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Seeing Stars

Page 10

by Rachel Burns

  “I know you’ll look good in a tux because I’ve seen you in one before.” I grinned at him, remembering the movie I had seen him in as he wore a tux.

  “Don’t change the subject,” he warned me.

  “But I’d so much rather talk to you about when we’re going to see each other again.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “Do you want to spend the night?” I asked. I wanted to sleep beside him again. I had woken up and stared at him. He was even beautiful when he slept, and I had finally found out that he wasn’t perfect. Keith snored. He wasn’t all that quiet about it either. That would take some getting used to.

  “I’d love to. Thank you for the invitation.” He grinned at me. He was horny again. I had successfully changed the topic.

  “I think we should shower before we go to bed. I stink of the campfire.” I stated.

  “I’ll join you,” he offered.

  “No, you won’t. My shower is in the tub. There’s no room. You can go first. I’ll check my mail to see what I missed while I was away this weekend.” I sat down at my computer and turned it on.

  “Thank you, baby.” He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the top of my forehead.

  I opened up my e-mail, and my jaw dropped. I’d been matched with a guy from the dating site. No, I thought. I’d forgotten all about it. I should have canceled it, but it never crossed my mind. The timing couldn’t have been worse.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Keith asked me.

  “Umm … yes, and no. I forgot all about that. After our first date, I signed up again, thinking that I would never hear from you again. I forgot to cancel it.”

  “After our first date. That doesn’t make any sense,” he stated.

  “I thought that you wouldn’t want to go out with me because I had acted like a crazy lady when I first met you. I was thrilled when you wrote back. I’ll explain to this guy that I’ve been matched up, and that this is a mistake.” As I scrolled, I saw that the guy had written me over twenty times this weekend.

  “How long have you been talking to this guy?” Keith asked me.

  “I’ve never written him. I just found out about him now.”

  Keith tapped me on my shoulder, wanting me to get up so he could sit down in front of my computer. I did because the guy was sort of spooking me.

  We read the e-mails, and each one got more aggressive. In the end, Keith forwarded them to the company and made it clear that the guy should be banned from the dating community. He also took the time to cancel my membership for me.

  I thanked him and felt embarrassed that I had done that.

  “I really did forget about it. I wasn’t trying to go behind your back,” I swore to him.

  “I know that, Sandy. But things like that scare me. I wish I could take you to Ireland with me. I hate leaving you with a guy like that on the loose.”

  “But he doesn’t know who I am.”

  “Why did you use your real e-mail address? I made up a new one especially for you. That would have been a lot safer. I’d like you to stop using this one.”

  “But I use it for everything. It would take me forever to redo everything,” I explained.

  “While I’m gone, it will keep you busy,” he told me strictly.

  I sighed frustrated with him.

  “Watch your tone,” he warned me.

  “I’m sorry. It was a mistake,” I apologized.

  “I told you that I understand. The computer was very clear when you were last online on their site.”

  “I just wanted to make that clear,” I repeated myself.

  “And it is.”

  “Good, because I didn’t want you accusing me of not thinking I was good enough for you again.”

  “We both know that you are,” he told me kindly.

  “I wouldn’t go that far, but I wanted you to know that I would never cheat on you. I know that I have a good thing with you. I’m lucky to have you.”

  He beamed at me. “I’m lucky to have you too.”

  “Well, I’m luckier than you are,” I corrected him.

  “I highly doubt that.” He was starting to look mad.

  “You could be engaged to a famous actress. Those are the circles you usually move in,” I pointed out.

  “I like spending time with real people,” he told me.

  “Exactly, I’m real people. You’re not.”

  “I am when I’m with you.” I could feel the tension in the air, and I was trying to think of something to say that would cool his temper, but I also wanted to make my point.

  “Between the two of us, you’re the real catch. You have so much to offer. I appreciate that.”

  He stepped closer to me. “I appreciate what you have to offer too.”

  “What do I have to offer? My body, that’s it. You have money, great looks, a nice apartment, a nice car that I’m assuming is paid off. You can travel the world, and you do. I’ve never even been to Disneyland. This would make so much more sense, if I were thinner, or smarter, or prettier, or richer.”

  “I like you the way you are. I thought I made that clear already.”

  “You aren’t listening to me. It hardly matters because we’re engaged now. It’s nice that you think so highly of me.” I hoped that my words would settle the fight.

  “I just wish that you would think highly of yourself too,” he complained.

  “Oh, Keith,” I protested, rolling my eyes.

  “No, no, baby. This isn’t a ‘Oh, Keith’ moment. It’s a ‘Oh, Daddy’ moment. You better call me that if you know what’s good for you,” he warned me.

  “But,” I tried to protest again.

  “Let me make this clear. Every moment just before you get a spanking is a daddy moment.”

  I gulped. He was going to spank me again. I should have seen this coming, but I was still in the debate phase.

  I opened my mouth to say something, but thought better of it and closed my mouth again.

  “We’re engaged now. That means I’m going to spank your bare bottom. Remove your jeans and panties and come over my knee.” He sat down on the sofa and pushed my coffee table away to make room for my spanking.

  A spanking again. I’d just gotten one yesterday. I wasn’t mentally prepared to get another one today, especially because he was leaving soon, and I wouldn’t see him at all in the next couple of months.

  He sat there, waiting for me to obey him.

  “I know you’re the type who likes to get things over with quickly, and I have to confess that so am I. It isn’t good for either of us to drag this out,” he pointed out.

  I shook my head.

  “Sandy, your daddy just gave you very clear instructions, and he doesn’t like to wait.” His face said don’t mess with me.

  “No, Keith, please. We can talk about this like normal people.”

  “We aren’t normal people. We’re engaged. That means we’re more than normal people. In our relationship, I’m the one responsible to see that you behave yourself and listen to me.”

  “Now it sounds as if you want blind obedience,” I told him, wanting him to back down even though I was certain that he wouldn’t.

  “I only expect blind obedience when you’re being punished,” he stated.

  “Why do I have to be punished at all?” I demanded to know.

  “Because I can’t allow you to put yourself down. How can you expect me to stand by and agree with you when you’re being cruel to someone I love and respect very much? No. That will never happen. I won’t be less of a man so you can be mean to yourself,” he snapped at me. “You make it sound as if it’s your right to be mean to someone as long as it’s you. I won’t tolerate it, Sandy. I won’t.”

  His face was starting to get red with anger, and I realized that I had made him good and mad. It would have been better for me if I had gone to him right away.

  The really stupid thing was that I remained standing where I was while I thought that through.

  He rose
to his feet and opened his belt and pulled it out. At first, I thought that he was getting undressed, but then I remembered what he’d said about me not listening to him and him having to use his belt if I did it again.

  “I’m sorry. I’m coming,” I told him, opening my jeans and pulling them down and my panties down as I tried to hurry. “Just not the belt.”

  He sat down and shook his head. “Why do you think that you’re the one in control here, and that you have the right to tell me how to punish you?”

  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I said, going to his side.

  “I hope you are. I know you will be by the time I’m through with you.” He was being so mean that it scared me. I started to cry.

  “Sandra Lynn Collins, come here,” he told me, sounding much kinder, but he used my full name. That was never good.

  I placed myself over his lap. Immediately, I felt his strong hands, taking hold of me and moving me the way he wanted me.

  It felt so weird being half-naked over his lap while he was fully dressed. Well, minus his belt.

  “I think I’ve said everything already. I made my point clear. Now I just have to drive it home.” That said, he started.

  It hurt. There was a huge difference to last night. I immediately longed to go back to a spanking through a pair of panties and jeans.

  “This hurts, this hurts,” I proclaimed.

  “That sort of the point, baby girl.”

  “Keith, it will never happen again. I swear it won’t. I learned my lesson.”

  “That’s exactly what you said last night, and here we are again twenty-four hours later. And call me daddy when I punish you,” he demanded.

  He continued to spank one cheek after the other as I squirmed around and tried to be still, but it was impossible. No one could be still for something like this. It burned hotter with each spank. I feet kicked up.

  I reached back with both hands and covered my hind cheeks like a child would. “Break, I need a break.”

  He stopped. “You don’t deserve a break, but I can see that you’re panicking. I’ll give you a minute to settle down. But Daddy won’t appreciate it if you misuse my kindness.”

  “I do appreciate it,” I told him, forcing myself to breathe calmer. It was hard to do. But he waited while I had a talk with myself, convincing myself that everything was going to be alright. I just had to get it over with, and then I’d never tell him what an idiot I was again. No matter how obvious it was.

  “Okay,” I whimpered, sounding like a lost puppy.

  “Good girl. You make Daddy very happy when you obey him,” he praised me.

  “I want you to be happy,” I told him before he could start.

  “I want the same thing for you. I know you’ll be happier when you aren’t constantly telling yourself that you aren’t good enough the way you are. Your negative self-talk has been allowed to go on for much too long.”

  I nodded at him, agreeing with him.

  He started to spank me again. This time I didn’t think about ways to get him to stop. Instead, I thought about all the years that I was alone, and I put myself down as I tried to explain to myself why I didn’t have a man who loved me.

  I had that now. Keith loved me very much, and he was right when he said that he would be less of a man if he silently stood beside me and let me bad mouth myself.

  I sobbed. Slowly, I stopped kicking and squirming. He was right to do this. This hadn’t been his first choice. He had tried to get me to stop, but I had refused. I kept going and going as if I had been trying to get him to agree with me. He would never see me as I saw me. He would never blame me and tell me that I wasn’t good enough. I was my own worst enemy.

  I relaxed over his knees, and he laid into me. The burn was terribly painful, but it felt good at the same time. He wasn’t giving up on me. He saw hope for me. That was why he was spanking me.

  It had been the same way when I was a kid. My parents spanked me so I could be a better, and less annoying person. That’s what he wanted for me too.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asked me, clearly puzzled by my reaction.

  “I’m fine. And I’m sorry, Daddy. I’ll try harder to behave. Thank you for calling me out on my poor behavior.”

  He was silent for a moment, probably trying to figure out if I was lying to him. I wasn’t. I truly felt thankful that he wanted to help me become a better person.

  “I need you to get up for the rest. I think it will be best if you stand up.”

  I stood up, and so did he. He grabbed hold of his belt and folded it. I knew that it was going to sting. I’d gotten it with the belt before. My father didn’t like to have to repeat himself either.

  Keith turned me so I was facing the sofa. “Put your hands down on the cushions and keep your ass nice and high. Don’t move. I don’t want to hit you anywhere other than the place God gave you to learn your lessons.”

  I did as he instructed me, but my legs started to shake, and I was leaning to the left as if I were trying to get away from him.

  The belt landed, and I gasped. Tears pricked my eyes, and I hadn’t breathed yet. Then I did. The next one landed in the meantime, and I started to cry like I did when I was a kid.

  “Just two more, baby,” he told me, in a reassuring voice. I could tell that this was hurting him too.

  I shook my head.

  “You can do it, baby. Obey me. If you don’t, Daddy will have to start over again. Neither of us want that.”

  I cried louder, and the belt landed again. My knees pushed forward, and I dipped down.

  “Sandy, one last one. Get back into position. You can do it. I know you can,” he encouraged me.

  I straightened up and shook like a leaf as I waited for the last biting blow.

  It landed, and the only thing I could think about was that it was over.

  I stood rubbing and pinching my blazing cheeks to relieve the burn.

  I turned around and looked at Keith. “I did it,” I proclaimed.

  “Yes, you did, baby.” He replaced his belt, and then he held his arms out to me for a hug. I rushed into his arms, needing a hug from him.

  He rocked me back and forth, telling me how much he loved me and how much it would hurt if he ever heard anyone talk that way about me.

  “I’ll work on myself. I can be better. I’ll practice while you’re gone and tell myself nice things about me.”

  “And I’ll call you every day to check up that you do exactly that. You can tell me the nice things you thought to say to yourself each day.”

  “I’d like that,” I confessed. He would be my best friend in those moments, my supportive best friend.

  “Show Daddy how red you are. I had to get you pretty good today, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did,” I agreed, turning around and lifting up the back of my blouse.

  He reached out and touched my rump and felt the heat coming off of it. “Don’t make Daddy do that again.”

  “I like it when you tell me that you’re my daddy,” I confessed.

  “I like saying it, but nothing is better than when you say it. It’s as if your words go directly to my cock and fill it with pounding blood. I have to have you when you do that,” he confessed.

  “Oh really, Daddy? That’s good to know, Daddy,” I teased him.

  He spun me around and gave me a sound kiss on my lips, and then he spun me away from him again. He marched me back to the sofa and pushed my upper body down so I was in the same position that I was in before.

  “I warned you,” he told me, slipping his fingers up and down along my slit. “You’re so wet for me. I get the feeling that you like to be spanked a little.”

  “Not really,” I told him. I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea, but the truth was that I had gotten wet during my spanking. My body had been so concentrated on what was happening to that area, and my sex was right there too. I couldn’t help it. It had happened naturally.

  Keith parted my ass cheeks and leaned in and gave me a k
iss between my legs. It was terribly dirty, but I loved it. Then I felt him driving into me. My body parted and accepted him. He drove into me hard, thrusting and grunting, and I knew that his face would look strained, but I also knew that he loved it. Making love to me was hard work, but he was up for the job.

  He reached around me and grabbed onto my hips. He fucked me as he held me in place, ramming himself into me faster with each thrust. I was moaning and babbling as I begged him to never stop.

  His balls would swing forward when he was deeply inside of me and slap against my hooded clit. It felt mind-blowing. I never wanted it to stop, but my body couldn’t take this much longer. He was fucking me harder than what he had spanked me.

  I grabbed onto the top of the sofa and held on for dear life.

  Then I saw stars, bursting in front of my eyes. I was coming for him.

  His hold on me tightened, and I felt him giving me his load. He held me in place so not a drop would be wasted.

  My legs shook, and I raised up on the tip of my toes as I called out his name over and over.

  When we settled down, he leaned forward and kissed my shoulder. “I’m going to miss you so much,” he confessed.

  “I miss you already,” I told him, meaning it.

  Chapter 25 ~ Sandy

  I woke up, feeling wonderful, then I realized that Keith was lying in bed beside me. He was lazily stroking his fingers over my clit.

  “Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well?”

  “I did. What time is it?” I asked him, hoping that I wasn’t late for work.

  “We have time. I set my watch so we would.”

  “Really?” I grinned at him. He certainly did like having sex with me.

  “Yes, this is important, so I made plans to squeeze it in.” He reached over and squeezed my breasts with his other hand while his other hand continued to drive me nuts.

  “I love how easily you get wet and ready for me,” he praised me.

  I dropped my voice to a whisper. “I like making love with you,” I confided in him.

  “I love it too, baby.” He leaned down and gave me several kisses, making me feel as if I were the most beautiful woman in the world. That was when it hit me. To him, I was. He loved me.


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