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The Two Towers

Page 29

by Jamie A. Waters

  Alec took her elbow and turned her toward him. She looked away, unwilling to meet his eyes.

  “There's nothing to be ashamed of,” he said in a low voice.

  She didn't reply, pressing her finger to her lips, thinking about the kiss they shared. Was it shame? Maybe, in part. After all, she'd practically thrown herself at Alec – again. It wasn't fair to either Alec or Carl. But she was more confused than anything else. It seemed the more confused she became, the more she wanted to retreat. Running off and forming her own camp was still looking like an attractive alternative.

  Carl and Cruncher emerged from the safe room, the door sliding shut behind them. She didn't want to deal with another altercation. She looked up and her eyes locked with Carl's. He hesitated for a moment and she thought he'd come over to her as Alec had. Instead, he turned to the table and had a seat with the rest of the crew. Her mouth curved in a small smile. They may not share a connection, but he always seemed to know what she needed and she loved him for it.

  Love? She paused, testing the word out in her head and it felt…right. She didn't need an energy bond with him to know how she felt about him. She loved him.

  Before she could assess her feelings further, the door chimed and silenced all of the conversations in the room. Seara looked at Alec in alarm. He shook his head. “I don’t know, Seara. My guess is my father.”

  Alec reached out to Kayla with his thoughts. “I’ll protect you as best I can.”

  Kayla nodded at him. Seara went to the door, nervously twisting the bracelet around her wrist. She reappeared a moment later with Edwin, Director Borshin, and Cessel.

  Edwin looked around at Carl’s crew with disapproval. “Seara, your choice of company is proving rather questionable.”

  Seara lifted her chin and gestured to the crew with a regal sweep of her hand. “These are my daughter’s friends, Edwin. They are welcome here as long as they’d like. That is, unless the High Council plans on interfering in more of my personal matters.”

  Edwin’s mouth twitched slightly. “I understand your daughter has agreed to cooperate with us. I’ve brought Cessel to administer a blood test to determine if she’s stable enough to have the bracelet equipped.”

  Cessel stepped forward, his movements stiff and wary. “My apologies, Mistress Rath’Varein. This will only take a moment.”

  “Go ahead,” Alec instructed her. “Whatever happens, follow my lead. If we’re lucky, your system won’t be stable enough for the bracelet yet. Otherwise, I’ll need you to play along with me.”

  Kayla stepped forward, masking her apprehension, and pressed her thumb against the testing device. A moment later, the monitor beeped. Cessel looked down at the display. “She’s stable. We can fit her for the bracelet now.”

  “Excellent,” Edwin declared, rubbing his hands together. “Kayla, you’ll need to go with Cessel and Director Borshin. It shouldn’t take more than an hour.”

  Kayla's gaze darted to Alec, seeking guidance. He didn't look at her, his focus on his father. “I demand my right to appeal this decision before the High Council.”

  Edwin looked mildly surprised at his son’s objection. “On what grounds?”

  “It’s my intent to claim this woman,” he declared in a formal voice. “I have been given an exemption from wearing the bracelet due to the nature of my talents. Any claim on her could be compromised if she wears the device.”

  Seara muffled a gasp at the announcement.

  Edwin’s eyes narrowed and he demanded, “Just what sort of game are you playing, Alec?”

  Alec regarded his father and moved to stand beside Kayla. He linked his arm with hers, a show of solidarity. “There is no game. She has asked me to claim her twice now. The claim has not yet been completed, but it is my intention to do so.”

  Edwin perused Kayla slowly as though assessing the validity of Alec's words. She leaned closer to Alec, hoping he knew what he was doing. “Very well. The High Council is meeting in an hour to discuss the final trader bid this evening. You may present your argument then.”

  She felt Alec tense beside her and he shook his head. “That is insufficient. I require additional time to properly prepare for an appeal.”

  Edwin regarded his son in annoyance, his patience clearly at an end. “Your request is denied. You have one hour. If the High Council does not grant your appeal, I will see her outfitted with the bracelet by the end of the day.”

  Edwin motioned for Director Borshin and Cessel to follow him and headed for the door. When they had left, Kayla asked, “What’s this about an appeal?”

  Alec sighed and took Kayla’s hand. He led her back to the safe room so he could explain without worrying about their conversation being monitored. Seara, Carl, and Veridian followed them.

  When the safe room door closed and security had been enabled, he said, “I was trying to buy us some time. We aren’t in a position where we can directly challenge the High Council. There’s no way we can safely deactivate the rest of the bracelets.”

  “Okay. So I just go in there, tell them I want you to claim me, and they drop this crazy bracelet nonsense? That sounds easy enough.”

  “I’m afraid not. They’ll ask several questions and you won’t be able to lie to them. They have security features set up in the room that can detect if you’re lying. The safest approach is to give them as little information as possible while remaining honest.”

  Seara looked at Kayla and added, “That’s not all. By doing this, you’re formally announcing your intention to allow Alec to claim you. It’s essentially like an engagement, only more intricate.”

  The testosterone level in the room shot up. The look in Carl's eyes was murderous. “Engaged? Why not help us get her out of the towers?”

  “I know my father. He’ll throw every last resource into hunting her down. He got a taste of what Kayla is capable of doing and he wants it for himself. I’ll do whatever is necessary to keep Kayla from wearing the bracelet.”

  Seara frowned. “As much as I hate to admit it, Alec is right. Edwin’s fixated on Kayla. He’s not going to let up. As it is, there’s a good chance he’ll push for this appeal to be denied.”

  “Well, shit,” Kayla muttered. This whole situation kept getting better and better.

  Alec turned to look at her and said quietly, “Kayla, I’m not trying to force you into anything. If there were another option, I would do it. But we’re running out of time.”

  Kayla nodded, her gaze falling on Carl. The hurt and frustration in his eyes wounded her but she didn't see any alternatives. Even if she ran, the backlash could affect Carl and everyone in his camp. She couldn't let that happen. They'd put everything on the line for her, risking themselves and their livelihood, to rescue her from the towers. At least if she did this, she could protect them from that.

  “Do you mind if I have a minute alone with Carl?”

  Alec inclined his head. “Very well. I’ll be in the living area. We’ll need to leave soon if we’re going to do this though.”

  When they were gone, Kayla turned to face Carl. He put his arms around her and drew her close, pressing his forehead against hers. She clung to him, relishing in the security his arms offered. “This doesn’t change the way I feel about you, Carl. I’m just doing this to save my ass.”

  “I know.” His voice was hoarse as though the words pained him.

  “I told you before that I never told Pretz I loved him,” she admitted, touching Carl's face with her fingertips. She wished she could stay in his arms forever. “I don’t want to make the same mistake again.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Her eyes softened as she looked up at him. It was time to let go of the past and consciously reach toward a future. No matter what happened, she wanted that future to be with Carl. He'd been her anchor, grounding her when she needed a reality check, protecting her when her impulsiveness got her into trouble, and forcing her to consider possibilities she'd tried to ignore.

  He wasn't perfect.
Far from it. He was cocky, arrogant, and probably one of the most devious people she'd ever met. But he'd also touched her in a way she never thought possible. She might go through with this plan of Alec's but she wouldn't do it without telling Carl how much he meant to her. Gathering her courage, she poured everything she felt into three little words.

  “I love you.”

  He froze, and then his arms tightened around her. “As I love you, Kayla.”

  Her heart fluttered and he bent his head, capturing her lips with his own. She felt herself get lost in his kiss and the tenderness of his touch. On some level she recognized she wouldn’t be able to share the same sort of connection with him that she did with Alec, but she didn’t care. Right now, this is what she wanted and the energy stuff could go to hell.

  He ended the kiss with a look of regret. “You should probably go. You need to arrive with Alec. I’ll bring Veridian, Xantham, and Cruncher with me to the meeting. We can talk more when we get back.”

  She ran her fingers lightly across his chest. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  He let her go and they went back into the living area. Alec looked up when they entered. “You’re ready?”

  When Kayla nodded, Seara stood up. “I’m going with you too. As your mother, it’s my right to be present during the appeal.”

  “All right,” Kayla agreed. She gave Carl one last look before Alec led her to the door. Once they were outside, Alec took her hand in his while Seara followed behind them. She could sense Alec’s irritation and realized he knew what happened in the safe room. He was trying to dampen his emotions so she wouldn’t pick up on them. She bit her lip, wishing there was a way to ease his hurt.

  Alec squeezed her hand and thought toward her, “It’s all right, Kayla. I understand.”

  He led her toward the priority elevator and they stepped inside. Alec keyed in the code to give them access to the top of the towers and explained, “The High Council meeting hall is on the top level. It’s above where we had dinner when you first arrived.”

  Kayla took a deep breath when the elevator door slid open. Several people stood in the hall watching their approach with interest. Alec ignored them and led her to the large double doors of the meeting hall.

  It was a large room with a broad semicircle-shaped table serving as the main focal point at the head of the room. Numerous rows of seating were set up facing the table. Several seats were already occupied.

  Alec walked down the carpet toward the table with Kayla on his arm and turned down the row closest to the front of the room. This area was roped off and he pressed his thumb against a small panel. The rope retracted and the three of them stepped through and sat down.

  “The hall is open to the public during trader bids. The High Council will listen to the trader bids first and then we’ll be called up to appeal. Only the High Council and Inner Circle members will be present during our testimony. Be honest, say as little as possible, and we’ll get through this. I won’t leave your side.”

  Kayla nodded, resisting the urge not to squirm in her seat. A chime sounded and people began filing inside the room. She glanced around, realizing she was sitting in some sort of priority area. The general population and many other Inner Circle members sat behind her. Her back straightened and she shifted a bit closer to Alec, feeling the weight of several curious stares on her.

  After several minutes, the High Council entered the room and took their seats at the table in the front. Four of the chairs remained empty and she silently asked Alec about it.

  “The High Council hasn't been full in years. Only certain lineages are permitted a place in the High Council. They accept one person from each family and it’s usually a lifetime commitment.”

  She studied each of the members of the Council. Each one carried himself with an air of authority but most were much older than Alec and closer to Edwin's age. It was difficult to imagine him sitting up there. “Carl said you’re next in line for the High Council. How is that possible if your father is already on the Council?”

  “My mother was the last of her family’s line. She was killed in the ruins with your father. With the shortage of High Council members, they’re planning on appointing me to the Council as a representative of her family’s line within a few weeks.”

  Kayla was distracted when Edwin stood to address the room. He welcomed everyone and introduced each of the High Council members and explained the final trader bidding process. The two traders would receive fifteen minutes to state their case and qualifications before engaging in a brief question and answer session. Based on their responses, the High Council would make a determination and announce their final decision that evening.

  “This is just a formality,” Alec explained. “They’ve already made their decisions.”

  Milo stepped up to the podium first. Kayla resisted rolling her eyes as he detailed his qualifications and expertise. There was no question about his intelligence. She just doubted he possessed the skills to handle living on the surface.

  When the question and answer session began, Kayla sighed when he stumbled awkwardly through the questions. Based on the reactions of the other council members, Kayla figured it was pretty safe to guess Rand had this nailed.

  After Milo stepped off the platform, Rand took his place. Kayla leaned forward intently, curious to hear what he had to say. He rattled off his qualifications and experience, and then the High Council began interviewing him.

  Kayla recognized Keith from dinner the night before as one of the High Council members conducting the questions. “There’s been a question recently introduced about whether formal training in our pre-war history is relevant to the trader position. What are your thoughts on this matter?”

  Rand paused for a moment before answering. “It is, but only to a degree. Studying history gives us a strong foundation regarding our past, but more importantly, it gives us a better understanding of human nature. I recently had the honor of meeting someone who used to live in one of the surface camps. She shared some of her experiences with me. It quickly became apparent that some skill in social engineering, diplomacy as well as formal training in core subjects, is necessary to succeed in this appointment. Only with these skills will we be able to bridge the rift between the traders and the surface camps so everyone benefits.”

  “And do you believe you have these skills?”

  Rand smiled and winked at Kayla in the audience. “I do. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be standing here before you at this moment.”

  Kayla bit back a smile. One of the other council members asked a general question and Rand neatly responded. She watched while he replied confidently to the remainder of the questions before stepping off the platform.

  Edwin announced, “Thank you for your responses. We’ll confer with one another and the official announcement of the trader appointment will be made this evening.”

  He paused, his eyes resting on Alec and Kayla as he said in a loud voice, “The next order of business involves an appeal of the issuance of a security bracelet to an Inner Circle member. Will the appellants please step forward?”

  Kayla's heart pounded. Alec held out his arm for her and they walked to the front of the room. She noticed the whispers and shocked looks when the audience recognized them. They stepped up on the podium and Kayla felt a trickle of energy around them. She realized this was what Alec meant by not being able to lie. They had somehow erected some sort of truth barrier.

  Edwin leaned forward. “Please go ahead with your argument when you’re ready.”

  Alec’s gaze swept the room before formally addressing the High Council. “My name is Master Alec Veritan, member of the Inner Circle, and applicant to the High Council. The woman beside me is Mistress Kayla Rath’Varein, member of the Inner Circle, and daughter of Andrei Rath’Varein, former leader of the High Council.”

  He paused for a moment, aware he commanded the attention of everyone in the room. “In support of our endeavors to acquire additional resources, many Inner C
ircle members are wearing bracelets to pool their combined energy. Due to the nature of my talents, it was previously determined by the High Council that I should be exempt from participation in this energy pool.”

  Many members of the High Council nodded in agreement. Alec continued, “I formally declare that it is my intention to claim Mistress Kayla Rath’Varein as my wife and partner. As such, I ask that she also be exempt from this request.”

  Many people in the audience gasped at this news. Kayla could see the shocked expressions of many of the High Council members. Wife? Oh, shit. Seara wasn’t kidding.

  The reality of the words made her want to bolt. As though sensing her panic, Alec gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

  Keith rapped the desk to bring everyone's attention back to him. “She didn’t grow up learning our ways. Does she even understand what this means?”

  “She does,” Alec replied confidently. “I have explained it to her. Her mother, Mistress Seara Rath’Varein, has also explained it to her.”

  Marcus, Celeste’s father, and the other dinner companion from the evening before, asked, “You haven’t known her more than a few days. How can you be sure you’re compatible?”

  Alec smiled at the question. “When Kayla was born, it was our parent’s intention we eventually marry and the Rath’Varein and Veritan families merge together. As far as compatibility is concerned, we have already determined our energy levels are highly compatible. A bond has already been formed. It just has not yet been completed.”

  Several of the council members looked shocked by this news and Edwin leaned forward and demanded, “Calson, verify this so-called bond.”

  Kayla could sense Alec's annoyance when a middle-aged man with dark hair stood up. He left the council table and walked toward Kayla and Alec, holding out his hands to each of them.

  Kayla looked at Alec questioningly and he nodded. They each placed one of their hands in Calson’s and the man closed his eyes for a moment. Kayla felt his energy float around her and Alec. She didn’t like it, but resisted the urge to pull her hand away.


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