  Hunt, Howard:

  as character in Harlot’s Ghost, 629, 634–35, 647, 650–51

  Harlot’s Ghost reviewed by, 650

  Hurlburt, Allen, 464, 465, 467

  Hurt, William, 721

  Hussein, Saddam, 728

  Huston, Aurora, 507, 661, 663, 725

  Huston, John, 112

  Huston, Phil, 661

  Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 501

  Hyman, Stanley Edgar, 350

  I, Claudius (Graves), 68

  Idiot, The (Dostoyevsky), 333

  In Cold Blood (Capote), 273, 371, 477, 529, 531, 534

  Informer, The (O’Flaherty), 82, 83

  Inge, William, 411

  Inker, Monroe, 523, 524

  In the Belly of the Beast (Abbott), 519, 545, 554, 557–59, 561

  “In the Red Light: A History of the Republican Convention in 1964” (Mailer), 344, 408

  “In This Corner, Norman Mailer, Never the Champion, Always the Challenger” (Brower), 357

  Intimate Journals (Baudelaire), 225

  Into the Mirror (Schiller), 721

  Into the Valley (Hersey), 71

  Invisible Man (Ellison), 249

  Iraq War, 721, 727–28, 736, 738, 745

  Ironweed (Kennedy), 732–33

  IRS, 439, 472, 487, 493, 502, 523–24, 574

  Irving, John, 602, 710–11, 715

  Isherwood, Christopher, 102

  Ishtar (film), 627

  Israel, 478

  Jackson, Charles, 79

  Jackson, Jesse, 632

  Jackson, Shirley, 57

  James, Henry, 147, 379, 403, 404, 410, 497

  James, M. R., 605

  James, William, 46, 62, 187

  Jantischek, Freidl, 725

  Jantischek, Hans, 725, 750

  Janklow, Mort, 513

  Japan, 52

  in battle for Luzon, 66–68, 69–70, 71–73, 74–75

  occupation of, 78

  Pearl Harbor attack by, 43, 64

  planned invasion of, 74, 77, 78

  surrender of, 77, 78

  Javits, Jacob, 459

  Javits, Marion, 459

  Jay, Peter, 513

  J. B. Lippincott, 40

  Jelke, John Faris, 155

  Jelke, Minot “Mickey,” 155

  Jensen, Colleen, 510

  Jensen, Joe, 201, 202, 204

  Jesus, 435, 699–700

  see also Gospel According to the Son, The (Mailer)

  Jetzinger, Franz, 712

  JFK (film), 654

  JFK Assassination, The: The Facts and Theories (Oglesby), 654

  John, Gospel of, 695

  John Paul II, Pope, 695

  Johnson, Diane, 540

  Johnson, Jeanne, 323, 324

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 358–59

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 265, 273, 343–46, 356, 358, 363–64, 405, 455, 654

  Johnston, Jill, 441

  Jokel, Lana, 403, 407

  Joker, The (Malaquais), 100

  Jonathan Cape, 134, 166

  Jones, Gloria, 229, 232, 258, 517, 518

  Jones, Howard Mumford, 46

  Jones, James, 131, 139, 161, 163, 169, 191, 195, 223, 260, 290, 296, 326, 327, 348, 374, 377, 440, 613

  Adele’s relationship with, 158

  death of, 517

  on Deer Park, 179

  NM’s “Evaluation” comments on, 250, 258

  NM’s friendship with, 132, 138, 142, 147–48, 156–57, 158, 170, 252, 517–18, 758

  NM’s rapprochement with, 258

  NM’s split with, 212–13, 229, 232–34

  Jones, Kaylie, 517–18

  Jones, Tommy Lee, 567, 569–70

  Jong, Erica, 249, 609

  Joyce, James, 29, 32, 46, 206

  Joyce, Sandy (char.), 310–11, 362

  JR (Gaddis), 495

  Jung, Carl, 707

  Jung, Mattie, 551

  Junod, Tom, 751

  Kadesh, Battle of, 502, 554, 579, 582

  Kael, Pauline, 376, 468

  Kafka, Franz, 118

  Kakutani, Michiko, 683, 704

  NM’s feud with, 686–87, 699, 726, 727, 739–40, 751

  on NM’s relationship with Abbott, 565

  pre-publication reviews by, 683, 686–87, 699, 726, 727, 739–40, 751

  tribute to NM by, 763

  Kaminsky, Howard, 504

  Kamrass, Minnie, 8

  Kapital, Das (Marx), 117, 121

  Karnow, Stanley, 1

  Karov, Joseph, 104, 110

  Kaslow, Berta, 58, 59, 61, 106

  Katahdin, Mount, 624–25

  Katz, Harold, 26, 51

  Kaufer, Maxwell, 26

  Kaufman, Elaine, 459

  Kaufmann, Donald, 352–53

  Kaufmann, Myron, 26

  Kaufmann, Walter, 318

  Kazan, Elia, 226, 615

  Kazin, Alfred, 92, 97, 221, 252, 253–54, 257–58, 260, 289, 364, 397, 726

  Kazin, Pearl, 142–43

  Keating, Kenneth, 345

  Kelly, Barney Oswald (char.), 41, 256, 328, 339, 340–42

  Kelly, Gene, 111

  Kemp, Arnold, 287

  Kempton, Murray, 228, 275, 320

  Kennedy, Dana, 759

  Kennedy, Gene and Sarah, 759

  Kennedy, Jacqueline, see Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy

  Kennedy, John F., 261, 262, 274, 306, 325, 337, 410, 433, 467, 643, 704

  assassination of, 333, 334, 336, 370, 377, 599, 631, 648, 649, 653–54, 666, 669, 676

  as character in American Dream, 334

  as character in Harlot’s Ghost, 629

  extramarital affairs of, 306, 613

  in 1960 election, 265, 269, 272–73, 276

  NM on, 266, 268, 334–35, 336

  NM’s meetings with, 269–70

  Kennedy, John F., Jr., 698

  Kennedy, Robert F., 323, 345

  assassination of, 400, 405, 411

  as character in Harlot’s Ghost, 629

  Monroe’s relationship with, 465, 467

  Kennedy, William, 653, 732–34, 759

  Kennedy family, 410, 412

  Kent State University shootings, 428

  Kermode, Frank, 700

  Kerouac, Jack, 131, 193, 227, 239, 240, 242, 245, 249, 260, 738

  Kerr, Walter, 372, 373–74

  Kesey, Ken, 51

  Kessler, Anne Mailer, 10–11, 13, 14, 17–18, 19, 33, 42, 55, 94, 134, 194

  Kessler, David, 10–11, 13, 14, 17–18, 19, 33, 42, 54–55, 94, 96, 107, 134, 194, 255

  KGB, 598, 667, 668

  Oswald file of, 665, 668–71

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 636

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 669

  Khufu, Pyramid of, 478

  Kidd, Janet Gladys, 304, 312

  Kierkegaard, Søren, 167, 318–19

  Kiesel, Harold, 24

  Kimmelman, Michael, 685

  King, Larry L., 440, 545–46, 459, 487

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 381, 426

  assassination of, 400

  King Lear (film), 623

  NM’s screenplay for, see “Don Learo”

  King of the Hill (Mailer), 448

  Kingsley, Norman T. (char.), 400–401, 402

  Kingsley Court, 14

  Kitchen (film), 375–76

  Kluger, Richard, 358–59

  Knopf, Alfred, 180, 198

  Knopf, Blanche, 180

  “Know-Nothing Barbarians, The” (Podhoretz), 227

  Knox, Georgette, 125, 287

  Knox, Mickey, 113, 125, 126, 136, 147–48, 151, 153, 195, 205, 213, 226, 258, 263, 265, 267, 280, 281, 369, 372, 375, 380, 473, 492, 493, 602, 667, 698

  and Adele’s stabbing, 285–86

  NM’s letters to, 218–19, 224, 225, 235, 237, 244, 297, 306, 325, 334–35, 339, 342, 370, 374, 398, 404, 441, 445, 473, 486, 487, 501, 605, 607, 617, 623, 639, 643

  Koch, Ed, 525, 610, 632

  Koenig, Rhoda, 582

  Koestler, Arthur, 61

  Korean War, 120, 129

  Kosinski, Jerzy, 556, 619

  Kotlowitz, Robert, 392

  Kovacs, Ernie, 201

  Krakauer, Alice, 414

  Krassner, Paul, 356

  Krementz, Jill, 500, 554

  Krim, Seymour, 266, 275, 279, 483

  Krueger, Walter, 66

  Kubizek, August, 712

  Kubrick, Stanley, 339

  Kurlansky, Mervyn, 474

  Kuzma, Michael, 721

  Lá-Bas (Huysmans), 501

  La Capponcina, 295, 309

  Lachmann, Jordan, 288

  Ladies and Gentlemen, Lenny Bruce! (Goldman), 470, 511

  Ladies’ Home Journal, 468

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence), 32, 33, 438, 439

  Lakeview Lodge, 10–11

  Lamarr, Hedy, 118

  “Lament for Sánchez Mejías” (García Lorca), 374

  LaMotta, Jake, 327–28

  Lampert, Stanley, 26

  Lancaster, Burt, 112, 118, 120, 121, 126

  Lanchester, Elsa, 192

  Landy, George, 122, 131

  Lane, Mark, 370

  Lang, Fritz, 96

  Langlais, Rudy, 591–92

  “Language of Men, The” (Mailer), 139, 149

  Lanham, Richard, 294

  Lansky, Meyer, 592

  Laos, bombing of, 455

  Lapham, Lewis, 440, 565

  Lareine, Patty (char.), 584, 621

  Larsen, Roy E., 39

  Larsen, Wayne, 558

  “Last Advertisement for Myself Before the Way Out” (Mailer), 251

  “Last Night, The” (Mailer), 333, 361, 581

  Last of the Just, The (Schwarz-Bart), 446, 576

  Last Party, The (Morales), 141

  Last Picture Show, The (film), 487

  Last Sitting, The (Stern), 615

  Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald), 131, 197

  Late Show with David Letterman, 680
  Laughton, Charles, 169, 178, 192, 194, 724

  Lavaca, USS, 78

  Lawford, Pat Kennedy, 371, 500, 524, 555, 601

  Lawrence, D. H., 32, 36, 88, 92, 164, 187, 223, 433, 437, 438–39, 442, 488

  Lawrence, Frieda, 438–39

  Lazare, Rhoda, see Wolf, Rhoda Lazare

  Leacock, Richard, 401

  Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 373

  Lee, Spike, 699

  Lee, Will, 372

  Leeds, Barry H., 341, 548, 579

  Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 348, 434, 540, 579, 647–48

  Leibovitz, Annie, 477

  Lemmon, Jack, 459

  Lenin, V. I., 598

  Lennon, Donna, 714–15, 748, 750, 761, 763

  Lennon, J. Michael “Mike,” 542, 562, 597, 702, 707, 714–15, 721, 723, 734, 735–36, 738, 748, 750, 752, 755, 758, 759

  Lennon, John, 549, 572

  Lennon, Peter, 542

  Leonard, John, 461

  Leone, Sergio, 492–93, 569

  Letterman, David, 680

  Letting Go (Roth), 326

  Levertov, Denise, 98

  Levin, Harry, 46

  Levin, Meyer, 501

  Levine, David, 455

  Lévy, Bernard-Henri, 742

  Levy, Rueben, 286

  Lewis, Shirley R., 523–24

  Lewis, Sinclair, 109, 114, 131

  Libra (DeLillo), 633–34

  Liebling, A. J., 322

  Lie Down in Darkness (Styron), 250

  Lies My Mother Never Told Me (K. Jones), 517–18

  Life, 38, 39, 109, 116, 150, 217, 239, 299, 307, 349, 350, 351, 357, 410, 417, 434, 452, 455, 466, 535, 553

  Of a Fire on the Moon serialized in, 421, 423

  “Life Is Where You Find It” (Mailer), 33

  Lifton, Betty Jean, 397

  Lifton, Robert J., 397–98

  Lincoln (Vidal), 602

  Lind, Phyllis, 201

  Lindner, Johnnie, 166, 168, 169

  Lindner, Robert, 168, 169, 172, 184–85, 194, 213, 296, 438

  death of, 202–3

  Deer Park manuscript read by, 166

  “Lipton’s Journal” read by, 185, 202

  NM’s friendship with, 163–65, 166–68, 173, 175, 181, 184, 186

  Lindsay, John, 358, 419, 474–75

  Linenthal, Mark, 99, 105, 107, 108, 118, 331

  Linscott, Robert N., 59, 85–86

  Lipton, Eunice, 685

  “Lipton’s Journal” (Mailer), 182–91, 206, 242, 497, 636

  concept of “enormous present” in, 189–90

  exploration of personas in, 189

  idea of duality explored in, 183–84

  on Lindner, 184–85

  on Malaquais, 185

  NM’s love for Adele expressed in, 188

  on saint-psychopath duality, 187–88

  as self-psychoanalysis, 183

  sexual superiority of blacks examined in, 189

  shared with Lindner, 185, 202

  as source of NM’s Village Voice columns, 201

  as source of “White Negro,” 189–90

  Lish, Gordon, 512, 514, 611–12

  Liston, Sonny, 315, 320, 321, 322, 337


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