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Under the surface

Page 3

by Jaye Cox

  “Nice to meet you,” she says, “I am otherwise known as Tiny Dancer, to these guys.”

  A masculine voice yells, “Tiny Dancer where are you? We need another judge, Sam’s being paid off in shots, so we need a second opinion.” I turn around to look to see who has interrupted us.

  “I’m over here Dex.” Bells says. A shudder rolls through me, it’s the guy from last night, and he is covered in cake. When he notices me I think he is going to smile - the jackass. If he does say anything smart, I might not be responsible for my actions. Of course he would think what happened last night was funny - the stupid cheating asshole, though I thought his girlfriend called him Theodore?

  “Where’s my Tiny Dancer?” Says another guy walking towards us, I’m pretty sure this is Rayne, Ty’s older brother. They share a lot of the same build and facial features, they look a lot alike.

  “Well, looks like you are popular around here.” I say to Bells, as I grab Ty’s arm and squeeze past the crowd, I have had enough of the meet and greets, it’s time to get a drink, “Let’s get a drink, brother.”

  Ty gets me a beer and I can feel him staring at me. “Just say it, you know you want to.” I say, popping the top off the beer and tossing it into the bin.

  “What are you doing here?” He asks, taking a swig of his own beer.

  “Can’t a sister just want to see her brother from time to time?” I question him.

  “In a normal family, yes; but we are far from a normal family. You know I love you, but you need to know I have turned my life around and don’t need any trouble arriving. “

  “I’m not here to cause trouble, I promise. I’ve changed.” I whisper meaningfully.

  “You never mean to cause trouble, but your impulsiveness always causes something to happen,” he persists.

  “I’m serious Ty, I am here to be closer to you, I’m making an effort - I even found a job.”

  “You already have a job?” He says sceptically, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “That’s great Ruby, that’s awesome Ruby; just a couple of things you could have said.”

  “It is great Ruby, and I’m proud of you. What I’m most curious about is why you’re really here.”

  “Because I want to be close to my brother again.” He doesn’t say anything. I know he will keep prying until he finds out. He just takes a swig of his beer and I can see he is thinking about what he wants to say. “I’m going to find that cute roommate of yours, I think we could be good friends.” I say, heading out towards the back.

  “Ruby,” Ty calls out.


  “I love you, you know that right? I just want you to be happy.”

  “I know, now stop with the sappy love shit and go hang out with your friends. I’m going to make nice with your roommate.”

  “Fine, but be nice.”

  “Who me, I’m always nice?” I say walking out the door.

  I see Bells and another girl watching the guys set up what looks to be a fighting ring, all the guys are shirtless and it sure is a sight to take in. “Isn’t this a girl’s wet dream?” I say walking over towards them. The chick Bells was talking to just grunts in disgust at me and walks away – wow, what a bitch! Because I am here to make friends and not more enemies I just let it go with a, “What’s her problem?”

  “Nothing, that’s just Sam.

  “So what is with all the shirtless dudes?” I ask.

  “Just a bit too much testosterone I think.”

  I figure this is a good time to ask who the guy was from last night, not that I plan to let her in on last night. “Who are they all?” I ask.

  “Well, you met Sam already, the guy with the longish blonde hair over there is her boyfriend, Morris.”

  “Who is the tall, pretty one?” I prompt, I won’t go straight for the guy from last night, as she might get suspicious and ask questions I don’t want to answer.

  “That’s Romeo, the guy next to him is my boyfriend Rayne, Ty’s older brother; the younger one is Rayne’s other brother, Boston, and the one with all the tattoos is Dex.” So, his name is Dex. I ponder. “You and Ty, I’m still shocked he has a sister.”

  “Ty is my foster brother, but he has always been there for me, I owe him a lot.”

  “Something we have in common, he has been a good friend to me,” she says.

  “I’m lucky he came into my life when he did.” I smile, thinking truly how lucky I am.

  “How did you meet?” She asks, and I can tell she genuinely wants to know.

  I tell her about the day I met Ty, and she asks a lot of questions. She is definitely good for Ty, he needs a friend who is not using him for something. She tells me about how she met Rayne, and everything they have been through. She hesitates, but says today they found out they are having a son, and they are now officially back together. “I’m going to get another drink, do you want anything?” I prompt.

  “I’m fine, I think I might call it a night, it has been a busy day,” she says, and gives a yawn in confirmation.

  “Do you mind if I stay the night?” I ask casually.

  “You will have to ask Ty, but I don’t mind.” She replies with a cheery wave as Rayne goes inside with her – it’s kinda sweet, but gross too.

  “Thanks,” I say as I dig for another beer in the esky. Ty waves at me, they are all still taking turns play fighting, and I can hear someone walking up behind me. I don’t like being snuck up on, my heart beats faster and I get a feeling of dread inside me.

  “If you’re trying to sneak up on me, I can hear you.” I declare, as I start to turn around.

  “I have it from a good source you know a thing or two about sneaking.”

  It’s him, Dex. I can finally give him a piece of my mind about last night. “Me?” I say, turning to face him. “After last night, you would know a thing or two yourself.”

  “As I recall it, you jumped out of my window, houses have front doors you know,” he says.

  “Screw you,” I grind out between clenched teeth.

  “Oh, I did that last night”, he says taking a few steps forward and I take a few steps backwards, but then my back hits the bricks against the house. So, he thinks he is clever, but really he has no idea who he is messing with. My heart is still beating erratically, I can almost see it with the rise and fall of my chest. He can see it too, and he leans in and whispers, “Remember how much you liked it, the way my touch felt on your skin?” And for a split second, his presence affects me. That is until he touches my waist, the unwelcomed touch when I’m not expecting it, always leads to something bad. I knee him in the balls and he drops to the ground in front of me. I lean over his body and smile, “I will admit you fuck great, but never mistake a moment of lust as a moment of weakness, especially from me.”

  “Bitch.” He groans.

  “Don’t you forget it,” I say, stepping over his body.

  “Don’t you forget I like it rough,” he says through gritted teeth. I let him get in the last word, I go find Ty so I can say goodbye. I think it’s best if I go back to the motel.

  “Hey, I’m going.” I sigh as I catch sight of Ty.

  “Stay a bit longer,” Ty says when we are within earshot.

  “I have my first day at work tomorrow and I don’t need to be hung over for that.” I say. Dex hobbles over.

  “Have you met my sister, Ruby?” Ty says to Dex. I swear if he says anything I will do more than kick him in the nuts.

  “No, I haven’t,” he says. “It’s nice to meet you, Rubz.”

  “Wish I could say the same, Ty I’m leaving.” I say and walk away stiffly. Being called Rubz brings back too many bad memories.

  “Ruby, wait up.” Ty says, running after me.

  “What, I just want to leave?”

  “He doesn’t know you hate being called that, I will tell him not call you that again.”

  “Just leave it please, its fine.”

  “Ok, call me tomorrow,” he says.

  “Ty, you’re
up,” someone yells out from the macho games being played.

  “Go, I will see you tomorrow,” and I take my leave. He runs off back inside the house, it’s good to see him happy - he deserves it after all the crap he was dealt. My escape was interrupted by a feminine warning.

  “I saw you with Dex earlier.” Sam says.

  “Well good for you.” I say in response to the sour tone she has used.

  “Just leave him alone, he doesn’t need someone like you in his life.” Someone like me, which is amusing when she doesn’t even know me.

  “Where do you get off bitch, you don’t know anything about me?”

  “I’m a good judge of character and I can find out everything I need to know at work,” she snarls back at me.

  “Good for you; I have somewhere I need to be, so if there is no point to this little chat, I’m leaving.” I say, and turn to walk away.

  “Stay away from him.” She growls.

  “Look, Dex is a big boy and can make his own choices, don’t you think?” I say, turning back around to face her.

  “He doesn’t need to get hurt again,” she tries to explain, uneasily.

  “Well, then he’s lucky I have no interest in him, I think I made that clear tonight.” I say, as I get in my car and shut the door. Sam is just standing there with her arms crossed, staring me down. She may think she is intimidating me, but she is far from it.

  I light up a smoke and roll the windows down. That was an eventful night, I need a few more drinks when I get back to the motel. I blast the stereo, it’s just some mindless pop song, but it’s catchy. It’s that Fancy song by Iggy someone or other, I sing along to calm my nerves. Why the fuck, after so many years, does being called Rubz still affect me? I’m not that girl anymore. I don’t let anyone walk all over me. I won’t let another male ruin that for me. I need to call my best friend, Taylor, she will make me feel better. I don’t have many friends. Actually, I only have her, and I like it that way. She is the only person who gets my no bullshit attitude. I have my phone synced with my blue toothed and hit her number.

  “What’s up bitch?” She says, answering the phone.

  “Just needed to tell you, you’re a mole and don’t forget me.” I chuckle back.

  “Have you changed your mind yet?” she asks.

  “Nah, have you?”

  “I wish I could leave this shit hole, how’s that sexy ass brother of yours?” She says playfully.

  “Still not your type.” She laughs at my response – “I called to tell you I got the job. I just pulled up to the motel and I’m beat, I will call you tomorrow to fill you in.”

  “You better,” she says.

  “Love your guts.”

  “Love yours more.”

  I have been working at Big Moe’s House of Ink for a few weeks now. It has to be the best job I have ever had. Everyone here is awesome. Big Moe has ten tattooists on staff, most come and go with appointments and all seem nice enough. Jash warned me about a few, but when they realised I was not here to take their shit, everyone has been great. It has been crazy busy here and I have been run off my feet between piercings, running the front desk and helping re-stock stations, Jash helps out a lot. I have met all the tattooists now, bar one. Jash says he should be back this week as he took a few weeks of for personal reasons, everyone calls him D-man. I have had a look at some of his work and it’s amazing, I want to ask him to do my next tattoo when he gets back.

  I open the shop today two hours before anyone gets here, it gives me time to set up. Mr Brightside by the Killers is playing when I walk in and I can hear the faint sound of a tattoo gun buzzing, and realise someone’s actually here already; which is strange because they are never here this early. I put my bag away and go see if it’s Big Moe, I walk past his office and see he is here. “Hey Big Moe, you’re here early?”

  “Yeah, D man is back and he was putting some finishing touches on this.” He stretches out his leg to show me his tat; it’s a flesh eating, zombie caterpillar.

  “That’s sick!” I say.

  “He is very talented, I’ll give the little shit that.” Big Moe mumbles.

  “Just getting everything set up, do you need anything?” I pause.

  “I forgot to tell you, I have set up some interviews for some body piercers and a few people to clean the stations, I need you to hire a few.”

  “Me?” I say confused

  “Yep, you are my new store manager.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack. All the other staff quit before you started, I wanted to see if you were as good as Taylor said you were.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No need for thanks. Hire however many you think we need. I will be back in a few hours, before my first appointment.”

  I walk out of his office ecstatic, everything seems to be falling into place for me and it’s about time, too. Jash walks in looking a little worse for the wear. “You look like shit.” I say, as he walks over to the front desk.

  “I feel like it, I swear I’m never drinking again.”

  “I am sure I have heard you say that a few times in the last few weeks.”

  “Is Big Moe here?”

  “He just left for a few hours, he’ll be back in time for his first appointment.”

  “Thank god,” he moans, and drops his head onto the bench top.

  “He made me shop manager today.” I babble.

  “That is awesome! Look, its D man. Yo D, come meet our new store manager.”

  A shudder runs down my back in warning, as I turn around and see it’s him. “You have got to be fucking shitting me,” I say.

  “What, you guys know each other?” Jash asks.

  “You could say that. Last time I saw Rubz here, she kicked me in the nuts.”

  “Yeah, well you deserved it.” I say, pissed he just called me Rubz, again.

  “You have no idea,” he says, as he walks away.

  The day passes away in a blur. It’s been so busy, but I have not had any more run in’s with Dex and that’s just how I like it; he gets under my skin and I don’t know why. The last of the people I had to interview have left, and I now have a hard decision to make. One or two stand out over the rest, so that will take away quite a few. I start to pack up when Jash is leaving. “You coming tonight?” he asks

  “Where to?”

  “Paulie’s, we are all heading over for a few drinks”

  “Maybe, I’m not sure.”

  “Okay, I might see you there.”

  I go back to packing everything away when I hear the drums. Big Moe has a few instruments set up here, no one has ever played them during the day so far. I recognize the song, I Miss You by Blink 182. Dex is sitting there, head down, just playing; I can see the pain in the way he plays. I pull out my sketch pad and sit in the corner where I won’t disturb him and start on a fresh page, trying to capture all that is in front of me. He keeps playing the same song over and over, it’s heartbreakingly beautiful. Just watching the way he is content, safe behind his drums. He must have finished playing because I feel like I’m being watched, I look up and he’s standing in front of me, sweat dripping down his chest, his face still haunted by whatever pain he is hiding, I know pain well, so I can relate. “What’s that?” He says.

  “Nothing.” I say closing the book.

  “It didn’t look like nothing.” He says, snatching the pad from my hand.

  “Do I need to reacquaint your balls with my foot?” I say, trying to snatch my sketches back.

  “These are fucking brilliant Ruby!” Dex says.

  “If you say so.”

  “Have you really just done this now?”

  “What do you care?”

  “I don’t, Rubz.”

  “My name is fucking Ruby, asshat.” I say, snatching the book from his hands. “Lock up when you leave.” I say and walk out door.

  I decide to take Jash up on meeting with him and some of the other tattooists. I will stop by the mote
l and get changed, but first I have to call Ty. “Hey what’s up?” He says, answering the phone.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Dex worked at Big Moe’s?”

  “How the fuck was I supposed to know where you worked, you’ve been avoiding me.”

  “I have not been avoiding you. I have just been busy with my new job.”

  “Maybe you’re not avoiding me, but you’re avoiding Dex.”

  “Agh, this call is now pointless.” I say and hang up on him.

  My phone rings right away. “Ty, I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “Fine, but we should catch up tomorrow, how about lunch?”

  “Lunch works for me, call me and let me know where to meet you.”

  “You know you will end up telling me what is going on between you and Dex.”

  “Nothing is going on with Dex,” I mumble.

  “Mmhh, bye.”

  I call Jash and he gives me directions on where they are, it’s not too far from the motel so I’ll catch a cab. The bar is packed by the time I arrive. It takes me a good five minutes to find Jash and the other guys. Great, just fucking great, Dex is here too.

  “Wow, you look smokin’ hot tonight.” Jash shouts over the music to me.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself, Jashy.” I look around and there are no spare seats.

  “Looks like you will have to sit on my lap, I don’t mind.” He says as he playfully nudges my shoulder.

  “I’m sure you don’t.” I say, I know Jash is harmless. Good looking I suppose, if you’re into huge arm muscles, that look like they will bust out of his shirt. I go to sit on his lap; even though it might cause me to have the we are only friends talk with him.

  As I’m about to sit, a hand grabs me and pulls me down onto another lap. A kick in the nuts obviously wasn’t enough. Maybe he needs a throat punch to seal the deal for him to realize I don’t like being touched without warning. “What is your problem?” I grunt as my annoyance tightens my voice.

  “I don’t have one now,” he says.

  “Fair warning, you touch me again without asking, and I will punch you in the throat.” I whisper in his ear, so he and only he can hear my threat.


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