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Hot Summer Nights

Page 28

by Jessica Clare

“Does a bear shit in the woods? Of course I like ice cream.” Ice cream was arguably what made life worth living.

  “Wow, no hesitation there.” Brody tapped his temple. “I’ll make a note of that—loves ice cream.”

  Chelsea wondered if he had any idea how badly she wanted to lick him from head to toe. He was so smoking hot. She didn’t get to do hot men. Never. She got men who were addicted to video games who thought an athletic moment was thumb wrestling. She wanted to touch those muscles she was sure were hiding under that sweatshirt. In fact, she wanted to eat her ice cream off his pecs. She wanted to skip straight to the real dessert—him.

  But there was such a thing as being too honest, so she kept her thoughts to herself. Preoccupied with thoughts of his beard tickling between her thighs later, and how she might arrange that as quickly as possible, Chelsea just smiled. She probably looked vapid, but hell, she felt vapid. Women could be ruled by their hormones, too, and hers were cracking the whip saying she needed to get some of that ASAP.

  “Want to head to the scoop shop?”

  Was there anything cuter than going to the scoop shop together? Suddenly her hormones were overcome by a twinge of teenage girl. That sounded so romantic she couldn’t help but feel her heart quiver just a teeny tiny bit. If they could get some woodland animals to accompany them they’d really be in fairy-tale territory. “Perfect. Are they still open?”

  “Only one way to find out. You don’t mind walking, do you? It’s just a block.” Brody stood up, passing his credit card to the bartender.

  “I don’t mind walking.” Much. She was grateful she’d gone with the Eskimo boots. “But I think it’s my turn to buy.”

  He just shrugged. “You can buy my ice cream if you really want to.”


  As they walked down the sidewalk, boots crunching on the snow and ice, Chelsea was surprised that she wasn’t freezing. It was amazing what the appropriate gear could do. She was also surprised that she was enjoying herself. The air was clear, the sky filled with stars, the mountain rising in the distance, the town huddled at its basin in postcard perfection. There were skaters cruising around the speed-skating track, the Olympic rings posted prominently above it.

  “It’s very cool here,” she told Brody. “Not generic like the suburb I grew up in.”

  “Yeah, I like it here. It has a small-town feel. People are friendly enough, but at the same time, not too friendly. Plus if you love winter sports, you’re in the right place.”

  “Well, we know how much I like winter sports,” Chelsea stated, tucking her mitten-clad hands in her pockets.

  Brody laughed. “Exactly. You’d fit right in here.”

  Actually, despite the fear of dying skiing had brought, Chelsea wasn’t finding the whole weekend as miserable as she expected, and that wasn’t just due to Brody’s company. It was amazing what the right clothes could do for a situation. Normally she would be whining about how cold she was, but walking now, layered up, she felt fine.

  “I’ve always hated winter, truthfully, because I fight against it. I want to wear cute shoes and skirts and don’t want hat hair. Plus I’ve never done any winter sports at all, as you could so clearly tell, so for me, the whole winter is like a waiting game for spring.” Which sounded like such a huge waste of time and energy now that she said it out loud.

  “How come you don’t move south?”

  “Because all of my family is scattered around upstate New York, and my friends, too. I don’t want to leave them.” She adjusted her hat. “But maybe I should give winter a chance. I’m kind of having fun here.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. You could be a respectable recreational skier with some more practice. But if that’s not your thing, you can try skating, or cross-country skiing. Ice climbing, ice fishing. Tubing. Ice sculpting. Snowmobiling. There are all kinds of things you could do to have fun while passing the winter.”

  “Ice climbing? Does that sound like a good idea to you?” Chelsea laughed at the image of her scaling the icy side of a rock. Good God. “But you’re right. I should find something to do to try and enjoy my winters.”

  Brody pulled the door of the ice cream shop open for her. “How about dogsledding? You ever been?”

  “No. Though that actually sounds really fun. I love dogs. And the driver just gets to stand there. That’s perfect for me.” It was a sport designed for her, honestly.

  “We could go now if you want. I have a buddy who has a team and they’re out on the lake training.”

  “Right now?” Though she shouldn’t be surprised. Dogs seemed to party in this town. They had a more active schedule than Chelsea.


  “Sure.” They went up to the counter and Chelsea gazed at all the flavor options. “It’s like picking one child over another. How do I choose?”

  Brody laughed, watching Chelsea as she peeled her hat off her head and clutched it, her blonde hair tumbling around her cheeks. There was a wave to her hair, somewhere between straight and curly, and it suited her. It was carefree, just like Chelsea.

  When he’d been younger, and was featured in People magazine as part of an Olympic hotties issue, he had been the object of many a girl’s desire, and they’d thrown themselves at him. He had taken, because, well, he was just shy of twenty-six and they were offering. But he had never really stopped to ask himself what kind of woman he liked. What mattered beyond a pretty face. Then his career was over and the interest dried up and he hadn’t ever really answered that question.

  It was clear to him now that he appreciated a woman with a sense of humor.

  “Have two scoops.”

  She looked at him, astonished, her eyes lighting up. “You’re a genius. Of course I should have two scoops.”

  As they walked out a few minutes later, with Chelsea licking that cone in a way that had him jealous, he asked her, “Is that good?”

  “Is a frog’s ass watertight? Hell yes, this is amazing. Peanut butter and chocolate together in one cone, a perfect pairing that changed the world. It’s orgasmic.” Her eyes fluttered in ecstasy.

  Brody clenched his own cone so tightly he almost broke it. Did she have any idea of how sexy she was and how badly he wanted to have her repeat that same look, naked, in his bed? He could let the comment slide. But he didn’t. “Oh, do you come that easily?” he asked in a low voice.

  Her gaze shot up, the corner of her mouth turning up in a tempting little smile. “Why, Brody Durbin, I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “Oh, did I shock you? Somehow I doubt it. And you didn’t answer the question.”

  “It depends on the circumstances,” she told him, her tongue flicking across the creamy surface of her treat as they strolled down the street. “And the partner. If he knows what he’s doing, I don’t think I’m that tough of a nut to crack.”

  “Good to know.” If she dove into sex the same way she enjoyed that ice cream, Brody knew he wouldn’t be disappointed. Quite the contrary.

  “What’s it to you?” she asked slyly, her tongue making another slow pass across her cone.

  “I could crack your nut,” he told her, figuring he had nothing to lose. She was just as attracted to him as he was to her, he’d bet money on it. So why pretend otherwise, especially since she was only in town for the weekend?

  “Is that a promise?”

  He gave her a slow smile back, knowing exactly how to play this flirtation with Chelsea. “That’s a threat.”

  She laughed, a low, husky sound that made him want to lean over and kiss her, right there on the sidewalk.

  So he did.

  She knew it was coming. She didn’t back away. Instead, her head tilted and her lips parted in a clear invitation.

  That’s what he was talking about. Brody covered Chelsea’s mouth with his in a soft, teasing kiss. Her lips were warm, sticky, and sweet, and she tasted like chocolate. Delicious. Putting his hand behind her head, he pulled her a little closer, wanting another one of those. He like
d how she didn’t resist, how when he paused, she picked up his slack, so that they were dueling with each other, attack, retreat, a sparring of their mouths, their desire evenly matched.

  Brody liked that Chelsea wasn’t shy. When they finally broke apart, drawing in breath, she didn’t look around and express concern that someone might have seen. Instead she grinned.

  “Maybe we can defer that whole dogsled thing for another time. I’m cold and I have a Jacuzzi in my hotel room. Care to join me?”

  Hell yeah, and then some. “Is the sky blue? Not as clever as your sayings, but you get the point. Yes.”

  She licked her ice cream. Temptress. “No bathing suits allowed in my Jacuzzi.”

  “That’s good because I don’t have one.”

  “Then why are we standing here?”

  “Because I’m trying to be a gentleman and wait for you to lead the way.”

  “That’s very polite of you.” She started walking. “Please don’t be polite in bed with me.”

  God, she was killing him. He was going to die from anticipation before they even got there. Spontaneous sexual combustion. Backed up, well…he just needed to walk faster. “I thought we were getting in your Jacuzzi. Because poor little Chelsea is cold. You never said anything about your bed.”

  “Oh, I love it when you act like me,” she said, biting her cone hard and making a satisfying crunching sound. “It’s really exciting to me that you get my sense of humor. Almost no one ever does.”

  “You mean, they think you’re actually serious about fairy tales and your overdramatic pronouncements?” He had only spent three hours with her and he could tell when she was being serious, which wasn’t often, and when she wasn’t, which was mostly. Her ability to laugh, and make him laugh, was something he really dug about her.

  “Yes. Stupid people. But you’re clearly not stupid, Brody, and I applaud you for that.”

  “Give me an hour and you’ll really be clapping for me.” He nudged her with his elbow and gave her a grin.

  “Don’t try to be as funny as me. You’ll never succeed.” But she was fighting a grin. She popped the remains of her cone in her mouth. “Can I have the rest of yours?”

  “No.” Brody guarded his own cone closely. If he wasn’t careful, he suspected she would just steal it. She was a wily one. Lousy on skis, but there was no telling what she’d do on solid ground. Honestly, he couldn’t wait to find out. “So what kind of nurse are you?”

  “That sounds like the first line of a joke. But the answer is, I’m a geriatric nurse. I love taking care of the seniors. They have great stories. Plus, they don’t mind that I talk too much.”

  “I bet they appreciate conversation. And someone treating them with respect. I’m sure you’re good at it.”

  “I enjoy it.” Chelsea paused and looked up at her hotel. “This is a big hill. And the sidewalk looks icy.”

  “It’s fine.” It didn’t look that bad to him and it was the only way to the hotel unless they went back for his truck.

  “Don’t you have a knee injury?”

  Brody fought the twinge of annoyance that rose in him. “I can walk up a hill. Didn’t you see me skiing down a hill yesterday? I just don’t have the ability to compete professionally, that’s all. But I’m not handicapped.” And how was this conversation at all sexy? He regretted bringing up her job, because it had led her to bring up his. Or rather that damn sidewalk had. He sighed. There probably hadn’t been any way to avoid this awkward moment. Awkward for him, that is.

  “Okay. I didn’t realize. I was just trying to be considerate.”

  “I understand. Thank you.”

  Now they were being polite and reserved. But at least they were already halfway up the hill she was so concerned about.

  “If I grab your junk will it make this less awkward? Will you forgive me?”

  Brody laughed. “I’m not sure, but you can give it a try. And for the record, there’s nothing to forgive. I’m not so super sensitive that concern offends me.” At least not for longer than a few seconds before he pulled his head out of his ass.

  Her hand snaked over and caressed his thigh as they were walking. Of course she would really carry through with her outrageous pronouncement.

  “You’re in the right area, but you’re missing the real junk,” he told. “The good stuff. A little to the left.”

  “Good junk? Is there such a thing?”

  “Well, you know what they say. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” Just to help her along, and because those light teasing strokes were making him insane, he moved her hand, firmly pressing it onto the front of his jeans and his very painful erection.

  She stopped walking. He stopped walking. She turned toward him, her hand stroking firmly up and down. “I think I just struck gold.”

  He wasn’t sure he was capable of speaking.


  Chelsea watched Brody’s eyes darken right before her. His lips were ground together and his fingers gripped her wrist painfully. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. Which was evident in the erection she was stroking so brazenly through his jeans. It was a good thing it was freezing outside, because they were mostly alone. There were probably people who could glance out their hotel windows and see them, but they would just look like they were standing on the sidewalk talking, given their bulky coats and gloves.

  No one would guess how naughty she was being.

  “I wish you weren’t wearing gloves. I wish I wasn’t wearing pants,” he said, his voice ringing with so much sincerity Chelsea wanted to laugh.

  “We’re almost there. I’m reminding myself that I am fully in my fairy tale rights to take you up to my room. I mean, come on. Snow White lived with seven little men. Cinderella didn’t know the Prince’s name and yet she totally made out with him. Sleeping Beauty was diddling the guy in the woods. And Ariel gave up her voice after like a thirty-second glimpse of Eric on the boat. So really, what I’m doing isn’t the least bit objectionable.”

  “I have no objections, that’s for sure. We’re adults. We’re having fun.” He shifted away from her touch, but he did lean over and kiss her again. “I have no idea who Ariel and Eric are but they’re not coming to bed with us.”

  “The Little Mermaid,” she murmured between kisses, letting her head drift back so he could nuzzle her neck.

  “Your Disney knowledge is scary.”

  “I have a lot of nieces and nephews. My siblings are older. I was my dad’s midlife crisis. Most forty-year-old men take up golf or buy a sports car. My dad got my mom knocked up.”

  He chuckled. “Now that’s the gift that keeps on giving.”

  “Well, he said I came out making noise and haven’t stopped since.” Brody’s hand attempted to brush across her chest but there was no way he was going to find her breast through all those layers. He’d need a scalpel to penetrate all that down and fleece. “Okay, it’s time to go inside.”

  “So eager. And I’m not even a prince.” Brody urged her to continue on the sidewalk toward the hotel.

  “I have a confession. I’m not really looking for a prince charming. Because that is, in fact, a fairy tale.”

  “What are you looking for?”

  A nice guy who would love her dog and put up with her. A guy who would think she was funny and who would open the door for her and her mom when she came over. A guy who liked children to crawl all over him at family events and a guy who could build a bonfire. But she wasn’t going to say all that to him, because they’d just met and that would be weird.

  “The beast. That’s what I’m looking for.”

  Brody laughed. “Minus the fur, I’ll see what I can do.”

  The automatic doors of the lobby opened for them. Chelsea had to ask something before they got into her room and caution and intelligence went out the window. “Do you, by chance, have condoms?”

  He made an enigmatic face but he just said, “Yes.”

  “Cool.” Chelsea studied him, enjoying t
he way he didn’t quite look at her. “Did you go buy some after work?”


  She hit the button for the elevator and laughed. “I’m flattered. And grateful.”

  “I was hopeful, what can I say? And unlike in my younger days, I’m not exactly in high demand so I don’t carry them with me.”

  “The old man isn’t getting any, huh?” Chelsea rolled her eyes. “Please. You could get laid every Friday if you wanted. Maybe even Saturdays, too, if you put some effort into Friday.”

  Brody rolled his eyes right back at her. “Thanks, I think. But I’m okay.”

  The elevator door opened and fortunately no one was on it. They stepped in and Chelsea pushed the button for the second floor. “Should I show you you’re in high demand? Should I throw myself at you?” She followed up her teasing words with unzipping her coat and sidling up to him.

  “I don’t have a problem with that,” he told her, the corner of his mouth turning up.

  “Oh, Brody, you’re so hot and fast on your skis,” she said, using a breathless voice, pulling down the zipper of his jacket so she could spread her hands across his chest. “I want you so.”

  She had expected him to laugh, had expected herself to laugh. But what she saw in his eyes killed anything but desire.

  He took her by her upper arms and turned her, shoving her up against the wall. Oh, my. The beast had come out. He kissed her, a hot, thrusting kiss that had her clinging to his chest like a simpering virgin. It wasn’t even really possible to kiss him back, it was more like a full-on assault of her senses, his tongue sliding in and doing tantalizing things to hers. Somehow he managed to tug her undershirt out from her waistband and move his hand up over her bare skin to her bra. She hadn’t even had time to take her gloves off and he had snuck his off when she wasn’t looking. Tricky.

  His other hand was on her backside, pulling her firmly against him. When the elevator dinged and he pulled away from her, she almost fell off the wall, breathing hard, her nipples tight and her inner thighs aching.

  Note to self: Brody made a bad-ass beast.

  She liked it.


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