Against the Odds: A Love Story

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Against the Odds: A Love Story Page 10

by ADAMS, J.

  Then we held each other, never wanting to let go, and I was amazed.

  A love that has been tested is an inspiring thing to behold.


  I turned to my side, propped up an elbow and rested my head against my hand as I lay watching Hayden watching me. He lay on his back. He was so relaxed, and his eyes held the intoxicating look of love. I pressed my hand to his face and smiled. He smiled back and continued to quietly gaze at me.

  “You probably won't believe this, but you've made me a mother today, Hayden.”

  He grinned. “And just how do you know that, darlin'?”

  “I just know.”

  He turned on his side and propped himself up on his elbow. “You really want a baby, don't you?”

  I nodded. “I've dreamed of nothing else since the day you told me how you felt about me in the stable. Well, actually I started thinking about it the moment you walked into the stable eating that strawberry.”

  “Really?” he said, grinning wider. “You were dreaming about having my babies even then?”

  I nodded, smiling at his playful grin. “I picture us with a half dozen kids or so running around this place.”

  “Half dozen, huh. Well, I guess it's a good thing I built big.”

  “It is,” I agreed, thinking about how much work he had put into building the five bedroom home. I sighed softly and placed my hand on his arm, feeling the firm muscles beneath his tanned skin. “Our boys will be strong and handsome like their daddy.”

  He pulled me into his arms. “And our girls . . .” He paused and kissed my lips lightly. “Our girls will be beautiful like their mama.”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him then, and all conversation ceased as the passion between us flared once more.

  That evening we finally got up and ate a light meal. Then, wrapped together in a blanket, we sat out on the porch swing and talked. It was another cool evening, but we had each other to keep warm.

  Hayden held me close and I rested my head against his shoulder.

  “You know your mama's gonna have my hide for not giving her time to get here for the wedding.”

  “Naw,” I drawled. Hayden's speech was slowly rubbing off on me. “I think she will just be happy we worked things out.”

  “She's not the only one.”

  I nodded and looked up at him. “I love you, Mr. McKade.”

  “And I love you, Mrs. McKade.”

  I brushed my thumb against his lips as he lowered his head and kissed me. Each time he kissed me, touched me, or even looked at me, I could feel his love wash over me, and the warmth of it consumed my very soul. As his kiss deepened, my whole being yearned to melt into him.

  “Raine,” he whispered as his mouth continued to passionately coax mine. “I'll make you happy. I promise I will.”

  I eased back a little and looked into his eyes. “You've already made me happier than you could ever know.”

  He pressed his mouth to mine again. “You're everything to me, Raine,” he continued to whisper. “You're everything.”

  I sighed and burrowed further into his embrace. His arms tightened around me as he pressed his face into my hair. We held each other in silence. No more words were needed. We just let our hearts do the talking. We ended that night and the next, sitting on the porch swing, reveling in our love, and anticipating our future.

  Life is grander when you can share it with your soul mate.


  Over the next few days, I settled into my new home by adding some much needed decor. I started the transformation by adding wildflower arrangements here and there. I hung some southwestern prints on the walls and added thick woven area rugs to each room. I placed a large scented jar candle on a warmer in the kitchen. It made the whole house smell like pumpkin and spiced apples. I also bought a stereo for the living room, and Hayden quickly made it a house rule that we share at least one dance each night. I loved that rule.

  In our bedroom, I placed a large vase of silk sunflowers on the dresser, and another on a round, dark wood table in the corner. Other than my toiletries in the bathroom along with new matching towels, my clothes in the walk-in closet with Hayden's, and a few framed photos of Hayden and me here and there, nothing else had been changed. The room was still Hayden, with a feminine touch.

  Hayden told me he loved what I did with the house. He said it felt more like home to him now, not just because of the things I had added, but because I was there. He always melted my heart when he said things like that.

  The next week we flew to California for a few days and went to Disneyland. Neither of us had ever been there before and were excited about going. It was also the first time I had ever seen Hayden in anything except Wranglers and boots. Dressed in knee-length denim shorts, exposing his muscular calves, a tan, form fitting t-shirt, and a pair of New Balance sneakers, he was completely and utterly adorable. I had also bought myself some denim shorts and cap-sleeved t-shirts for the trip, as well as a pair of Sketchers Mary Jane shoes so I would be comfortable waking around the park in the hot sun.

  We spent two days at the park, going from ride to ride. Fortunately, I took a tube of motion sickness pills with me, so I was able to handle the rides pretty well and I had a lot of fun. At the end of both days, we left the park with bags of souvenirs to take back home.

  We spent our last day in California at the hotel. Earlier in the day we went for a swim in the pool, or rather Hayden went for a swim. I just walked around in the shallow end. Though the water felt good, I told myself that one day I would indeed learn how to swim.

  Truthfully, Hayden spent more time admiring me in my bathing suit than he did swimming. And he always managed to stay close by to fend off any male guests that came my way. All he had to do really was get out of the pool and walk his massive body toward me, and that usually got rid of anyone who stopped to chat. I had to smile whenever he did that, and it made me love him all the more.

  We lay by the pool and let the sun dry us for a while, then we went back up to our suite and ordered room service.

  I sat on the sofa next to Hayden, wrapped securely in his arms.

  “Thank you, for bringing me here, Hayden. I've had so much fun.”

  “You're welcome, darlin',” he said, pressing a kiss to my brow. “We'll have to come again sometime.”

  “I'd like that.” I looked up at him and smiled mischievously. “Just to see you in shorts again would make the whole trip worth it.”

  “Is that right?” he said, grinning and tightening his embrace.

  “Definitely.” I reached up and pressed a hand to his face, softly brushing my thumb across his lips.

  “Well, I wouldn't mind seeing you in that bathing suit again either.”

  “Tell you what,” I whispered as I pulled his head down and touched my lips to his. “How about I put it on each day and greet you at the door when you come home?”

  He eased back and smiled widely. “Darlin', if you did that, them meals you work so hard to cook every day would go to waste, because we'd be too busy to eat.”

  I chuckled. “This is true.” I looked into his eyes and sobered. “I love you. Thank you for marrying me, and for loving me so much.”

  He smiled lovingly and swallowed hard. When he finally spoke, there was emotion in his voice. “I love you, too, baby. And thank you for not giving up on me. On us.” He gently cupped my face and lowered his mouth to mine, kissing me slowly, tenderly. I sighed as the kiss deepened and I was quickly lost in the passion between us. With each whispered word from his lips against mine, I was pulled further away from the world around us and deeper into his, into the one his love created for me. And it was in that world that I knew I would always stay.

  Heaven can be mirrored in a simple phrase.


  I stood at the kitchen sink, scrubbing a frying pan I had just used to cook pork chops for dinner. I expected Hayden to come through the door at any minute, and because of feeling sick earlier
in the day, I had fallen behind. But I did manage to have dinner ready on time.

  I smiled as I thought about my handsome husband. He made the past two months the happiest of my life. I never dreamed marriage could bring such contentment, but I guess being married to someone I loved with all my heart and soul helped.

  Drying the frying pan, I stood for a moment and thought about my life. Compared to the past, my life now was a simple one. There were no modeling jobs to run off to, no hair or nail appointments, and no business lunches with perspective clients.

  Instead, I got up each morning and made breakfast for Hayden. I took care of his house, made his lunch, did his laundry, cooked his dinner, and anything else I could do to make him happy and be the best wife I could be to him. The reward for my efforts could not be put into words, because every time he came through that door and took me in his arms and said, “I've missed you, baby,” my world was perfect.

  I again smiled as I pressed a hand against my flat stomach. I had news for Hayden that would not only change our life, it would complete it. I longed to share the news with Mama as well, but I needed to tell my husband first. And oh, how excited Mama would be when she found out!

  I gazed out the window across the rolling acres of green as memories of Mama's visit three weeks before filled my mind. It had been so good to see her. I smiled as I remembered her hugging Hayden first thing and telling him how grateful she was to him for marrying me and making me so happy. He told her it was the other way around. Mama had grinned widely when Hayden told her that he could see where I got my beauty. She told him he was quite the charmer and I agreed completely.

  Hayden decided that he couldn't call Mama Hannah, her first name, because it would be too impolite, so he started calling her Mama, which suited her fine.

  I chuckled as I remembered Mama telling Hayden how good looking he was. He had grinned widely, then leaned down and kissed her cheek, whispering loud enough for me to hear, “I think that's why your daughter fell for me. Of course, I did have my shirt off the first time she met me, which probably helped.”

  I immediately gasped, embarrassed. He only grinned and pulled me close.

  Mama laughed and said, “Well, she definitely must have liked what she saw. And anybody that can bring an unseen blush to Raine's cheeks the way you just did must be doing something right.”

  “I do my best,” Hayden had replied with a chuckle.

  We gave Mama a tour of the fair town of Roswell and showed her some sights. And she hooted with laughter even more than I did when we took her to the UFO Museum.

  Caroline and David loved seeing Mama again and we all had dinner a couple of times at their house. And while the men worked during the day, Caroline and I took Mama around the ranch and showed her what we did there. All in all, it had been a wonderful and memorable visit. She promised me before she left that she would come again.

  The only dark spot to mar an otherwise perfect two months was the delivery of a wedding gift from Jerome, a so-called peace offering. The gift itself would have been very nice if not for the meaning behind it. The gift, a gold-plated place setting for four, was accompanied by a card in which Jerome congratulated us and casually remarked that he wouldn't want me to miss out on the good things in life, so he sent the place setting to remind me of the life I gave up. He also bragged in the card that he was now dating the model who was the new face of Ebersole.

  And what was Hayden's response to receiving the gift? He burned the card and gave the place setting away. So, that took care of that.

  Pulling my thoughts to the present, I watched a hummingbird as it fluttered near and drank the sweet nectar in the bird feeder Hayden had hung from a hook by the window. I don't know why, but in that moment I suddenly began to wonder if my life was too perfect. Things were so blissful that I suddenly felt sure there was a trial right around the corner. Not that we hadn't had our share of trials before, nor was I looking for trouble. It was just a feeling. I found myself praying it wouldn't be anything major.

  This is silly, I mused. You have a wonderful life, girl, so don't go looking for trouble. What's with this sudden bout of paranoia anyway? I shook my head and smiled.

  I started taking some dishes down from the cupboard when I heard the front door open and I immediately felt butterflies in my stomach. In the next instant, Hayden's warm arms came around me and he pressed a soft kiss against the side of my neck. I closed my eyes and snuggled deeper in his embrace.

  “I've, missed you, baby,” he said, pressing his lips to my ear and I sighed.

  “I've missed you too.” I turned to face him and he leaned down, giving me a proper greeting.

  “Mmmm,” I murmured. “I've been waiting all day for that.”

  “And I've been waiting all day to do it.”

  “Why don't you go on and shower and I'll get dinner on the table.”

  “All right. Be back in a few.” He kissed me again and headed to the bedroom.

  While Hayden showered, I placed the food on the table and set it for two. I paused in my actions and thought with joy how wonderful it would one day be to be able to set three, four, even five more places at the table.

  I took a pitcher of lemonade from the refrigerator and placed it on the table as well. Then I sat down and waited for Hayden. He came in a few minutes later, freshly showered, wearing clean jeans, and of course, shirtless and barefoot. I couldn't help thinking that he had to be the most irresistible man in the world.

  “How was your day?” he asked as he sat down and pulled me close for another kiss.

  “It's been good. Of course, it's always better when you come home.”

  He grinned. “It's the best time of the day for me, too.”

  I passed the plate of pork chops and he speared one and put it on his plate.

  “I did get the flowers planted. The pots are on the deck.”

  “That's good, darlin'. I'll have to go out and take a look.”

  “It really did give me a feeling of accomplishment, especially since I have never planted anything before. I was always too busy to take care of plants. For me, silk flowers have always been the way to go. No way I can kill them.”

  He chuckled. “Well, I have faith that you'll keep these alive.”

  “I hope so. Caroline has a green thumb when it comes to gardening. Maybe it will rub off on me a little.”

  “You do well at everything you set your mind to.”

  “This is true,” I said with a coy smile. “I got you, didn't I?”

  “That you did, darlin',” he answered, his eyes full of love.

  “And,” I said, my voice softening and my insides bursting with happiness, “I have your baby growing inside me.”

  The fork in Hayden's hand stopped in the air midway to his mouth. He put it back on his plate as his eyes widened in wonder. “You're pregnant?” He grinned. “Really?”

  I nodded, smiling. “Really.”

  He pulled me from my chair and onto his lap, and wrapping me in his arms, he pressed his face against my neck. “Raine,” he breathed. “Oh, Raine. You've made me a happy man.” He touched my face and moved his hand to my stomach, holding it there. “My baby,” he whispered.

  I pressed a hand to his face and kissed him warmly. “I love you.”

  “I love you, baby.” He kissed me another moment before standing and lifting me in his arms. “Dinner can wait.”

  I smiled, warmed by the desire burning in his gray eyes.

  Old annoyances never disappear but tend to strike when you least expect.


  For the next couple of months, the morning sickness was almost unbearable at times. I spent more time lying in bed than I did doing anything else. I took Caroline's suggestion and tried to eat more small meals during the day, but it didn't really help because I could never keep anything down. I was miserable almost every waking moment.

  Caroline helped out a lot by bringing in dinner so Hayden wouldn't go hungry, even though he told us both
he was perfectly capable of fixing his own meals. He did, however, make his own breakfast in the mornings, and mine as well. If he knew he was going to be too busy to come home for lunch, he would make a couple of sandwiches to take with him. Each morning before he left, he brought a breakfast tray to me in bed. Then he would grab his own plate and come to the bedroom and eat with me. He felt terrible about having to leave, but I always assured him I would be all right.

  After Hayden left in the mornings, I usually managed to take a shower and straighten the house a little. If I lay down in between, I could even get a couple of loads of laundry done. But by noon, I was always too sick again to do much else.

  When Hayden came home in the evenings, he usually took a quick shower and we would have the dinner Caroline brought in. Afterward, he would climb into bed and hold me, and we'd talk until I fell asleep, which usually didn't take long. He made me feel so safe, and so loved. And I loved him and our unborn child more than I could say.

  After another month, I started feeling better and was able to take care of my home and my husband again, and I really began to enjoy being pregnant.

  Right after I had found out I was pregnant, I had gone into town that following day and purchased some maternity clothes, anticipating the day when I could finally start wearing them. And now that the day was here, I was glad that I bought them early. My clothes were now too tight to even button. I found that pretty amusing when I thought about all the times I had wished I could gain a few pounds.


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