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Stone Unhinged (The Stone Book 2)

Page 16

by Renee Harless

“Come, let’s get you cleaned up. I’m sure everyone is wondering where we’ve gone.”

  Walking hand in hand back to the ballroom, Alex and I stroll pass some of the house staff and party guests, all of them raising an eyebrow in our direction. Completely unfazed by their reaction, I glance up at Alex and return his smile as we walk into the crowded ballroom where everyone is seated, enjoying dinner. With our table placed at the front of the room, Alex guides me past a large number of tables, each pass garnering fresh looks of intrigue from many of the guests, particularly from the women.

  Pulling out my chair, Alex whispers “I love you” into my ear as he slides my seat forward, kissing the top of my head once I’m in place. Taking his own seat, Alex grasps my hand and intertwines our fingers, resting them on my leg. Grinning like a lunatic at my handsome boyfriend, I quietly murmur “thank you” before turning to face our table.

  Greeted by a table of gawking onlookers, I shift uncomfortably in my chair. When Abigail even pauses with her fork midair, gazing in our direction, it’s then that I notice the entire room is silent. Squeezing Alex’s hand, he looks up from his bite of food and notices that everyone’s attention on us. Taking a cue from my discomfort, Alex addresses the room of people, asking them to continue their meals, before returning his attention to his family, who are seated at our table.

  “What is everyone looking at? We didn’t mean to disrupt everyone’s meal,” he says.

  “Oh, Alex, darling, you weren’t disrupting any of us. I apologize on behalf of everyone for staring. Sweetheart, it’s just that none of us have ever seen you look so jubilant. You grew up with everyone in this room, and I think it was the first time any of them have seen you smile, really smile,” Alex’s mother says from her seat.

  “That’s ridiculous, I smile all the time.”

  “You only smile when you’re around Mallory,” Abigail chirps in. “Don’t even get me started talking about the grouch you were when you two split up. It was unbearable.”

  “Abi!” their mother chastises. “We’re all just glad to see you happy, Alex. Again, I’m sorry, please continue your meal. And, Mallory, dear, you look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper before squeezing Alex’s hand again and beginning my meal signaling for everyone else to continue eating.

  When most of the plates are cleared from the table, Alex runs his thumb across my knuckles. He is leaned back in his chair, talking to his father, occasionally opening his fingers to trail up and down my thigh, instantly turning me on.

  “Mallory,” Abi whispers, startling me slightly as she gains my attention. “You know he isn’t left handed.”

  “What?” I ask, trying to return from the lustful haze created by Alex’s touch.

  “Alex isn’t left handed, but he’s eaten his entire meal with his left hand. I wonder why that is,” she says teasingly.

  “No idea,” I reply, attempting to hide my smirk.

  I spend a while looking at the table guests while Abi rambles on about the people in attendance. Evie is staring blankly in my direction while Nicholas chats animatedly with a guest from the next table. Something about Evie’s look draws me in. She looks a bit lost, a bit vulnerable, and, quite frankly, a bit scary. I saw the same look in Seth.

  Bringing my hand to his mouth, Alex places a gentle kiss on my knuckles as he asks me to dance. I eagerly join him on the dance floor and meld my body against his, resting my head on his shoulder, breathing in his masculine scent.

  Swaying me back and forth through a few chords, Alex leans down and whispers, “Are you ready?”

  “For what?”

  “This,” he replies after placing a gentle kiss on the end of my nose.

  Twirling me out from under his arms, Alex guides me into an elaborate waltz that he seems to know every step and gesture to. I had no idea he was such a great dancer.

  Laughing enthusiastically, I can’t help but question his abilities.

  “Where did you learn to do this?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. Just watched and learned I suppose. Most nobles and royals know these dances.”

  “Oh, fancy pants, huh? I’m just a measly American that can barely do the chicken dance.”

  Amused, Alex continues to glide with me across the dance floor.

  “I think you’re doing a pretty marvelous job. You’re a natural.”

  “Thanks.” I reply, laughter still tugging at the corners of my mouth. “This is fun with you.”

  Guiding me through a few more songs, we slow to an intimate sway when a romantic tune begins echoing through the room. The haunting voice of the band’s singer melds into the melody of “Love me Tender.” Resting against Alex, I close my eyes and let the lyrics drift over me. As the second verse begins, he snakes his arm tighter around my waist. His other hand rests at the back of my neck, keeping me close in his embrace. Tilting his head down to murmur in my ear, Alex starts to sing the lyrics. Each word cements itself into my heart, whispered to me through his deep, rich voice.

  As the song ends, Alex uses his hand to tilt my head back.

  Staring adoringly into my eyes, he leans even closer and whispers, “I love you, Mallory.”

  “I love you too, Alex.”

  Stepping out of our embrace, Alex takes hold of my left hand while dropping down to his knee in front of me. Around us, all of the dancers and guests seem to melt away until it’s only Alex and I in this moment …a moment that I was certain would never come …a moment that, until this very point, I was unsure if I would ever be ready for. Yet now I know, without a single doubt in my mind, I know that I want this.

  “Mallory Winston, you are the love of my life and the woman I never knew I needed. You are the most beautiful rose amidst the flowers of life and I want nothing more than to cherish you and watch you grow. I want to be the reason you smile and laugh and I want to be there to chase away your fear and sadness. I want it all, the good days and the bad. I want you by my side for the rest of my days. I would be humbled and honored if you would become my wife.” Pausing for effect, Alex continues, “Let’s write our story, beautiful. Will you marry me?”

  Chapter 17

  With each breath I take, I try to calm my nerves. It is taking everything in me not to fling myself into Alex’s arms. His speech is wonderful and I know he means every word he speaks.

  Just as he says, “Let’s write our story, beautiful. Will you marry me?” he reaches into his pocket.

  Opening a small velvet box, Alex presents me with a large circle diamond ring, a halo of smaller diamonds surrounding it. I look at it momentarily, stunned by its beauty, before looking back into the eyes of my man.

  “Yes. Without a doubt, yes!”

  After sliding the ring onto my shaking hand, Alex tugs me into a fiery kiss that portrays both his love and excitement. Breaking apart, he places both of his hands on the side of my face, while I rest my hands on his forearms.

  “Really? You’ll be my wife?”

  “Nothing would make me happier. It will always be you, Alex.”

  Smiling from ear to ear, he moves quickly, spinning me around in his arms. Setting me on my feet, Alex kisses me again before taking my hand and turning to exit the dance floor. As soon as we break ourselves away from our personal moment, we are caught off guard by deafening applause. Abi stands beside Alex’s parents with a small recording device in her hand, and Alex’s mother holds her phone up to capture the moment.

  “Don’t be alarmed. I told them earlier that I planned to do this. Don’t be upset.”

  “They knew?”

  “Of course we knew. Who do you think told the band play that song? Very romantic, even if it was my brother,” Abi chimes in.

  Feeling the blush rise to my cheeks, I place my hands onto my face, hoping to mask the embarrassment.

  “Oh, the ring. We haven’t gotten to see it yet.”

  Rushing over to where I am standing, stock still, Abi, her mother Jane, and a few other guests come to admire the
ring that I have yet to get a good glimpse at myself. Peering at it closely, I admire the large, round cut diamond, secured in its beautiful halo setting. It’s truly a perfect ring. The most remarkable part for me, however, is the delicate set of purple stones lining the band. Knowing that Alex customized the ring for me brings tears of joy into my eyes.

  As the women continue to discuss the proposal, Gregory walks over to us, congratulating us on our engagement.

  “Lord Stone, we need to discuss something. I’m sorry to pull him away from you, Ms. Winston.”

  “Is everything alright?” I ask.

  “No, miss,” he says, and I admire his honesty at a moment like this. “We’re going to be just a moment.”

  “Ok,” I say sadly, wanting nothing more than to be near the man who is now my fiancé. “Don’t be long, please.”

  Kissing the top of my head, Alex says, “I’ll be right back.”

  Moving off to the side of the room, I remain amongst the excited female chatter and attempt to read their lips through a swarm of excited wedding discussions.

  Swooping in to save me from my misery, Nicholas comes and pulls me into a dance. As he twirls me across the floor, he offers his congratulations and welcomes me to the family. After two dances, Alex arrives suddenly and pulls me away from Nicholas, ushering me towards the door.

  “Alex, what’s going on?” I ask, surprised and unsettled by his sudden change in demeanor.

  “We’re leaving, now. No questions,” he demands as we follow behind Gregory.

  “Alex, please, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

  He stops abruptly, causing me to run right into Gregory’s back, then rubs his fingers against his temples.

  “You got two more letters.” Alex says, misery hanging on every word, “One was delivered to your office in a box with a small gas bomb attached. Luckily, that one was apprehended. The second was brought here and given to one of the wait staff to deliver.”

  “Ok, that’s not good.” I hear myself say, and immediately congratulate myself mentally for the understatement of the year award.

  “No it’s not, for three reasons. One: it had pictures of you from this event. Two: that means someone was here tied to this stalker. And third… they ruined our engagement night. I’m so sorry, Mallory,” he sighs.

  Taking a deep breath, I look over at Alex’s frustrated and morose face.

  Placing my hand on his cheek I say, “Alex, no one has ruined our night. I have never been happier than I am right now, engaged to be married to the man I love. We’re together and that’s all that matters.”

  Closing his eyes, Alex rests his cheek into my palm, drawing strength from my words.

  “You’re right. Tonight was remarkably wonderful, and no one can ruin that. But please, for my sanity, may we go home?”

  “Yes, take me home.”

  However, despite what I told Alex, the car ride back to his Victorian home is eerily quiet.

  As we park the car, Gregory comments, “I asked Scott to come aboard until we get this solved. He and I will be splitting twelve-hour security shifts. Someone will be with Ms. Winston at all times.”

  “Even at the office?” I ask, more alarmed at this prospect of constant surveillance than I should be.

  “Yes, miss. The perpetrator is getting closer each time and we don’t want to take any chances.”

  “Ok. I really hope you all catch him soon.” I sigh, “I do like at least a bit of privacy.”

  “We know. We’ll be discreet.”

  “Where were the pictures taken this time?”

  “It appears they were taken right after our arrival, when you were walking into the art gallery. Did you happen to speak with anyone?

  “Just your brother and a man named Benjamin. They seemed to know each other.”

  Looking over to Alex, I see him nod his head toward Gregory.

  “Benjamin is part of Nicholas’ security team. Nothing to worry about there. Anything else?” Alex asks.

  “Not that I can recall.”

  Nodding his head, more in thought than understanding, Gregory says, “Well if you think of anything odd, please let me know. Otherwise, please do your best to enjoy your evening and celebrate your engagement.”

  “Goodnight, Gregory.”

  As soon as we exit the car, Alex scoops me up into his arms and carries me over the threshold, into his home. His mood swiftly changing, forcing mine to follow suit.

  “This usually happens on the wedding day.”

  “I know, but practice makes perfect. And I think we need a lot of practice… at a lot of things.” He says, smiling suggestively.

  Tightening my arms around his neck, I kiss along his jaw line.

  “I think you’re right. I am a perfectionist, after all.”

  Bypassing the stairs that lead to the upper floor, Alex heads towards the back of the house and descends the basement stairs. Still holding me in his arms, we stop in front of the dungeon doors. He places me carefully back onto my feet, and I stare lovingly at the man before me. This beautiful, masculine, complex man will soon be my husband, and I his wife. I let the overwhelming joy of this sink in for a breathless moment. Me! This girl that is just now piecing her life back together, trying to recover from horrid events, it seems too good to be true. Even in spite of these things, however, I know without a shadow of a doubt that Alex is it for me. I knew from that first night when I dreamed of his golden eyes and raptured in his touch from our meeting, that no one would ever compare to the way he makes me feel. Gazing back at me, Alex softly caresses my cheek with his hand.

  "You have made me so happy today, Ms. Winston. Please go into your position."

  "Yes, sir," I reply, sliding through the doors.

  Stripping off my clothes and folding them, I wait beside the whipping bench, kneeling on the floor. Minutes pass before Alex returns to the room, twirling a set of keys around his fingers and wearing only his tuxedo pants. As he strides confidently to where I sit waiting, Alex softly pets my head, praising my position. Using only the tip of his index finger, he tilts my head up by my chin.

  "Wonderful. Go to the chair."

  "Yes, sir."

  Momentarily confused as to what chair he means, I suddenly realize he means the gynecological chair. Positioning myself into the stirrups, I wait anxiously for Alex to continue. Opening a cabinet, he reaches into a small fridge contained within it and retrieves a glass dildo. As I watch in fascination, he then takes another glass dildo from a velvet bag in the adjacent drawer, and places it what looks to be a warmer. Bringing his attention back to me, Alex's heated gaze travels up and down my body before he leans in, grasps my thighs, and licks my pussy, all the way from rosette to clit. Leaning farther up onto my body, Alex produces a set of handcuffs attached to the chair, strapping my arms above my head.

  "You've pleased me so much today, Ms. Winston. I think you'll enjoy this, but use your safe word if it becomes too much ok?

  "Yes, sir."

  Returning his attention to my wet, throbbing core, Alex slides his fingers back and forth across my folds before using his tongue again. Minutes pass while he caresses my center with both fingers and tongue, setting a fire deep within me. He grabs the chilled dildo, and begins tracing the cool glass over my nipples, instantly causing my body to arch in response to the cold sensation. Continuing his path, Alex slides the instrument through my folds before inserting it into my heated core.

  "Oh my gosh," I murmur, the temperature change sending chills through my entire body, bringing my nerves to full attention.

  As Alex continues to pulse the dildo in and out of my body, he leans forward to lick and kiss my stomach and chest, paying special attention to my navel. Losing myself in the heady mix of sensations, I writhe against my restraints. Halting his movements, Alex reaches over the dresser and grabs the other glass dildo, now warmed by the device. As he removes the now-body temperature instrument, he instantly inserts the warmed one. The feeling of cold, replaced b
y heat, is indescribable. My body feels as if it's on the verge of combustion and my muscles clench. Recognizing my distress, Alex whispers words of praise, instantly relaxing my body.

  This round, he makes sure to take special care in massing my clitoris while thrusting the dildo in and out of my heated opening.

  "You may come this time, Ms. Winston."

  As the newest dildo cools to my body temperature, I find myself reaching past my peak, and all at once, I come quickly.

  Placing the toys to the side, Alex steps back from the dresser, unzipping his pants.

  "This will be quick, Ms. Winston. You may come."

  Thrusting into me powerfully, Alex works quickly so that we both can find our release. Resting on me momentarily, he reaches up to undo the handcuffs and examines the small line of redness left in their wake.

  "Do these bother you?"

  Looking at them closely, I shrug my shoulders, not at all concerned with the markings.

  "No, sir."

  "Ok. Let's go upstairs. I want to love you properly now."

  "Yes, sir."

  Not bothering to replace my clothing, I follow Alex up the stairs and into his bathroom where he draws a bath. He steps out of the room briefly and returns with a bottle of wine.

  Resting in Alex's tub, champagne bottle empty, we sit in companionable silence, running our fingers over each other's bodies. His body is so magnificently perfect that I don't think I will ever get tired of touching his skin and muscles. Taking hold my left hand, Alex brings my fingers closer to his face, running his thumb around the large diamond on my ring finger.

  "This is the one of the most magical things I have ever seen," he murmurs awestruck.

  "The ring?"

  "No. You wearing my ring. I'm spellbound.”

  "I wear your collar too, Alex."

  "I know, but that signifies something different. This is forever."

  Smiling at his comment, I lean in and kiss his cheek.

  "Yes, it is."

  Holding me closer, stroking his hand up and down my spine, he whispers into my hair.

  "You know, I asked your father's permission."


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