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Norman Mailer

Page 124

by J. Michael Lennon

  Satanic Verse, The (Rushdie), Islamic outrage over, 636–37

  Saturday Review, 229, 378, 433

  Save Me the Waltz (Zelda Fitzgerald), 716

  Saving Private Ryan (film), 703

  Scarboro Hotel, 9–10, 17, 24, 33, 34, 40, 42

  Scarr, Paul (char.), 57

  Schaap, Dick, 373

  “Schedule Breaker, The” (Mailer), 45

  Scherer, Adelaide, 106

  Scheuer, James, 419

  Schiff, Dorothy, 459

  Schiller, Larry, 458, 467, 530, 668, 706, 711, 712, 760

  as character in Executioner’s Song, 533–35, 540

  Executioner’s Song and, 503–6, 508, 509–12, 528–29, 533

  Executioner’s Song miniseries produced and directed by, 567–68, 570

  Faith of Graffiti and, 473–74

  Hanssen spy case and, 718–19, 721

  Marilyn as project of, 458, 462, 464–65

  in meeting at NM’s Stockbridge home, 464–65

  at 1975 Ali-Frazier fight, 492

  NM on, 512

  NM’s disagreement on Marilyn with, 465–66, 470

  Oswald’s Tale and, 665–71, 677–79

  publishing career of, 470, 678

  in Russia, 598, 665–71

  and Time cover story on Marilyn, 466–67, 469–70

  Schiller, Stephanie, 506

  Schlesinger, Alexandra, 500, 624

  Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 32, 147, 268, 269, 270, 276, 459, 500, 601, 624, 650

  Schneebaum, Toby, 169, 174, 175

  Schneider, Hyman (Chaim) Jehuda, 7, 9, 15, 260

  grocery store of, 8–9

  as rabbi, 7

  Schneider, Ida Kamrass, 7–8

  death of, 14

  Schneider, Jennie, 7

  Schneider, Joe, 15

  Schneider, Lena, 8

  Schneider, Morris, 8

  Schneider, Rebecca, see Shapiro, Rebecca “Beck”

  Schneider, Rose, 7, 9

  Schneider family:

  hotel business of, 9–11, 14, 16, 42, 50

  in Long Branch, 8, 16, 22

  Schorer, Mark, 38

  Schwab, Bunny, 24

  Schwartz, Delmore, 147

  Schwarz-Bart, André, 446, 576

  Schweitzer, Mitchell D., 289

  Scorpio Rising (film), 375

  Scovil, Jack, 473, 588–90, 592, 593

  Scranton, William, 343

  Scribner’s, 132, 179

  Scully, Vincent, 337

  SCUM Manifesto (Solanas), 436–37

  Seaver, Edwin, 57, 58, 74

  Second Sex (Beauvoir), 130, 433

  Sedgwick, Edie, 376

  Seiler, Michael, 689

  Seize the Day (Bellow), 248

  Selby, John, 94, 151

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 720–21, 727–29, 745

  Serpentine (Thompson), 529

  Set This House on Fire (Styron), 250, 326

  Settle, Mary Lee, 609

  Sexual Politics (Millett), 432, 433, 436, 437

  Sexual Revolution, The (Reich), 175

  Sexus (Miller), 496, 497, 591

  “Shadow of the Crime, The” (Mailer), 292

  Shaffer, Ellen, 279

  Shainberg, Larry, 717–18

  Shakespeare, William, 579

  Shapiro, Louis, 9–10

  Shapiro, Nachum Melech, 13

  Shapiro, Rebecca “Beck,” 7, 9–10, 34, 50, 216

  Sharkovksy, Aleksandr, 665, 668, 669

  Shattuck, Roger, 350, 685

  Shatz, Leslie, 621

  Shaw, George Bernard, 162, 653, 723

  Shaw, Irwin, 62, 348

  Shaw, Joe, 380

  Shawcross, Hartley, 119

  Sheed, Wilfrid, 461

  Sheehy, Gail, 513

  Sheltering Sky, The (Bowles), 137

  Short, Bobby, 459

  Shostakovich, Dmitri, 115

  Shultz, George, 608, 610

  Siegel, Lee, 753

  “Siege of Chicago, The” (Mailer), 407–9

  see also Miami and the Siege of Chicago

  Signet Society, 26

  NM as member of, 38–39, 42

  Silent Spring (Carson), 317

  Silverman, Beatrice “Bea” (NM’s first wife), 23, 43, 52, 76, 86, 93–94, 112, 119

  breakup and divorce of NM and, 130, 133–34

  failing marriage of NM and, 118–19, 125, 126

  as feminist, 44, 130

  first meeting of NM’s family and, 50, 55

  frank speech of, 109–10

  marriage of NM and, 1, 85–86, 93–95, 97, 98, 114, 118

  marriage of Steve Sánchez and, 146, 151

  musical interests of, 44–45, 127

  1947–48 European trip of, 1–5, 95, 97, 98–108

  NM’s post-breakup letters to, 148, 154, 224

  NM’s premarital relationship with, 43–44, 48, 49–50, 54, 55, 56–57, 58

  NM’s wartime correspondence with, 59–60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70–71, 72–76, 77–78, 80–81, 82, 83–84, 85, 86

  pregnancy of, 118–19, 120

  psychiatric career of, 130

  religious wedding of NM and, 59

  secret wedding of NM and, 58

  unpublished novels by, 74, 94, 103, 127

  in WAVES, 60, 74

  Silverman, Jenny, 49–50, 58, 59

  Silverman-Ott, Phyllis, 86, 218

  Silvers, Robert, 545, 552, 553, 556, 561–62, 573, 619

  Simenon, George, 79

  Simon, John, 294, 397, 468

  Harlot’s Ghost reviewed by, 649–50

  NM’s antipathy toward, 649–50

  Simon & Schuster, 646

  Simpson, O. J., 678, 712

  trial of, 691, 693, 712

  Sinatra, Frank, 273, 434, 629

  Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 260, 361, 602

  Singh, Khushwant, 314

  Sinkler, Rebecca, 649–50

  Sisterhood Is Powerful (anthology), 436

  60 Minutes, 464, 465, 466, 467–68

  Skellings, Edmund, 347, 352–53

  Slovoda, Sam (char.), 145–46, 340

  Smack Goddess (Stratton), 628

  Smith, Francis X., 419

  Smith, June Edith, 496, 497, 498

  Smith, Lillian, 79

  Smith, Liz, 512, 513, 608, 680

  Smith, Perry, 477, 531, 534

  Smith, Red, 322

  Smith, Tamera, 533

  Smith, W. Eugene, 511

  Snyder, Richard, 606–7

  Sobhraj, Charles, 529

  Soho News, 557

  Solanas, Valerie, 436–37

  Solomon, Barbara Probst, 106, 118, 390, 486, 561–62, 686

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 557

  Some Came Running (Jones), 157, 213, 229, 613

  Some Honorable Men (Mailer), 487

  Song of Myself (Whitman), 182

  Sontag, Susan, 147, 260, 356, 364, 442, 513, 602, 603, 609, 637, 653, 695

  Sound and the Fury, The (Faulkner), 47

  Southern, Terry, 348

  South Pacific, 51–52

  Souvarine, Boris, 113

  Soviet Union, 93

  show trials in, 112–13

  Spanish Civil War, 100

  Spark, Muriel, 313

  Spender, Stephen, 276–77, 313

  Spengler, Oswald, 63–64, 68, 69, 76, 117

  Spiegel, Sam, 513

  Spinks, Michael, 631

  Spinoza, Baruch, 9

  Spock, Benjamin, 387

  Spooky Art, The: Some Thoughts on Writing (Mailer), 721, 725, 726–27

  Stafford, Jean, 249

  Stag, 228

  Staley, Tom, 737

  Stalin, Joseph, 113, 115, 295, 313

  Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism (Souvarine), 113

  Stanley (char.), 87

  Starger, Martin, 620

  “Statement of Aims by the Playwright, A” (Mailer), 372–73

  Steiger, Rod, 459

Gertrude, 611

  Stein, Jean, 517, 525, 536

  Stein, Monte, 43

  Steinbeck, John, 27, 28, 30, 32, 131

  Steinberg, Gayfryd, 607

  Steinberg, Saul, 607

  Steinem, Gloria, 410, 413–14, 449, 459, 462, 594

  Stendhal, 102, 119, 395–96, 543

  “Steps of the Pentagon, The” (Mailer), 393

  see also Armies of the Night, The

  Stern, Bert, 464, 615

  Stern, Richard G., 237–39, 362, 517

  Sterne, Laurence, 360

  Stevens, Carol (NM’s fifth wife), 340, 360, 369, 401, 404, 431, 523, 763

  Fanny and, 425, 475–76

  NM’s breakup with, 490–91, 494, 499

  NM’s infidelities and, 471–72, 484

  NM’s long-term relationship with, 425, 428, 429–30, 432, 445–46, 451, 453, 454, 456, 459, 470, 471–72, 484, 485, 486

  NM’s one-day marriage to, 524

  NM’s post-breakup relationship with, 491, 595, 623, 662–63

  Norris’s friendship with, 500, 758

  pregnancy of, 425, 429, 430, 441

  singing career of, 340, 369, 428, 464–65, 475–76, 485–86

  Stockbridge fight of NM and, 476

  Stevens, George, 121

  Stevenson, Adlai, 207, 265

  Sting Like a Bee (Torres), 445, 447, 448

  Stone, Oliver, 653–54

  Stone, Robert, 637

  Stop Smiling, 736

  Story, 38, 39–40, 42, 48

  Story of Civilization, The (Durant), 446

  Story Press, 39

  Strachey, Lytton, 68

  Strange Fruit (Smith), 79

  Strasberg, Lee, 226

  Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II, 631

  Stratton, Richard, 153, 467, 549, 557, 573, 737

  drug smuggling trial of, 571, 572

  NM’s letters to, 570–71, 622, 628, 629

  NM’s Rolling Stone interview by, 476–77, 605

  Strawhead (Mailer; play), 537, 569, 614

  Kate as Monroe in, 614–15, 616

  Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams), 471

  Street Time (TV pilot), 737

  Streisand, Barbra, 547

  Stuart, Lyle, 189, 197

  Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 400, 408, 412, 453

  Studies in the Psychology of Sex (Ellis), 29

  Studs Lonigan (Farrell), 27–28

  Styron, Rose, 211, 222, 259, 513, 752

  Styron, William, 131, 142, 163, 172, 179, 195, 211, 213, 222, 248, 260, 296, 308, 326, 349, 359, 377, 440, 513, 566, 602, 603, 619, 706

  Adele patronized by, 230, 231–32

  Aldridge in break with, 259

  death of, 752

  Jones’s friendship with, 234

  NM on duplicity of, 259

  NM’s “Evaluations” as viewed by, 250, 258

  NM’s feud with, 229, 233, 234, 536

  NM’s letters to, 149–50, 155–56, 157, 159, 161, 175

  NM’s relationship with, 147–48, 149–50, 213, 222, 223, 566

  NM’s threatening letters to, 230–31

  suicide, 297–300, 464, 503

  Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs, Sr. “Punch,” 610, 649

  Sunlight Oil Corporation, 19, 47

  “Superman Comes to the Supermarket” (Mailer), 261, 270–72, 274–75, 279, 320, 408

  Susskind, David, 244, 337, 511, 533

  Swados, Harvey, 134

  Swenson, May, 294

  Sylvia (NM’s cousin), 14

  Take Me to the River (Alson), 748

  Talese, Gay, 213, 308, 319, 352, 458, 594, 603, 607, 609, 637, 653

  Talese, Nan, 675–76

  Tales of Hasidim (Buber), 206–7

  Talmud, 527–28

  Tartikoff, Brandon, 567

  Tate, Sharon, 447

  Tateyama Naval Airdrome, Honshu, 77, 78, 79

  Taylor, Robert, 685

  Team of Rivals (Goodwin), 735

  technology, NM’s distrust of, 77, 97, 367–68, 398, 422, 427, 436, 444, 551, 576

  Tempels, Placide, 479

  Ten Commandments, The (film), 502

  Tenement Kid, The (Edd), 275

  “Ten Thousand Words a Minute” (Mailer), 320, 326, 328

  Teppis, Herman (char.), 160, 171, 372

  Terkel, Studs, 550

  Testament of Dr. Mabuse, The (film), 96

  Tex (char.), 365, 378–79

  Texas, University of, Ransom Center of, NM’s papers purchased by, 737–38

  That Summer in Paris (Callaghan), 703

  Thaw, Harry K., 549

  Thin Red Line, The (Jones), 326

  This Is My Beloved (Benton, ed.), 68

  Thomas, Clara Fargo, 429

  Thomas, Sandy Charlebois, 366, 392

  Thomases, Martha, 520–21, 538

  Thompson, Hunter, 500–501, 573

  Thompson, Thomas, 529

  Thorndike, Lynn, 576

  Thornhill, Arthur H., 504

  Thurmond, Strom, 112

  Tibo (poodle), 194, 211, 266, 280, 317, 329, 576

  Ticket to the Circus, A (Norris Mailer), 124, 485, 494, 500, 507, 564, 626, 723

  Tierney, Lawrence, 621

  Tiger, Dick, 400

  Time, 39, 134, 198, 256, 289, 294, 295, 305, 319, 350, 378, 391, 397, 411, 412, 417, 431, 432, 440, 457, 462, 463, 468, 492, 565, 610

  article on NM and March on the Pentagon published in, 391

  Marilyn cover of, 466–67, 469–70

  Time-Life, NM persistently attacked by, 109

  “Time of Her Time, The” (Mailer), 135, 205, 235, 277

  cuts in British publication of, 302

  and NM’s pre-publication poll of critics, 252–53

  “sex as war” metaphor in, 253

  Time of Our Time, The (Mailer), 292, 701–6, 721

  Timerman, Jacobo, 557

  Timmermann, Bonnie, 620, 626

  Toback, James, 401–2, 403, 661, 706

  Tolstoy, Leo, 71, 79–80, 187–88, 363

  Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 345

  Torn, Rip, 226, 372, 380, 401, 402–3, 429, 448, 458, 624

  Torres, José, 347, 348, 375, 380, 401, 413, 453, 521, 525, 546–47, 566

  NM’s friendship with, 352, 357, 368, 445

  NM’s TV boxing match with, 447–48

  NM trading of writing lessons for boxing lessons from, 352, 445, 548

  Torres, Ramona, 352, 375, 445, 525

  Tory, Rosemary, 372, 374

  Tough Guys Don’t Dance (film), 698, 752, 756

  Cannes screening of, 623–24

  mixed reviews of, 627

  New York premiere of, 625, 627

  NM as director of, 620–22

  NM’s editing of, 622–23

  NM’s screenplay for, 614, 618–19, 620

  Tough Guys Don’t Dance (Mailer), 63, 330, 539, 584–85, 590–91, 593, 599, 625, 646, 681

  as bestseller, 590

  first person point of view in, 584, 587

  Little, Brown’s unhappiness with, 588

  reviews of, 590

  risk-taking as theme in, 586

  writing of, 587

  Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy, A (TV program), 307

  Transit to Narcissus, A (Mailer), 55, 56–58, 59, 60, 61, 70, 74, 85, 86, 517

  Trapnell, Garrett, 556

  “Trial of the Warlock” (Mailer; screenplay), 501

  Trilling, Diana, 63, 64, 147, 223, 228, 252, 441, 442–43, 637

  NM’s correspondence with, 254, 350–51, 353–54, 366–67

  Trilling, Lionel, 147, 223, 227, 228, 244, 252, 254, 289, 350

  Tristram Shandy (Sterne), 360

  Trocchi, Alex, 313

  Tropic of Cancer (Miller), 32, 487, 496

  Trotsky, Leon, 100, 598, 631

  Trotskyism, 263

  Truman, Harry, 99

  Trump, Donald, 607

  “Truth and Being; Nothing and Time: A Broken Fragment from a Long Novel” (Mail
er), 310–11, 362

  Twentieth Century-Fox, 591

  Tyrrell, R. Emmett, 605

  Tyson, Mike, 631

  Ulysses (Joyce), 29

  Underground City, The (Humes), 273

  United States: Essays, 1952–1992 (Vidal), 514, 702

  United States of America, SS, 208, 210

  Untermeyer, Louis, 116

  “Until Dead: Thoughts on Capital Punishment” (Mailer), 550–51

  Up at the Villa (Maugham), 68–69

  Updike, John, 326, 359, 405, 602, 603, 607, 653, 700, 710–11

  U.S.A. (Dos Passos), 27, 41, 88, 107, 703–4

  Utah Board of Pardons, 544–45, 556

  NM’s letters to, 552, 565–66

  Valsen, Red (char.), 75, 81, 84, 86, 87

  Vanity Fair, 615, 692

  NM as Writer-in-Residence at, 646, 653

  Tough Guys Don’t Dance excerpts in, 646

  Venice, 404, 430, 431

  Venice Film Festival, 404

  “Vertical City” (Mailer, Mowery, and Brown), 332, 346

  Vidal, Gore, 107, 137, 161, 195, 252, 269, 283, 336, 431, 432, 512, 575, 653, 702, 728

  Advertisements reviewed by, 261–62

  in Don Juan in Hell, 723–24

  on Jeanne Campbell, 295

  NM compared to Charles Manson by, 447, 514

  NM’s Dick Cavett Show debate with, 449–51

  NM’s fight with, 513–14

  NM’s relationship with, 161–62, 289, 432, 447, 451, 594, 602, 723

  Patriarchal Attitudes review of, 447

  in PEN fundraising series, 602, 603, 607

  “Vietnam Days” (Berkeley teach-in), 355–56

  Vietnam War, 345, 353, 371, 405, 440, 477, 569, 629

  Cambodia and Laos bombings in, 455

  NM’s speeches and writings on, 355–56, 363, 364, 374, 378, 398, 399, 408, 425

  protests against, 355–56, 363–64, 374, 381, 387, 428

  Village Gate, 417

  Villager, The, 200, 204

  Village Voice, 112, 173, 225, 243, 294, 307, 345, 350, 358, 372, 378, 399, 413, 417, 441, 459–60, 461–62, 591

  NM’s columns in, 200–202, 203–5, 212, 228, 333

  NM’s Deer Park ad in, 198

  NM’s Godot essay in, 206

  NM’s part ownership of, 194–95, 199, 204, 256, 404, 452, 487, 523

  Villechaize, Hervé, 401

  violence, 303, 564

  as theme in “The White Negro,” 219, 221, 227, 242, 564

  Vitale, Alberto, 691

  Vogelgesang, Sandy, 387

  Vogue, 350, 692

  Vonnegut, Kurt, 458, 500, 539, 602, 603, 609, 706

  Wagner, Robert, 415, 418–19

  Waiting for Godot (Beckett), 206, 207–8

  Wakefield, Dan, 198–99, 214

  Waldorf Conference, NM at, 115–16, 650–51

  Walker, Alice, 603

  Walker, Bill, 266, 376, 417

  Walker, Edwin, 673

  Walk in the Sun, A (Brown), 71, 103

  Wallace, George C., 409, 456

  Wallace, Henry, 101, 108, 110–11, 112, 113, 116


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