At Last (Time for Love, #5)

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At Last (Time for Love, #5) Page 13

by Miranda P. Charles

  Gemma quivered, and Greg felt her body start to clench. He gathered her in his arms as he drove into her deeper still, faster still.

  Gemma clutched him tightly while her hips rolled against his with the same urgency.

  “Gemma,” he said through gritted teeth, trying to prolong the pleasure without slowing down his movements.

  Gemma trembled violently, crying out his name as her body clamped on his thrusting cock. That toppled him over the edge. He groaned as he came, and came, and came. Loud and long.


  The ringing of his phone woke Greg up. He was reaching for it with eyes closed when a warm body snuggled up against him. He smiled contentedly, kissing Gemma’s forehead as she went back to snoozing. After a couple of hours of amazing sex, they were sapped. No surprises there, as they’d both had sleepless nights from missing each other.

  “Hey, bro,” he answered sleepily, wondering why Ash was calling.

  “And here I was worried that I might be interrupting something,” Ash teased. “Looks like you were just having an afternoon nap.”

  “From exhaustion,” he quipped.

  Ash chortled. “I thought I’d remind you that it would be a good idea for Gemma to arrive back at the hotel with me and Bren for dinner tonight. So maybe the four of us can go together in the one golf cart? The girls wouldn’t want to be walking in their high heels and pretty frocks.”

  “Oh, sure. Good idea.”

  “Okay. We’ll pick you up in about forty-five minutes.”

  “Cool. Thanks, Ash. Bye.” He put the phone down and wrapped Gemma in his arms.

  “When do we need to get ready by?” she asked, her voice drowsy.

  “Forty-five minutes.”

  “Oh, I better have a shower now, then. We don’t want to be late, especially since your grandmother’s been waiting to spend time with you boys.” She kissed him and got out of bed.

  “Can I join you?” he asked hopefully.

  “We only have forty-five minutes,” Gemma said with a laugh.

  “We haven’t tried a quickie yet. Maybe it wouldn’t take us long.”

  “I’ll need all that time to get ready, honey. It’s dress-up night tonight, right?”

  He pouted, but Gemma just shook her head and disappeared into the en suite, laughing.

  Sighing, he grabbed his phone to check his emails while he waited for his turn in the shower. There was one waiting from Chris, their head of security. He sat up to read it.

  There had been new developments.

  Gemma’s ‘fan’ had turned up again outside Gemma’s apartment. After being questioned by two burly security staff in dark suits, the man had apparently gone into full-on repentant mode. The ‘fan’ had sworn that he simply found Gemma attractive, and had wanted her to autograph the magazines with her pictures on them. He’d promised not to bother her after being warned that he’d be in more trouble than he knew how to get out of if he did so.

  According to Chris, it looked like the guy had told the truth about simply being a fan. If he hadn’t, the security staff believed that he’d been scared enough to not want to try anything stupid.

  Greg hoped that was the case.

  The next matter wasn’t as positive as the first.

  Packing had started at Gemma’s old studio earlier today. While the packers were hard at work, a woman had approached them, casually asking where Gemma’s business was moving to. It had been an innocent question, something that wouldn’t have raised any suspicion. But fortunately, the tenant who ran an aquarium shop next door had gone to their security guy who’d been assigned to keep an eye on the proceedings. The tenant had said that he’d recognised the woman as someone who’d previously asked him probing questions about Gemma. The security staff had then tailed the woman to a particular office building—a commercial property owned by the Sanderses.

  The woman had waited at the coffee shop at the ground floor, and had met with a lady who worked in the building. So now they had a picture of two possible suspects. Security was now working on establishing their identities.

  After Liana’s outburst when he’d rejected her a couple of weeks ago, Greg was almost certain Liana was the mastermind of all the disturbing things that had been happening to Gemma.

  He rubbed his face. The time had come to ask Liana some questions.

  Unfortunately, Liana wouldn’t be attending Magda’s birthday party tomorrow night—no doubt because of him. But her parents would be there.

  He could get the matter sorted if he involved Tony in this. He didn’t want to go to the police if he didn’t have to. He had the utmost respect for Tony and Cora Sanders.


  Greg led Tony to an empty meeting room. His grandmother’s birthday party was still in full swing, but Tony and Cora were leaving first thing tomorrow morning and there was no better time to bring this up. He couldn’t put this off any longer.

  “What’s this about, Greg?” Tony asked.

  Greg offered Tony a seat. “Would you like another drink?” he asked, opening the bar fridge.

  “Sure. Whatever you’re having.”

  Greg pulled out a bottle of Chardonnay—produced from their vineyard at the Hunter Valley.

  “You know, Greg, I was just talking to your grandmother about you,” Tony said as Greg poured the wine.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “I was telling her how proud she must be of you.”

  Greg’s lips curved lopsidedly. “She’s proud of all three of us. You know how doting she can be.”

  Tony chuckled. “You weren’t exactly an easy grandson—or son—to deal with in the past.”

  “No, I wasn’t,” he agreed, handing Tony his glass and sitting on a chair next to him.

  “You’ve made a remarkable turnaround in the last few years. Even I had thought that you’d be this person who’d prefer spending the rest of your life enjoying the money coming at you from company profits while your brothers did all the work. Look at you now. Even Zach and Jeff say you’re indispensable. You’ve really stepped up to the plate, and more.”

  Greg was quiet for a long moment, that certain sadness laying its hand on him again. “I’m just sorry that my parents and grandfather aren’t here anymore to see me in a different light,” he said past the lump in his throat.

  “Hey,” Tony said, staring at him intently. “Wherever they are, I’m sure they’re proud of you.”

  Greg smiled, wanting desperately to believe that.

  “Anyway,” Tony said, “what did you want to talk to me about?”

  Greg pulled out a picture from his jacket pocket.

  “Do you know these people?” he asked, showing Tony a shot of the woman their security detail had followed, and the lady she’d had lunch with.

  “I know her,” Tony answered, pointing to the lady who worked in the Sanders building. “She’s one of our PR people. She’s currently working exclusively with Liana, preparing for the launch of her fashion business. But I don’t know who this other person is. Why?”

  Greg inhaled deeply. “I don’t know how to say this, Tony, so I’m just going to lay it all out for you. And since I respect you, I ought to tell you everything.”


  Greg’s heart grew heavy as Tony slumped on his seat, the older man’s face a picture of disbelief after Greg had told him his suspicions. “I don’t have any other proof that it’s Liana who’s responsible for all this, Tony. I truly hope it’s not. But this evidence, along with the timing of the incidents and your daughter’s recent behaviour, suggests it could be her.”

  Tony took a deep breath, shaking his head. “I know we’ve spoiled her. Cora and I were told we couldn’t have kids, and then she came along, so we gave her everything she wanted. She’s headstrong and she can be immature at times, but... I can’t believe she’d do something like this.”

  Greg remained quiet, letting Tony keep processing the information in his head.

  “I’ll talk to her,” Tony said after a long pa
use. “If she’s really behind all this, then she has to stop. It’s just not on.”

  “Thank you,” Greg answered, a heavy weight lifting off him.


  Greg placed his hand on Gemma’s back, then let it slide down her butt.

  “Hey,” she whispered, surreptitiously slapping his hand away. “There are other people around.”

  “No one’s looking,” he said with a cheeky grin. “They’re all too busy concentrating on completing the course they’re on.”

  “Well, don’t distract me. I’m about to swing over to that rope ladder that’s been taunting me for weeks,” she said, full of determination.

  “Do you want me to go first?”

  Gemma thought for a while. “Okay. But I hope I won’t need your help this time.” She rotated her arms to loosen the muscles.

  He smiled, wanting to kiss her so badly for being so cute. But people were coming from behind them and they still needed to be careful in case someone other than Liana was involved in wanting to harm Gemma’s business. Until they had a full confession from the culprits, they couldn’t relax.

  So instead he took the rope, and swung to the other side. Then he climbed the saggy ladder to reach the platform and waited for Gemma to join him.

  Gemma made a little ‘wheee’ sound as she swung, making him chuckle. She seemed to have more energy today. He was sure she’d be able complete the full course this time.

  He watched as she tried to lift herself up the rope ladder to reach the next safety line. But while she’d developed more strength in her arms, she was still struggling.

  “You’re doing good, babe,” he said.

  “Babe?” his cousin Rick called out loudly from the other side. “You better watch him, Gemma. Don’t even let him get to first base.”

  “Shut up, Rick,” he said, knowing it wouldn’t do any good. He and Rick were the same age and had done plenty of wild things together. Ribbing each other was a sport to them. The harder, the better.

  “Hey, I’m doing the whole female population a favour by warning them off you,” Rick said with mock self-righteousness.

  Greg glared at his cousin, who sometimes didn’t know when to zip it. Greg’s past exploits had been Rick’s favourite topic to banter around with, and Greg hadn’t cared in the past. It had all been in good fun. Besides, he’d dished out just as much to Rick. But right now he didn’t want this. Not in front of Gemma.

  He decided to ignore his cousin and focus his attention back to Gemma. She’d managed to change safety lines, which she hadn’t been able to do the last time. “Way to go, honey,” he said, then bit his tongue. Call her Gemma in public, Greg, Gemma. Not babe, not sweetheart, not honey. Gemma.

  “Ooh, he’s really preparing to make a move on you, Gemma,” Rick said. “Don’t let yourself be allured by his sweet-talking. He says that to all the girls.”

  “Don’t listen to him, Gem,” Greg said. “More sense comes out of his ass than his mouth.”

  “I’m not lying,” Rick said, pretending to be affronted. “But I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you all this, Gemma. You already know he’s a real playboy, right? There’s not a single cell in his body that wants to stick with one woman only.”

  “You’re distracting me, Rick,” Gemma said. “I’m trying to concentrate here.”

  “See? Shut up, Rick, and let Gemma finish this course,” Greg said in a tone much harsher than he intended.

  “Sorry. I’ll be quiet now,” Rick said, giving Greg a playfully challenging grin.

  Greg shook his head. Somehow he’d need to get Rick to clamp his mouth when it came to his past. Yes, Gemma knew he’d been a playboy, but there were certain details he’d never want her to know. Rick knew about them, and his cousin had no idea how much he’d changed.

  His heart thumped hard in his chest as he watched Gemma climb up. Would she still want to be with him if she discovered the extent of his past exploits?

  Greg didn’t know what scared him more—the thought of losing Gemma, or the thought of committing to one woman. Both frightened him, so he shut his mind on them.


  Gemma grinned at Robert while the activities director attached her to the last zip-line.

  “Congratulations, Miss Gemma. When you get to the end of this line, you will have officially completed the Carmichael Sanctuary High Wire and Ropes Adventure Course.”

  “Thank you, Robert. I’m pretty proud of myself. But I better get to the other side first before I do my happy dance.”

  “Okay, you know the drill. When you’re ready, go.”

  Gemma squinted at the platform on the other end. She waved to Greg, who waved back to her.

  “Do you like him?” Rick said from behind her.

  “Oh, hi, Rick,” she said, trying to sound nonchalant. “You finished that last one pretty quickly.”

  “Yeah. The whole thing was hard, though. I’m very impressed with you for completing it.”

  “Thanks. I better go so I don’t hold up the line.”

  “Sure,” Rick said. “But I noticed you didn’t answer my question.”

  “What question?”

  “I was wondering if you like Greg.”

  “Greg’s a friend of mine. Of course I like him,” she said, hoping that would satisfy Rick.

  Rick smiled apologetically. “Sorry if I’m being nosy. I just want to make sure I wouldn’t be stepping on his toes.”

  “Hey, Gem. You all right?” Jeff asked.

  Gemma breathed a sigh of relief as Jeff joined them, having also finished the last challenge. It saved her from responding to Rick.

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “You did really well. Resting a bit, are you?”

  “No. I’m going now so you guys can take your turn. See you!” Then she went, the exhilaration of zipping through the air erasing the awkwardness she felt from Rick’s comments. Her face was splitting from her grin when she got to the end.

  Greg unbuckled her from the contraption, looking at her so warmly that she had to use all her might not to throw her arms around him.

  “Congratulations!” Greg said. “You did it.”

  “Yay!” she said, doing little hops.

  Greg laughed, leading her to the ladder with a hand on her back. “I so want to kiss you right now,” he whispered when they were out of earshot of the staff who was manning this particular platform.

  “Me, too,” she breathed. “Not a good idea though. Rick’s right behind.”

  “Did he say something to you back there?” Greg asked when they got to the ground.

  “He asked if I liked you. He said he didn’t want to step on your toes.”

  Greg stared at her, his expression inscrutable. “What did you say?”

  She shrugged. “I said you’re my friend, so of course I like you.”

  Greg sighed, nodding.

  “You guys sound close, but... is there some friction there?” she asked.

  “No. We’ve just always competed with each other since we were kids. Come on, let’s have something to eat. I bet you’re starving. I know I am.”

  They walked to where portable barbecue and drinks stations were set up. She could smell sausages and other meats grilling, and her mouth watered.

  “When do you think you’ll hear back from Tony?” she asked Greg in a low voice.

  Greg checked his watch. “Well, Tony would just have arrived home. I imagine he’d be speaking with Liana as soon as he can, so hopefully we’ll hear something very soon.”

  Gemma nodded. She was really enjoying today, especially since she’d accomplished her goal of completing the full adventure course. But she couldn’t fully celebrate. Right now she really wanted to at least hold Greg’s hand, but she couldn’t. It was frustrating to have to keep hiding their relationship.

  But at least there was light at the end of the tunnel.


  Gemma came back to the cottage after spending the afternoon at the town centr
e, visiting the shops of some of the locals she’d met during the New Year’s Eve party. It was a shame that her best friends had left yesterday. They would have loved some of the items she’d bought.

  She couldn’t wait to show Greg a wooden trinket box she got, handcrafted by a famous artist who’d recently settled at Serenade Bay. It was exquisite. But she had to hide the other thing she’d bought from the artist’s shop. It was a small sculpture in the shape of a woman’s puckered lips. She planned to give it to Greg on Valentine’s Day, which was only five days away.

  She grinned, excited at the thought of spending her first Valentine’s Day with Greg.

  The front door banging startled her. Was Greg back from his meeting?

  She went out of the bedroom and froze.

  “I knew it,” Liana said in an angry voice. “How dare you accuse me of wanting to destroy your business when you’re destroying mine, you shameless gold-digger!”

  Gemma’s jaw dropped.

  “So that’s how you snared Greg,” Liana continued, her face contorting into an ugly sneer. “Acting like a damsel in distress, making him feel guilty that you’re being attacked because of him, and telling lies about your rivals! I’m telling you, Gemma Aldwyn, just because you’re best friends with Greg’s brothers’ wives doesn’t mean you’ll get away with this. Everyone will know what a lying, conniving bitch you really are!”

  Gemma stood stock still, shocked by the accusations.

  “You’ll be caught eventually, Gemma. All your lies will soon be revealed. And I’ll have the last laugh.”

  “Liana, you sent that woman to harass the other shop owners in my building,” Gemma said in a low voice, trying to control her anger. How dare this woman walk in here and attack her like this?

  “I sent her to ask questions about you because I’ve always suspected that you’re up to no good!” Liana half-yelled, her hands fisted on her sides. “But that’s all I’ve done, and no one got hurt from it. I did not write any stupid blog posts about you or send threatening letters to your neighbours. I bet you made those up so you can get Greg to feel sympathy for you and so he would fuck you!”


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