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Double Her Pleasure

Page 10

by Randi Alexander

  “How long before...” Trey waited.

  “It was a few months before he started sending me flowers. Cards. Little gifts. I’d hand them back to him and tell him I wasn’t interested. I worked two jobs and carried a full load, even through summers.” She shrugged. “I wanted to finish school as quickly as possible and go into interior design.”

  Garret had a flash of guilt. He’d let his parents pay for his college, apartment, and expenses, and had screwed around the whole time.

  She stood and walked in front of the fireplace, staring into the flames. “After a few weeks, it escalated. He’d call constantly, he scared my dorm mate into moving out, he threatened anyone who talked to me.” She turned to face them. “The campus police finally believed me and the dozens of witnesses, but he disappeared. Somehow he knew they were going to arrest him.”

  “Someone inside the police force?” Trey sat forward, resting his elbows on his thighs.

  “It could have been anyone.” She downed the drink, set the glass on a side table, and looked out the window. “Then one night, he came back.” Megan seemed to shrink as she wrapped her arms around herself.

  Trey glanced over at him and Garret braced himself for what she was about to tell them.

  “He was waiting outside the restaurant I worked at. He held something—a cloth with some chemical on it—over my face and I passed out.” Her head dropped. “When I came around, I was in the hospital. One of the chefs had seen him carrying me to his car, got the license plate numbers, and called it in.” Megan took a long breath and shivered. “Thank God.”

  Garret couldn’t imagine the fear she’d felt, the helplessness.

  “That was it.” She walked back to the fireplace and stood with her back to it.

  Garret had a dozen questions, but he was mostly concerned that she wasn’t coming near them. This had to be hard for her to talk about, but why was she distancing herself from them?

  “Until the trial.” She gave them a sad smile. “But that went as expected and he was put away for eleven years. I changed my name, enrolled in a new college, changed from design school to graphic arts.”

  “Eleven years seems like a long sentence.” Trey held up a hand. “Not that he didn’t deserve life imprisonment for what he put you through.”

  “There was more going on than I originally thought. Harassment.” She ticked it off on her fingers. “Aggravated assault, kidnapping, intent to hold captive, unauthorized firearms, flight from police, drug possession—”

  “Drug possession?”

  She nodded, opened and closed her mouth a few times, then sucked in an unsteady breath.

  Garret stood and walked to her.

  She melted into his arms. “He...”

  He could feel her heart thundering. “He injected me with heroin.” Megan rubbed her arm. “To keep me from being any trouble while he was driving.”

  “Son of a...” Trey stood, his fists clenched. “He should have been in jail for life.”

  She nodded. “They have a rehabilitation program, and he cooperated. Saw the prison psychologist every week, did group therapy, and evidently convinced them that he was cured.”

  “Cured?” Trey paced. “Bastard should be castrated, that’s what should have happened.”

  Garret rubbed Megan’s back. “We can take care of that once we catch him.” The idea was tempting.

  Trey narrowed his eyes, making it clear that he was actually considering it, too.

  Megan kissed his jaw and stepped out of his arms. “I appreciate the fact that you’d do something that extreme for me.” She stepped around the coffee table and caught Trey on one of his passes, let him pull her into his arms, then kissed his cheek. “But we’ll let the sheriff attend to the punishment.”

  She glanced at Garret. “I don’t want either one of you risking anything for me.”

  Risking anything? What did that mean? Besides jail time for beating the shit out of the asshole, what did she think they were risking? He walked to her side. “Megan, what do you mean—”

  She rubbed her temple. “I’m sorry. I’m so drained, I don’t really know what I’m saying.”

  Trey cupped her cheek. “What do you need from us right now? Anything. It’s yours.”

  “How about a half hour to take a bath and unwind.” She set her palms on each of their chests. “Then a long night, safe in bed in between my two favorite guys.”

  “You got it.” Garret gestured to the kitchen. “You want another cup of tea?”

  She kissed him softly on the lips. “You’re wonderful to offer, but I can get my own.” She kissed Trey quickly and walked a few steps, then turned toward them. “I know you two are going to want to talk and plan and plot, so I’ll let you get to it.”

  Trey chuckled. “I think you know us too well, sweetheart.”

  Her lips turned down into a frown. “I do. And I like you too much for my own good.” She strolled toward the kitchen.

  Garret watched her go, wanting to ask her what was going on in her head, but knowing she needed time to herself. “Yeah, I know how she feels.”

  Trey gave him a crooked smile. “You, hotshot? Gettin’ all mushy?”

  His hand tightened into a fist. “We could spend a half-hour fightin’ it out, or we can take the time to figure out our next move.”

  His brother’s face sobered. “I’ve been thinking about that. Besides the sheriff and Dad’s buddy at the Rangers, what else should we be doing to catch the slimy fucker?”

  Garret hitched a thumb toward the front door. “Let’s walk. She doesn’t need to hear the pain we’re going to inflict on Larry Heins when we catch him.”

  Trey cracked his knuckles as they walked out the door. “He’s gonna be sorry he stepped foot in Texas.”


  Megan stood just inside the kitchen door holding her cup of brewing tea. The peach scent had begun to calm her, until she heard her men talking.

  She couldn’t let them get involved. They didn’t know how dangerous the man was. He’d threatened her girlfriends, bullied them, even physically assaulted a couple guys she’d befriended in classes.

  Larry Heins was dangerous, she was his target, and whoever got in the way would get hurt. There was no doubt about that. And now it wasn’t just Trey and Garret and their employees. Patty and Derrick were on the ranch now, too.

  She took the steps up to the second floor slowly, soaking in the beauty of this place. As soon as she could arrange it, she’d leave. Make a big show of it, and lure him back to Canada. She stopped near the landing. Then what? How would she catch him?

  Running up the last steps, she held her cup in two hands to keep from sloshing. She’d call his probation officer tomorrow after she had the sheriff’s contact info. She could handle this on her own. She’d done it before, she could do it again.

  Megan sat on the edge of the bathtub, settled her cup in one corner, and dropped her head into her hands. The problem was, now that she had two strong, intelligent men who wanted to help and protect her, she didn’t want to do it on her own.


  The next morning, she was questioned by the sheriff and Derrick McGatlin who both took copious notes. She gave them the contact information for Heins’s probation officer. They would get in touch with the man themselves.

  After the sheriff left, Trey, Garret, their parents, and Megan sat down to Patty’s huge breakfast. Eggs, hash browns, Texas toast, bacon, sausage, and cinnamon rolls.

  The woman had talent in the kitchen. She also kept a tight rein over the breakfast conversation, and forbade any talk of the stalker. Megan learned more about Garret and Trey’s childhoods than she ever would have gotten out of them by herself.

  When everyone was stuffed, the three men rose. “We’re going to town.” Garret looked between Megan and his mother. “You gals need anything?”

  “Yep.” Patty went to the fridge, tore off a piece of paper from a magnetized pad, and started writing a list for her husband.

at were the men-folk up to? They all three looked a little guilty. “No, thanks.” Megan caught Garret’s eye. “How long will you be gone?”

  He set his black cowboy hat on his head and tugged on his boots. “Don’t worry. We’ve got a security guard at the front and back doors, and ATVs patrolling at random intervals. You’re safe here.”

  It wasn’t the safety issue that had her chest tight and her head throbbing. She needed to tell them she was leaving.

  “Sweet...” Trey stopped, looked at his dad, then at Megan. “We’ll be back in a couple hours. Just sit tight. Mom, can you stay for a while?”

  She looked up from her list. “Of course.” With a smile for Megan, she waved a hand to shoo them off. “I know where the guns are, and I’m not afraid to use them.”

  Megan blinked. “You’re expecting trouble?”

  All four of them said “No,” at the exact same time.

  Garret winked at her. “Call if you need us.”

  She nodded and the McGatlin Triple Threat—complete with boots, hats, and serious looks—headed out the door.

  Megan picked up two plates and walked to the sink.

  “You sit down, Megan.” Patty took the plates from her. “I’ll clean up.”

  “No, please, Patty. I need something to keep my mind from going in circles.”

  The woman tipped her head. “I understand.” They cleared the table, filled the dishwasher, and got it whirring. Footsteps on the porch startled them both, and Patty slung out a protective arm in front of Megan.

  A man in a tan uniform shirt with gold patches and a white straw cowboy hat knocked on the door.

  “Who is it?” Megan whispered. She couldn’t see his face with the sun shining behind him.

  Patty stepped forward, braver than Megan, and visored her hand over her eyes. “It’s a security guard, but I haven’t seen him before.”

  He removed his hat. Blond hair, a straight nose, and very well built.

  Megan let out her breath. “Definitely not him.”

  Patty laughed and pressed her hand between her breasts. “Scared a couple years off me.” She opened the door as another security guard topped the steps. They introduced themselves, gave the women their phone numbers, and went to stand at their posts.

  Patty closed the door and locked it. “Don’t think I’ve ever felt the need to lock this door before.”

  Guilt congealed in Megan’s stomach. “I’m sorry. I brought this here.” Tears threatened. “I would never want anyone here on the ranch to get hurt.”

  “Easy, dearie.” Patty laid her hands on Megan’s arms. “I’m not sayin’ there hasn’t been plenty of trouble here on the ranch. From cattle rustlers to water rights feuds to women lookin’ to jump Garret’s bones.”

  Megan’s giggle interrupted her tears. “I’d like to hear that story some day.”

  “And you will, Megan. Just hang on. Trust these men to fix this for you. Don’t do anything foolish without talking it through with Trey and Garret.” She narrowed her eyes. “You know, they both have it bad for you.”

  Shock chilled her like ice water. “They both...what?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Megan had another of those out-of-body experiences that had been happening far too often since she’d arrived in Texas. Glancing around the kitchen, she caught her bearings. Could she bluff out of this? Maybe fainting would be the best course of action. At least she wouldn’t have to answer Trey and Garret’s mother’s question.

  Patty crossed her arms over her chest. “They try to hide it when Derrick and I are here, but I can see that both of them have feelings for you.”

  Megan’s mouth dropped open, and she shut it with a snap. How did she get out of this one?

  “You know it too, I bet.” Patty leaned forward, staring intently. “So, which one of them has your heart?”

  Holy hell. She fought the urge to look away. “I like them both. As friends.” How could she lie like that? “I don’t have stronger feelings for one than the other.” There. Not a lie, but a misdirection. “That’s why I can’t let this situation with the stalker escalate.”

  “Hmmm.” Patty set her fists on her hips. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were planning to bolt.”

  Megan pressed her lips together and shook her head. “I’ve said too much.” She hadn’t even told the men she was leaving, and she sure didn’t want them hearing it from their mother. “I’m going upstairs to...” She almost said pack. And book a flight. And find a way to the airport. And think of a way to say goodbye to Garret and Trey without breaking down in sobs. “I just need a rest.”

  “You go do that.” Patty gripped Megan’s shoulder, turned her toward the stairs, and gave a little pat. “Go rest, and be sure whatever you decide to do won’t come back to haunt you for the rest of your life.”

  Megan swung around.

  Patty gave her a level look, walked into one of the offices off the kitchen, and closed the door.

  “That woman should have her own talk show.” Megan jogged up the steps and into Trey’s room. His woodsy scent clung in the air, a temptation to stay. Which of the men did she have stronger feelings for? She couldn’t decipher all the different emotions in her heart. She adored Trey’s caring kindness, but Garret showed more of that same kindness here on the ranch than he had in Chicago. Garret’s intensity had drawn her in at the hotel last weekend, but Trey showed more of his passionate side here on the ranch.

  She walked down the hall to get her laptop from the guest room. She’d set it up with every intention of working, but had barely touched it. It took her a few minutes to check her e-mails one last time and pack it away.

  The door to Garret’s room was open. She set down her laptop case and walked in. An old wood-framed king-sized bed held a handmade patchwork quilt of cowboys, horses, and cattle. The shelf over his desk held trophies and pictures of a younger Garret.

  The room smelled of his citrus scent and she smiled at the small pile of clothes in one corner, on the floor next to the laundry hamper. That was her movie star. She’d barely gotten to know him. Hell, she wasn’t gone yet, and she was missing him already. He and his brother. She ran her finger over the polished wood of his high chest of drawers.

  She had to insulate them from any chance of harm.

  “Megan!” Trey’s voice echoed up the stairs.

  She jumped. What’d happened to bring them back so soon? Her heart thudded. She ran into the hallway as two sets of boots pounded up the steps.

  “Megan!” Garret called.

  “I’m right here.” She met them at the top step. “What’s wrong?”

  Garret grabbed her upper arms and looked her over. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Are you okay?” She looked past him. “Oh God, your dad?”

  “He’s okay.” Trey smoothed her hair. “Mom called. Said you needed us right away. We weren’t even off the ranch and we...” He bent and looked into her eyes. “What’s going on?”

  Downstairs, the back door closed, a truck started, and drove away.

  Trey jogged into his room. “Mom and Dad are leaving. What the hell?”

  Garret slid an arm around her back and guided her into Trey’s bedroom. “Sit down and tell us what’s happening.”

  She plopped on the bed and the men stood over her. “I’m not sure. She and I were talking and...” Crap. Patty called them because she thought Megan was going to pack up and leave without telling the guys.

  “Yeah?” Trey crossed his arms over his chest. “And?”

  Megan lifted her shoulders. “ would I know what she meant?”

  Her men turned and looked at each other for long moments.

  “But...” Her mind whirled with possible diversionary tactics.

  “But what?” Garret crossed his arms, too.

  “She asked me which of you I was interested in.”

  “Yeah, I can see her doin’ something like that.” Trey let out a breath that puffed out his lips. “What did y
ou tell her?”

  “I lied.”

  Garret laughed. “Good girl.”

  She had to figure out how to tell them what her plans were, but first, she needed them one last time. She reached behind her, under her T-shirt, and unfastened her bra. “The truth is, I’ve forgotten which of you I like better.” Sliding her hand up into her sleeve, she pulled her bra strap out and snuck her other hand through it.

  Trey’s mouth cocked in a grin. “You trying to distract us, woman?”

  She slid her other hand up the opposite shirt sleeve and pulled her bra out the hole. “Can you blame me?”

  Garret’s eyes opened wide. “Uh uh.” He reached over his head, grabbed a fistful of his T-shirt, and tugged it off. “You can distract the hell out of me any time, baby.”

  Megan laid back on the bed and unfastened the button on her shorts, then slowly eased the zipper down. “How about you, cowboy? Up for a little distraction?”

  “Shit.” Trey had his shirt off, and both men were out of their boots and jeans before she’d shimmied out of her shorts and panties.

  With one knee on the bed next to her, Trey pulled her shirt up to reveal her breasts. He leaned down and suckled her nipple into his mouth, then let it go with a pop. “But when we’re done, we’re gonna talk.” He plucked at her other nipple as he kissed his way up her neck.

  Rivers of need flowed from her breast to her core. She couldn’t think of the impending talk, the packing, and the leaving. Didn’t want it to spoil the moment. “I want you both. Fast and hard.”

  Garret came toward her with a handful of condoms and lubricant. “That’ll be tough for gentlemen like my brother and me.” He grinned. “But we’ll give it a shot.” His cock bobbed hard and thick as it stood out from his hips.

  Trey turned her on her side facing away from him, and Garret lay facing her. The men looked at each other for a minute.

  Her belly jittered and slick moisture gathered between her thighs. She loved it when Garret and Trey silently decided how to take her, what naughty pleasures they would treat her to, what creative position would make the three of them come and scream in ecstasy.


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