Crashing Into Tess (The McGreers)
Page 19
community, but New Bolton offers you so much more: prestige, an academic environment, and lots less stress, even excluding crazy ex-wives.”
“I’ve had this weight of the Vicki thing on my mind, Jake, with no way to tell anyone about it. It’s all just been so painful.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. “I’ve felt lousy about the distance between us. Cassie is just so unappreciated when she’s with her mother. When she’s with you, she can be herself, but it’s like she’s on eggshells, with Vicki. Her whole demeanor is different. I worry about her.”
“You think I made a mistake, not fighting harder to have her live with me?”
“I think you did what you needed to, so things were settled in her life. But Cassie is happiest on the ranch with you, anybody can see that. She’d only benefit by spending more time with you, Jake.”
He stood up for the tissue box, gently wiping her cheeks. “You’ve really been thinking about this, huh?”
“She’s a great kid, and she doesn’t belong with a mother who doesn’t appreciate her, when she’s got a dad who worships the ground she walks on.”
“I can’t disagree with that,” he said, squeezing her shoulder. “You are a great friend to both of us, Tess. I know its months away, but Cassie and I will really miss you, when you leave.”
“I’ll really miss you guys too,” she sobbed, meeting his eyes with a look that tore him up. “An awful lot.” *****
Tess was in her pajamas on Monday morning, just heating water for tea, when Alice arrived. Rhiannon met her at the door, sniffing her boots for the scent of her dogs. “Wow, Rhi’s tummy is really filling out, huh?” Alice asked, setting a bag of groceries on the counter.
Tess started a pot of coffee for Alice. “She’s putting on a lot of weight, but she looks good, right? Jake said he and Cassie will get her settled in her whelping box up at the ranch this week, before the puppies come.”
“How are you feeling?” Alice asked, digging through
the bags and putting groceries away.
“Better than expected, Al. There’s still pain, but I’m
getting used to the sling. I’m supposed to start using my
fingers as soon as the swellings down, which means I could
be back at clinic for work later this week. I need your help
today though.”
“That’s what I’m here for, honey.” Alice said, too
cheerfully. She poured herself a cup of coffee, set a plate of
muffins on the table and sat down. Her face looked
anxious. So the news isn’t good.
“Doc found medications missing yesterday, Tess. I’ve
spoken with Jake. His lawyer thinks Judge Reilly will call
an emergency hearing this afternoon.”
Tess shook her head, angry with herself, feeling guilty
for what Cassie had likely suffered. “Ugh. How sad for
everybody, Vicki included. If there’s a hearing this
afternoon, how will it work? I mean, I need to be there,
“I don’t think Jake wanted to ask, but obviously, your
testimony is critical. You witnessed Jake’s condition at the
accident scene, and Vicki’s situation in the dispensary. It
would be best for you to be there, Tess, if you’re up to it.
This time, Jake’s lawyer told him the judge may speak with
Cassie. Of course, that will be in chambers, not in front of a
courtroom, thank God.”
“This is a mess, isn’t it?” Tess asked, rubbing her
forehead with her good hand.
“It is. Doc is sending me over with our order records,
and the inventory and the dispensary log. I’ll have to testify
as well. Doc and Bea will be there, but they don’t want
Vicki to feel they’ve chosen sides. She’ll need their
support, no matter what, though of course they’re concerned for Cassie.” Sighing, Alice broke a warm muffin apart, handing a piece to Tess. “We just have to hope the outcome is for the best, that’s all. Have a blueberry muffin, girl. They make even the worst news bearable.”
Nodding, she took a bite. Swallowing, she said, “I’ll need help figuring out what to wear. I don’t know what I can fit over this cast, Alice.”
“You’re wearing your boots, right?”
“I don’t think so.” Tess shook her head wistfully. “The boots belong in Green Junction, but it sure feels like I don’t.”
“Oh, Tess, Green Junction adores you. I feel terrible about what happened Saturday night, but the boots are adorable. You know what they say about falling off a horse, right? We may only have you through spring calving, but there will be plenty of broken hearts when you leave. Wear those boots while you’re here, and when you take them back to Philadelphia, they’ll carry memories of all the people who recognize how special and wonderful you are.”
Late that afternoon, her boot heels tapped down the marble tiled hallway of the courthouse as she hurried towards the massive exit door.
I am so glad my parents don’t practice family law. From the witness stand, Vicki had used harsh words against Jake, disparaging him, criticizing his relationship with Cassie, and accusing him of alcohol abuse during their marriage. Jake’s jaw had clenched as he bore it, a dull, trapped look on his face. No wonder he’s so afraid of getting too close, always looking for an out.
A court house guard opened the heavy oak door for her. Cold air took her breath. The sun was dropping behind the Sawatch Range, the last of its brilliant orange glow struck furrowed clouds, melding with a cobalt sky.
Pulling her white coat close around her shoulders, Tess grasped the rail with her gloved right hand. Her left arm was in a sling. The cold breeze caught her coat and blew it open, as she made her way down the steps. In the charcoal suit he’d worn to court, Jake walked up the sloped ramp toward her, and pulled her coat closer around her shoulders, buttoning it for her. “Thank you,” Tess smiled. “Where’s Alice?”
Grabbing the fuzzy blue wool cap from her pocket, he pulled it over her tangle of curls. “She went over to the tavern to fill Lotts in.” Eyes resigned, voice sober, Jake said, “I want to apologize again for what you’ve been through the past few days, Tess. It’s been hell for you. I feel real bad about all of it.”
“Jake, it’s not your fault.”
“Still, I hate the way you’ve been sucked into all this nonsense, especially the situation with your arm,” he said, shaking his head miserably.
“It’s not the greatest,” she conceded, swallowing hard, meeting his eyes. “But we’re all doing what we can for Cassie’s sake. She’s the one that really matters, here. And maybe the worst is over.”
His eyes full of sadness and regret, Jake touched her cheek with warm fingers. Then his eyes flashed pain, and he pulled back. Squeezing them closed, he cleared his throat. “Thank you for testifying, Tess. It would have been impossible for the judge to get a clear picture of what was going on, without you.”
“It wasn’t any fun in there for any of us, but it had to be done,” she said sadly. “How is Cassie?”
“She seems okay. She’ll be with Olivia tonight, and her aunt will get her to school in the morning. With everything so tense, the judge wanted a cooling off period, to make sure neither parent could influence her until drug test results are in. Both Vicki and I were tested. If they are both clear, my lawyer guesses we’ll go on the way we’ve been. If Vicki’s show drug use, Cassie will live with me at the ranch, and we’ll renegotiate custody when Vicki finishes rehab. Doc took me aside. He admitted he’s afraid she’s been using. He’s trying to find a good rehab program. I told him I would help with expenses, if she’ll go.”
“Did Cassie meet the judge?”
“Yeah. My attorney said she was her perky self. She had her little horse along, and the judge asked about that, and then what she did when she was with Vicki and me. The la
wyers weren’t allowed to say anything. She talked about riding Sparky and making pancakes when she’s at the ranch. At her mom’s said she liked visiting the vet’s office. He asked her to tell him what she didn’t like. She said the ranch house was big, but I stayed with her at night so she wasn’t scared. Then she said she gets nervous in the mornings before school when she’s with Vicki, in case there’s no milk for her cereal, or she’s late for school. He asked if her parent’s yelled at her. She said Vicki did, but that I was patient.”
“That’s telling,” Tess said gently.
“It is, isn’t it? Much as I hope Vicki’s not doing drugs, I don’t want to have to stick to this order anymore, Tess,” he said quietly. “You’ve been right about Cassie. She is tense when she’s with Vicki, and her mother has only been getting nastier. I want Cassie with me from now on.”
She could tell Jake felt guilty. She did, too. She said, “Sergeant Fuller pulled me aside, and asked what happened at the Jackalope. That’s where I just was. I think he’d like me to press charges.”
“It’s up to you, Tess. Vicki was the ringleader, but her two accomplices will likely take most of the heat. It’d be a shame if you let them off. They hurt you, and they should be punished. Aunt Olivia says their actions reflect poorly on the entire community, and I have to agree.”
She sighed. “It was really ugly, wasn’t it?”
“I can’t ever remember feeling as powerless as I did watching you go down, Tess. I’d do anything to protect you from something like that happening again,” he said quietly.
Including hiding you feelings for me, so there’ s nothing to stop me from taking that job at New Bolton, right? The thought snapped into Tess’s brain, and stuck there. She was as certain of it as she’d ever been about anything. He’ll just keep pulling back, because he’s decided it’s better for me to leave.“What about Ron?”
“You heard Ron’s testimony. The time on the breathalyzer print out was forty minutes after the 911 log says the ambulance left the scene. The judge is likely to strike down the results as irrelevant. Look, you must be tired, and in pain, with that arm. I don’t want to keep you out. Shall I take you home?”
“I am tired, but I’d like to spend a few minutes with Alice and Lotts, and I’ll bet you could use some help, unwinding.”
“I sure could,” he agreed. “I’d like the company, if you want to head over to Green Forks.”
As he made a right, heading for the tavern, she asked, “What will happen to Ron?”
“Judge Reilly wants an internal investigation. He subpoena’d Ron’s cell phone records. Someone who’d had a bit to drink breathed into that tube twenty minutes after the ambulance left with you, and it wasn’t me. The Sarge wants a confession from whoever it was, so Ron can’t just say the timer wasn’t properly set, as he did in court. He could lose his job for providing false evidence. Sergeant Fuller oversees the police department, but he has an advisory board for hiring and firing. The judge and district attorney sit on it, and neither of them have much patience for the stunt Ron pulled. Ron just better hope the Ag Department doesn’t catch wind of his stupid tricks.”
“Are you going to file a complaint with them?”
“I want Ron off the police force, I can tell you that, but I’m not too worried about his Ag job. Any rancher that has a problem with him can file a grievance. Ron can’t do too much harm with goats and sheep and pigs and cattle.”
They were at Green Forks, now. Jake opened Tess’s door and helped her down, forcing a grin. “The lady vet in Green Junction is the best we’ve ever had. Once Ron’s fired, we should probably hire a lady cop, too.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” Tess winked.
“I’ll let Sergeant Fuller know you think so.”
Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2:35 PM
Subject: Total Shakedown
Sam, Vicki really did steal those drugs, some tranquilizers. She turned what she had left over to the judge. Doc won’t press charges for theft, so the judge gave her court supervised visitation until she goes through rehab. I feel terrible about what Cassie has been through, but she’ll have a full life with her dad at the ranch, and still see her mom every Saturday afternoon, so maybe its best for everyone, at least for now. She’ll have to pass her drug tests clean and gets counseling before she gets to spend time with Cassie unsupervised.
I can’t drive yet, but my arm’s getting better. Tomorrow I’ll head over to the thrift shop. I can walk there, and Gertrude will keep me busy. I want to start using my fingers again, so that’s a good way to do it. Jake’s been sweet. There isn’t much spark, but I know he’s been preoccupied with all that’s been going on. I’ve applied for the Fellowship at Penn, and I’ll look at CSU. Since it looks like I’ll be leaving, maybe it’s best we’re just friends.
Love, Way-stressed Doctor Tess
***** Doc and Bea insisted that Tess not even step foot into the vet clinic. “You take a good rest, dear,” Bea said. “You started back too quick last time, and I told Doc, we just can’t have it again. Alice and I are fine, and if we have emergencies, why, our regular patients can just wait until you’re back on your feet.”
Jake brought Cassie to the apartment on Wednesday after school. “Hi, Dr. Tess! My dad said we can take Rhiannon home with us again! Her whelping box is all ready. How are you feeling?” Cassie asked, as she opened the door for them.
“In the mood for a root beer float, Cass, and then maybe another trip to the library, what do you think?” “Yes-sss! That sounds great! And look how big Rhiannon’s tummy is! Can I feel it, Dr. Tess?”
Jake held Rhiannon’s collar and scratched her chest, while she showed Cassie how to gently palpitate her abdomen. Pulling out her stethoscope, Tess let Cassie listen to the tiny puppies’ heartbeats. After root beer floats, Jake drove them to the library, then back to her apartment. She helped Cassie with homework while Jake went for Mamma Boccini’s takeout. They ate pizza with ham and pineapple at the bistro table in Tess’s kitchen.
“Thanks for sharing her with us, Dr. Tess,” Cassie said as they left, tugging gently on Rhiannon’s leash.
“Oh, it’s the right thing for her. Rhiannon wants to get settled in front of that warm stove in your mudroom before her puppies come.”
“Tilda will help. She said she likes puppies. I put a special blanket in the whelping box, last night. We’ll take good care of her.”
“I know you will, Cass,” Tess said, hugging the little girl.
***** Despite Bea’s insistence that she take it easy, boredom drove Tess into the clinic on Thursday morning. Though her arm was still casted, she had no problem using her fingers. On Saturday, she and Alice took all the regular clinic appointments.The rest of the weekend was quiet.
Doc and Bea invited her for Sunday dinner, and she spoke at length to Doc afterward in his study. He was understanding, encouraging even, about the New Bolton opportunity. “You’re much too young to stick with a practice if it’s more study and research you crave. I’m glad you’re taking a look at Colorado State, too,” he advised. “If livestock management is where you’re heart is, their microbiology and pathogens programs are second to none.”
When she returned to her apartment, Tess spent the rest of the evening on the Colorado State website, emailing off an inquiry, requesting more information about their research fellowship program.
Monday morning, when Tess arrived at the clinic, Alice called hopefully, “Hey Tess, looks like you have a farm call at McGreer Ranch Wednesday at noon.”
“Jake and Cassie called last night. I’m invited to dinner, too.”
“That’s progress.”
“It’s only a farm call, Alice. What Jake’s after is a bunch of healthy new stock.”
“Well, Cassie will be there, and you’ll see Rhiannon. It might be fun.”
Home On The Range Jake had over 400 h eifers waiting in a temporary pen
when Tess pulled up Wednesday afternoon. A thick blanket of fresh snow lay on the ground, but the sun was bright overhead, and the temperature was above freezing.
He approached her truck, helping with her equipment. “We’ve selected these girls for breeding stock, so I thought we could get them all cultured and inoculated, before we inseminate them,” he said, scanning her face. “Is your arm okay?”
“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t,” Tess smiled, all business. “These girls look good, nice size and weight. Do you have someone to help with record keeping? It will go a lot faster on my end.”
“I thought I’d stick around,” he said, trying to meet her eye. “Tilda is getting Cassie from school, later on.”
“Okay, let’s get started, then.”
When they’d finished the twenty-ninth cow, he asked, “Tess, is everything okay?”
“Sure, Jake, everything’s fine.”
“You don’t seem like yourself.”
“No, this is me. I’m a one armed vet, and we have 400 “No, this is me. I’m a one armed vet, and we have 400 JM345-12,” Tess said, swinging her casted left hand his way. “Brucellosis swab.”
He handed her the culture swab, disappointed.“Is this the way it is between us now?”
“I’m not sure what you mean,” she said, concentrating on her work. “We’ve got to get this job done before dark, right?”
“C’mon, Tess,” he cajoled, holding the container for her to drop the swab into. He wrote JM345-12 with a Sharpie, put it in a big Ziploc bag with the others, and waited for Larry to lead the cow away. “This isn’t how we are,” he whispered.
Standing on her stool, Tess tossed her head and turned to face him, not hiding her impatience. “Honestly, Jake, I’m still trying to figure out how we are. Things were great in the beginning, and I thought we were close. But you didn’t call while I was in Philadelphia, and every time I’ve tried to talk about us since then, you’ve wanted to play it cool,” she said, clearly annoyed. “So that’s how I’m playing it. This is cool.”
She motioned to Larry to bring the next cow, but Jake held his hand up, holding Larry off. Larry paused, shifting uncomfortably, and looked away. Under his breath, Jake said, “Tess, I hope you don’t feel that I’ve taken you for granted. You’re completely incredible. I need you to know that.”