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Giving It to the Bad Boy

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  “Um, thank you.” Kiera dropped her eyes to the girl’s name badge then looked back at her face. “Kelly.” Kiera smiled, but Kelly didn’t return the gesture. She could practically feel the sneer on Kelly so graciously gave her.

  “Don’t you go to State Montessa?” Kiera knew the girl was being catty. The girl knew damn well she went to State, but what she really wanted to ask was why a geek like her was hanging out with a guy like Reese. She might have thought she was tutoring him if not for the fact he insisted on holding her hand. Not that she was complaining. She had seen the hostess enough times at school to know that, although she didn’t know her personally, she hung out with the popular crowd.

  “Are you our waitress?” Reese spoke up before Kiera could respond to her question. Kelly looked over at him and smiled in the same seductive way Kiera had seen every other girl that came in contact with Reese. The desire in Kelly’s eyes could have left scorch marks. This situation was growing even more uncomfortable by the moment.

  “No.” She batted her eyelashes and ran her tongue over her too red lips. “But if you want a bottle of wine I know the bartender really well and can get it for you if you want?” Her chest was thrust out, and her breasts strained against the tight material of her shirt. Was she even wearing a bra? To Kiera’s pleasure Reese kept his gaze on Kelly’s face. She didn’t need to ask if Reese went to State, no, because everyone in their town knew who he was. Maybe that was bad, or good, but either way it was the truth.

  “Ugh, I think we’re good. Thanks?” Reese’s brows were drawn low over his eyes, and he looked at Kelly as if she was a little slow.

  “Yeah, well, all right.” She changed the subject quickly. “I saw you at Haden’s party last weekend.” Kelly cut her eyes toward Kiera, and the expression she got was one of displeasure. Kiera wondered which rumor she had heard.

  “Heard that Josh guy was pretty messed up. I guess he had broken ribs, and they had to realign his. He got like fifty stitches.” Kelly said it like she was in awe or something. The rumor around their school, especially concerning what went on at parties, was always left open to interpretation. “What did he do to piss y—”

  Reese cut her off by saying, “Listen, I’m here with my date and really don’t want to talk about that shit. Since you’re not our waitress can you please just go get her so we can eat?” He showed no emotion, but his words brooked no argument. Kelly’s face became red, and she huffed out before turning and leaving. Reese looked at her and smiled. “Sorry about that.”

  “It’s not like that was your fault.” Kiera’s mouth grew dry with what she really wanted to ask. “Your date?” After the hand holding and kissing and everything else Reese had said, Kiera didn’t know why she was surprised by his admission.

  He leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. The table was small, intimate even, so this put him in even closer proximity to her. “I’d be lying if I said that isn’t what I want this to be, what I hoped it would be.” He gave her a moment to let those words sink in before he continued. “I thought the way I look at you, touch you,” he dropped his voice to a deep, sexy whisper that sent tendrils of fire licking across her skin, “and kiss you would let you know that what I feel and do means more to me than just being friends. I don’t want to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable by telling you this, but I honestly did intend to just hang out as friends.” His eyes dipped to her mouth, and she felt her cheeks heat. “But then we kissed, and I knew being friends just wasn’t enough.”

  How was she supposed to even respond to an admission like that? Kiera looked down at her hands as she nervously twisted her napkin in her lap. Pleasure coursed through her at his words.

  “Kiera, look at me.” The way he said those three words had her wanting to do what he said. The rough timbre of his voice had her automatically responding, and that wasn’t something she could help. He held her gaze for a suspended moment. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “Why me?” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them. He leaned back in his chair as if he was taken aback by her question.

  “Why you?” She nodded. “Why not you is a better question.” Before he could elaborate the waitress stopped by their table. They placed their orders, and their drinks came shortly after that. Once they were alone again Kiera wondered if he would divulge more information on the question she asked.

  She admitted she did have low self-esteem. Her social status was less than notable, and had her questioning the actions of people when they concerned her. He was just so popular, and well, she was not. He could have any girl he wanted, most likely had in fact. So why did he want a too thick one who was known as a geek at State Montessa?

  “I just don’t understand why you would want me when you can have anyone. I mean, I see you with Andrea…” She didn’t want to finish because a knot of jealousy formed in her gut. It was completely misplaced, and for the second time today she scolded herself on that. Reese was not hers. A date didn’t constitute a serious, monogamous relationship. Did he think that she would just be another one of his many followers? That she would give him what he wanted without a second thought? His actions toward her said no, but her own self-doubt and wariness inside of her kept the acid thought planted in her mind. Maybe he saw her thoughts clearly on her expression, or had come across this situation before, but his next comment was as if he read her mind.

  “I’m going to be honest and lay everything out there, Kiera.” He rested one arm over the back of his chair and straightened his leg out the side. “My home life is shitty, and my parents even more so. I drink too much, have gotten into my fair share of fights, and smoke cigarettes on occasion. I won’t lie and say I haven’t fucked plenty of girls, because I want to be honest with you.” She wasn’t unaccustomed to foul language, but that wasn’t why she flinched at his words. “I won’t sugarcoat my life. I don’t have much to offer, just what you see before you.” He leaned forward again. “But despite the rumors you heard, which I won’t deny are probably true for the most part, I do know that I want you. I know I don’t deserve you, but I want to be honest and tell you where I stand.” He took a deep breath and looked away. A frown marred the area between his eyes, and at that moment he seemed like a little boy, so vulnerable and lost. He schooled his features before looking back at her. “Whether you believe this or not, I do want to make something out of my life. I don’t go around hurting people because I like it.” This whole conversation had turned into something much deeper. Here he was, baring his very soul to her all for the sake of wanting to date her?

  “I just don’t understand, Reese. You never even spoke to me directly until after Haden’s party. Now you’re telling me all of this.”

  He leaned back again and took the same relaxed position. “Would you have even given me the time of day back then, Kiera?” Whether he actually expected her to answer was neither here nor there because he continued speaking. “If that shit hadn’t gone down at Haden’s, would you have let me take you out, befriend you? I guarantee you would have thought I was just this asshole playing a cruel joke, or even just trying to bang you.” Kiera had to give him credit for not mincing his words. “In fact, I bet initially that is what you thought, even after Haden’s party.” He took her hand in his in a sudden move. He was right, of course, and she felt like a total bitch because of it. Despite telling herself she didn’t want to be one of those judgmental assholes, here she was doing exactly that.

  The night in question played over and over in her mind. She looked into his eyes and spoke honestly, because at the very least he deserved to know how she felt as well. “Yes, you’re right, Reese, and I feel like an ass admitting that.” His smile was genuine, and she returned the gesture. She was tired of hiding behind herself, so to speak. Here goes nothing. “What I do know is that I have wanted you … for a long time.” She quickly added the last part and felt him tightening his hand on hers, as if to urge her to continue. “I’ll be honest and say if you
would have come up to me before the whole Josh thing, I would have thought it a joke. So no, I wouldn’t have believed you.” He exhaled deeply and nodded.

  “Thank you for being honest with me, and I can’t blame you for thinking that way. It isn’t like I have been honorable or forthcoming with my feelings for you, or going above and beyond to improve my reputation. Can we start over?”

  Kiera’s heart still pounded so hard. They were surrounded by laughing couples and happy families. Their voices were low, intimate, yet their conversation was deep and intense. “Yeah, I’d like that.” Was she really about to do this and open herself up to a boy that just all of a sudden told her he had wanted her for years? Yes, yes she was, because she was tired of not allowing herself what she really wanted, and what she really wanted was the boy in front of her.

  He still held onto her hand, but he lifted his other one like he was giving some kind of oath. Kiera couldn’t help but laugh. “Reese Trenton. I live on the wrong side of the tracks, do bad things on occasion, but I promise I have a good heart. I also have this weakness for a girl named Kiera Sheppard, and would love it if she gave me the time of day and let me take her out again.” He grinned, flashing straight, white teeth. Kiera chuckled and shook her head at his teasing tone. “You’re insane, but in a good way.” He was open and honest, and she knew that he always would be. That was just who Reese was “The wrong side of the tracks?” She took his other hand in hers, and gave him a reassuring squeeze, the same that he had given her so many times tonight. He gave her another lopsided grin, and she couldn’t help but feel tingly inside. It was such an innocent look, but it was also so very delicious. Kiera let her eyes travel along the strong, contoured length of one of his forearms. The swirling lines and designs that worked their way from his wrist and disappeared under the sleeve of his shirt drew her like a moth to a flame. “You have a lot of tattoos.” She hadn’t meant to say the words out loud.

  “Do they bother you?” Kiera realized that she still held onto his hands and that she brushed her fingers along the dark ink closest to his thumb. Feeling a bit strange for all but petting him, she let go of his hands and leaned back.

  “No.” And they didn’t. In fact, Kiera found them extremely attractive, but of course she didn’t tell him that. “Your mom and dad don’t care that you have so many tattoos, especially so young?” The air around him shifted, and he shrugged.

  “My parents are rarely home, but when they are they couldn’t give two shits what I do.” Clearly home life was a painful subject for him, and she certainly didn’t want to upset him by continuing to talk about it. This night was going so well that ruining it was the last thing on her mind.

  “I’m sorry.” Because really Kiera didn’t know what she could say that would make him feel better. There was pain in his voice, but he masked it well enough. Was that why he was the way he was, because he had an unsteady home where no one cared about him? His hands still rested on the table. His fingers were long and strong, and she reached out again and clasped them to hers.

  Their food came, and they talked and joked. Kiera found herself extremely comfortable around him, like she could be herself and tell him anything. It was odd that only being in his presence such a short time could make her feel this way, but there it was. He held her hand as they walked out of the restaurant. As they passed the hostess Kiera didn’t miss the way Kelly curled her lip in distaste. Reese gave her hand a squeeze, and she focused back on him. Despite the fact his attention was forward, Kiera knew he was very aware of what was going on around him at all times. He held the door open as she climbed in the car and closed the door. The silence engulfed her, but she was too focused on the way Reese’s body moved languidly yet smoothly as he walked around the front of the car and climbed in.

  He started the engine but didn’t make a move to drive away. Kiera turned in her seat and stared at him, wondering what he was doing. His gaze was on the dash, which showed a little after ten. He lifted his eyes to hers and said, “I guess I should be getting you home?”

  She didn’t want to go home, not yet. She was having a nice time with him and wanted to be in his company a little longer. Besides, her parents wouldn’t be home for hours, not since they informed her they were getting cocktails with friends. She would be alone in that house, with only the silence and her thoughts to keep her company. Being with Reese made her feel like nothing could touch her. There was no taunting, no vicious remarks or snide and condescending comments aimed toward her. Had he heard what some of the other girls had said to her, called her over the years? Heat washed over her cheeks at the questions that bounced around in her head, and she looked away. His finger under her chin urged her to look back at him, and when she did she was startled to see how close he was to her. Yes, the interior of the car was small and thus they were situated close, but his face was mere inches from her own. His warm breath slipped along her face, smelling of the mints they had after their meal.

  “I don’t want to take you home yet.” His eyes dipped to her lips then lifted back to her eyes. “I’d like to show you something, if that’s okay?” The sound of his voice, so low and deep, had her nodding. She would have said yes to just about anything he asked.

  “I don’t want to go home yet.” He didn’t respond with words, just dipped his head and brushed his lips along hers. It was a sweet and soft kiss, nothing that would get her overly worked up, yet she was still on edge from their kiss in the theater. It was the kind of kiss that stole her sanity and had her aching for so much more.

  Chapter Five

  Reese couldn’t stop thinking about the soft, sweet taste of Kiera’s lips. The fact she wanted to spend more time with him, and wasn’t ready to go home, had him knowing exactly where he wanted to take her. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed south and toward the outskirts of town. The place he had in mind was special to him. It was a spot he went to think or just escape. He couldn’t count the number of times he had gone there in the middle of the night when his father came home drunk off his ass and was looking for a fight. Those were the times he had to draw up all his strength and force himself not to leave town and never look back. Max had offered his home more times than Reese could count, but it wasn’t about staying with Max until things got better. He was no one’s responsibility but his own, and he didn’t want to be a burden, no matter what Max said. He would deal with his shit, take every word Max told him to heart, and push forward. Reaching out, he took Kiera’s hand and saw the small smile that played across her face in his peripheral vision. How one person could affect him as strongly as she did left him speechless. He was humbled that someone like her, sweet and gentle in nature, would give him a chance. It wasn’t about sex, and it wasn’t about feeling like he owed some kind of duty to her for stopping Josh from hurting her. It was about getting to know who she was and hoping that he could show her who he really was. Just the short amount of time they spent together had been some of the happiest he could remember. The rumors she heard must be plentiful, and maybe she had pegged him as a certain type because of it at first, but she was still here with him. There were far too many people around him who were fake and untrustworthy. The only three guys he really thought of as his friends were Marcus, Christian, and Leo. They had stuck by him for years, didn’t judge him because of his upbringing, and never expected something in return. He could tell, without a doubt, that Kiera was the same way. She gave him a chance, and she would never know how much that meant to him.


  Kiera knew exactly where Reese was headed. On the outskirts of town sat a pond. It was private property, owned by an elderly man who had lost his wife a few years back and killed squirrels. Everyone in school knew about the pond, and there were even rumors of parties and drunken orgies held there. Reese parked the car and turned off the engine once he reached the gate blocking entrance to the pond.

  “What are we doing?” Kiera whispered although it wasn’t like Old Man Kline could hear them.

don’t have to be quiet, Kiera,” Reese said with suppressed laughter.

  She wrinkled her nose and looked out into the darkness before them. The sound of Reese climbing out of the car had her snapping her attention to the driver’s side. For a moment she was transfixed by the sight of his t-shirt riding up his abdomen. The flash of his hard, flat stomach disappeared as quickly as it presented itself. Before she had time to open her door he was there opening it for her. He helped her out, but left her standing there as he went to his trunk, popped it open, and grabbed a thick blanket. She looked from him to the blanket and back to him again.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “You are too damn cute for your own good.” He lifted the blanket and said, “It’s for us to sit, nothing more. Scout’s honor.” Kiera didn’t comment on the fact she doubted he had been a Boy Scout. He took her hand again, and they started walking down the darkened trail. Despite the heat she shivered. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into the side of his body. Instantly she became hot, and beads of sweat slid down her spine. His body was hard in all the right places, and she wanted nothing more than to sink into him until they were one person.

  Far too soon they came upon the pond. Trees surrounded it completely, yet the moon shone through, cascading light over the water. He let his arm drop but grabbed her hand and started walking farther into the opening. Kiera dug her feet in the ground, and he stopped and glanced over his shoulder in question.

  “Wait. This is private property. What if Mr. Kline catches us?”


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