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Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Now, he hoped Miss Albright was as giving as Sugar was.

  Just thinking about the dog walker back at the park made Colton pause. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman. Maybe after all this was over, he’d be able to give Sugar a night to remember. She’d saved him today; it would be the least he could do. The thought alone made him smile.

  His day was certainly looking up.


  Sugar stared down at the business card, feeling her eyebrows rise as she took in Colton’s full name.

  Colton Ethan Richmond.

  Holy shit. It was clear he had no clue who she was, but then again, she’d only given her first name. And she hadn’t known who he was, not until he’d given her his business card and she’d seen exactly whom she’d been speaking with.

  Richmond Talent Agency.

  Sugar lifted her head and looked over to where he’d been. There was no sight of him; he had obviously hauled ass out of the dog park.

  Her company was doing business with his. In fact, if the deal went through it would be one of the biggest mergers for both of their corporations in over a decade. And she was the one holding it up, going through all the paperwork, the fine print, making sure all the Is were dotted and the Ts crossed.

  She got plenty of messages from Mr. Richmond, wanting to meet, wanting to go over the specifics so things could move forward. She’d been dragging her feet, but then again, as a communication director it was her job to make sure everything was in place before signatures were delivered.

  Her heart was thundering as she curled her fingers around the thick, expensive business card. She tucked that, as well as her cell, into her bag. Calling Poppy over, she attached the leash to the collar, not being able to help smiling as Boscoe trotted over as well. Once he was secured on the leash she headed out of the dog run to do a few laps around the lake.

  Sugar had been partially joking about walking his dog and caring for Boscoe, but before she could set him straight, Colton had handed her his business card, the leash, and gotten the hell out of there.

  She’d been left with an open mouth and no doubt wide eyes, shock filling her with what had just happened. But that wasn’t even the most shocking part. The fact that he was who he was resonated in her like a damn atom bomb. Things would obviously have to come out in the open eventually, especially when there was a meeting set for the following week, one where she would come face-to-face for the first time with Mr. Richmond.

  Well, he thought it would be the first time he’d met her. His expression would certainly be amusing.

  But tonight she’d bring his dog back, tell him she wasn’t about to be his employee as she dropped Boscoe off, and then she’d go home and figure out exactly how things would play out next week.

  Would he be upset if she didn’t tell him tonight who she was?

  Either way she’d deal with it when there was a conference room full of staff.

  Sugar stared up at the apartment building where Colton lived. It was flashy, expensive as all get-out, and she wouldn’t be surprised if he had the top floor penthouse. She’d dropped Poppy off at home on her way over here, needing an hour just to talk herself into coming over here and confronting him.

  She curled her hand more tightly around the leash that secured Boscoe. He sat beside her, on his best behavior, seeming excited to see Colton. Despite Boscoe having some behavior issues, it was clear he did love Colton. She looked down at the dog and saw his tail wagging. The whining coming from him as he stared at the front doors of the building told her he knew he was home and anticipated it.

  “Do you want to see Colton?” Boscoe lifted his big shaggy head and barked once. She smiled and reached down to scratch behind his ear. “Well, let’s get this over with.” She headed inside, the doorman holding the gold-framed glass door open for her.

  When she was in the elevator and had his floor pushed, she leaned against the elevator railing and exhaled. Her heart was thundering at the thought of seeing him, knowing who he was. She felt like she was in that elevator for an eternity. Finally the ding indicated she was at her destination. The elaborately detailed doors slid open.

  When she stepped out in the hallway she could see Colton indeed had the penthouse floor. Only one door could be seen on this floor and that was his.

  Each step she took closer to his front entrance had her hands shaking and her heart racing. Stopping in front of it and looking down at Boscoe again, she licked her suddenly dry lips and wondered if he could sense how nervous she was.

  “I guess it’s now or never,” she said softly to Boscoe. He gave her an answering whine. And then she brought her knuckles down on the wood, knocking three times before taking a step back, curling her hands at her sides, and holding her breath.

  It was only a second later that the front door opened and Colton stood there, a thin, no doubt cashmere tan sweater covering his broad shoulders and muscular abdomen. His brown slacks were color coordinated with his shirt—of course—but his feet were bare of socks or shoes.

  God, how could a man’s feet be so attractive?

  She swallowed, this lump in her throat forming and refusing to go down, refusing to allow her to say anything. They stood there, staring at each other, neither speaking for long seconds. The air thickened and heated.

  “Mr. Richmond,” she finally managed to say and then wanted to slap her hand over her mouth for being so formal. He lifted a brow and smirked, still unaware of who she was.

  Feeling too nervous to say anything else, Sugar handed him the collar, scratched Boscoe behind the ear once more, and turned on her heel and left. She stopped in front of the elevator and pushed the button far too many times to seem sane. She knew Colton still stood by the front door, felt his gaze on her. Looking over at him, she saw he had one hand tucked in his front pocket, the other hand still holding on to Boscoe’s leash.

  And he was smiling.

  “And no, I’m not a dog walker.” The elevator doors opened at the right time and she stepped inside before he could respond. But before the doors could close she saw Colton standing there, his hand holding the elevator open.

  He smirked. “You’re not a dog walker, but I am desperate for your help.”

  She swallowed, knowing she should say no, that she should tell him who she really was, but the words lodged in her throat.

  “Please,” he said in a sweet voice. “You’re so good with him.”

  Glancing down, she closed her eyes briefly. “I’ll be by tomorrow.” She opened her eyes and looked up at him, getting lost in his dark eyes. She was a fool for doing this but she couldn’t help herself. He stepped back, smiling.

  “Thank you.”

  When the doors closed and she was alone again she leaned against the wall and breathed out.

  She was embarrassed and still nervous, but most of all, she was aroused.


  Instead of confronting Colton and letting him know she wasn’t walking his dog again, Sugar kept on doing just that. Several days had turned in to a week of seeing him daily, of wanting him, knowing that she had to get control of her emotions.

  Of course, with her walking his dog and actually enjoying it, every time he called her office, she got her PA to make so many different excuses. She wasn’t entirely sure why she was holding off. Maybe it was that she got a feel for the guy when she took his dog. He could be a complete asshole, a total jerk, and yet, as far as she could tell, he cared a hell of a lot about Boscoe. He’d taken in his sister’s dog without thinking about the consequences. That had to mean something.

  After a very long morning of dealing with a few more potential deals and problems, she sat back at her desk thinking about her dilemma. It didn’t sit well with her constantly telling him no, especially as this put a whole new spin on their first meeting. This merger was going to happen. She had no doubt about it.

  Not only would this be good for business but it would secure both of their networks–a spot which needed to be filled.
/>   “Mr. Richmond called again,” Amanda, her PA, said.

  She looked up from the contract she’d been glancing through to stare at her. “You postponed the meeting?”

  “I did, but it’s getting harder to make excuses.” Amanda folded her arms, staring at her. “Is this company bad or something?”

  “It’s not bad. It’s actually really good.” She opened up her drawer, pulling out the file, which was rather thick. “There are a few points we need to go over when we do eventually meet.”

  “I don’t get it. What the hell’s going on?”

  “I’ve actually met him,” Sugar said.

  “You’ve met him?”

  “Yeah, at the dog run downtown. Not far from where I live. He has this really beautiful dog, Boscoe. Clearly, he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I offered him some advice, he gave me his card and asked me to include Boscoe on my schedule.”

  Amanda gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. “No! He thought you were a dog walker?”

  “Yes, honestly, that’s what he said and I at first refused to walk his dog, then when he kept asking, I said yes. He seemed really desperate.”

  “Is he cute?”


  “Come on. There has to be a reason why you of all people would allow this complete lie to carry on. You must like him.”

  “I don’t like him. He’s a total ass. He thought I was a dog walker. That I didn’t do anything else with my day. Believe me, that’s not the kind of guy I find attractive.”

  “What is the kind of guy you find attractive?” Amanda asked.

  “I don’t know. One who isn’t an ass and assumes things about people. I was dressed to take Poppy out. That doesn’t mean I’m not a professional.” She stared at Amanda.

  “You’re going to have to face him sooner or later. This is just … I can’t believe this is happening. I want to be in on the meeting,” Amanda said. “Just to see his face when you walk in.”

  “You think I’m ruining everything right now?”

  Amanda looked sympathetic. She wasn’t just Sugar’s PA; they’d become friends over the years. “I don’t think you’re ruining everything. If he wants the deal, he’ll take it regardless. Have you told him who you were?”

  “I told him my name is Sugar. It’s not an everyday name but it’s clear he didn’t recognize it. He seems distracted half the time.” Which didn’t help her either because he was so handsome and sexy even. When she took Boscoe back to his apartment in the evening, he always looked so relaxed. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to the elbow and she got a glimpse of his muscular arms. His hands were nice and long and he didn’t shake when he was near her.

  “You know why he’s distracted. He wants you.” Amanda burst out laughing. “This is so good. I better go and keep on putting him off.”

  Sugar released a breath as she sat back.

  The rest of the day went without event. But she knew she had to stop putting this off.

  Not only was it bad for business, but the longer she left it, the harder it was going to be when she finally had a meeting planned.

  Tapping her pen on the desk, she glanced at the large file that contained her notes. She wasn’t going to put this off any longer. Getting to her feet, she called over to Amanda. “Arrange for him to come in next week.”

  “You want a meeting with Mr. Richmond?” Amanda asked.

  “Yes, make it for next Friday. Don’t tell him my first name.”

  “I never do.”

  Nodding at her PA, she sat back in her office.

  It didn’t matter if she was ready to face Colton in her domain. They’d come here, go through the contracts, and then it would be over.

  No more drooling after the man who thought she was a dog walker. She would miss walking Boscoe. She knew Poppy adored the big beast of a dog.

  Amanda came back to her office a few minutes later.

  “It’s arranged?” Sugar asked.

  “He wanted me to pull it forward to today but I wouldn’t let him. He’s the pushy kind of man, isn’t he?”

  “I don’t really know what kind of man he is.” But I want to find out.

  “You can certainly put him in the category of jumping to conclusions.”

  “That I can.” She forced a smile to her lips.

  “You okay, Sugar?” Amanda asked.

  “I’m fine. Just … it’s going to be tough next Friday.”

  “You’ll do more than fine. Remember who you are. Don’t let him think you’re anything but brilliant, and that is exactly what you are, Sugar. Brilliant.”

  “You should have been one of those life coaches that gives inspirational advice.”

  Amanda laughed. “Not a chance. I can’t keep my nosey opinion to myself.” Amanda winked and then it was back to business as usual.


  Sugar brought her knuckles down on Colton’s front door, and then took a step back. Her heart was thundering, her nerves on high alert. She hated feeling like this, but what she needed more than that was to be honest with him.

  They had the merger appointment set for next week and the truth would come out. Would he feel angry? Would he feel betrayed? Concealing who she was seemed so ridiculous. She should just tell him. But for some reason she held back, liking the fact that work wasn’t between them in this moment.

  A moment later the door opened and he stood there, his hair damp from an obvious shower. He wore a pair of sweats and a white T-shirt, one that stretched across his broad shoulders and defined abdomen. She could see the muscles under the thin material and it had heat rising in her.

  Even wearing lounge clothes, he was attractive.

  He moved to the side and pulled the door open even more, as if he wanted her to come inside. Sugar walked over the threshold, Boscoe trailing beside her. Once inside, Colton shut the door behind them and she unhooked the leash from Boscoe’s collar. He instantly went over to the couch and jumped on, doing a couple circles before he finally lay down.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Colton asked and Sugar turned around to face him.

  She should’ve said no, that she had to get back home. But instead she found herself nodding. He smiled, just a lift at the corner of his mouth. She watched as he turned and headed into the kitchen, and she took that time to look around at his opulent apartment.

  White marble, gold accents, black leather furniture.

  It was also swanky and upscale. But then again, he was a CEO so she didn’t expect anything else. Sugar made a nice, comfortable living, but she certainly didn’t have the salary that Colton did, judging by his penthouse apartment.

  A moment later Colton was standing beside her, his hand outstretched as he gave her a square-cut glass. She took it, looking down at the clear liquid with cubes of ice floating around.

  “Gin and tonic,” he said, answering her unspoken question.

  “Hitting me up with a grandma drink, huh?” She smiled, teasing. She wasn’t much of a drinker, but strangely enough, she did have an affinity for gin and tonic.

  He chuckled deeply and gestured over to the living room. “You want to sit down or do you prefer standing while you toss one back?” He grinned again. She liked this side of him, this teasing, easy-going one.

  “Yeah, thanks.” She followed him into the living room, taking the two steps down and making her way toward one of the large couches. The living room was set on a lower level than the rest of the apartment, with two stairs circling the perimeter, and a glass and gold-framed coffee table sitting in the center. A large flat-screen tv was positioned cattycorner to her, and floor to ceiling windows were to her right.

  She glanced out the windows, seeing the cityscape outside, the twinkly lights of the skyscrapers surrounding them, the flash of yellow and red lights from the traffic below. It was gorgeous up here, with a view to die for.

  Sugar didn’t realize Colton was sitting right beside her until she felt his body heat seep into her. Shifting on the couch and l
ooking at him, she held in her gasp at the fact he was so close. He was leaning back against the cushions, one arm braced on the back of the couch, the other one resting in his lap as he held his drink. He watched her intently, his expression not giving anything away.

  “I want to thank you for walking Boscoe. I’ve noticed a huge improvement in his overall demeanor since you came into our lives.”

  Our lives?

  She licked her lips and offered a smile but it felt strained. “It’s my pleasure. He really is a great dog. He just needs attention.”

  He nodded, seeming disappointed.

  “Yeah, I work so much it’s hard to make extra time. I hate that I can’t give him what he needs because he’s such a great dog, but I also can’t find it in myself to rehome him.” He looked over at Boscoe then. The dog was snoring and Sugar smiled. “I love him even though he’s infuriating,” Colton said in a deep, sad voice. He looked over at her then, smiling, that light reaching his eyes.

  Before she knew what was happening he reached out and touched her cheek. His skin was warm but she got chills. He moved his finger toward her mouth, touched her lips, and had her gasping. And then he was leaning in and kissing her, his lips firm and strong, his warm breath and sweet smelling from his drink. She found herself opening her mouth just as he slipped his tongue past the seam and deep inside.

  “So good,” he murmured after a few seconds.

  Sugar wanted to just give herself over to Colton. But she couldn’t.

  “Wait,” she said and placed her hands on his chest, pushing him back. “I have to go,” she said quickly and stood. The truth was Sugar was aroused, so incredibly wet for Colton. But in the back of her mind she thought about how he really didn’t know who she was. He’d find out next week and that going forward with this right here, right now, could and probably would be disastrous.


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