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Double Her Pleasure

Page 2

by Randi Alexander

  She stared at the magnificent sight. Wild horses. Her chest tightened in pure joy. “What’s his name?”

  Her men laughed. “We haven’t taken to naming ‘em.” Trey worked the gearshift and got them moving again.

  “Yet,” Garret added with a smile. “But you go right ahead and name them, Megan.”

  Raising an eyebrow, she leaned closer to her action hero. “So, you’re telling me I’m going to have a lot of time alone? And I should keep myself busy naming the horses?”

  “Hell, no.” Trey took her hand in his. “We’ve got every hour booked solid.”

  She squeezed his palm, set her other hand on Garret’s thigh, and snuggled in, safe, happy, and as wet and horny as she’d ever been in her life.

  As they crested a rise in the road, a valley spread out before them. A narrow river bisected it, glassy in the bright sun, and on each side of the waterway, huge buildings stood.

  “We’re home.” Trey lifted her hand and kissed her knuckle.


  Trey watched Megan’s eyes widen as the ranch buildings came into view. It was spectacular, and always gave his heart an extra thud of pride when he came home to it. Green grass and trees grew along the riverbank. On the far side, across a wide bridge, the four freshly-whitewashed barns stood gleaming in the sun, rough wood corrals circled out from them. Further downstream, the foreman’s house sat in a copse of trees and a three-story bunkhouse loomed next to it.

  The road split and Trey veered left toward the ranch house. Tan with a brown roof, he’d kept the original color scheme when he’d built the addition. The first floor was completely circled by a covered porch that also served as balconies for the second floor bedrooms.

  “Is that a pool?” Megan leaned forward, the position pushing her full, round breasts against the flimsy material of her top.

  In his jeans, Trey’s cock jerked. He’d been half-hard the whole drive, but now that they were home, and it’d be just minutes until he could suckle those breasts and taste her sweet flesh, blood raced to his groin.

  “Yep.” Garret chuckled. “Trey went all-in when he redid the place. Pool, hot tub, outdoor kitchen. Makes a guy never want to leave home.”

  Trey glanced over at his brother, but Garret didn’t meet his eye. Was he saying he wanted to stay this time?

  “I didn’t realize it was this...” Megan shook her head. “Fancy.”

  “Fancy?” Trey didn’t like the sound of that.

  She giggled. “Sorry. Fancy in a macho sort of way.”

  “That’s better.” Trey pulled into the circular driveway and stopped at the steps that led to the front door. Since he’d returned from Chicago, he’d offered his ranch hands overtime to plant flowers in the dozens of new pots set along the porch. He’d had them paint and clean and spruce up every inch of the place. For Megan.

  From her smile and wide eyes, he guessed it’d worked

  Around the side of the three-car garage, the mutts came running.

  “You have dogs?” Megan picked up her purse as Garret opened his door.

  “Moose and Farley.” Garret jumped out of the truck and took a knee as the big animals greeted him. “Missed you too, ya ugly galoots.” He laughed as the dogs slobbered and whined their welcome.

  The sight gave Trey a longing for someone to share the huge house with him again. “C’mon.” Trey opened his door and helped Megan out. It wouldn’t be lonely while Megan was here, even if Garret had to leave in a week.

  “Whew!” She fanned herself with her hand. “It’s nice and warm here.”

  “Hot. Dry. Home.” He looked around him. There wasn’t any place in the world he’d rather be.

  She squeezed his hand. “Thank you for inviting me here.”

  He gazed down into her dark green eyes, looking for the words to tell her how glad he was that she’d come.

  The dogs raced around the front of the truck and up to Megan. As she squinted and braced for a double-hit, Trey held out his hand. “Sit.” They instantly obeyed. “Meet Moose and Farley.” He leaned down and scratched the gray short-hair behind one ear. “Moose here wandered onto the ranch when he was just a pup.” Three years later, the dog had to weigh in at over a hundred pounds.

  “Best behavior, boys. Ms. Megan is our guest.”

  She reached out to the leggy white and black Dane mix he’d gotten free at a horse auction. “Then you must be Farley.” The dog sniffed her hand then leaned in for his own ear scratching.

  Standing behind her, Trey shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from grabbing her perfect, round ass and squeezing it, hauling her into the house, ripping off her pants, and moving in for a taste of her pink pussy.

  Garret walked up to them carrying their suitcases. His gaze met Trey’s and he smiled, knowing exactly what his brother was thinking.

  “Best get you inside, baby.” Garret tipped his head toward the house. “That Canadian constitution of yours won’t be able to stand much of this heat.”

  She held out her arms, the sun making her pale skin almost too bright to look at. “Maybe I’ll work on getting a tan while I’m here.”

  Trey laid his hand on her lower back and guided her toward the steps. “Uh uh. It’d take five minutes for you to turn red as a tomato.”

  Garret laughed as he followed them up the steps and onto the wide, shaded porch. “We’d best stay indoors, Megan. I’m sure we’ll be able to find some activities that’ll keep you amused.”

  She looked up at Trey, her cheeks pink and her eyes sparkling with a wicked gleam. “I hope so.” She looked behind her at his brother. “I didn’t come all this way to name horses.”

  Trey grinned as he opened one of the two massive wood doors. “Welcome to the Silver Spur.” He gestured Megan inside.

  She touched the door. “This is beautiful.”

  “Our great grandfather and his brother made them by hand.”

  Garret stepped closer. “The wood is from the wagons they drove across the country from the Atlantic coast.”

  She smiled and glanced at each of them. “That’s incredible. To have so much history, so much of your family’s hard work and pride.”

  Trey leaned in and kissed her temple. She had instantly understood why this home, this land, meant so much to him. It made him ache with the need for a deeper connection with her.

  Her eyes turned sad.

  Was she thinking about her own family? She was an only child, and her parents were missionaries, living God knew where. She’d been on her own since she was seventeen. She had no roots, while Garret and him had roots that went down hundreds of years.

  She stepped over the threshold into the coolness of the foyer. Trey and Garret followed and closed the door.

  Megan tipped her head back. The entryway ceiling was two stories high. Straight ahead was the polished wooden stairway that led to the second-floor balcony which ran along one side of the living room to the left.

  “Oh, wow. This is gorgeous.” She walked into the living room and ran her hand over the back of the big leather couch that had been in the home for three generations. The leather chairs on either side were just as old. Covering the plank wood floor, a Mexican-patterned rug lay as it had since his grandfather had commissioned it.

  She turned toward them. “This fireplace is huge. Do you ever use it?” Stepping around the furniture, she reached the stone hearth. The top of the fireplace opening was nearly a foot higher than the top of her head, and she was not a short woman.

  “Sometimes. Holidays, usually.” Trey was alone here most of the year, so no sense in making a fire and sitting by himself watching it. “I put in a removable gas insert last year.”

  “That’s nice.” She bent over, looking into the massive opening.

  Trey’s groin heated and his eyes narrowed. He’d love to take her there, bent over on the hearth, her long hair fisted in his hand, a fire heating them both... He shook his head. It’d have to be the three of them, at least until he found a way to convince Garret
that their relationship with Megan was different, that the rule they’d had with their other three-ways could be modified.

  But that could wait.

  She looked at the space between the hearth and the couch.

  He got another idea. The three of them on a thick throw-rug in front of the fire? He’d have to put that on his list of raunchy things to do this week. Hell, that list was getting so long, they’d never have time to leave the house.

  She went up on tiptoes trying to catch a look at the dozens of framed pictures of McGatlin ancestors on the mantel. “I’d love to see these sometime.”

  “You wanna look at” Garret stood at the foot of the stairs, still holding the suitcases. “Or do you want to see what’s upstairs?”

  Turning, she smiled at them. “Upstairs, definitely.” As she strolled over to them, she peeked in the dining room to the right of the stairs.

  The big wood table seated twenty. It, and the heavy chairs, had been polished to a gleam by the crew Trey hired to detail the house.

  “Inez has been busy.” Garret looked at him. “You didn’t work her too hard, did you?”

  Trey’s only response was to lift one brow. Hell, Inez had been with them for fifty years. The woman was one of the family. If she’d agree, he’d let her retire with full salary to the little house he’d built for her upriver. But she insisted on cooking for him. Three solid meals, seven days a week, whether it was one of her days off or not.

  Garret glanced away. “Forget I said that.”

  “Hm.” Trey was not in the mood to fight with his brother right now. He patted Megan’s firm ass and pointed up the steps. “Ignore my brother. He has a way of killing the mood.”

  She sighed through a smile. “If you two are going to keep bickering all the time, I’m going to wear earplugs.” She ascended the staircase.

  Trey followed, enjoying the view of her from that angle.

  “Bickering.” Garret’s grumble was followed by his booted footsteps on the stairs. “Men don’t bicker.”

  “Well, whatever it is you two do, let’s call a cease-fire for an hour or so.”

  Trey grinned back at his brother. “What d’ya say, hotshot? A couple hours without bickering?”

  “Fuck, yeah! Blood’s already draining from my brain. Can’t remember what the hell we were arguing over.”

  Megan reached the top of the stairs. She glanced to her left.

  “That’s the older section of the house.” Trey gestured along the hallway where the balcony overlooked the living room. “Garret’s room is at the end of the hall there, and those are the two guest rooms. If you want to use one of the rooms to work, we can set you up with whatever you need.”

  “I hate to tell you this, but I do have a deadline on some drawings. I’ll need to spend time on my computer.”

  “Too bad. Not gonna happen.” Garret looked her up and down with an exaggerated leer. “Didn’t schedule any non-naked time for you, baby.”

  Trey guided her to the right. Big, double doors in dark wood stood open to his bedroom suite.

  “Oooh, nice.” She stepped in and looked down as her feet sunk into the decadently thick gray carpet.

  Maroon leather furniture filled the left side of the room, and his massive bed took up the right side.

  “This is gorgeous.” She turned in place, looking out the windows and sliding glass doors on the three exterior walls. Strolling toward his bed, she ran her fingers over the maroon bedspread and touched the solid headboard that matched the double doors into the room. Behind his bed, a big window framed the view upriver. “That must be the Clear River. So beautiful. You can see forever.”

  Megan, that close to his bed, did something manic to his heart rate. He wanted her, needed her, sprawled on his bed, his head between her pale thighs as he tasted and pleased her. But he wouldn’t rush her.

  She walked along the north wall, past the windows and slider that overlooked the outbuildings. “So much going on.” She touched the binoculars on the table under the window.

  “I wanted to be able to see everything happening on the ranch.” Trey crossed his arms and watched her enjoying his room. She looked good here. Like she would fit in perfectly.

  She smiled at him then strolled through the sitting area where the gas fireplace and big television filled half the wall. She pointed at the sliding door. “Balcony?” Cushioned chairs and a table sat under a big sun umbrella. “Can we go out?”

  “Of course.” Trey ambled over to her.

  Garret set down her suitcase. “If you’re having a tour right now, I’ll go unpack.”

  She shrugged. “I guess I’m just nosy.”

  He grinned. “You do anything you want to, baby. We’ll try to be patient.” Garret headed down the hall.

  Trey opened the sliding door, then guided her outside to the metal railing that ran the entire perimeter of the balcony. “Over here, steps go down to the pool.” He looked toward the horizon. “I get a hell of a sunset here.”

  “It’s perfect. So different from what I’d pictured.” Megan spun and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m going to have so much fun here.”

  He bent and snugged one hand under her ass, lifting her off her feet and pulling her tight against his erection. “We’re all gonna have fun now that you’re here.” Even to his own ears, it sounded cheesy, but he was damn glad to finally have her in his bedroom. He walked them into the room and closed the slider. “Now, what are we gonna do first?”

  Chapter Three

  Garret set his suitcase on his low dresser and adjusted the painful tightness of the zipper over his shaft. Hard as hell for her, even harder when he watched her walk around that big-ass bed of Trey’s. He’d had to walk away for a minute and gather his composure, what little he had with her around.

  She’d captured his attention so thoroughly, he’d thought of her constantly the last week and a half. He’d even forgotten the appointment he’d made with his agent for next week in LA. He couldn’t cancel, but he’d have to leave her here—not alone. With Trey. How were the two of them going to handle being alone together for three days?

  He stared at his reflection in the mirror. They’d just have to figure it out, ‘cause there were rules, and not the kind that were meant to be broken.

  He stepped into the bathroom and washed his hands and face of dog slobber. It was damn good to be home.

  “Garret.” Trey’s voice boomed through the house.

  A wave of heat rolled through his groin. It was happening. Now.

  He jogged down the carpeted hallway and stopped in his brother’s room. Trey had Megan flat against him, holding her ass so her feet didn’t touch the floor. Her arms were around his neck, her long, black hair a waterfall of silk down her back.

  She turned her head and gave Garret a look that damn near knocked him into orgasm. “We’re over here, hotshot.” Her purr, her use of the name Trey had given him, tugged at him like an invisible lasso.

  “Comin’, baby.” With one hand, he pulled off his shirt. Pressing his chest against her back, against all that shiny hair, he had to have her naked. “Too many clothes.”

  “I agree.” Trey set her down and unbuttoned her blouse while Garret ran his hands along her waistband and undid the button and zipper. He tugged the fabric down, crouching to get a closer look.

  She’d worn a thong, pink, sheer. “Sexy, tempting, and...” He held her legs and ran his tongue along the bottom curve where her ass met her thigh. “Sweet.”

  Megan shivered and moaned softly.

  “Pretty bra.” Trey unhooked the matching pink scrap and tossed it. “Your skin is so beautiful.” He bent his head to her chest.

  Garret’s cock nearly ripped out of his jeans. Sliding his hands up along her smooth thighs, he breathed deep of her musky scent. He cupped her ass cheeks.

  Trey’s sucking noises and the aroma of Megan’s sex juices made his mouth water.

  Megan dropped her head back with a sigh, her long hair
brushing Garret’s face. Whatever his brother was doing to her, she liked.

  In his hands, her hips circled slowly. She evidently liked Trey’s foreplay...a lot. Garret spread her ass cheeks, looking his fill of her little rosebud anal opening. He’d been inside there, his cock stretching her open, filling her completely.

  Megan reached a hand back and found his hair. Lacing her fingers through his shaggy cut, she tipped her hips, arching her back to offer herself to him.

  “Fuck.” His balls tightened so fast, his head spun. He snaked his tongue along the top of her thong, following it down into her crack, tasting her floral-scented flesh, the salty slickness of her anus.

  As she cried out, her body jolted and her fingers tightened in his hair. “Garret.”

  With his tongue, he pushed aside the material and licked a slow circle around her anal opening.

  “Trey, please.”

  “Sweetheart, I want to taste you.” Trey dropped to his knees. Over the years, he and his brother had worked out a code to keep track of what the other was doing.

  “She tastes incredible, brother.” Garret could tease her rosebud for an hour, make her come a dozen times. “And her slick, wet pussy.” He was telling Trey to stay on her clit, because he wanted her cunt to himself.

  Trey slid her thong down, letting it drop to her ankles, and she kicked it off.

  “Your pretty mound, hidin’ that plump little clit from me.” Trey’s voice had gone so low, it was like the rumble of an earthquake.

  Megan jittered and Garret knew Trey had taken her bud into his mouth. Her hand tightened in his hair, and as he adjusted himself onto one knee, he could see her other hand doing the same to his brother’s hair.

  Sliding his hands between her legs, Garret urged them apart, needing her to open for him. When she complied, he brushed his fingertips along her trimmed pussy lips. Soft and wet, they quivered as he rubbed and tickled. He leaned toward her, letting his tongue pulse and flick her rosebud.

  “Aaaahhhh.” Megan’s body tensed, at the same time Trey groaned; his code for, “Now!”

  Garret wanted to tease and please her for another lifetime, but he wouldn’t deny her this orgasm. Not after they’d been apart for so long. He eased his middle finger up into her hot, slick canal, pulled it out, then pushed in two. Her tight hole gripped his fingers, pulling him in deeper.


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