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Half A Prayer (The Tome of Bill Book 6)

Page 42

by Rick Gualtieri

  My thoughts trailed off as I looked through the cabinets in the little kitchen nook. Where was that bottle of vodka? More importantly, why was I putting even a modicum of effort into finding it? All so I could top off a concoction of orange juice and blood in the hopes that Sally would claim remembrance of something - anything that would give me hope?

  Of course I was.

  For the sake of our friendship alone I’d have done that and far more if it meant she remembered even a second of our past.

  “Getting awfully dry in here!” her voice carried from the room.

  Bitch! Yeah, I definitely had rocks in my head.

  Speaking of crazy concepts, though, I really had more pressing ones to focus on. The truth was, worrying about any potential relationship with either Sheila or Sally was a luxury I didn’t really have.

  The end of the world was nigh, but there was a good chance we wouldn’t even live long enough to see it. We’d been busy planning an assault on the Boston Prefecture - the heavily fortified former nerve center of vampire activity in the Northeastern United States. That in of itself was going to be tough enough, but it was just the tip of the fucking iceberg. Assuming we got in, we’d have to battle our way through an unknown number of vampires, zombies, and god-knows what else to reach our true target: Vehron the Destroyer - a nickname not earned due to his fondness for naval vessels.

  Well okay, that wasn’t entirely true, I considered as I found the bottle of Smirnoff Red in a cabinet above the sink. The whole part about him being a badass was, don’t get me wrong. The untruth was that my friends had actually been the ones planning things. I’d made myself scarce the past few days. Worry over Sally had been a part of it, but there had also been some planning of my own - considering a desperate course of action that I knew to be borderline insane.

  The others weren’t pleased at me, thinking I was blowing them off. I couldn’t blame them for that. After all, under any other circumstances that’s exactly what I would’ve been doing. Instead, I’d been deep in thought, mulling the possibility of...

  “I remember it all!”

  Sally’s cry brought me out of my reverie. Hope instantly filled me and I found myself actually taking a step toward the bedroom before stopping myself short. As much as I wanted to race to her side and confirm it to be true, deep down I knew I had to take care of one small bit of business first.

  * * *

  “What the fuck took you so long?” Sally asked, her tone betraying her irritation. “Were you out there playing with yourself? On second thought, don’t answer that.”

  “Sorry,” I replied, stepping into her room and closing the door behind me.

  “Didn’t you hear what I said?”

  “Of course I did.” I smiled and crossed over to the side of the bed where she was sitting. “Tell me everything.”

  “I’d be happy to, but first...” She trailed off and lifted a hand, palm up - the meaning clear.

  “Yes, Your Highness.” I handed her the now full glass. “Will there be anything else?”

  “I’m good, for now at least.”

  “Great. So what did you remember?”

  A smartass grin lit up her face. “Just that you were taking your sweet fucking time.”

  “Really?” I asked, through gritted teeth. “That’s it?”

  “Yeah, but you know how these things go. They take time. You need to have some patience.” She lifted the glass to her lips. “Being a little less gullible wouldn’t hurt either.”

  I stepped back as she took a sip. My timing was impeccable as the spot where I’d been standing just a moment earlier was immediately drenched in the spray that shot from her mouth.

  “What the fuck?!” she cried, wiping her lips.

  “I’d say I have the less gullible part down just fine, wouldn’t you?” I ducked just as her glass sailed at me - missing and shattering against the wall instead. A few drops splattered my shirt, but it was worth it. “Oops, did I accidentally grab the vinegar instead of the vodka? Silly me, I’m always making that mistake.”

  She was up in a flash, her eyes black and fangs descended. Normally, I’d have backed off - enjoying my little victory while I could. This time, though, I stood my ground, looking down at her despite knowing she wasn’t even remotely intimidated by my greater height.

  “Look at it this way,” I said, speaking quickly as I had a feeling I’d be eating a fist otherwise. “Obviously I’m well versed in your shit. If that doesn’t prove we know each other, I don’t know what does.” I’d barely finished the sentence, when I instinctively brought my hands down to block the knee that I knew would be incoming. “See?”

  I wasn’t sure what would happen next. Memories or not, Sally could be unpredictable in how she sometimes reacted. To my surprise and relief, though, a ghost of a smile appeared on her face. “I guess I have been milking it a bit.”

  I held up a hand, two of my fingers an inch apart. “Just a little.”

  All at once the volume of her voice dropped, along with any attitude that had been in it. “I want to remember, Bill. Really I do.”

  She blinked and her eyes turned back to their normal dazzling green. I looked into them and could sense the confusion, desperation, and false bravery radiating from within her.

  “I know and believe me when I say I will do whatever I can...”

  The door opened and Christy appeared. “Everything okay in here? I thought I heard something breaking.”

  “Sally just had an accident with her glass.”

  “Yeah,” she replied, turning away from me, her attitude back in force. “I accidentally missed his head with it.”

  * * *

  Christy stepped out into the living room where I stood waiting for her. She put her hands on her hips and looked at me disapprovingly. “Really? Do you have to start with her?”


  “Are you trying to tell me you didn’t?”


  “I thought so.” She turned to head back toward her bedroom.


  “What, Bill? I’m tired.” She had dark circles under her eyes that hinted at the exhaustion she was feeling. Mucking around in Sally’s head, trying to undo the compulsion put there by Alex - quite possibly the strongest vampire on the planet - was difficult enough. That she was doing so while heavily pregnant was obviously putting a strain on her that she really didn’t need.

  Sadly, if I had my way, it wasn’t going to get any easier for her.

  I’d been putting off this talk long enough, busy debating with myself the downsides of my considered endeavor. I knew deep down, though, that no matter how long I hemmed and hawed over things, there was only one logical conclusion. It was time to stop pretending I had a choice.

  The chances of Sally getting her memories back before we were forced to act were almost nil. Without her full facilities, she was at a disadvantage and we’d be heading north with enough of those as it was. It was time to add a few plusses to our column for a change - or so I hoped.

  I stepped across the room, away from the door to Sally’s room and beckoned Christy to follow - which she did with a sigh. “Listen, I’m sure this can wait until...”

  “How’s it going with her?” I asked in a whisper, hopefully low enough so prying ears couldn’t hear me.

  “You already know how it’s going. You were just in there. We’re uncovering bits and pieces, but it’s one big jigsaw puzzle.”

  “You’re making progress, though, right?”

  Seeing that I wasn’t backing down, she nodded and lowered her voice to match mine. “Yes. It’s slow, but little by little I’m making headway.”

  “So you know what you’re doing in there?” I raised a finger and pointed it to my temple.

  “That vampire did a job on her, but I’m no slouch when it comes to mind magic. But you know this already. I’ve told you as much.”

  “You’re right. Just double

  “Is that why we’re whispering?”

  “Not quite.” I stepped closer to her, my next words barely audible. “Could you do it to me?”


  “Could you go inside my mind and do the same thing?”

  “In theory, but you’re not missing any memories so why would we even...”

  “You’re wrong,” I replied, taking a deep breath. Oh well, in for a penny. “I’m missing three months of my life. That doesn’t even count a big fight up in Canada and a battle with a bunch of Mongolian assassins, all of which are a blank for me.”

  For a moment she looked confused, but then her eyes opened wide with understanding. “What are you asking me to do?”

  “We’re in a bad spot right now. We have the Draculas threatening us with their bullshit death sentence. We try to run and they’ll find us. The way forward might be even worse. There’s Vehron, all the vamps he’s swayed to his side, the Jahabich, and then there’s all that business with the White Mo...”

  She grabbed my arm, her grip surprisingly strong. “Don’t say it.”

  “Sorry, but it’s another that I’m willing to bet won’t be in our favor.” She nodded sadly and I went on. “We have a lot stacked against us and the hand we’re holding isn’t as strong as we’re trying to fool ourselves it is.”

  “So you think you...he could...”

  “Let me finish. We both know there’s power inside of me, a lot of it. I don’t know if it’s enough to even the odds, but I’d be willing to bet it would go a long way toward doing so.”

  “But he’s a killer...a monster.”

  “I know and that’s why I need you. I want to go deep inside of myself and wake up Dr. Death, but not in the way he wants me to. I need your help to lobotomize him, or whatever the fuck is the closest analogy. He’s too much of a loose cannon otherwise.

  I looked her deep in the eye. She was once my enemy, but she’d since become my ally - my friend. Now I needed her to go beyond even that. It was asking a lot for something that I wasn’t even sure was possible. I had to try, though.

  “We need his power, but I want you to ensure that I’m in control this time.”

  * * *

  The Wicked Dead

  Available in ebook, paperback, and audiobook.

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  Author’s Note

  Whoever penned the phrase no rest for the wicked was right on the money. I find myself sitting here, mere weeks before the release of this book, wondering where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday I’d released book five and was settling down to relax. Fast forward about ten minutes later and I was back at my computer, unable to get Bill Ryder or his friends out of my head. This is one of those stories that just poured out, almost as if I’d cracked open my skull and rammed a spigot into the opening - albeit slightly less painful.

  Of course there’s a vast difference between an inspired first draft and the final story you see before you. My first drafts have a roughness akin to chopping down a tree, running a piece of sandpaper across its length, and declaring it fine furniture. The actual art of polishing is what takes time and patience - working closely with my wonderful team of contributors. If you missed them, be sure to go back to the beginning of this book where they’re all listed. Each of them deserves a round of applause for the effort - not to mention their patience in dealing with me. It is my sincerest hope that it was all well worth the wait.

  I know it was for me. Though this book delves into dark places for our hero at times, I never once felt it. I had a grand time following Bill on his adventures and an even better time when it became apparent that nearly all of his “friends” would be making an appearance in this one. Some of these characters - I’m looking at you, Gansetseg - are such that I’ll often get yelled at because I’ll be typing away, fully immersed in their character, not realizing I’m cackling with glee like a madman.

  I can only hope some of that joy has translated to the pages you have just read and, subsequently, to you, dear reader. If so, then this journey has been well worth the effort.

  Until next time...

  Rick G.

  About the Author

  Rick Gualtieri lives alone in central New Jersey with only his wife, three kids, and countless pets to both keep him company and constantly plot against him. When he’s not busy monkey-clicking words, he can typically be found jealously guarding his collection of vintage Transformers from all who would seek to defile them.

  Defilers beware!

  Rick Gualtieri is the author of:

  Bill the Vampire (The Tome of Bill - 1)

  Night Stalker: A Tome of Bill Series Companion

  Scary Dead Things (The Tome of Bill - 2)

  The Mourning Woods (The Tome of Bill - 3)

  Holier Than Thou (The Tome of Bill - 4)

  Sunset Strip: A Tome of Bill Series Companion

  Goddamned Freaky Monsters (The Tome of Bill - 5)

  Half A Prayer (The Tome of Bill - 6)

  The Wicked Dead (The Tome of Bill - 7)

  Shining Fury: A Tome of Bill Series Companion

  The Last Coven (The Tome of Bill - 8)

  The Tome of Bill Series: Volume One

  Bigfoot Hunters

  The Poptart Manifesto




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