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Alpha and Omega

Page 3

by Patricia Briggs

  THE footsteps on the stairs the next morning didn’t bother her at first. The family who lived across from her was in and out at all times of the day or night. She pulled the pillow over her head to block the noise out, but then Anna realized the brisk, no-nonsense tread belonged to Kara—and that she had a werewolf in her apartment. She sat bolt upright and looked at Charles.

  The wolf was more beautiful in the daylight than he had been at night, his fur really red, she saw, set off by black on his legs and paws. He raised his head when she sat up and got to his feet when she did.

  She put a finger to her lips as Kara knocked sharply on the door.

  “Anna, you in there, girl? Did you know that someone is parked in your spot again? Do you want me to call the tow truck or do you have a man in there for once?”

  Kara wouldn’t just go away.

  “I’m here, just a minute.” She looked around frantically, but there was nowhere to hide a werewolf. He wouldn’t fit in the closet, and if she closed the bathroom door, Kara would want to know why—just as she’d demand to know why Anna suddenly had a dog the size of an Irish wolfhound and not nearly as friendly looking in her living room.

  She gave Charles one last frantic look and then hurried over to the door as he trotted off to the bathroom. She heard it click shut behind him as she unbolted the door.

  “I’m back,” said Kara breezily as she came in, setting a pair of bags down on the table. Her dark-as-night skin looked richer than usual for her week of tropical sun. “I stopped on the way home and bought some breakfast for us. You don’t eat enough to keep a mouse alive.”

  Her gaze caught on the closed bathroom door. “You do have someone here.” She smiled, but her eyes were wary. Kara had made no secret of the fact that she didn’t like Justin, who Anna had explained away, truthfully enough, as an old boyfriend.

  “Mmm.” Anna was miserably aware that Kara wouldn’t leave until she saw who was in the bathroom. For some reason Kara had taken Anna under her wing the very first day she’d moved in, shortly after she’d been Changed.

  Just then, Charles opened the bathroom door and stepped just through the doorway. “Do you have a rubber band, Anna?”

  He was fully dressed and human, but Anna knew that was impossible. It had been less than five minutes since he’d gone into the bathroom, and a werewolf took a lot longer than that to change back to human form.

  She cast a frantic glance at Kara—but her neighbor was too busy staring at the man in the bathroom doorway to take note of Anna’s shock.

  Kara’s rapt gaze made Anna take a second look as well; she had to admit that Charles, his blue-black hair hanging free to his waist in a thick sheet that made him look strangely naked despite his perfectly respectable flannel shirt and jeans, was worth staring at. He gave Kara a small smile before turning his attention back to Anna.

  “I seem to have misplaced my hair band. Do you have another one?”

  She gave him a jerky nod and brushed past him into the bathroom. How had he changed so fast? She could hardly ask him how he’d done it with Kara in the room, however.

  He smelled good. Even after three years it was disconcerting to notice such things about people. Usually she tried to ignore what her nose told her—but she had to force herself not to stop and take a deep lungful of his rich scent.

  “And just who are you?” Anna heard Kara ask suspiciously.

  “Charles Cornick.” She couldn’t tell by the sound of his voice whether he was bothered by Kara’s unfriendliness or not. “You are?”

  “This is Kara, my downstairs neighbor,” Anna told him, handing him a hair band as she slipped by him and back into the main room. “Sorry, I should have introduced you. Kara, meet Charles Cornick who is visiting from Montana. Charles, meet Kara Mosley, my downstairs neighbor. Now shake and be nice.”

  She’d meant the admonition for Kara, who could be acerbic if she took a dislike to someone—but Charles raised an eyebrow at her before he turned back to Kara and offered a long-fingered hand.

  “From Montana?” asked Kara as she took his hand and shook it firmly once.

  He nodded and began French-braiding his hair with quick, practiced motions. “My father sent me out here because he’d heard there was a man giving Anna a bad time.”

  And with that one statement, Anna knew, he won Kara over completely.

  “Justin? You’re gonna take care of that rat bastard?” She gave Charles an appraising look. “Now you’re in good shape, don’t get me wrong—but Justin is a bad piece of business. I lived in Cabrini Green until my mama got smart and married her a good man. Those projects, though, they grew a certain sort of predator—the kind that loves violence for its own sake. That Justin, he has dead eyes—sent me back twenty years the first time I saw him. He’s hurt people before and liked it. You’re not going to frighten him off with just a warning.”

  The corner of Charles’s lip turned up and his eyes warmed, changing his appearance entirely. “Thank you for the heads-up,” he told her.

  Kara gave him a regal nod. “If I know Anna, there’s not an ounce of food to be found in the whole apartment. You need to feed that girl up. There’s bagels and cream cheese in those bags on the table—and no, I don’t mean to stay. I’ve got a week’s worth of work waiting on me, but I couldn’t go without knowing that Anna would eat something.”

  “I’ll see that she does,” Charles told her, the small smile still on his face.

  Kara reached way up and patted his cheek in a motherly gesture. “Thank you.” She gave Anna a quick hug and pulled an envelope out of her pocket and set it on the table next to the bagels. “You take this for watching the cat so I don’t have to take him to the kennels with all those dogs he hates and pay them four times this amount. I find it in my cookie jar again, and I’ll take him to the kennels just for spite because it will make you feel guilty.”

  Then she was gone.

  Anna waited until the sound of her footsteps reached the next landing, then said, “How did you change so fast?”

  “Do you want garlic or blueberry?” Charles asked, opening the bag.

  When she didn’t answer his question, he put both hands on the table and sighed. “You mean you haven’t heard the story of the Marrok and his Indian maiden?” She couldn’t read his voice and his face was tilted away from her so she couldn’t read that either.

  “No,” she said.

  He gave a short laugh, though she didn’t think there was any humor behind it. “My mother was beautiful, and it saved her life. She’d been out gathering herbs and surprised a moose. It ran over her and she was dying from it when my father, attracted by the noise, came upon her. He saved my mother’s life by turning her into a werewolf.”

  He took out the bagels and set them on the table with napkins. He sat down and waved her to the other seat. “Start eating and I’ll tell you the rest of the story.”

  He’d given her the blueberry one. She sat opposite him and took a bite.

  He gave a satisfied nod and then continued. “It was one of those love at first sight things on both their parts, apparently. Must have been looks, because neither one of them could speak the other’s language at first. All was well until she became pregnant. My mother’s father was a person of magic and he helped her when she told him that she needed to stay human until I was born. So every month, when my father and brother hunted under the moon she stayed human. And every moon she grew weaker and weaker. My father argued with her and with her father, worried that she was killing herself.”

  “Why did she do that?” Anna asked.

  Charles frowned at her. “How long have you been a werewolf?”

  “Three years last August.”

  “Werewolf women can’t have children,” he said. “The change is too hard on the fetus. They miscarry in the third or fourth month.”

  Anna stared at him. No one had ever told her that.

  “Are you all right?”

  She didn’t know how to answer him. She hadn�
�t exactly been planning on having children—especially as weird as her life had been for the last few years. She just hadn’t planned on not having children either.

  “This should have been explained to you before you chose to Change,” he said.

  It was her turn to laugh. “No one explained anything. No, it’s all right. Please tell me the rest of your story.”

  He watched her for a long moment, then gave her an oddly solemn nod. “Despite my father’s protests, she held out until my birth. Weakened by the magic of fighting the moon’s call, she did not survive it. I was born a werewolf, not Changed as all the rest are. It gives me a few extra abilities—like being able to change fast.”

  “That would be nice,” she said with feeling.

  “It still hurts,” he added.

  She played with a piece of bagel. “Are you going to look for the missing boy?”

  His mouth tightened. “No. We know where Alan Frazier is.”

  Something in his voice told her. “He’s dead?”

  He nodded. “There are some good people looking into his death, they’ll find out who is responsible. He was Changed without his consent, the girl who was with him was killed. Then he was sold to be used as a laboratory guinea pig. The person responsible will pay for their crimes.”

  She started to ask him something more, but the door to her apartment flew open and hit the wall behind it, leaving Justin standing in the open doorway.

  She’d been so intent on Charles, she hadn’t heard Justin coming up the stairs. She’d forgotten to lock her door after Kara left. Not that it would have done her much good. Justin had a key to her apartment.

  She couldn’t help her flinch as he strode through the door as if he owned the place. “Payday,” he said. “You owe me a check.” He looked at Charles. “Time for you to go. The lady and I have some business.”

  Anna couldn’t believe that even Justin would take that tone with Charles. She looked at him to gauge his reaction and saw why Justin had put his foot in it.

  Charles was fussing with his plate, his eyes on his hands. All his awesome force of personality was bottled up and stuffed somewhere it didn’t show.

  “I don’t think I’d better go,” he murmured, still looking down. “She might need my help.”

  Justin’s lip curled. “Where’d you pick this one up, bitch? Wait until I let Leo know you’ve found a stray and haven’t told him about it.” He crossed the room and took a handful of her hair. He used it to force her to her feet and up against the wall, shoving her with a hip in a gesture that was both sexual and violent. He leaned his face into hers. “Just you wait. Maybe he’ll decide to let me punish you again. I’d like that.”

  She remembered the last time he’d been allowed to punish her and couldn’t suppress her reaction. He enjoyed her panic and was pressed close enough that she could feel it.

  “I don’t think that she’s the one who is going to be punished,” Charles said, his voice still soft. But something in Anna loosened. He wouldn’t let Justin hurt her.

  She couldn’t have said why she knew that—she’d certainly found out that just because a wolf wouldn’t hurt her didn’t mean he wouldn’t stop anyone else from hurting her.

  “I didn’t tell you to talk,” Justin snarled, his head snapping away from her so he could glare at the other man. “I’ll deal with you when I’m finished.”

  The legs of Charles’s chair made a rough sound on the floor as he stood. Anna could hear him dust off his hands lightly.

  “I think you are finished here,” he said in a completely different voice. “Let her go.”

  She felt the power of those words go through her bones and warm her stomach, which had been chill with fear. Justin liked to hurt her even more than he desired her unwilling body. She’d fought him until she realized that pleased him even more. She’d learned quickly that there was no way for her to win a struggle between them. He was stronger and faster, and the only time she’d broken away from him, the rest of the pack had held her for him.

  At Charles’s words, though, Justin released her so quickly that she staggered, though that didn’t slow her down as she ran as far away from him as she could get, which was the kitchen. She picked up the marble rolling pin that had been her grandmother’s and held it warily.

  Justin had his back to her, but Charles saw her weapon and, briefly, his eyes smiled at her before he turned his attention to Justin.

  “Who the hell are you?” Justin spat, but Anna heard beyond the anger to fear.

  “I could return the question,” said Charles. “I have a list of all the werewolves in the Chicago packs and your name is not on it. But that is only part of my business here. Go home and tell Leo that Charles Cornick is here to talk with him. I will meet him at his house at seven this evening. He may bring his first six and his mate, but the rest of his pack will stay away.”

  To Anna’s shock, Justin snarled once, but, with no more protest than that, he left.


  THE wolf who scared Anna so badly hadn’t wanted to leave, but he wasn’t dominant enough to do anything about it as long as Charles was watching. Which was why Charles waited a few seconds and then quietly followed him down the stairs.

  The next flight down, he found Justin standing in front of a door prepared to knock on it. He was pretty sure it was Kara’s door. Somehow it didn’t surprise him that Justin would look for another way to punish Anna for his forced retreat. Charles scuffed his boot on the stairs and watched the other wolf stiffen and drop his arm.

  “Kara’s not home,” Charles told him. “And hurting her would not be advisable.”

  Charles wondered if he should just kill him now…but he had a reputation that his father couldn’t afford for him to lose. He only killed those who broke the Marrok’s rules, and he only did it after their guilt was established.

  Anna had told his father that Justin was the wolf who changed Alan MacKenzie Frazier against his will, but since there were so many things wrong in this pack there might have been mitigating circumstances. Anna had been a werewolf for three years and no one had told her that she could not have children. If Anna knew so little, then it was more than possible that this wolf didn’t know the rules either.

  Whether the wolf was ignorant of his crimes or not, Charles still wanted to kill him. When Justin turned around to face him, Charles let his beast peer out of his eyes and watched the other wolf blanch and start back down the stairs.

  “You should find Leo and give him the message,” Charles said. This time he let Justin know that he was following him, let him feel, a little, the way it was to be prey for a larger predator.

  He was tough, this Justin. He kept turning around to confront Charles—only to meet his eyes and be forced away again. The chase aroused his wolf; and Charles, still angry at the way Justin had manhandled Anna, let the wolf out just a little more than he should have. It was a fight to stop at the outside door and let Justin go free. The wolf had been given a hunt and it was much, much too short.

  Brother wolf hadn’t liked seeing Anna frightened either. He’d staked his claim and it had taken all of Charles’s control not to just kill Justin in Anna’s apartment. Only the strong suspicion that she’d go back to being afraid of him had allowed him to stay seated until he was sure he could control himself.

  Climbing four flights of stairs should have given him enough time to silence the wolf. It might have, except that Anna was waiting for him, rolling pin in hand, on the landing below her apartment.

  He paused halfway up the stairs, and she turned around without a word. He stalked her back to her apartment and into the kitchen area, where she set the rolling pin on its stand—right next to a small pot that held a handful of knives.

  “Why the rolling pin and not a knife?” he asked, his voice raspy with the need for action.

  She looked at him for the first time since she’d seen his face on the stairs. “A knife wouldn’t even slow him down, but bones take time to heal.”
br />   He liked that. Who’d have thought he’d get turned on by a woman with a rolling pin? “All right,” he said. “All right.”

  He turned abruptly and left her standing in front of the counter because if he’d stayed there he would have taken her, seduced her. The apartment wasn’t large enough either to pace or to get much distance between them. Her scent, blended with fear and arousal, was dangerous. He needed a distraction.

  He pulled one of the chairs around and sat on it, leaning back until it was propped on two legs. He folded his arms behind his head and assumed a deliberately relaxed posture, half-closed his eyes, and said, “I want you to tell me about your Change.” He hadn’t missed the clues, he thought, watching her flinch a little. There was something wrong with how she’d been Changed. He focused on that.

  “Why?” she asked, challenging him—still caught up in the adrenaline rush of Justin’s visit, he imagined. She caught herself and turned away, cringing as if she expected him to explode.

  He closed his eyes entirely. Another moment and he was going to put all the gentlemanly behavior his father had taught him aside and take her, willing or not. Oh, that would teach her not to be afraid of him, he thought.

  “I need to know how Leo’s pack is run,” he told her patiently, though at the moment he could have cared less. “I’d rather do that through your impressions first, and then I’ll ask you questions. It’ll give me a better insight into what he’s doing and why.”

  ANNA gave him a wary look, but he hadn’t moved. She could still smell the anger in the air, but it might just have been a remnant from when Justin had been there. Charles was aroused, too—and she found herself responding to it though she knew it was a common result of victorious confrontations among males. He was ignoring it, so she could, too.

  She took a deep breath, and his scent filled her lungs.

  Clearing her throat, she tried to find the beginning of her story. “I was working in a music store in the Loop when I first met Justin. He told me he was a guitarist like me, and he started coming in a couple of times a week, buying strings, music…small-ticket stuff. He’d flirt and tease.” She gave an exasperated huff for her foolishness. “I thought he was a nice guy. So when he asked me out for lunch, I said sure.”


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