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Crashing Into Tess (The McGreers)

Page 10

by Christine, Lilly

  “Do that some more,” she whispered, her eyes dark with desire.

  “Let me get the fire going, first, get rid of the chill in here. I’ll be right back.”

  In her living room, the dogs had settled, curling together on the rug in front of the hearth. He opened the damper of the wood stove and added wood to the fire. When it was roaring, he pulled his fleece off, walked down the hall, and sat on the bed next to her, kissing her forehead, taking her in his arms. She studied him solemnly, tracing a finger down the length of his jaw. “You take really good care of me,” she said, “I like it. I’ve never met a man like you.”

  He grinned at her, raising an eyebrow wickedly. “I hope not. So tell me about the men you’ve met.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Do I have to?”

  “Well, I don’t need gory details. You did say you’ve never been in a serious relationship.”

  “Does that mean you don’t trust me?” she asked, brow furrowed.

  “I trust you, but you may not know how it feels to have your life turned inside out by someone you care about,” he answered, settling her close against his chest. “It’s not an easy thing to bear. I know you’re only planning to be here until spring, but you’re terrific with my daughter and I’d like to see more of you,” he whispered, nuzzling her hair and kissing her forehead. “I haven’t dated in close to eight years. I’m trying to get some sense of where you’re at.”

  “I had casual flings in vet school,” Tess confessed, taking a deep breath, “With lame guys. My mother says I have a knack for unsuitable men, but Alice assures me that you’re okay.”

  She’s right, I am. I’m very okay. Why lame guys?”

  “I’m not sure. They were older, mostly, flings. I didn’t really have time for a relationship.”

  “But you do now. And I’m an older man,” he said, gently pressing her back, and pinning her under him.

  “That’s right, you are,” she said, twining her legs around his as she stared up at him, her blue eyes sincere. She put her hand against his ribs, under his T-shirt, and her touch made him blaze with longing. “Jake, you are part of what makes my life here so fantastic. I like this little town, but it wouldn’t be half as much fun if it weren’t for you. You make me feel safe, and I’m really attracted to you,” she whispered. “It’s a little scary.”

  He kissed her mouth, then, tasting her, full and ripe and sweet. “I’m glad you feel safe with me. You’re very special, y’know that?”

  “You take such good care of Cassie, it was awesome being with you the other day.”

  “You fit right in on the ranch. I couldn’t believe how much I liked having you there with us.” He gazed down at her, his elbow pressing into the pillow, head on his hand, touching her hair while her fingers stroked his back. “Cassie liked having you all to herself the other day, too. She doesn’t get that kind of attention from her mom. She’s had it kind of rough lately.” He buried his nose in her hair. “Vicki’s really self-centered, as you may have noticed. It’s always all about her. You know how to handle kids.”

  “You think so?” Tess asked, looking at him with curious intensity.

  “Sure, you made Cassie feel supported, you encouraged her, but you set some boundaries, too.” He slid his hand to her hip.

  “I did? In that short time?”

  “Well, you reminded her about balancing work and play, you joked with her, made her feel special. You were very tuned in. It felt like I could trust you with Cassie, and that’s really important to me.”

  “Hmm, so you’re emotionally astute, too, aren’t you? You read into things, like a shrink.” She wrinkled her nose at him again.

  He wasn’t sure it was a compliment, but he grinned at the idea. “No one has ever put it quite like that, but yeah, I guess I am emotionally astute, besides being hyperresponsible and a total sucker for you. Vicki was always a mess, so to stay one step ahead of her, I sort of got that way.”

  Having her in his arms like this, talking and touching, was as close as they’d been together. “You made me feel special, too. Will you come back to visit us at the ranch?” he asked, squeezing her waist.

  A bright smile spread across her face. “Of course I will. I don’t think I could ever get too much of that.”

  His heart surging with appreciation. “Thanks. It means a lot to me that you feel that way.”

  After he left Tess’s apartment, Jake tried to get his head around what he was feeling. His marriage had been on the rocks for years before his divorce, and he’d lived through a long, lonely, dry spell. I’m really lucky to be with Tess now, but she’ll leave in spring. He didn’t want to get hurt, and there was Cassie to consider. Cassie and I could both be really attached by then, and if I let us get too close, it will just hurt all of us when she leaves. I better take it easy, for all of our sakes. I can’t afford another disaster.

  ***** To:

  From: Date: Saturday October 6, 8:14 PM

  Subject: Rocky Mountain High Deariest Sammi Bambergiest, Jake took me for a hike today....Our date ended exactly two minutes ago. Call me tomorrow morning and I’ll tell you all~


  Happiest Tessiest Tess and Alice handled Monday morning clinic work. Doc and Bea were taking Mondays off now, staying close to town in case they were needed. Tess did the afternoon ranch calls. It was a busy day, and she didn’t get home until after eight. For dinner, she dumped a can of organic mushroom soup into a pot, and made a salad and garlic bread.

  Jake called at bedtime. “Hey, gorgeous, how was your day?” His voice was gentle, soft and familiar, and a wave of heat coiled deep inside her.

  “Busy. Doc and Bea had off today. Ranch calls were crazy. One of the Carson’s sows delivered a litter of fourteen piglets, and wound up with a prolapsed uterus, and Sherri Tarleton had a three year old stallion prospect with a punctured foot. He was an awful lot of fun to play with. Even sedated, he kept trying to bite me.”

  “Ouch. Sounds pretty intense. I want to keep you busy here with me at the ranch, but I promise not to bite,” he said, chuckling deep and low. “At least, not too hard.”

  “Hmm, if you are thinking of keeping me busy the way you did Saturday, can you hold that thought till the weekend?”

  “Ah, but I have Cassie this weekend, and I want to keep you busy sooner. I can cook us dinner tomorrow night, if you’re free. Tuesday is Tilda’s night off. We’d have this whole place to ourselves.”

  “Very tempting. What’s on the menu?” she asked, warmed at the thought of being with him again.

  “I’m breaking out the McGreer spaghetti and meatball recipe. It’s world class.”

  “Irish spaghetti usually is,” she joked.

  “Hah, I’m only Irish on my dad’s side. My mom was one hundred percent Italiano. Her parents came from the old country, before the Second World War. Wait till you taste my meatballs.”

  “Hmm, I think I’m looking forward to tasting your meatballs, somehow,” she said. Jake laughed. “I’m impressed that you’re cooking.”

  “Oh, I’ll be cooking alright. And there will be a fire in the fireplace, too. Plenty of heat, here at McGreer Ranch.”

  “Heat as in licking flames?”

  “Lots of licking flames.”

  Tuesday night, the last glimmer of light settled over the frosty snowpack and into the western sky over the Sawatch Mountains when Tess pulled up outside the ranch house. Jake was waiting on the porch. He pulled her into his arms, kissed her deeply, and led her through the mudroom. Once she’d wrestled out of her work clothes, she followed him into the kitchen in wool socks and fleece leggings.

  “Bet you’re hungry,” he said, tugging on one of her curls before he stuck a tray of garlic bread under the broiler to toast.

  “I am,” she said, suddenly shy. Smiling at him, she peered into the pot of spaghetti sauce bubbling on the stove. “Yum, smells delicious, Jake.”

  He put the pasta into boiling water, and
poured an uncorked bottle of Barolo. Handing her a glass of red wine, he led her to the leather sofa, wrapped her in his arms, and buried his nose in her hair. “I’m really glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too,” she said happily, snuggling against his chest. The fire crackled on the hearth, and Don Giovanni was on the stereo. “You were right, it’s plenty warm here.”

  He pulled her close, and kissed her thoroughly. “Yup, I’ll keep you warm. You’re drinking a wine that is older than I am, you know.”

  “Really? McGreer Ranch is full of surprises.” “Ah, that it is,” Jake grinned mischievously. “You stay and warm up. I’ll go pull dinner together.”

  As they finished eating, she gave him her biggest, flirtiest smile. “So, I’m impressed. You were right, your meatballs definitely rank, and I’m Italian. Perfect balance of oregano and garlic, nothing Irish about them at all.”

  ***** “Glad they pass muster.” He cocked an eyebrow, smiling as he took her plate. She grabbed the bowls of pasta and the salad and followed him into the kitchen. He put the dishes in the sink, purposefully bumping against her as he covered the bowls and stuck them in the fridge. He poured them coffee, and led her back to the living room, threw a log on the fire, stoked it until it’s snapping heat filled the big vaulted room, then sat next to her.

  Coffee cup in hand, Tess pressed her back against a pillow on the arm rest, tucking her wool socks under his thigh. She was smiling at him, her blue eyes clear. She belongs here, right next to me, all cute and angelic.

  “Mmm, this is cosy. I could get used to this, I think,” she said, sipping her coffee. “Thanks for dinner, Jake.” “It’s fun to cook for you. Too bad you’re only here until spring.”

  She wiggled her toes under his leg. “It’s not like my departure date is anything certain. Apparently, Doc would like me to consider taking over the practice. I guess he doesn’t want to say anything official until I’m more settled.”

  “Really?” Jake felt his eyebrows shoot up. “Well, that fits in with his retirement plans, then, doesn’t it?”

  “It seems to.” Tess agreed. “Alice told me about it right after I started, and Bea’s mentioned it since then, too. She’s hoping I’ll decide to stay. Bea wants to start spending time in Florida next winter.”

  “But you wouldn’t consider it? I mean, a commitment like that would be a huge career stall for you, right?” he asked skeptically.

  Brow furrowed, she looked at him, her eyes a little hurt. “How do you mean?”

  He touched her cheek, but held eye contact, feeling protective of her. “Tess, ranch work is grueling. It’s a dirty, difficult, tedious life. It’s commendable that you came out here for the experience, but don’t you see yourself at New Bolton, or at another top clinic, teaching or doing specialty surgery in a more sterile, professional environment?”

  “Is this some version of your ‘city girl’ impression of me?” She was smiling, but he sensed he’d hurt her feelings.

  Pulling her against him, he threw an afghan over her legs and tucked her head to his chest, fingering her curls with his fingers. “I guess I see this a little differently than you do. I recognize your talent, and your ambition, and the income potential of a real career. This has nothing to do with how you fit in here. I love having you here, as does everyone who has met you, but you’d never get the professional recognition you deserve from a practice here in Green Junction. I want what is best for you, and out of real and sincere respect for you, I’m not sure Green Junction has what it takes to satisfy your long term ambitions or give you the life you deserve.”

  “I haven’t given much thought to my long term ambitions,” she acknowledged soberly. “Having the majority of my work on ranch, out of doors might get old, as a lifestyle. I see that. But right now I’m completely fascinated by it. And really, very happy. I guess time will tell, right?”

  The fire crackled in the hearth. “I guess it will.” Pushing away the last nagging doubts, he turned off the lamp. Tilted her chin up, he gently kissed sweet, pink lips. June was months away, and he had no intention of leaving Tess to visit in front of any man’s fireplace but his. “The next time we do this, I want you to spend all day with me here at the ranch, and we can take that trail ride.”

  “Deal,” she said softly. When he kissed her again, she sighed, and opened her mouth, and when he touched his tongue to hers, he shivered with desire, feeling his heart melting. An hour later, they were on the rug in front of the fireplace. Her hands were under his flannel shirt. As he caressed her warm flat belly, she wiggled her hips under him.

  “I want you, Tess, so very much,” he murmured, gasping as her fingers slipped into his waistband. “But I want this to be right, for both of us.”

  “How can this be wrong? It feels so great to be with you,” she said.

  “It does feel pretty terrific, doesn’t it? I want you with me tonight. But as much as I want to make love, I think we should wait.”

  “You do?” she asked, kissing him, sliding her hands into the small of his back.

  It took everything he had to resist grinding his hips into her. “Girl, you’re killing me.”

  “I want you, too, but there’s plenty of time,” she said, brushing her fingertips up his back.

  “We both had an early morning and tomorrow will be another long day, Crash. It’s getting late, and it’ll be snowing again soon, if it isn’t already. The roads get slick after dark. I’d worry too much, sending you out there. I hope you’ll stay here. The guest room is made up.” He kissed her, squeezing her tight. The firelight glowed against the silhouette of her cheekbones, sparkling off her irises. “God you are gorgeous, Crash. Will you stay?”

  “Alice walked Rhiannon, earlier, and fed her. She’ll be fine.”

  “There’s a new toothbrush in the guest bath. I can’t wait to feed you breakfast,” Jake murmured, untangled himself, still flaming with desire, stoked the fire, and showed her to the guest room.

  At the guest room door, Tess gave him a chaste kiss. “This is really thoughtful, Jake, thank you.”

  Well after midnight, a waxing moon glowed through the big picture window in his bedroom, rousing him. He heard soft footfalls in the carpeted hallway. “Tess?” His bedroom door squeaked, and she padded across the wide hardwood planking and stood next to the bed, moonlight dancing in her curls. He smiled at the sight of her. “Hey, girl, can’t you sleep?” he asked gently.

  “I woke up and wanted to be next to you. Is that okay?” Her voice was soft, a little timid.

  “Is it okay? It’s much better than okay. C’mon in here, there’s plenty of room.” He threw his wool blanket and down comforter back, and she slipped in next to him. Snuggling her close, he slipped his nose against her curls. The comfort of her next to him made his heart ache. “I promised to keep you warm, didn’t I?” he whispered.

  “Uh-huh,” she murmured, shifting her face against his chest.

  He slept later than usual Wednesday morning, cuddling Tess close, unwilling to rouse her. While she showered, he scrambled eggs and broiled bacon for them. After they’d eaten breakfast, he warmed her truck and walked her to it, handing her a piece of buttered whole wheat toast and a travel mug of coffee. Standing on the front porch, he watched her truck pull away, catching the wave and last smile she flashed him.

  Walking into the house, Jake felt the turmoil and disappointment he’d carried for the past few years seeping away, replaced by a buoyancy and satisfaction he hadn’t felt in a long while. If Tess were staying in Green Junction past June, this would be really perfect. But I’ll never ask her to make a sacrifice like that.

  ***** To:


  Date: Wednesday, October 10, 8:56 AM

  Subject: Petticoat Green Junction Just keeps getting better!


  Jake made me dinner last night. There is a wine cellar

  at the ranch, stocked with, among other things, Jake’s

uncle Carlo’s wine from Italy. If this is love, Sammi,

  I’ll have another helping please!

  Jake’s parents, Maria and Billy, were teenage

  sweethearts here in Green Junction. His mom left for New

  York City with her mother after her dad, a train man,

  passed away from a heart attack. But Maria and Billy

  couldn’t bear to be apart, so Billy came to New York, to

  propose. Uncle Carlo traveled by train from NYC with

  Maria and her mother to Green Junction for their wedding,

  bringing cases of specially selected Italian wines: Barollo,

  Chianti, Valpolicello, and Barbaresco. Cousin Carlo oversaw the wine import business while Uncle Carlo spent

  that summer at the ranch, building the wine cellar. Super romantic, right?? ( Even better, the wine import

  business is still going, on West Broadway, you can stop

  by! ) Needless to say, we drank un fantastico Barollo

  (Grandma Angliotti will be so pleased) AND got molto

  vicino al grande sesso ( shh, don’t tell her that!)

  Jake’s so great to snuggle with, Sammi, it feels so right!


  Barely Dressied-Tessie To:


  Date: Wednesday, October 10, 7:49 PM

  Subject: RE: It just keeps getting better! Stay Dressied-Tessie: You poor thing, sampling vintage Italian wines from the family cellar ~ Keep up the good work! Ciao, Bella!! Sister Sammi


  Mother Superior Jumps the Gun To:


  Date: Thursday, October 11, 6:56 PM

  Subject: Holy Smokes, Batman! Jake’s Aunt Olivia left a message at the office, inviting me to lunch at her house on Saturday.......Yikes! Can you believe it? Thank goodness Mom shipped my dress clothes. I got them from the post office today, just in time. Love, Better be Dressied Tessie

  To: From: 10:49 AM Friday, October 12


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