Hunting Jessica
Page 16
“When Jay explained, what happened and where he was going, I didn’t ask any questions,” she explained. “I had to come check on you, but I can see you are just fine,” she said and looked over at Rayce.
“Hey, Marie,” he said. “Now, give me food,” he growled deeply, making us all laugh.
My pain pill had finally kicked in. I gathered plates for all of us from the cabinet and set them on the table.
My first bite of chicken had me salivating. I hadn’t had Chinese in so long. It was wonderful. I sighed happily as I chewed. I opened my eyes and everyone was watching me. “What?”
“Hungry?” Marie asked.
“I haven’t eaten in two days,” I confessed.
“And why not?” she asked.
I shrugged my shoulders, “I guess I was too busy trying not to die,” I said and shoved another piece of chicken into my mouth. Marie about died with laughter. The guys didn’t find it funny at all.
“Stop staring at me,” I grumbled. “Everyone eat.”
I thought about mine and Rayce’ conversation for a good ten minutes while everyone else ate.
“Tell me about the hunt.”
Jay stopped chewing for a moment. His eyes landed on Rayce first and then me. I waited for him to swallow and speak. He finally did and took a drink of his beer before speaking.
“The hunt is the hunt for vampire blood,” he stated.
“I get that part, but tell me about it exactly,” I said.
“Those who get hooked feel the need to hunt all the time. It will take over their life. Gage and Jade are two of those who are hooked,” he explained.
I chewed my food slowly trying to think about the next thing I was going to say. “Have you ever drunk it?”
Jay picked at his food but didn’t look at me. I could see he was embarrassed, or even ashamed. “Jessica, I’m not going to pretend I haven’t. The only one who hasn’t and won’t touch it is Rayce.”
“Really,” Rayce nodded and winked. I loved it when he did that. It gave me tremors every time. “So, why did you stop?”
“I quit the blood when I realized I didn’t like the person I was with it.”
“He was a real dick,” Rayce cackled as he ate.
“No,” I said. I couldn’t believe Jay being a jerk.
“I wasn’t the nicest person when I couldn’t get it.”
“So, you quit. Cold turkey?”
“Honestly, the night I found you, I had been clean for a week, but I was out hunting for it.”
“Dude,” Rayce announced. “Seriously?”
“It was a moment of weakness, but then I found Jessica,” Jay smiled. “Thanks to you, Jessica. I stayed on the wagon and have been clean of the blood for the past three years.”
“I was hunting that vampire, Jessica. I was going to drain her dry, but then I saw you, I stopped. I couldn’t exactly kill the vampire and drink from her in front of you. Your very presence stopped me.”
“Wow. Well, you’re welcome…I guess,” I said. I looked at Rayce. “Why don’t you drink it?”
It was Jay who answered for him, “Jessica, you are digging into information we really don’t like to speak about.”
“I don’t care. I want to know.”
“It’s your choice, dude,” he said to Rayce.
“I choose not to take any of them into my body. For someone like me, I have to keep a clear head at all times,” Rayce said.
“I don’t understand. What does that mean?”
“Jessica,” Marie said my name to gain my attention. I tore my eyes away from Rayce and looked at her. “Rayce has to stay focused at all times. He has to be able to watch over everyone and have the ability to make important decisions if needed.”
“This is so frustrating. Why don’t you just spit it out?”
“Gage is not the true pack master,” Jay said.
“Ok. Who is? Rayce?”
“Yes,” Marie replied with a smile.
“If you’re the one who is supposed to be in charge, then why did you give Gage the job?”
Rayce lit a cigarette and took a long drag. “You have to understand, when I was given the job of pack master, I was not even close to taking the responsibility. I was only sixteen. Gage is the oldest and he wanted the job, so I gave it to him,” he explained.
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
Jay cleared his throat and sat back in his chair. “Let’s talk about that another time. I need a drink.” He stood from his chair and fished a beer out of the fridge.
I spun around in my chair and looked at him, “Does vampire blood keep you young?”
He stopped drinking and looked at me with his eyes bulging out of his head, “Why do you ask that?”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “Gage would never let me in on how old he was. I guess I’m curious.”
“It does,” he confessed.
“So, how old are you?”
Jay took a drink of his beer and answered without looking at me, “I’m forty-six years old.”
I was choking, “Please tell me you’re kidding.”
“What’s wrong?” Marie asked.
“You don’t look that old, Jay.”
He smiled, “Thanks.”
“I can’t believe it,” I sighed and shivered as I thought about it. “I was sleeping with an old man.”
“Thanks. I didn’t need that visual,” Rayce said and pushed his food away.
“Oh, come on, Rayce. Grow up,” Marie said with a roll of her eyes. “Jessica, Jay is twenty years older than I am. Don’t feel bad about it.”
Bile arose in my throat. The thought of being with a fifty-year old man grossed me out. I looked next to me at Rayce. Studying his face for signs of age, I didn’t see any. They said he didn’t drink blood but I couldn’t help but look. He really did have an attractive face and his chocolate eyes danced across my face as if he were giving me a good study as well. I knew if I looked into them any longer I would be lost to the discussion.
His voice was like smooth sexy silk, “I’m thirty-two years old and that’s all. Like I said, I won’t touch the blood,” he said with a smile.
“Good thing.”
“I never thought you would have a thing for old men, Jessica,” Marie teased.
I pointed and smiled at her, “You hush.”
I was really enjoying myself with my friends. I couldn’t believe I had been living a sheltered life to the point I hadn’t had any real company in so long. I thought my life was ordinary. Now, it’s a huge emotional rollercoaster. I never thought I would be relaxing with supernaturals.
Jay still accepted me and assured I still had a job when I was ready to come back. That gave me a feeling of fulfillment. I was still needed and wanted. No matter if I were only a human. Even if I didn’t have magical powers, they accepted me as one of the family. I felt privileged to know about their world and the truth.
A few hours later, I treated my friends to pizza. Rayce and Marie went to the store for more beer and I allowed myself to let loose. It felt so good and I wasn’t sure if it were due to the beer, or the company, but I felt so much better and had no pain. I was relaxed. I was never much of drinker, so after four beers, I was hammered. I didn’t allow myself to think about Gage and what he did to me in this very kitchen. I didn’t worry that he would show up unannounced. I was sure seeing all the lights on and the vehicles detoured his advances.
Fun was the only thing on my mind. We played a game of Monopoly and listened to music a little louder than usual. When we ran out of beer, I had Rayce fish out a Christmas gift I had stashed for a rainy day.
“My brother gave me this a couple years ago,” I said as I cracked open the new bottle of tequila. “I don’t know what Patron tastes like but it’s supposed to be good.”
“Your brother has good taste,” Rayce stated and smelled the contents of the bottle. �
��Shot glasses?”
“Umm. I don’t have any but we can use these,” I said excitedly and pulled down two short juice glasses from the cabinet.
“Perfect,” he stated happily and poured us each a shot.
“Cheers,” I said and tossed it back. It burned like hell going down but I liked it. “Another,” I choked a little.
“You sure you can handle it?”
“You have no idea what this body can handle,” I teased.
“I would like to experience that for myself,” he said deeply.
“I bet you would,” I said and gulped down another shot. “I’m dizzy. Come sit.”
I sat down in my chair and Rayce pulled his chair up behind mine. I leaned back into his chest as we watched Jay and Marie practically dirty dancing in my kitchen. They were a sexy couple. Jay had his hand on her ass and pulled her close to his hip while kissing her neck.
“Get a room,” Rayce called and laughed into my neck. He was wasted but I welcomed the contact.
“Do you have one?” Jay asked excitedly.
“Upstairs,” I giggled. Marie squealed as he lifted her up onto his shoulder and carried her up the stairs. “Go to the left,” I called.
Rayce had his arms wrapped around me as we swayed in our chairs to the music playing. His face was in my hair as he whispered some of the lyrics to the country song. I placed my hands on the top of his and relaxed into his chest.
The feeling was amazing. I could feel his muscles flexing against my back. His scorching heat burned through my shirt, as his hot breath blew into my ear as he sang to me. This tiny act of tenderness made me smile, but I craved more.
“You are a goddess,” he whispered and softly kissed my ear. That made me smile and it gave me a tingle of excitement. Marie was right about Rayce and his big mouth when he drank.
Without thinking, I reached back and put my hand on the back of his head to pull him closer. I was tired of thinking. I wasn’t sure where this would lead but I had a pretty good idea. His lips dropped to my clavicle and I shivered to his soft touch. His hands gripped my hips tightly as he did this. Goosebumps arose against my heated skin as his tongue snaked out against my skin.
“Rayce, don’t stop,” I whispered.
He slipped his hands slowly under my shirt and pinched my nipples with his thumbs and forefingers. “Is this alright?”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Shut up, already,” I sighed and pushed my ass back to meet him. His cock was hard already. He stopped touching me and pulled away from me. I couldn’t feel his body behind me anymore. “Did I say something wrong?” He was standing with glowing eyes. I stood up slowly as his wild eyes raked over me. Desire pooled between my thighs. I grabbed him by his polo shirt and pulled him to me. He shoved the chairs out of the way and grabbed me around the waist.
Finally, his lips met mine. I opened my mouth and our tongues mingled together in a passionate blaze. His breath was so soft, hot, and tasted of tequila. I let my hands move up to his head and I pulled him closer. I broke out of the kiss, “Touch me, Rayce,” I panted against his mouth.
My blood was hot and I wanted more. He cupped my breasts in both hands and caressed my nipples, sending jolts of desire down between my thighs. I wrapped one of my legs around his and pulled his mouth to mine again. With one hand, he gripped my ass and gave it a squeeze as he lifted me and placed me on to the kitchen counter top.
I pulled him closer so I could feel him press against me. He thrust his hips and rubbed himself against me. “Mm,” he groaned deeply.
“Harder,” I said as I pulled his shirt up out of his jeans. I had to touch him too. When I finally made contact with his skin, I could feel something that resembled scars against his ribs and back. I didn’t care. I needed to feel him.
His chest was perfect with just enough hair. I traced the hair all the way down his stomach and found the button of his jeans. With our lips locked, I grabbed the button but he grabbed my hands, stopping me.
“What’s wrong?”
“Jessica,” he whispered my name.
He was hesitating. I slowly took his adorable face between my hands and kissed him again. I lingered my tongue against his lips slowly before nipping at his bottom lip. He growled softly at the sensation. My core was pulsating for his touch. I was already dripping wet from the friction of his hips. I kissed along his jaw and then took his earlobe in my mouth. “I want you inside me,” I whispered.
He slowly lifted my arms up to his shoulders and I locked them around his neck. He groaned deeply into my neck and lifted me into his arms. He took the stairs two at a time. He didn’t even bother turning on the light and placed me on the bed. My body was a raging inferno as he looked at me with his glowing eyes. “Come here,” I said. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down on top of me.
I tried to unbutton my jeans but he stopped me. He pulled out of our kiss and lowered his lips to my stomach and lower to my navel. I was snaking all over the bed as he teased me with his tongue and lips.
I took his face between my hands, pulled him up to mine, and kissed him deeply. I loved kissing this man. Our mouths fit together perfectly. I couldn’t wait to discover the perfection of our bodies. I slipped my hand down between us and took him in my hand the best I could through his jeans. His breathing was ragged as I tried to stroke him. I wanted to feel the soft skin of his cock. My craving to taste him on my tongue was like a thirst I had never experienced before. I needed him.
“I want your cock in my mouth, Rayce. Give it to me,” I begged.
He quickly thrust his hand down into my sweats. His fingers parted my labia and began to finger my clit. “So wet,” he whispered against my mouth and kissed me again. I bucked my hips against his hand but I could not and would not find ecstasy without him. “Take your pants off, babe.”
Those damn sweats made it on the floor faster than the speed of light. He stood up next to the bed, facing me, grabbed ahold of my legs, and pulled me to the edge. I was breathless by the quick movement. He pulled off his shirt and I could see what I was feeling all over his body. He was covered in long scars. He removed his jeans and stood before me. I marveled over his ripped body. He looked as if he were chiseled out of stone. His hard-abdominal muscles flexed as he watched me.
I sat up on one elbow and reached my hand between my shaking thighs. I dipped my fingers inside my pussy and out again in order to massage my clit. Swollen and stimulated, I released a soft moan against my own touch. My fingers were bringing me to the brink. I could see his breathing was deep and slow as he watched me play with myself. With my other hand, I twisted my nipples hard. I inserted one finger into my pussy and stroked my own need as he watched me. It turned me on even more.
“Don’t stop,” he growled and began to stroke his cock through his boxers. “Come for me, babe.”
I plunged two fingers inside and worked my hand faster. “I’m coming, Rayce,” I screamed. I tossed my head back with a spectacular orgasm as I tightened around my fingers. I pulled my wet fingers out and tickled my still swollen clit even more.
I watched his hand as he gave himself pleasure and I couldn’t handle it any longer. I got to my knees quickly and began to kiss and lick every ripple of his stomach. As I moved lower, I pulled at the cotton fabric down his hips. His cock sprung free in front of my mouth. I began to drool with need. “Holy hell,” I said swallowing hard.
He laughed slightly while stroking my hair gently. His cock was huge. I wouldn’t be able to fit him into my mouth but I was going to do my best. My legs quivered at the thought of fitting him inside me. I touched myself and wet my hand with my own juices. I gripped his shaft gently in my hand and he released a groan as I stroked him. That small noise made me grow even wetter with anticipation for him. I sucked the tender head into my mouth, tasting my own juices and circled it with my tongue. I could feel him fighting to thrust into my mouth. He tasted so good, I could not get enough of him. He was lik
e melted caramel against my tongue and I wanted more. His intimate manly scent drove me forward and I intended to take it all. He thrust a little and I swallowed more, holding back a gag. I looked up at him. “I want you inside me,” I purred.
He stepped closer and I fell back onto the bed with a bounce. He touched my pussy, gently teasing my opening. His finger slid inside and I pulsed around it.
“Fuck me. You’re so wet,” he growled.
“You make me that way,” I whispered.
He rested his hips on mine but didn’t enter me. I was honestly a little afraid. He could feel the tension in my body. He moved his hips against mine, gliding against me. Every time his swollen head touched my clit, I moaned. He sucked one of my nipples into his mouth to stimulate me more. I couldn’t figure out if I was in heaven or hell, but I didn’t care.
He was teasing me and it was amazing. His tongue licked from my nipple all the way up to my ear. He sucked my earlobe and bit down the instant he entered me. I was breathless, he filled me completely. I wrapped myself around him and he thrust inside me again.
I moaned softly and he thrust again. My entire body was tingling with pleasure. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into him hard. I was like a ragdoll in his strong arms. I wanted to ride him. I pushed him onto his back and this excited him. I straddled him and impaled myself with his massive shaft. I let out a pleasurable moan. It felt so damn good as I rocked my hips against him. He watched me for only a moment before gripping my hips and rocked me harder and faster. Tears pooled in my eyes as the pleasure engulfed me.
“You feel so good, babe,” he said.
I leaned forward and kissed him and I could hear myself getting loud as pleasure washed over me. That seemed fine with him. He lifted me off him.
“Rayce, please don’t stop,” I begged.
He positioned me on my knees and climbed behind me. “Don’t worry, babe. I don’t plan on it yet.” He teased me a little with the head of him, only entering me a little, but never fully. I was getting impatient. I pushed my rear back and he thrust inside me again, pounding me hard. I put my hand between my thighs and fingered my clit as he fucked me.