At Last (Time for Love, #5)

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At Last (Time for Love, #5) Page 14

by Miranda P. Charles

  Gemma stared at the other woman in disbelief. “I did not make anything up, Liana,” she said in the calmest voice she could manage.

  “Well, I didn’t either!” Liana said. “And now my dad has threatened to cut off the funding for my business—for things I didn’t do! But you know what, Gemma? You might think you have Greg Carmichael wrapped around your little finger. But don’t you know what he’s really like? How long has it been since he started fucking you? A few days? Give him a month and he’ll want someone else to fuck.”

  “He’s wanted me for more than a month now!” she said, anger making her respond.

  Liana’s brows rose, her hands going to her hips. “Oh, yeah?” she asked, eyes slitted. “So why was I right here in this cottage just last week? No, hang on a minute, I think it was... eleven days ago.”

  Gemma suddenly felt hot and cold. “What do you mean?” she asked in a low voice.

  “Let me tell you what I know about this particular hideaway,” Liana said, before proceeding to rattle off the decor in the main bedroom, including the layout of the furniture and the painting at the top of the bed. “I especially like the big mirror on the wall. Have you noticed how it’s been placed strategically so you can watch yourself have sex?”

  Gemma gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. She’d heard Liana complain before to her mother that she’d never seen any of the private cottages, so Liana couldn’t have known any of what she’d just said... unless she really had been in the bedroom recently.

  “Enjoy your thoughts, Gemma. I hope you’re getting a good picture in your head,” Liana said with a smirk before turning on her heels.

  Gemma could only watch Liana leave, too shocked to say anything.

  “By the way,” Liana said, pausing by the door. “You do know that Greg could never stay with one woman for long, right? You’re a fool if you think he could change his spots.” Then she banged the door behind her.


  Gemma was startled by her ringing phone. How long had she been standing there, staring at the front door?

  With heavy feet, she took the few steps to get to her phone. It was the mother of her most talented student.

  She swallowed. Was this going to be more bad news? She wouldn’t be surprised if it was, the way things were going for her.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hello, Gemma? This is Anita Carr, Michelle’s mother.”

  “Yes, Anita. How are you?”

  “Really good, thank you. I have some good news!”

  Gemma released the breath she was holding. It was good news. Thank God.

  “Michelle has been selected to compete in the international piano competition!”

  “Wow, that’s wonderful!” Gemma said, truly delighted. The nine-year-old had tried last year but didn’t get in.

  “Yes, it is. But that’s not all. As you know, my husband works as a producer for one of the TV networks. They found out today that a celebrity who was supposed to appear in this midday TV show has to cancel. Well, my husband had jokingly suggested that Michelle should fill the spot because she’s talented enough to have made the piano competition. And guess what?”

  “They agreed,” Gemma said with a grin.

  “Yes! On the condition that Michelle plays one of the songs associated with the movie they want to promote. Michelle has no problems learning the piece. You know how good she is. But she did request that you give her an extra lesson tomorrow, so she can polish her playing. The show is in two days.”


  “I know you’re still on a holiday break,” Anita said hastily. “But it’s really important to Michelle to have this extra time with you, Gemma. She’s never played this piece before and she wants your guidance. We’ll pay extra if we have to.”

  “I’m happy to see her tomorrow, Anita. That’s no problem. Although we have to do it at your home. As you know, my studio’s moving. The new place is not properly set up yet.”

  “Oh, of course. No worries.”

  They agreed on a time and Gemma hung up. As soon as she did, Liana’s visit came crashing back to her.

  She got up. She needed to see Greg. And the walk to the hotel should help her clear her head.


  Gemma was almost at the hotel when she saw Liana and Tony get into a car. Liana still looked quite pissed off, and Gemma wondered if the woman had spoken to Greg at all. Did Greg know that Liana went to his cottage to confront her?

  She bit her lip as memories of Liana describing Greg’s bedroom flooded her mind. Liana had said she was with Greg eleven days ago.

  Eleven days ago, Gemma was preparing to fly back here to be with Greg, until she had to postpone it to find another location for her studio. Eleven days ago, she’d thought that she and Greg had already agreed to be in a relationship. Sure, it was still very new, but hadn’t he said he was willing to give exclusivity a try? Or did he think their agreement started only when she got back here and not when they spoke about it in Sydney? If he was serious about what he’d said, why would he sleep with someone else straight after their heart-to-heart talk? Was he so desperate to relieve his blue balls with another woman?

  Or was he thinking he’d have a last fling before he embarked on his journey to commitment—something he wasn’t sure if he really wanted or not?

  Unless Liana was lying.

  Argh! She didn’t know what to think!


  Greg had come out of the building and was looking at her with concern. “I was trying to call you but you weren’t answering,” he said.

  “Oh, I forgot my phone in the cottage.”

  “Come with me to the meeting room. We need to talk.”

  She followed him quietly, already knowing what he was going to say.

  “Are you okay?” Greg asked when they were alone.

  She gave him a small smile. “Did you talk to Liana?”

  Greg frowned. “No. Only with Tony. Did you see them leave?”

  “Yes. What did Tony say?”

  Greg slumped in a chair. “Liana admits she sent that woman in the picture to ask questions about you. But she denies being involved in any way with the blog post by Miss Z or the letters sent to the tenants next door to your studio.”

  She nodded.

  Greg cocked his head. “You don’t look surprised.”

  “Liana came to the cottage.”


  “She told me what you just told me. But of course, she was a lot angrier with her delivery,” she said wryly.

  Greg ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know if I should believe her or not,” he said. “I wanted to talk to her, but Tony said she was too mad at me to see me.”

  “From her furious expression when she barged in on me, I’m inclined to think she was telling the truth,” she said flatly.

  “I don’t know. But Chris and his team will continue working on this until it gets resolved. Don’t worry, okay?” Greg said softly.

  “Yeah,” she said with a mirthless smile.

  Greg leaned closer to her and took her hand. “What else is bothering you?”

  She took a deep breath. “Liana said she was with you eleven days ago.”

  Greg frowned. “With me?”

  She nodded, waiting for him to confirm or deny.

  “You mean, when she visited the cottage?”

  She swallowed, nodding again.

  “Did she tell you what happened?”

  “She described your bedroom to me and...” She couldn’t say the words out loud. Thinking about Greg with that woman hurt.

  “Yeah, it was crazy,” Greg said, exhaling harshly.

  Tears sprang to her eyes. He was admitting it? He really did have sex with Liana eleven days ago?

  “She was very mad at me for throwing her out,” Greg continued. “That’s why I’m still quite suspicious of her.”

  “You threw her out?” she asked in surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I
pushed her away when she jumped on me in the bedroom. She wasn’t happy, to say the least. Told me I made a mistake.”

  “You didn’t sleep with her?”

  “What?!” Greg asked, incredulous. “No! What did she tell you?”

  “She gave me that impression.”

  “Well, I didn’t.”

  Relief made Gemma weak. Right now, she’d rather believe Greg than Liana.

  “See, how can we trust a word she says?” Greg asked with anger. “She’s still my number one suspect regardless of what she or her father says.”

  Gemma took a deep breath. “I’d thought you’d slept with her.”

  “No. Phoebe can confirm I didn’t. She was cleaning in the cottage and saw what happened.”

  She smiled at him.

  “You looked upset,” Greg said.

  “I thought you’d cheated on me.”

  “Cheated on you?” he asked with a frown, as if he couldn’t understand.

  “Well, I thought you had sex with someone else after we’d agreed to give commitment a try.”

  Greg was quiet for a long moment, seemingly deep in thought.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “Oh, um.” Greg shook his head as if to clear it, looking uncomfortable. “It just threw me how you used the word ‘commitment’. The word still scares me,” he said with a nervous laugh.

  She gaped at him, her cheeks pinking. She was going too fast.

  “You know what I mean,” she said. “I just meant that our relationship is exclusive even though it’s not serious yet.”

  “Yes. That’s how I understand it, too,” he said with obvious relief.

  “Can I ask you a question?”


  “How long do you think we’ll last?” she asked softly.

  Greg’s forehead creased. “To be honest, Gem, I’m still taking this day by day, week by week,” he answered quietly. “I haven’t thought about anything apart from simply enjoying my time with you. And I’m very much enjoying my time with you.”

  Somehow Gemma had expected that answer. “Of course. I was just curious, that’s all.”

  “I don’t want to lie to you—”

  “And I don’t want you to,” she interrupted hastily, forcing a convincing smile on her face. “Like I said I was just curious. And for the record, I’m enjoying my time with you, too.”

  Greg smiled. “I’m glad we’re still on the same page.”

  She nodded. “By the way, I have to go back to Sydney tomorrow.” She told him about her student’s gig at a TV show.

  “Oh, wow. She must be thrilled. You’ll be back, right?”

  “Yes. In a couple of days.” So I could spend Valentine’s Day with you.

  But after his comments about commitment, Gemma suspected that the thought of celebrating love and romance might make Greg run for the hills.

  “Great,” Greg said. “Well, I need to talk to Chris and tell him about my conversation with Tony. I’ll call him from here.”

  “Thanks for all your help with this, Greg,” she said sincerely.

  “I’m sorry this is happening to you,” he said. “It’s not fair. But we’ll sort it all out. Make sure you work out your travel plans with the concierge, okay?”

  “Yes. Thanks.”

  “And Gem, I think it’s best if we continue to keep our arrangement quiet. No point keeping on stirring up a hornet’s nest if our being together is the cause of all this.”

  Gemma nodded and left the meeting room, a myriad of emotions running through her. She was disheartened that Greg had reacted so strongly against the word ‘commitment’. But she supposed it was her fault for expecting too much too soon. It had only been a handful of days since she came back to the Sanctuary. Things couldn’t have developed that quickly for Greg.

  Problem was, she was already in love with him, plainly and simply.

  Would Greg ever fall in love with her, too? When the time came for him to go back to Sydney, where he’d be surrounded by a lot more women clamouring for his attention, would he drop her and move on? How could they nurture their relationship when they had to keep it hidden?

  “God, Gemma, stop with all these questions!” she muttered to herself, starting to get a headache.

  One thing was for sure, she’d lose whatever chance she had now if she continued to scare Greg with things he wasn’t ready for. She had to remember that he’d been Mr. Commitment-Phobic for so long. He’d need time—plenty of it, probably—to get used to the idea of being in a long-term relationship with one woman only.

  She nodded to herself, knowing that she needed to make some adjustments.

  She’d have to go at his pace and keep the love she felt for him hidden until he was ready for it. And she’d need to hide this sadness that felt like lead on her chest, knowing that the man she loved didn’t love her back. Yet. Or perhaps, never. Only time would tell.


  “Hi,” Greg said when he found Gemma on the daybed near the plunge pool, reading something on her phone.

  Gemma looked up and gave him a smile. “Hi!”

  He sat by her side and kissed her. “What time did you arrive?”

  “About three hours ago.”

  “I missed you,” he murmured.

  “Did you? That’s nice. I missed you, too,” she said in a bright tone.

  The nagging feeling that had been bothering him since Gemma had left two days ago prodded him, but he shook it off. He didn’t have time for it right now. He just wanted to make love to Gemma.

  And that was precisely what he did.


  “I’m taking the next couple of days off,” Greg said to Gemma as they lay on the daybed, deeply satisfied.

  “Are you?” Gemma asked, lifting her head from his shoulder to look at him.

  “Yeah. Gran ordered me to,” he said with a chuckle. “She said I’ve been working too hard, and that since you’re going back to Sydney on Sunday, I should make sure I entertain you and not our guests.”

  Gemma smiled wistfully. “I can’t believe I only have two more days here. It’s been great.”

  “You can’t postpone your studio’s reopening until the end of February, can you? It’s only an extra two weeks. Then you can go back to Sydney with me.”

  “No,” Gemma said with a sigh, placing her head back on his shoulder.

  He squeezed her tight. He’d miss her a lot when she was gone. A heck of a lot.

  “So what do you plan to do during your days off?” Gemma asked.

  “What do you want to do?”

  She shrugged.

  “Maybe we can go to the beach and have a picnic there?” he said. “Or go check out the other neighbouring towns?”

  “Picnic on the beach sounds good. And actually, I wouldn’t mind doing one last round of the high ropes course,” Gemma said.

  “Okay. Beach tomorrow and high ropes on Saturday. What else?”

  “Just hang out here in the cottage?” she asked, tightening her arm around him.

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “Good. Now I’m hungry,” she said, sitting up. “Do you want to eat at the hotel or do you want to have something delivered here?”

  “I don’t want to share you with anyone until you leave, so let’s have it here. And I think I’ll have my favourite pizza.”

  Gemma smiled sweetly and went to the phone.

  Greg watched her go inside, his brows furrowing. There was something different about Gemma. Since that day when Liana accosted her, Gemma had seemed... distant?

  No, it wasn’t that exactly, though he couldn’t put a finger on it. But before she left two days ago, and then during their telephone calls while she was in Sydney, he’d felt its loss—whatever it was.

  It was the same today. While she was still the same hot, incredible woman in bed, there was a connection they’d had before that seemed to be missing in the last few days.

  Hopefully, it was just his imagination. />

  Greg shook hands with one of their VIP guests and led him out of the meeting room. It was another productive meeting.

  His staying at the Sanctuary with some of their important business partners had turned out to be a masterstroke. A ‘working holiday’ atmosphere seemed to have made all parties feel relaxed and open minded, leading to mutually beneficial agreements.

  He was getting tired of the whole thing, though. Apart from the meetings, he had to entertain and socialise with guests almost constantly. It was crazy how they sought him day and night. He’d thought they’d want to enjoy their stay at the Sanctuary to take a break from work, but instead they were taking advantage of the fact that a Carmichael was available to talk to at all times. He didn’t want to be seen favouring only certain people, so he always made sure he spent time with everyone who wanted a chat with him.

  There was still one week left before he could leave, with two of their most important overseas contacts arriving tomorrow with their families. If it weren’t so critical for him to welcome them, he would have arranged to fly to Sydney for the weekend to be with Gemma.

  Gemma had gone home only a week ago and he couldn’t believe how much he’d been craving for her. He even fretted at the fact that they’d only spoken twice since then. But most of his meetings and networking happened during the afternoon and evening, so he wasn’t free to talk to Gemma when she finished her working day.

  On top of that, something had been bothering him all this time. Gemma had seemed bright and bubbly, but it still nagged at him that there was something wrong. And damn it, it annoyed the hell out of him that he couldn’t figure out what it was.

  His laptop buzzed. It was his brothers, ready for their video call. Zach and Jeff sat together in Jeff’s office while he updated them about the latest developments.

  “Excellent work, bro,” Jeff said.

  “Yes. Brilliant,” Zach concurred. “Have you had enough of being in paradise yet?”

  “Why? Are you offering to swap places with me so you and Bec can stay here?” Greg asked eagerly.

  “No,” Zach said with a laugh. “You have had enough. Missing Sydney, are you?”

  He sighed. “I’m missing Gemma.”

  The other two chuckled.

  “Just a week more to go,” Jeff said. “Remember, it was you who put your hand up to stay there for that long.”


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