Lithuania, 7, 22, 598
Litrico, Angelo, 493, 517
Little, Brown, 86, 93, 103, 434, 501, 526, 528, 570, 574
Naked and the Dead submitted to, 89–90
NM’s advances from, 439, 440, 452, 473, 504, 544
NM’s break with, 587–88
Of a Fire on the Moon published by, 421, 423, 429
Little Foxes, The (Hellman), 2
Lodge, David, 436
Lolita (Nabokov), 181
London, Jack, 131
London Evening Standard, 290, 295
London Film Festival, 404
Long Day’s Journey into Night (O’Neill), 716, 729
Long March, The (Styron), 149
Long Patrol, The (Mailer), 448
Long Season, The (Brosnan), 276
Look, 417, 426
“Looking for the Meat and Potatoes—Thoughts on Black Power” (Mailer), 426
Lord & Taylor Rose Award, 607–8
Los Angeles Times, 496
Lost Weekend, The (Jackson), 79
Lotos Club, 574
“Love-Buds” (Mailer), 34–35
“Love Is Where You Find It” (Mailer), 34
Love Letters (Gurney), 715
Lovett, Mickey (char.), 128, 129
Loving Mailer (Mallory), 593, 657
Lowell, Robert, 116, 117, 147, 289, 364, 383, 384–85, 387, 452, 650
in Armies of the Night, 385–86, 387, 388, 389–90
Lubin, Eva, 26
Lubin, Martin, 23, 25, 26, 34, 42
Luce, Clare Boothe, 295
Luce, Henry R., 109, 295, 411
Lucid, Robert F., 20, 50, 145, 153, 237, 238–39, 260, 362, 401, 448, 452, 453, 454, 495, 566, 569, 583, 706, 743, 752
Luddy, Tom, 617–18, 620–22, 626, 627
Lurie, Alison, 96
Luzon, battle for, 64, 66–68, 69–70, 71–73, 74–75, 76
Lynch, David, 621
Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (Goodwin), 734–35
Lyons, Leonard, 281–82
M (film), 96
Maas, Peter, 269, 270, 414
McAlice, Edward, 634, 702, 746–47
MacArthur, Douglas, 52
McCall, Monica, 224–25
McCall’s, 607
McCarthy, Eugene, 405, 459, 697, 704
McCarthy, Joseph, 153, 163
McCarthy, Kevin, 136, 226
McCarthy, Mary, 37, 116, 117, 147, 249, 312, 650
McClure, Michael, 331, 380, 401
McCullers, Carson, 143, 161, 249, 309
Macdonald, Dwight, 115, 116, 117, 137, 147, 195, 212, 223, 229, 243, 252, 294, 356, 383, 384–85, 387, 400
in Armies of the Night, 387, 388
McDonald, Erroll, 552, 556, 559
MacDowell Medal, 471, 638
McEachern, Peter, 759, 761
McGovern, George, 407, 454, 455
MacGregor, Martha, 197
McGuire, Martin, 571
McInerney, Jay, 706
MacInnes, Colin, 305
McIntyre, Alfred, 89
MacLaine, Shirley, 459, 461
MacLeish, Archibald, 31, 32
McLeod, William (char.), 94, 115, 128, 129
Macmillan, Harold, 306
McMillan, Priscilla Johnson, 678
McMurtry, Larry, 459, 637, 741
McNally, Judith, 153, 510, 521, 544–45, 560, 578, 630–31, 634, 645, 665, 671–72, 695, 712–13, 715, 743, 746–47
McNeely, Tom, 357
McNeil, Legs, 538–39
Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 576
Madden, Dougy (char.), 590–91, 621, 681
Madden, Tim (char.), 584, 585–86, 588, 590–91, 618, 621
Mademoiselle, 143, 275
Madonna, 680–82, 697
Madrid, 105
Magic Mountain, The (Mann), 194
Magritte, René, 433
Maher, Jack, 70
Maidstone (film), 336–37, 400–401, 420, 431, 432, 453, 629, 732, 756–57
hammer attack in, 402, 429
NM’s editing of, 402–3, 404, 407, 412, 429
Toback’s Esquire piece on, 401–2, 403
Venice showings of, 404, 430, 431
Maidstone: A Mystery (Mailer; book), 403, 448
Mailer, Adele, see Morales, Adele
Mailer, Barbara Jane, 9, 10, 15, 21, 55, 62, 76, 86, 94, 96, 105, 124–25, 145, 153, 280, 287, 356, 360, 430, 433, 444, 459, 525, 570, 595, 596, 607, 732, 748, 756
and Adele’s stabbing, 283–84, 290
Barney and, 17, 18–19, 187
birth of, 14
“Evaluation” essay seen as mistake by, 247–48
on Fanny, 14, 17
fiction of, 47
Jack Maher’s romance with, 70
on Naked and the Dead reception, 3, 4–5
with NM and Bea in Europe, 1–2, 3, 5, 103, 105–7
on NM’s death, 762–63
as NM’s desired literary executor, 186
on NM’s disintegrating mental state, 262, 278, 292
NM’s letters to, 63, 104, 128
as NM’s typist, 245, 247, 278
on Norris, 489–90, 654–55
Mailer, Basil, 452
Mailer, Beatrice, see Silverman, Beatrice “Bea”
Mailer, Benjamin, 10
Mailer, Celia, 10
Mailer, Danielle Leslie “Dandy,” 226, 227, 255, 266, 282, 284, 288, 291, 337, 417, 430, 444–45, 459, 499, 508, 525, 556, 562, 564, 566, 601, 731, 759
and Adele’s stabbing, 291
birth of, 218
marriage of Moschen and, 628
Norris and, 491
on Norris’s near-breakup with NM, 656–57
painting by, 616–17, 628
on summers with NM, 470–71
Mailer, Elizabeth Ann “Betsy,” 266, 282, 283–84, 288, 337, 402, 417, 430, 444, 459, 499, 525, 564, 601, 616, 656, 731
birth of, 255
marriage of Frank Nastasi and, 631
on relationship of NM and Adele, 291, 293
on summers with NM, 471
Mailer, Fanny Schneider, 13, 26, 38, 40, 76, 123, 124–25, 127–28, 134, 162, 168, 287, 309, 337, 444, 454, 457, 458, 459, 523, 525, 694
Adele disliked by, 149, 162
and Adele’s stabbing, 284, 285, 290
Barbara’s romance with Maher thwarted by, 70
Barney’s gambling and, 124
birth of, 7–8
bourgeois values of, 186–87
Carol and, 425, 475–76
courtship of Barney and, 11–12
declining health and death of, 606
in hotel business, 10–11, 14
Jeanne’s relationship with, 323–24
as lying about her age, 12–13
marriage of Barney and, 12, 18
Miss Baltimore Agency run by, 216
Nazi threat seen by, 21–22
in 1947–48 European trip, 107
NM’s letters to, 40, 54, 59, 63, 69, 82, 104, 121, 239
NM’s loan from, 439, 544
and NM’s marriage to Bea, 59
NM’s writing encouraged by, 40
with Norman and Bea in Europe, 1
Norris and, 490
oil service business of, 19, 47
as passionate about and reading and culture, 10
on Schneider family, 7
and success of Armies of the Night, 393–94, 397–98
in visit to NM and Bea in Hollywood, 125
Mailer, Isaac Barnett “Barney,” 2, 9, 10, 13, 14, 40, 55, 76, 118, 125, 127–28, 134, 168, 287, 309, 324, 352, 369, 397–98, 425
accused of communist sympathies, 153–54
and Adele’s stabbing, 284, 285, 291
courtship of Fanny and, 11–12
death of, 457
in emigration to U.S., 10
gambling addiction of, 11–12, 13, 14, 17–19, 22, 123–24, 165–66, 186
loan request to NM from, 123, 165–66
marriage of Fanny and, 12, 1
as NM’s desired executor, 186
NM’s letters to, 13, 69, 101, 102, 104, 123–24
NM’s new understanding of, 186–87
as Village Voice’s first accountant, 194
womanizing by, 118
Mailer, John Buffalo, 522, 524, 525, 526, 535, 538, 553, 601, 618, 623, 628, 639, 655, 661, 662, 721, 738, 740, 743, 745, 749, 753, 763
birth of, 520
on family boxing sessions, 546–47
NM’s interviews with, 736
NM’s relationship with, 526, 746
Mailer, Kate Cailean, 323, 336, 402, 430, 459, 525, 601, 614, 620, 656, 731, 756
acting career of, 614–15, 616, 638, 649–50
birth of, 312, 315
on climbing Mount Katahdin with NM, 625
NM’s relationship with, 615
Norris and, 499
on relationship of Jeanne and NM, 296–97
on summers with NM, 417
Mailer, Louis, 22, 178, 369, 425, 447–48
NM’s letters to, 520, 526
Mailer, Maggie Alexandra, 425, 429, 445, 454, 491, 494, 524, 601, 616, 720, 749
birth of, 441
NM’s support for artistic efforts of, 616
painting by, 616
wedding of, 757, 758–59
Mailer, Matthew, 485, 489, 490, 494, 506, 520, 525, 553, 601, 618, 628, 655, 749, 763
on NM’s failing health, 759–60
Mailer, Michael Burks, 402, 430, 475, 490, 491, 499, 508, 521, 587, 601, 606, 608, 616, 631, 693, 736, 749, 761
birth of, 339
NM’s support for artistic efforts of, 616
boxing by, 546, 547
Deer Park film project and, 752, 757
NM’s correspondence with, 698–99
“Ringside” film and, 698–99
on summers with NM, 471
Mailer, Moos, 325, 339, 369, 425, 447–48, 494, 520, 526
Mailer, Norman:
and Abbott’s murder of Adan, 560, 561, 562
accusations of misogyny against, 249–50, 435, 456–57, 607, 735, 739
in Adan murder impromptu press conference, 563–64
Adele’s relationship with, see Morales, Adele
on aftermath of stabbing, 291–92
alcohol given up by, 545–46
alimony and child support payments of, 324, 428, 458, 523
as anti-Stalinist, 113, 117, 133
antiwar speeches and writings of, 355–56, 363, 364, 374, 378, 398, 399, 408, 425
arrest and incarceration of, in March on Pentagon, 388–89
arrested for stabbing Adele, 286
ARTE interview of, 687–89, 694
as atheist, 133, 191
Atlas’s profile of, 535–36
as autodidact, 116
back taxes owed by, 439, 472, 487, 493, 502, 523, 574
balance tests as compulsion of, 332, 366, 429
bar mitzvah of, 18, 21–22
on Barney’s gambling, 17–18
Bea’s relationship with, see Silverman, Beatrice “Bea”
Bellevue commitment of, 286–87, 318
birth of, 13
and birth of Susan, 121
boxing as passion of, 15–16, 35, 214–15, 267, 352, 445, 447–48, 546–48
Bridgewater house of, 211, 214
Brooklyn Heights brownstone of, 309–10, 323, 328, 337, 456, 494, 504, 519, 539, 628, 631, 655, 759
Buckley’s debate with, 315, 317–20, 324
bypass surgery of, 740–41
cancer obsession of, 285, 294, 330, 539, 681, 725, 759
childhood of, 14, 15–22
as “concealed Communist,” 153
on crime as inherently human, 167, 221
as DEA target, 571–73
detached retina of, 453
dinner parties of, 354–55
disintegrating mental state of, 262, 277–78, 281–82, 285–87, 292
as dismissive of women writers, 249–50
dogs owned by, 194, 211, 266, 317, 329, 576–77
and Donoghue’s birthday party, 280–81
drawings and cartoons by, 674, 730
drinking by, 138, 142, 143, 147, 158, 170, 171, 180, 181, 188, 190, 193, 212, 222, 226–27, 246, 267–68, 274, 281, 293, 322, 331, 348, 408, 418, 449, 460, 472, 738
drug use by, 193–94, 274
drunk and disorderly arrest of, 267–68, 428
dual personas of, 183–84, 185, 224, 256, 267, 382, 384, 397, 453, 463, 488, 549, 551, 597, 599, 605, 696
early schooling of, 15
existentialism of, 190, 191, 203, 207, 274, 278, 279, 307, 314, 317, 318–19, 380
experimental films of, 96
in eye-gouging incident, 211–12, 216, 218
fame as mixed blessing for, 113–14
family background of, 7–8
feeling/observing synthesis in, 190–91
fiftieth birthday party of, 458–61
“fifty-first” state platform of, 414, 415
fighting and acting out by, 216, 280, 281, 320, 331, 348, 353, 371, 398, 449, 475, 513–14, 539, 701
on filmmaking vs. writing, 622
films of, 336–37, 375–77, 379–81, 398–99, 400, 403, 698; see also Maidstone
final illnesses and death of, 760–63
finances of, 194–95, 324, 507, 428, 431, 439, 456, 458–59, 472, 483, 487, 502, 523, 544, 574, 589, 691–92, 737
generosity of, 494, 617, 690
grandchildren of, 570, 601, 731–32, 749
health issues of, 607, 708, 713, 724, 725, 732, 740, 749, 753–54, 756, 757–58, 759–60
on Hemingway, 150, 300–302, 716
and Hemingway’s suicide, 297–300, 302
high academic achievement of, 23
high IQ of, 20
high school years of, 22–24
Hip philosophy of, 203, 208, 219–20, 238–39, 240, 279
in Hollywood, 118, 119, 120–26
homosexuality and, 29, 33, 87, 141, 145, 165, 174–75, 596–97
indictment and suspended sentence of, in stabbing, 288–89
infidelities of, 81–82, 118, 119, 124–25, 133, 136, 165, 171, 172, 188, 218, 255–56, 263, 290, 324, 369, 412, 454–55, 471–72, 484, 485, 486, 495, 541–42, 592–97, 610, 623, 625–27, 651, 652, 654–59, 662–63, 666–67, 681, 682, 691, 735
jazz as passion of, 176, 181, 246
on Jewish identity, 21, 59, 527, 699–700
on JFK, 266, 268, 334–35, 336
JFK assassination as obsession of, 370, 377, 599, 653–54, 666
“Kakutani File” of, 739–40, 751
in last trip to Brooklyn, 759
letters to Utah Board of Pardons from, 552, 565–66
“liberal” label rejected by, 317–18
literary press conferences of, 303
Making It reviewed by, 394–96
marijuana use by, 140, 171, 172, 176–77, 181, 182, 190, 191, 193, 206, 214, 279
on marital fidelity, 81–82
mayoral ambitions of, 274, 275, 278, 279, 280, 282–83, 286, 358
memorial for, 538, 625, 761–62
on memories as “crystals,” 23
memory crystals of, 291
mescaline used by, 194
Mike Wallace’s Night Beat interview with, 217–18
Millett’s attack on, 433, 436
on MLA panel, 362–63
mysticism of, 90, 145, 194, 203, 219–20, 238, 361, 419, 427, 431, 444, 481, 569, 575, 576–77, 713, 740
on narcissism, 497–98
National Book Award medal won by, 743
at National Book Award press conference, 347–48
“navigator” concept of, 239, 277, 297, 311, 427, 452, 483, 502, 512, 541
need for fame and greatness in, 2–3, 4, 27, 197, 246, 251, 261, 448, 495, 581
as New Journalism founder, 270, 271
9/11 attacks and, 720–21, 727–28, 729
1969 mayoral campaign of, 403, 410, 412–20
rgone boxes of, 164, 214
parents’ high expectations of, 17, 20, 21
on parents’ relationship, 18
Paris Review interview of, 228, 337
PEN presidency of, 600–603, 606–10, 612
physical appearance of, 35–36, 316
poker playing by, 747–48, 759
political ambitions of, 271, 274, 278, 335, 400, 653, 696
political views of, 99, 110–13, 116–17, 118, 121, 133, 268–69, 317–18, 343–44, 355–56, 386–87
postmodern fiction as viewed by, 611
as preeminent insider-outsider of American culture, 336
in prison visit with Abbott, 541–42
Provincetown funeral for, 763
on psychology of prisoners, 554
as public intellectual, 260
as pushing children to overcome fears, 470–71
Pygmalion role of, 141, 223, 242, 494
on race relations in U.S., 426–27
Reich’s influence on, 164, 219, 382
in RFK memorial honor guard, 412
saint-psychopath dualism seen by, 167, 183, 187–88, 239, 277–78, 319, 434, 504–5, 741
self-blame of, in Adan’s murder, 566
on sexual anxieties, 44
sexual superiority of blacks believed by, 189, 209, 211
smell seen as primal sense by, 330–31
smoking by, 215, 243, 246, 268, 310, 330–31, 339
speaking engagements and interviews of, 324, 337, 363, 439, 452, 453, 456–57, 476–77, 484, 486, 517, 537, 538, 539, 548–49, 561–62, 569, 578, 599, 601, 627, 652–53, 660, 693, 701, 727–28, 736, 738, 742, 745, 751, 756, 757
Spengler’s influence on, 63–64
sports betting schemes of, 508–9
Stern’s interview with, 238–39
Styron’s rekindled friendship with, 566
technology distrusted by, 77, 97, 367–68, 398, 422, 427, 436, 444, 551, 576
theater as lifetime interest of, 50
third-person self references of, 199
in Town Hall debate, 441–43, 444–45
on U.S. as failing to achieve promise, 303–4
as Vanity Fair Writer-in-Residence, 646, 653
Vidal’s Dick Cavett Show debate with, 449–51
Vidal’s fight with, 513–14
as Village Voice partner, 194–95, 199, 204, 404, 452, 487, 523
violence avoided by, 16–17
vision problems of, 702, 708, 755
at Waldorf Conference, 115–16, 650–51
in Wallace campaign, 110–12, 116
Zelda, Scott, & Ernest performed by, 715–16, 718, 725
Mailer, Norman, army service of, 59–85
in basic training, 59–61
Combat Infantryman’s Badge awarded to, 69
as cook, 78–79, 80
demotion of, 84
at Fort Ord, 62, 63
honorable discharge of, 85
induction of, 59
as mess sergeant, 80, 83–84
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