Against the Odds: A Love Story

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Against the Odds: A Love Story Page 14

by ADAMS, J.

  Hayden finally raised up and looked at me. “I'm gonna be thanking God for that every day for the rest of my life.”

  “So will I.” I sighed. “Hayden, I want to see our baby.”

  He smiled and pressed his hand to my cheek again. “I'll go and let the nurse know you're awake. Then I'll get him.” He stood.

  When he hesitated, I could tell just by looking into his eyes that he was afraid to leave. I squeezed his hand and again urged him closer. “I promise I'll be here when you get back.”

  A sheen of renewed tears appeared in his eyes. “I know.” He smiled and a look of melancholy crossed his face. “We've beaten the odds so far, haven't we?”

  “We have, and I have faith that we always will,” I whispered just before he softly touched his mouth to mine.

  As the warmth of his love washed over me, one solemn truth burned brightly in my mind and heart that would forever be a testament to me of the impact of the choices we make in life. At one time, all had looked bleak for Hayden and me, and I made the choice to take a chance on him and his love. I made the choice to stay. And because of that choice, I was blessed with the deepest love and the most wonderful life I could ever ask for. I had gone through some hard trials, but the end results were priceless. I had my husband and I had our baby.

  Now I knew without a doubt that whatever trials life brought my way, God would help me see them through.

  Family is the gift that is always beautifully wrapped, and you never want a refund or exchange.


  I smiled contentedly and waved to Hayden as he walked beside the spotted pony with three year old Dane in the saddle. Our son's wavy, dark brown and auburn-highlighted hair shimmered in the sun. I could hear his giggles from the stable door where I stood holding our little Maggie, who had just turned a year old two weeks before. Her fluffy little curls billowed in the breeze and tickled my nose when I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  As Hayden slowly approached holding the reins, butterflies consumed my stomach. As usual when he was around the ranch, his shirt was hanging open, exposing his tanned muscular chest and stomach. I saw him either that way or shirtless almost every day, and it still never failed to make me feel warm all over.

  “There are my two favorite girls,” Hayden said, pulling me close and kissing us both.

  “How was your ride?” I asked Dane as Hayden helped him down.

  “It was fun, Mama,” he said grinning just like his daddy.

  “Well, your daddy is determined to turn you into a cowboy already.”

  “I gon' be cowboy like Daddy,” Dane said, drawing a wide grin from Hayden and I laughed.

  “Ain't nothing wrong with that, son.”

  “Well, I don't know,” I said with a grin, looking up at Hayden. “Your daddy's a little rough around the edges.” When he narrowed his eyes at me, I added, “but I guess that's all right sometimes.”

  Hayden shot an arm out around me. “Rough around the edges, you say? I'll show you rough around the edges.”

  “Hey, you two,” Caroline called, walking out to us.

  I heaved a relieved sigh and leaned back against Hayden's chest, cradling Maggie against me. “I'm saved. Thank you.”

  Caroline laughed. “Oh, I didn't come to save you. I just came to take my niece and nephew into the house for some cookies and milk. Would you two like that?”she asked, leaning down and tweaking Dane's nose.

  “Yes, ma'am,” he said quickly.

  “Well, all right then. Come here, sweet pea,” she said, taking Maggie from my arms. She took Dane's hand in hers and turned back toward the house.

  “Ain't you an' Mama coming, Daddy?” Dane asked.

  Hayden grinned widely at me before answering Dane. “We'll be there in a few minutes, son.” He paused, taking off his shirt. “Right after I take your mama for a roll in the hay.”

  I started to run, but I didn't make it a few feet before he caught me. “Hayden McKade!” I yelled just as he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I could hear Caroline's loud laughter and Dane's giggles in the distance as Hayden carried me into the stable.

  “Well, would you look at that. There's a fresh stall just waiting for us.”

  “Hayden, don't!” I cried, laughing.

  “Too late,” he said as he knelt and dropped me softly on the straw.

  I couldn't help grinning as he looked down at me, a wide smile lighting his handsome face. “You planned this, didn't you?” I pressed my palms against his chest, instantly feeling warm all over.

  “Now what ever gave you that idea?”

  “Hmmm. I guess it would be the huge mound of fresh straw in this stall and the obvious absence of all the hands. But then again, I could be wrong.”

  “I would never do something so forward, darlin'.”

  “Never?” I said, arching an eyebrow.

  His sensuous mouth curved up in a grin. “Well, maybe not never, but . . .”

  I silenced his words as I locked my fingers behind his neck and pulled his head down for a kiss. The heat between us was instant as his kiss deepened.

  “You don't know how long I've wanted to get you back in here like this,” he growled against my lips.

  “How long?”

  “Longer than I can say.”

  I smiled as my mind drifted back to the day he confessed his feelings for me in this very stall. I never dreamed that morning that my life would be changed so completely by the end of that day. I never dreamed I would ever feel so complete, so completely loved, and so blissfully happy.

  I silently gazed into his eyes for a long moment. “Thank you for coming after me that day.”

  “I couldn't help it, baby. I was hopelessly in love with you.”

  I took his face in my hands and caressed it softly, tracing the outline of his mouth with my finger. “And I was hopelessly in love with you.” I tangled my fingers in his hair. “You were, and still are, the man of my dreams, Hayden McKade. And you will always be.”

  He said nothing else, but as he kissed me, I felt his emotions and knew he didn't need to say anything more. And the love that shone in his tear-filled eyes as he parted his lips from mine was proof that as long as he was by my side, the odds would always be in my favor.

  About the Author

  J. (Jewel) Adams stays crazy busy with her family and writing. She has written several books in different genres and is also a motivational speaker to both youth and adult audiences. She home schools her four kids that are still at home, and between that and conjuring up new ideas for her books, her brain is completely fried most of the time. She and her husband Sean are the parents of eight children, which means they are both losing hair, but hey, that's what Rogaine is for, right?

  In her spare time (when she has any) she likes to curl up with a good book and a healthy stash of orange Tic Tacs. She and her family reside in Utah.

  Jewel loves hearing from her fans, so if you would like to contact her to tell her how much you love her books or give her sympathy for the fried brain, or suggestions for the hair loss problem (for her husband, of course) contact her at [email protected]

  Also visit her website and blog at and

  Books by J. Adams/Jewel Adams

  The Journey – YA Fantasy

  Against the Odds – Contemporary Romance

  Mercedes' Mountain – Contemporary Romance


  The Wishing Hour – Romantic Sci-Fi Fantasy

  Of Blessings and Dreams: The Legacy – LDS Contemporary Romance

  Tears of Heaven – LDS Contemporary Romance

  Place In This World: The Sequel to The Journey – YA Fantasy

  The Journey – YA Fantasy

  For Love of Angel – YA Romance

  Elise's Heart – YA Romance



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