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Surviving Until The End (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 3)

Page 18

by Vera Quinn

  “Thank you, Susan. We appreciate it.” I am grateful for everything that has been done for us.

  “Listen to Faith, Charity. You need to take care of yourself.” Paul says from behind his wife.

  “I’ll have dad check in on you. I promise.” Bubba says.

  “Enough, I did not come here to coddle no woman.” Chief says to Bubba.

  “Do you need to be so damn rude? You come into a man’s shop and not only take over the shop but the man’s office and his chair. I was going to say alright, but you won’t let me get a word in edge wise. Do you ever quit bitching? We will go, but we are leaving when we damn well want to.” I try to stare Chief down, but he only laughs.

  “If you were a man, I would kill you for talking to me like that or make you wish you were dead, but a little sass coming out of a woman reminds me of my daughter, Callie. Damn, I miss that girl. I think you could grow on me, if we were around each other very long, but just to be clear, you were coming whether you wanted to or not. You have Brody’s kid inside you and the man has been hunting for you everywhere. Little did we know that you were right under our damn noses. Your sister is a smart kid, listen to her more often, I am not a nice man, but if you will just listen to someone that just wants you safe, then this will go easier.” Chief walks around the desk and walks around in front of Faith. I stand up and move closer. Chief laughs. “I just want the keys to the jeep, we need to have it filled with fuel. Is there anything you need from your apartment or can we leave from here after the doctor sees you?” We need to go by the apartment and I am about to say it.

  “We need to go by the apartment to pick up clothes. We have a few bags packed but there are a few things I need to add.” Faith says to Chief and then hands him the keys.

  “Alright, we’ll run by the apartment, but you only have fifteen minutes to get what you need.” Chief tells Faith. Chief doesn’t seem as aggressive with Faith. “You two rest for a few, while I take care of some business.” I still think he is an asshole. Chief walks out and so do all the other men. Susan walks in and sits in Bubba’s chair. Faith and I are lounged out on the couch.

  “Charity, Chief is not a man to be arguing with. He is in your face and all alpha. You should take a step back, and access the situation again, he wants to help you.” Susan says quietly. I look at her and I see the concern. I start to say something, but I don’t get the chance.

  “Susan, we appreciate everything that your family has done for us but listening to men without questioning is how we ended up here. That is how we were raised. Man is head of the house and the community, women are like children to be seen and not heard. Not that I see children that way, but it is what we were taught. Charity and I will not do that anymore. We were born with a brain and free will and we are going to use both. Do not get me wrong, we have come to think of you, Paul, Bubba, and Uncle Hem as our family, but we don’t know Chief or why he would want to help us. I like his idea of extra help, but only because it is the logical thing to do and I can be nice to him. I don’t want to see my pregnant sister thrown on the ground again, but there will come a point that Charity and I will need to do what we think is best and even Chief with his rough exterior will not stop us.” Susan laughs and shakes her head. Faith looks at me. “Charity, you do not need to antagonize and be so confrontational with a man that might save of lives.” Susan laughs again.

  “Now who is the mother hen around here. Charity you have been schooled by your baby sister.” I smile at that, because Susan is right.

  “Alright Faith, but if that man is an ass to me then he is getting as good as he gives.” I shake my head thinking about the giant of a man.

  “Charity, you have it wrong, that was Chief being nice. You do not want to see the bad part of that man. He will eat you alive and then make you wish you’d never met him.” I am not worried about Chief, but I will remember the warning. “I am going to go and see if I can find some more ice.” Susan walks out of the room. It is not long before the doctor that looked after Faith when we first arrived, is giving both Faith and I an exam. Bruising and swelling is all he finds. He warns me to take it easy and makes sure that Faith has her meds in case she needs them. I wait for Chief to come in and start ordering us around, but Brain is the one that comes into the room. I wait for someone else to follow him in, but Bubba and Paul are the only ones that come in behind him.

  “There’s been a change of plans. Susan has gone to get us some food with the prospects and then after we eat, some of my brothers and I are taking you to your apartment to gather some things up. Then we are going back to Winnsboro. This is going to be a quick trip.” Brain isn’t his normal joking self, he is all business.

  “Is Chief going to be joining us?” I couldn’t help but to ask. Brain looks at me and I feel a shiver run up my back. This isn’t the man I am accustomed to dealing with. This man is cold and calculating. He’s trying to stare me down, but it is not happening.

  “That’s club business which means it is none of yours. We will see Chief when we see him.” That sets me off. I stand up and I fight back the tears.

  “I thought we were friends, excuse me for wondering where the man was that has been giving me orders for the last few hours. It looks like the biker world is just like the real world. There are no friends just family.” I don’t give Brain a chance to respond. I turn and walk into Bubba’s private bathroom and let the tears fall. I don’t understand anything anymore. Someone that has acted like a friend for over two months and then suddenly, he isn’t. Is there anywhere that we can find a normal life? What is normal? I take care of my other business and then splash water on my face and wash my hands. I know I can’t stay in here all day and I guess it is time to face another angry man. I need a freaking nap, so I can regroup and be the total bitch I know I can be to these assholes.

  Chapter 18


  Tyler received intel this morning that The Hell Keeperz MC have a temporary clubhouse in Pickton, a piss ant town that isn’t even big enough for a school. It has a diner that is on highway 11, a store that carries everything from worms to fish with all the way to plumbing items when you are in a bind, and then there is the small post office, blink and you will miss this place. The thing that it is rich with is churches. Some people still attend and others that have been abandoned. One of the abandoned ones is where the Hell Keeperz MC is setting up office temporarily. It is hidden back off a dead-end road. Tyler heard chatter on a citizen band radio he had started monitoring. The Hell Keeperz MC is either using technology that no one has their hands on yet or going back old school. I think that is why we haven’t been able to figure them out or find their location. Who would think they would be right under our noses. The only thing that old church could have going for it is that there is only one way in and one way out. That means they are ready to fight to the death. That doesn’t surprise me, I just can’t comprehend losing family and friends without a second thought. Not since we lost…no I am not going there.

  We are held up about three miles from the old church waiting for enough backup that no one is going to escape this sweep. Rebel and the rest of the Demented Revengers MC from Quitman are making their way up through the woods. I would hate to be them making it through the humid woods, trying not to be detected. The woods are thick and is full of wild animals and snakes. The snakes are easier to handle than the wild hogs. A wild hog will eat a man alive if hungry enough, if there is herd of them no one man has a chance. I hear motorcycles pulling up behind us. I would have thought that they would have come in trucks or SUVs. The roar of the motorcycles can be heard before they arrive. I turn to watch the men dismount their bikes. I have wondered for a long time what it would be like to be free to just get on my bike and let the wind beat against my skin. I wanted that at one time, sometimes I still do. The thought brings me back to Jilly and Charity. Jilly slipped into a coma over two months ago. It was less than seventy-two hours that we found out how direly sick she was that we said our last goodbyes,
and everyone was distraught and devastated but a peace fell over us, or at least Rebel and myself, as we let the wind blow her ashes out over the pond that we grew up fishing, swimming, fighting, and talking our hearts out at. It was bitter sweet, but it was fitting. Jilly was always mature for her age, but she also had a carefree streak through her. I hope when my times come that I am strong enough to pick the way I say good-bye to my loved ones. That brings my mind to Charity, she haunts my dreams. All I can see is the way her eyes looked after we were together, and I told her I wanted her to take the morning after pill. I will regret that until my dying day. I can’t keep the woman out of my mind. She has a pull on me that I can’t get away from. The only thing to keep me sane after Jilly died is work. I have done nothing but work on trying to find the Hell Keeperz MC and Charity. I am deep in thought and Chief brings me out of my haze of thoughts when he drives his bike right up next to me. This man and I do not see eye to eye on anything. I know he is here to help Cap, but damn he is a hard man. I wait for the man to get off his bike, but he doesn’t seem in any hurry. Cap pulls up beside Chief with Con beside him.

  “Your woman has a bun in the oven that belongs to you.” Chief says with a smirk. Cap walks over beside me with Con right beside him.

  “What are you talking about? Have you heard something about Charity?” I wait for him to answer.

  “I’d like to know the answer to that one.” Cap has an edge to his tone. “Brody, you need to check your messages. Kaden has been trying to get in touch with you for a while. It must be the damn reception out here or where Kaden is, because he tried contacting Rebel also. Charity called him at work and told him that she is pregnant. Kaden didn’t say much else. He had a call out at the high school about a shooting with a drug deal involved. The whole damn town in Winnsboro is on lock down. They are letting no one in or out of the school except law enforcement. They have called in for backup from other counties and they activated the citizen deputies.”

  “Charity and Faith will be driving through Winnsboro to get to Rebel’s clubhouse. They were attacked today in front of the mall.” Chief gets off his bike. Tito walks up to Chief. This man is quiet, but he is good at his job for the Feral Steel MC. I see another man walking towards us, I don’t think I have ever met him before.

  “Chief, Sarge got some intel that they are going to hit the women and whatever men you have with them before they exit Interstate thirty, close to Winfield.” I want to know who they are getting their information from and how Charity is doing.

  “Stop,” I look at Chief and he stares back at me. “is Charity and Faith alright, you said they were attacked and where are they and why didn’t you tell us you knew where they were?” I have started moving towards Chief, but Con steps between us.

  “I want the damn answers to all those questions! What the hell is going on Chief?” Cap is yelling too.

  “Cap, unless you are trying to alert these dumb asses that we are here, then we need to keep the voices to a small roar.” Chief and Cap both look at Con.

  “Shut up!” They both say at once.

  “Cap, I am here to repay an old dept. I am not a man that explains myself, but if you and Brody would give me the chance, I will let you know what I know. I was not privy to any of this information until this afternoon. Brain had a friend named Bubba that has a mechanic shop close to the clubhouse. Brain was helping a friend out. He put two and two together today when Bubba called him for some backup. Charity and Faith were coming out of the mall when a van of men pulled in front of them and tried grab the two of them. The girls weren’t so willing to go. They fought back. Charity shot three of them and Faith stabbed one. Faith’s eye is swollen almost shut where she took a hard punch. The doc came in and checked both women out, and they were given the okay. Faith was concerned because Charity took a hard over the shoulder drop onto concrete and the doctor said for her to take it easy” Chief is texting while he talks. “I sent Brain, backup, but not sure it will reach them in time. He has three prospects with him and ZMan.”

  “Sarge and Stealth are in route too and they left the same time I did.” Shield adds.

  “By the time the girls got to the shop, Brain and I had put together that this was the girl that we have looking for. She was right in under our noses and Brain helped get the identification they are using now and Brody,” Chief looks at me. “Charity is full of sass so beware. She argued with me on every damn thing until Faith made her see reason and she is determined to raise that baby on her own.”

  “I’ll be damned. Charity is my woman and that is my child, end of story.” Cap and Chief both laugh, in fact I hear snickers from everyone.

  “Brody, you may have been hanging around us for a while, but citizens do not live by the same rules that we do in our world. You have to have the woman’s consent before you put a ring on it.” Con laughs.

  “Not in my world. Charity will come around when I show her the consequences of not listening.” I will make this work. I know I can’t get Charity out of my head and she is carrying my child, our child. Charity is having our child. I want this. I want all of it. No one is promised tomorrow.

  “I don’t know if you have the balls to wrangle that one. She needs a strong man in her life that will cherish her and that sister of hers is a good girl and she has loyalty.” Then Chief’s eyes are off me, and on Cap. “Those two girls found out more information in one afternoon than we have in two months. The men in that van were a combination of the community men and the Hell Keeperz MC. The President of the Hell Keeperz MC is Glenn, the older brother of the man, Nic, that wanted to marry Faith when she was back in that community. I didn’t catch their last name, but I am sure Brain and Tito have it. Charity shot Glenn in the gut, so if he is here, then he is hurting. Nic was shot too and then one of his friends, Cin, was shot mid chest. Faith also stabbed that one in the leg and my best guess is if he is still alive he is on borrowed time. It looks like that community of people have joined the Hell Keeperz MC and they are determined to get those two girls back.”

  “Then I guess that I will be forced to kill them all because no way are they touching Charity or Faith ever again. They are under my protection.” I speak directly to Chief.

  “Let’s quit our gabbing and hit this church. There’s no way they are all here, so we will have more hunting to do, but this additional information will get us some answers. We need at least one of the men inside that building to be brought out alive, so we can question him.” Cap turns to walk away. Chief steps over to the guy Shield. They have their heads together and then Shield walks back to his bike and leaves. I catch up to Cap and Con, just as Con’s phone goes off.

  “Rebel’s in place and waiting our lead. He hears us going in the front then he is hitting the back and both sides.” Cap considers what Con has said.

  “Con, you and Brody come in on the second wave.” I don’t know what Cap is playing at. “A lot of these old churches have cellars since this area is hit with tornadoes in the springtime. The thing is, the inside of the church has doors that go down to the cellars. They could have the outside doors covered with dirt or leaves or anything that will cover and not be too heavy to move. That would give them a way out and come up behind us or just escape. Either way, it is not an option we want to leave open for them. Con you watch the right side and Brody, you the left, take cover behind the trees. If someone comes running, shoot them, try for the knees or anything to slow them down and not kill them. We need answers to questions, and we can’t get them from dead men.” As we make our way the closest we can to the front with cover, Con goes to the right and I go to the left. Instead of taking cover behind the tree, I climb the thing and get into a position that I can’t be easily noticed. I see as Chief kicks in the door and Cap is right behind him rushing in the door. I hear shots from the back of the church. I look down at Con and his eyes are on the side of the church. I can see all the way to the back of the church and there are men trying to run into the woods after they are coming out of the
windows and they are being shot down. Then I see the grass move to the side of the church, at first, I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. It’s on Con’s side of the church. I give out a bird call and Con looks at me and I motion to him. I shimmy down the tree, so I can be a better backup for him, and then all hell breaks loose. The camouflage that was covering the cellar door is flung back and four men are trying to escape. Con puts a bullet in the first two before I can get in position. The two remaining men go in two different directions. Con goes after the first one and I take off after the other one. The man I am chasing is at the wood line and I aim and shoot until I only have one left in the chamber. He goes down hard. I approach carefully, but the man is not moving, and I am guessing that he is dead, but I am careful on my approach to him. I keep my gun on him and try to keep my eyes on my surroundings at the same time, I still hear gunfire, so I know the fight is not over yet. I kick the man’s boot. He’s wearing a cut, so I know he is a member of the Hell Keeperz MC. I change my clip in my gun and roll the man over on his back. I have seen this man before. It’s Titan, the Enforcer for the Hell Keeperz MC, he is one of the men that was at the old farmhouse that Rebel, Charity, and I were held at. I check for a pulse but he’s dead. I take his phone, keys, and wallet from his pockets. I stick everything in my pockets and retrace my steps back to the front of the church and Con is still fighting with the man he went after. The man has no cut on, but I see when he pulls a knife. I shoot him in the side of the knee cap. He goes down to one knee and Con hits him on the side of the head as he is falling. He drops the knife. I look at Con and I see he is barely containing his anger. I walk over and kick the knife away and push the man back from Con.

  “You filthy idiots are going to die, by now they should have Charity and Faith and it will only be a matter of time before the Demented Revengers MC will be history. Do you not think that we knew you were coming? We’re the damn diversion and by the time all of you get back to Tyler and Quitman there will be no clubhouses for you to go back to. You’ll be too late!” The man spits at Con. Con backhands the man before I can stop him. I am tempted to do the same. We found the bombs that were planted in both clubhouses before we ever left this morning. Stealth went over the clubhouse in Tyler and Sarge searched the clubhouse in Quitman. We also found the three people who were responsible for planting them and who has been messing with both club’s security systems. Cap and Rebel just hopes that is as far as it goes. Rebel lost one of his patched brothers, one he trusted and who has been with him for many years, Tango. The other two had good covers, because who would be looking at club girls to know anything about bombs. Most of the women they keep around the club for sex are only there for sex with a biker or a good party, or have nowhere else to go, either way they are not asked to stick around the clubhouse for their brains. I’m not judging what happens in either clubhouse if it is consensual on both sides. Their real identities were well hid also. Both women, Abbi and Lisa, were both from the same community that Charity came from. We have all have been more concerned about the Hell Keeperz MC, but we should have been more focused on that damn community, who calls their home community? It’s not even a name just community. I am distracted by what other mistakes we may have made. I hear someone walking up on us and I turn to see who it might be, and Cap and Chief are walking out of the house towards us.


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