At Last (Time for Love, #5)

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At Last (Time for Love, #5) Page 12

by Miranda P. Charles

  She told him the whole story.

  “This is ridiculous,” he said, sounding very angry. “Whoever’s behind this is really out to get you.”

  She sniffed, the enormity of the situation just occurring to her.

  “It’s more important now that you come here, Gem. I don’t like you being there by yourself.”

  “But I have to start looking for a new place for my studio. I can’t not, Greg,” she said, close to tears.

  “I can get someone to help you search for a good location.”

  “Greg, no,” she said, uncomfortable with the thought that Greg would call on Carmichael Corporation resources to help her.

  “Aren’t your lessons starting again in three weeks?”

  “Yes,” she said in a small voice.

  “How are you gonna manage looking for a place, moving, setting up, making sure the place is secure and informing your clients—all within three weeks—if you’re going to do everything by yourself?”

  She slumped in her chair, overwhelmed.

  “Let me help, Gem,” Greg said softly. “Besides, I’m sure I’m the reason why you’re being targeted,” he added wryly.

  “Okay. Thank you,” she said gratefully, grabbing the lifeline he offered.

  “Good. In the meantime, don’t worry, okay? We’ll assign round-the-clock security to your new studio until we know who’s behind all this.”

  “Okay,” she said humbly.

  “If we sort this out quickly, can you consider coming back here early?”

  “Yes.” She missed him too. And now more than ever, she wanted to be with him. Greg made her feel safe.

  “Good. ‘Cause I’m having blue balls from thinking of you,” he said teasingly.

  “Greg!” she said, his words making her laugh.

  “I’ll have my PA call you sometime today to help you out,” he said, his tone reverting to serious. “Promise me you’ll tell her exactly what you need and not hold back.”

  She smiled. “Promise.”

  “I’m hanging up now so you can do what you have to do to get here as early as you can.”

  She giggled, her mood lifting considerably. “Okay. I’ll see you soon.”


  Gemma smiled as the stretch Hummer entered the elegant gate of the Carmichael Sanctuary. It felt like a coming home of sorts. She truly missed the place.

  “I bet you can’t wait to jump Greg,” Brenna whispered naughtily beside her. She’d travelled with her best friends and their men, plus Rick, one of the Carmichaels’ cousins—and a very flirty one at that.

  She sighed. “Yes. Unfortunately, I’ll have to wait until no one is looking.”

  Greg had discussed her situation with his brothers, and she’d talked about it with her friends. They’d all agreed it would be a good idea if she and Greg kept their relationship hidden until they figured out who was trying to rattle Gemma. Liana’s and Annette’s names had been mentioned, but nothing concrete had been found to link them to the recent pernicious acts. And truthfully, it could be anyone.

  Gemma was glad she could relax and enjoy this coming week, though. True to his word, Greg had instructed his PA to help her out with her search for a new location for her studio. A day later, his PA had rang her back with seven possible places. Talk about efficient!

  Most of the spaces were simply unaffordable, except for one. It was still a smidgen over her maximum budget, but it was perfect. More importantly, it was only a block away from her old studio. She’d decided to sign a month-to-month lease for it, planning to keep an eye open for a cheaper place later on.

  Greg’s very helpful PA had also insisted that she’d organise the move for Gemma. Gemma had accepted, grateful for the time that had allowed her to properly inform all her clients of the new address. At least her students’ lessons wouldn’t have to be disrupted. And now she could stay for several days in the Sanctuary without having to worry about anything.

  “Look, there’s Gran, impatiently waiting for us,” Jeff said with a laugh.

  Magda was standing beside the hotel’s porters, hands on her hips, as she watched the vehicle approach.

  “I thought you lot were coming earlier,” Magda said as they piled out of the Hummer. “I was hoping to have lunch with you.”

  “Didn’t you hear about the storm in Sydney, Gran? Our flight got delayed,” Zach said.

  “Oh. That’s all right then. Well, I’m so glad to see you all,” Magda said, hugging each one of them.

  “Hey, peeps!”

  Gemma’s heart jumped at the sound of Greg’s voice.

  “Welcome back,” he said.

  She let Greg greet the others first, trying not to look at him. If she did, she might give herself away. She missed him so.

  “Hey, Gem. How’s it going?”

  Her breath hitched. “Good thanks, Greg. How are you?”

  “I’m excellent,” Greg answered, pulling her for a hug. “Now that you’re here,” he added in a whisper.

  Greg let her go and she pretended to look around.

  “Relax,” Rebecca said softly, chuckling.

  “I am,” she said, unable to hide her big grin.

  “I meant you look like the cat that ate the canary, but at the same time you’re trying not to appear guilty.”


  They burst out laughing.

  “By the way,” Greg said loudly. “We have a favour to ask Ash, Brenna and Gemma.”

  Gemma looked at Greg in surprise.

  “Because Rick decided at the last minute that he could make it this weekend after all, we need to make room for him,” Greg said, punching his cousin playfully on the arm. “So Ash and Bren, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind letting Gemma stay in the second bedroom of your cottage? And Gem, is it okay if you shared with them?”

  Gemma blushed, realising Greg’s intention.

  “Aw. Now you made me feel bad,” Rick said to Greg. “Why don’t I share your cottage and let Gemma have my hotel room? You’re by yourself in there, aren’t you?”

  “No, dude, ain’t sharing with you,” Greg said. “I did that when we were in high school. Never again.”

  “I have an idea,” Rick said with a cheeky smile. “Since Ash and Brenna are recently engaged, I’m sure they’d prefer to be alone in their romantic cottage. Why don’t you share my room with me, Gemma?” he asked with a big wink.

  Greg scowled at his cousin. “Ash, would you like to deck him now? Or shall I do it for you?”

  Rick looked confused.

  “Ash is an overprotective big brother,” Gemma explained.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you were siblings. I thought Amanda was Ash’s only sister.”

  “By blood. The rest of us, he’s adopted as his sisters. Except for Brenna, of course.”

  “I see.”

  “I don’t mind if Gem stays with us,” Ash said cheerfully. “That way I can keep an eye on her.”

  Gemma rolled her eyes.

  “Well, you kids sort it out,” Magda said, waving and walking back into the hotel. “I’m sure you’d like to rest and freshen up first, so I’ll see you all at dinner.”


  Gemma got out of the stretch Hummer that had taken the ten of them to the beginning of the path that led to the private cottages. The vehicle was too big to enter into the narrow laneway so they got out to walk the rest of the way. Excitement filled her at the thought of finally being alone with Greg.

  A couple of utility golf carts, driven by porters, were making their way back, evidently finished with delivering their luggage.

  They said their thanks to the smiling men, then a few seconds later, Greg pulled her to him, kissing her hungrily.

  She blushed, aware of their audience. But it didn’t stop her from returning his kiss with equal passion. “Who are in the other two cottages that we’re not occupying?” she asked when they parted.

  “No one,” Greg answered.

  “Won’t people wonder why they’re empt

  “They won’t know they’re empty,” Greg assured her, holding her closer. “It’s not unusual for cottage guests not to be seen at all at the hotel. We’ve had some very private people stay here for weeks, and no one ever saw them except for the staff who attended to them. We’re away from prying eyes.” He kissed her again.

  “We have eyes, you know,” Zach said dryly.

  “You’d think they’d at least wait until they got to their cabin,” Ash muttered.

  “Let’s go, babe,” Greg said, taking her hand as he started running.

  She giggled, running along with him. Good thing she was wearing flats.

  “Have fun!” the others called out.


  Gemma was panting when they got to their cottage, not just from their jog but from anticipation. She was surprised when she saw her bags inside the spacious living room.

  “I thought they’d be delivering my stuff to Ash and Bren’s,” she said.

  “No. I trust all the staff who service these cottages. Our secret’s safe with them. Besides, they’d lose their jobs if it ever gets out that you’re staying with me. Apart from our group, no one else but them knows.”

  “What about when Ash and Bren leave? They’re all only here for three days, while I’m here for more than a week.”

  “Then we’ll say you’re occupying one of the other cottages by yourself. The rest remain empty while you’re here, and no one has to know it.”

  She gaped at him incredulously.

  “There’s no point putting up security measures if we don’t cover all bases, Gem,” Greg said, snaking his arms around her waist. “If we don’t want any of the guests to know about us, then this is the best way.”

  She sighed, allowing herself to relax. “So we’re really alone now?” she asked, curving her arms around his neck.

  “Uh-huh,” Greg responded, kissing her. “Do you know how much I missed you?” he murmured.

  “Maybe I should check the colour of your balls,” she teased.

  He laughed. “My hands have been busy.”

  “Now they can have a rest,” she said with a breathless giggle.

  “Rest? Nah. They’re dying to do other interesting things. Arms up.”

  She raised an eyebrow. And yes, her arms.

  Greg took off her top, followed by her bra, his fingers brushing the sides of her breasts. Her nipples hardened instantly.

  Then his fingers went to the waistband of her skirt, skimming, until he found the zipper’s pull tab. “Ah, there it is,” he murmured, sliding it down and letting her skirt fall to the floor. “Guess we have to let this join the others too,” he said, pulling her panties down to her ankles.

  She stepped out of them.

  She licked her lips, her mouth parting to take in more air. Greg was gawking at her body, and his smouldering look was affecting her breathing... and making her moist.

  “I think you should get naked, too,” she said, stepping forward and running a finger on his jaw.

  With unhurried movements, Greg got out of his shirt and slowly unbuttoned his jeans, all the while holding her gaze.

  She couldn’t look away. She was drowning in his eyes, which were as blue as the ocean, and there was not a single ounce of resistance in her. When Greg bent down to completely get rid of his clothes, her interest went to his erection. He was already hard and heavy. And irresistible. She closed her hand around it.

  Greg’s chest heaved. “Your hand feels so much better than mine.”

  She stood on tiptoes so she could whisper in his ear. “I know another part of my body that you’ll love better than my hand.” She was already wet for him. She’d been waiting for so long.

  Greg groaned, crushing her to him. “Sex in here or out there?”

  “Bed,” she answered.

  Greg lifted her in his arms and strode towards the main bedroom. She nuzzled his neck, licking and nipping, while she waited until they got to their destination.

  “Gemma,” Greg breathed, angling his head for a kiss on the lips. She obliged, but only for a swift one. She didn’t want any long delays in getting to the bedroom.

  They got there and Greg placed her gently on the bed, going on all fours above her. He kissed her face ardently, making sexy, moaning noises that made her heart melt. He must have really missed her. Well, she’d missed him just as much—if not more.

  His hand went between her legs, finding her wetness and fingering her nub. She gasped, arching her back to him. Greg bent his head down to lave a pebbled nipple. Then he closed his mouth over it, sucking gently.

  Ah, he was more incredible than she remembered. How Greg was able to play her body so well, she didn’t know. But she most definitely wasn’t complaining.

  “Honey,” she cried, writhing from the sheer pleasure of his fondling. But she forced herself to keep still so Greg would not lose his place. He was touching her right where it felt so damn good.

  She wanted to tell him to slow down. She was nearing the crest and it was too soon. But her body had other ideas. She parted her legs wider, giving his expert fingers greater access, and pressed her breast even more against his eager mouth.

  Greg grunted in approval, giving her what she’d wordlessly asked for. He was relentless in the pursuit of her gratification.

  “Oh God,” she panted, her body tensing. Then she erupted in an intense climax, mewling loudly, with Greg moaning with her.

  Greg didn’t ease off until her trembling quietened. Then he kissed his way back to her lips, a satisfied grin on his face. “I missed making you come,” he murmured.

  She smiled, caressing his cheek. Funny how he sounded like he’d been giving her orgasms for ages, when the reality was they’d only made love in a two-and-a-half-hour period before. But she knew what he meant. She also felt like their bodies had known each other for a long time, as if they’d been made solely for each other.

  Emotions engulfed her, stinging her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck so he wouldn’t see. She didn’t want to scare him with the strength of her feelings.

  Blinking back the tears, she kissed his shoulder. When she’d composed herself, she reached between their bodies and caressed his cock—hot and hard and wet at the tip.

  Greg groaned, telling her how good it felt.


  Greg shut his eyes, immersed in the pleasure of Gemma’s hand tugging his cock. Ah, it was heaven. But he also wanted her mouth, and most of all, he was dying to drive himself into her.

  But he wanted this to last. They had plenty of time. So he nuzzled her neck as he strived to control himself from inserting his hardness into her tempting wetness.

  To his surprise, Gemma pushed him so he was on his back. He had to suck in more air to replace the breath that had left him at the sight of her sultry smile.

  Gemma started kissing his chest, and his panting got heavier.

  “Babe,” he murmured when Gemma started to lick his nipples. He ran his hand through her hair, watching her make her way down his body, feeling himself soar and drown at the same time.

  Then Gemma kissed his balls before running her tongue up the length of his erection.

  He gasped, breathing through his slackened mouth. When Gemma closed her lips around the head and twirled her tongue over it, his hips jerked.

  “Ahh,” he panted, plopping his head on the pillow in pleasure.

  Gemma wrapped her hand at the base of his hardness, her other hand gently caressing his balls, while her mouth continued to do its magic. He revelled in her ministrations, wondering with awe how no other woman had taken him to the heights that Gemma took him every time they had sex.

  But he couldn’t take anymore without bursting in her mouth. And he didn’t want to come yet.

  He sat up, and with swift movements had Gemma lying again on her back.

  “You drive me crazy,” he said, before kissing her all over again, avid and eager. He parted her legs and settled hi
mself in between, determined to make her burn with want again.

  Gemma moaned as he flicked her clit and sucked on it. Then he pushed two fingers in her, groaning as Gemma squeezed on them. He stroked her inner walls as his tongue continued its attention on her nub. His hips moved against the bed, his cock seeking to be part of the action.

  Ah, he couldn’t wait anymore. He got up and went to get a condom from the bedside table, annoyed at having to leave her even for just a few seconds. “I wish we didn’t have to use these things,” he muttered, more to himself than to her.

  “Do we have to, then?” Gemma asked.

  He stilled, looking at her in surprise.

  “I’m on birth control,” she said with a shy smile. “And I’m sure someone like you has tests all the time.”

  “Yes,” he confirmed. “And I’ve also never had sex without a condom.”

  Gemma’s face went red. “Oh. Of course, we can use it. I just thought... um... it was just a thought...yes, you should use it.”

  He smiled, tossing the packet over his shoulder and going back to her. “After you put the picture in my head of sliding inside you without anything on, you’re gonna take it back? No way, sweetheart.”

  Gemma licked her lips, staring at him with wide eyes.

  He caressed a strand of hair off her forehead as a now-familiar feeling akin to tenderness overwhelmed him. It was so irresistible and strong that he had no choice but to go where it willed him to.

  He stared at her in wonder before he leaned down and captured her mouth, pouring all of the extraordinary emotions he was feeling into that kiss.

  As if in one accord, Gemma opened her legs and his cock sought her pussy. Then he was in, sliding into her welcoming, slippery heat.

  “Gem,” he croaked, his pleasure spiralling out of control as he thrust into her over and over. “God, honey, you feel so incredible.”

  Gemma’s loud gasps were enough of a response for him. He watched her expressive face, then kissed her warm lips, then reared to watch her again. Heck, he wanted to do both simultaneously while he continued to plunge his hungry, needy hardness into her. The sensations were wonderfully intense, yet he couldn’t seem to get enough.

  He pushed in to the hilt, then pulled out only to repeat the same action, harder and faster, again and again, reaching for the heaven that he knew was within his reach.


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