Egil’s Saga
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EGIL THORSTEINSON (Porsteinsson): seventh s. of Thorstein Egilson 204
EGLA: = Egil’s Saga, passim
EID (Eið): Norw., a little isthmus near the Stad 5
EID: (used in gen. pl. = Eidwood, q.v.) 169
EIDWOOD (Eiðaskógr): a great forest on the marches of Norway and Sweden 167, 169, 173, 177, 179
EINAR JINGLE-SCALE (Einarr skálaglamm): the skald, b. of Osvif the Wise of Laxriverdale, meets Egil at the Althing and makes friends with him; in the bodyguard of Earl Hakon the Great 199–200; two staves of his; the precious shield given him by the E. for his drapa Gold-Lack; he gives it to Egil 201; a life-long friend of Egil’s 202. 304
EINAR TEITSON (Teitsson): priest of Staffholt, aids Steinar in his suits against Thorstein Egilson 209–11; Egil’s saying on him 214
EINARR JÓNSSON: the sculptor 266
EINARSNESS (Einarsnes): Icel., N.E. of Burg on Burgfirth 187. 299
EINKUNNIR: Icel., a little hill N. of Burg 56, 215–6
ELDA-EID (Eldu-eið): Norw., an isthmus in Thrandheim 38. 265
ELF (Elfr): see Gaut-Elf
ELLA (Ella): King of Northumberland, 112. 279
ELLIDI (Elliði): Icel., a farmstead on the S. slopes of the Snaefellsness range, the seat of Steinar in his later years 218
ENGLAND: Thorgils the Yeller trades there for clothes, wheat, honey and wine 30–2; position on K. Athelstane’s succession 98–9; invaded by the Scots 100; Egil and Thorolf with K. Athelstane 100–113; K. Eric Bloodaxe in power there 134; Egil’s second journey thither 135–148; 151; 159; 160
ERE (Eyrr): see Steinthor
ERE: in Denmark, mod. Skanör 34· 264
ERESOUND (Eyrarsund): in Denmark 91
ERIC ALL-WISE (Eiríkr alspakr): a landed man, weds Thora d. of Thorir the Hersir; f. of Thorstein Thorason 147
ERIC BLOODAXE (blóðöx): King of Norway, s. of K. Harald Hairfair who loved him best of all his sons;foster-son of Thorir the Hersir; his friendship with Thorolf Skallagrimson 69; obtains from the K. his father peace for Thorolf 70; takes power in Hordaland and the Firths; his expedition to Biarmaland; weds Gunnhild 71; sends an axe to Skallagrim 72; receives supposed greetings and gift from Sk. in return 79; 81; holds a feast of blood-sacrifice in Atley 82; will avenge Bard’s slaying 84–5; his wrath; consents to take atonement, for Thorir’s sake, but will not have Egil staying long in the land 86; gives way on this to Thorir: his saying to Gunnhild 94; 95; offers Thorolf atonement for Thorvald’s slaying; sends Eyvind Braggart to Denmark 96; his friendship with Bergonund 116; 117; displeasure at Arinbiorn’s pleading of Egil’s cause 118; 119; at the Gula-Thing 120–1; will take E.’s life; pursues E. by sea 122–3; but fails to take him; E.’s stave upon him, that the Gods may drive him out of Norway 124; made over-king over all K. Harald’s sons; on his f.’s death, fells his brothers in Tunsberg 125; makes Egil outlaw for every man to slay 126; E.’s scorn and curse upon him 130–1; strives with his b. Hakon and flees the land; gives his d. to E. Arnfinn; harries in Scotland and England; makes peace with K . Athelstane and holds Northumberland, having his seat at York 134; 135; 136; receives Egil at York, and says he shall surely die; grants Arinbiorn’s prayer that E. shall live till morning; A. recalls his wrongs done to E. 137–8; 139; Arinbiorn’s loyalty to him 140; he consents to hear E.’s Höjuðlausn 141; gives E. his life 145; 146; 147; his b. Hakon’s saying of him 149; 156; falls in west-viking 159; 162. 270, 288
ERIC’S SONS: go with their mother to Denmark after their father’s death 154; K. Hakon’s mistrust of them 163, 167; Arinbiorn joins them 165–6; take kingdom in Norway 194; their strife with Earl Hakon the Great ibid. (See Harald Greycloak)
ERIC, EARL: s. of E. Hakon the Great 223. 244–5, 261, 265, 310–1
ERLING THE WEALTHY (Erlingr enn auðgi): 71
ERLING SKIALGSON (Skjálgsson): 257, 265
ERNE: cutting of, on the back, 279
EYSTEIN THE EVIL (Eysteinn enn illi): 257
EYVIND BRAGGART (Eyvindr skreyja): brother of Q. Gunnhild; big and strong and a very masterful man, much esteemed by the K. and Q. but not well loved of the folk; commissioned by his sister to slay Thorolf Skallagrimson, but cannot get at him 95; so, for want of a better, slays Thorvald; having ‘slain in the sanctuary’, has to fare abroad; comes to Denmark and wards it against vikings for K. Harald Gormson 96; lies out with his ships for Egil off Jutland Side; surprised and defeated by E., escapes by swimming; E.’s stave upon him 97; this in part the cause of his sister’s hatred of E. 115. 278–9
EYVIND LAMBI (lambi): elder s. of Berdla-Kari, and a messmate of Thorolf Kveldulfson 1–2; 8; 12; in the stem of K. Harald’s ship at Hafrsfirth 14; helps to bury his kinsman Thorolf after the burning of Sandness 41; weds Th.’s widow, Sigrid, and dwells at Sandness; his descendants 42
EYVIND RENTCHEEK (kinnrifa): 276
EYVIND SKALDSPILLER (skáldaspillir): the great skald; a grandson of Eyvind Lambi 42. 265, 302
FAEREYS (Færeyjar); the Faroe Isles 6. 258
FARAVID (Faravið): king of Kvenland 25–6; 30. 263
FATALISM: xxv–xxviii. 272, 282
FAXA FLOW (Faxaflói): Icel. 266, 268, 270
FEE: 254
FELL: 262
FELLOWSHIP: with the Gods, xxiii, xxv, xxviii
FENHRING: Norw. 71; 127; 156
FEY: 282, 293
FIALIR (Fjalir): Norw., a folkland between Sogn and the Firths 5; 95
FIELD, THE (Völlr): Icel. 44
FINNMARK (Finnmörk): mod. Lapland 24; described 25; 27; 30–1. 260
FINN SKIALG (Finnr enn skjálgi): 42
FINNUR JÓNSSON, DOCTOR: xiv; also þassim in the Notes
FIRSOUND (Furusund): Norw., in the Sondfjord 32
FIRTH-FOLK (Fjarðarfylki): see the Firths
FIRTHS, THE (Firðir): Norw., a folkland and ancient kingdom 2; 4–6; 22; 36; 45; 62–3; 69; 71; 93; 95; 113; 118; 134; 155; 160; 194; 199
FITIAR IN STORD (Fitjar): Norw., the scene of a great battle in 960, when K . Hakon Athelstane’s-Fosterling defeated Gunnhild’s sons but lost his life 68; 194. 265, 278–9, 288, 302
FLANDERS (Flæmingjaland): 98
FLEETLITHE (Fljótshlíð): Icel., in the S. country 44
FLOKADALE (Flókadalr): Icel., N.E. from Burgfirth 74; 218
FLOKADALESWATER (Flókadalsá): river 58; 74
FLOKI (Flóki): 255; 258
FLOSI: the burner, xxx. 246, 265, 311
FLUGUMYRI (Flugumýri): 265, 306
FOLD, THE (Foldin): Norw., the mouth of the Oslofirth 35
FOLK-VANGR: one of the heavenly mansions 300
FRANKLIN: 254, 273
FREY (Freyr): the God 134; 198. xxii, xxiii
FREYFAXI: xxiii. 258
FREYJA: the Goddess 188. 300
FREY’S-PRIEST: see Hrafnkel, Thorgrim
FRIDGEIR (Friðgeirr): sister’s s. to Arinbiorn the Hersir 151; bidden by Ljot to the holmgang; not strong, and had never stood in battles; Ljot thinks him small game 152–3; his gratitude to Egil for slaying L. 155; Arinbiorn recalls this 163
FRISLAND (Frísland): 96; 164–5
FRODI (Fróði): kinsman and fosterson of K. Eric Bloodaxe, set by him in Alrekstead to protect Bergonund 125; goes to B. at Ask 126; goes out with B. and Hadd to hunt the bear 128; slain by Egil 129
FURS: see Grey-wares
FYRISFIELD (Fyrisvellir): in Sweden; scene of the defeat of Styrbiorn by K. Eric the Victorious 290
GARDAR (Garðarr): 258
GARPR: 258
GARTH: 267
GARTH-REALM: = Russia 262
GATHORNE HARDY, G.: 256, 258
r /> GAULAR: Norw., in the Sondfjord, a famous temple-stead 2; 95
GAUT-ELF (Gautelfr): also called the Elf; mod. Göta-Elf, the great river betwixt Norw. and Sweden 32; 35
GAUTLAND: 183. 298
GEIR THE WEALTHY (Geirr enn auðgi): s. of Ketil Blund; weds Thorunn, Skallagrim’s d. 74; 218
GEIRLAUG: d. of Eyvind Lambi 42
GEIRMUND HELLSKIN (Geirmundr heljarskinn): 185
GEIRSLITHE (Geirshlíð): Icel. 74
GIANTSTEAD (Þursstaðir): near Burg 56
GISLI SURSON (Gísli Súrsson): 273, 299
GIZUR, ‘EARL’ (Gizurr): 306
GLAM (Glámr): an evil ghost xxiv
GLUM: see Viga-Glum
GOÐI: see Priest
GODREK (Goðrekr): an English earl 99; slain in battle against Olaf the Scots-King 100; 101
GODS: xxii–xxviii
GOLD: 260
GOLD-HARALD (Gull-Haraldr): brother’s s. of K. Harald Gormson, helps Earl Hakon in his victory over K. Harald Greycloak at the Neck 200. 251
GONDUL (Göndul): see Valkyries
GORDON, PROFESSOR E. V.: xxxi–xxxii
GORGEWATER (Gljúfrá): Icel. 56; 57; 210; 215
GORM THE OLD (Gormr enn gamli): King of the Danes, 90. 256, 271
GRANI: Steinar’s thrall 205
GRANI’S-GATE (Granahlið): Icel. 205
GRANISTEAD (Granastaðir): Icel. 56; 75
GRIM (Grímr): a follower of Skallagrim 46
GRIM: s. of Bard Bryniolfson 13
GRIM GOATSHOE (geitskór): XX
GRIM: s. of Hegg of Heggstead, slain by Egil 75
GRIM HAIRYCHEEK (loðinkinni): 146
GRIM THE HALOGALANDER (enn háleyski): a shipmate of Kveldulf’s, takes command after K.’s death; finds K.’s chest come ashore at Burg 54; and shows it to Skallagrim; Sk. gives him land at Hvanneyri 55; 116
GRIM KVELDULFSON (Kveldúlfsson): see Skallagrim
GRIM SVERTINGSON (Svertingsson): of Mossfell; sometime Speaker of the Law, weds Egil’s step-daughter Thordis 185; E. goes to dwell with him in his old age 203; 209; his saying to E., ‘Less mocked women at us’ etc. 219; dissuades E. from riding to the Thing to ‘sow’ his treasure 221; lays E. in howe; takes christening; a church built by him at Bushbridge 222. 299
GRIM: eldest s. of Thorstein Egilson 204; aet. 10, slays Steinar’s son of like age; dies of his wounds, and is buried in Grimsholt 216–7
GRIMOLF (Grímólfr): a follower of Skallagrim 46
GRIMSHOLT (Grímsholt): Icel. 217
GRIMSWATER (Grímsá): Icel., a tributary of Whitewater 55; 58; 76
GRIOTGARD (Grjótgarðr): s. of Hakon the Earl of Hladir; falls at Solskel 5
GRISARTONGUE (Grísartunga): Icel. 57; 215
GRISS THE FREEDMAN (Gríss lausingi): a follower of Skallagrim 47; 57
GUDMUND SOLMUNDSON (Guðmundr Sölmundarson): 186
GUDRUN OF LAXRIVERDALE (Guðrún): the heroine of Laxdæla 304
‘GUESTS’: 264
GUFA (Gufá): Icel., a river of Burgfirth 54; 56; 184; 215
GUFADALE, GUFAFIRTH (Gufudalr, Gufufjörðr): Icel., on Bardarstrand, Broadfirth 185
GUFANESS (Gufunes): Icel., E. of Reykjavík 184
GUFASCALES (Gufuskálar): Icel.; there are two separate places (1) in the S.W. at Rosmhvalness; (2) in Burgfirth 184
GULA-THING (Gulaþing): Norw., the ancient Thing-stead for the Firths, Fialir, Sogn, and Hordaland, situated on the island of Gula in North Hordaland 117–22; 125; 149; 156–8. 284
GUNNAR (Gunnarr): Egil’s second son 159; his death 189
GUNNAR HLIFARSON (Hlífarson, i.e. son of Hlif): father in-law of Thorstein Egilson 203
GUNNAR: of the old Brynhild-Volsung story 279
GUNNHILD (Gunnhildr): Queen of Norway; d. of Ozur Toti, wedded by K. Eric Bloodaxe on his Biarmaland expedition; beautiful, wise, and learned in art magic 71; great friends with Thorolf Skallagrimson 71, 94; 81; with K. Eric in Atley 82; Bard complains to her of Egil, and she helps him blend E.’s drink with venom 83; 86; taunts the K. for his mildness toward Skallagrim’s sons; the K.’s saying of her hounding of him on 94; bids her brothers slay Thorolf or Egil ‘and best if it were both’ at the spring sacrifice at Gaular; when this goes amiss bids them slay some man of theirs 95; Thorir the Hersir’s saying of her ibid.; sends her b. Eyvind into Denmark 96; her mind heavy towards Egil for his defeating of Eyvind by sea 115; her friendship for Bergonund 116; Arinbiorn’s saying of her 117; at the Gula-Thing, Bergonund boasts of her protection 119; mocks at the K.’s letting ‘this great Egil’ tangle all matters in his despite; sets on her b. Alf to break up the courts with violence 120; bears her eldest son (Harald Greycloak) 125; Egil, in a stave, recognizes her as his arch-enemy 126; 130; his scorn and curse upon her and the K. 131; flees the land with the K. and her children; works a spell to draw Egil from Iceland 134; 135; would have E. led out and hewn before the doors; Arinbiorn’s reply upon her 138; A. knows she will lay all her heart to work E.’s bane; the twittering swallow that hampered the composition of the Höfuðlausn seems to have been a sending of hers 139; charges Arinbiorn with preferring Egil before the K.; tries, by appealing to all the K.’s lowest motives, to prevent Egil’s getting a hearing, but A.’s appeal to higher motives prevails against her 140–1; 149; her power in her sons 150; after K. Eric’s death, goes with her sons to Denmark 159. xxx. 250, 271–2, 284
GUNNHILD: d. of Biorn the Franklin by his second wife Alof 71; weds Bergonund 114; 119
GUNNHILD: d. of Earl Halfdan 42
GUNNLAUG THE WORMTONGUE (ormstunga): hero of Gunnlaug’s Saga 204; 223, 260, 293
GUTTHORM (Gutthormr): War-duke of K. Harald Hairfair’s host, and his mother’s brother; s. of K. Sigurd Hart 50–1; death of his sons 52–3. 256, 267, 268
GYDA (Gyða): d. of Thorir the Hersir; lives at Blindheim with her s. Fridgeir; entertains Egil 151; asks him to go with Fridgeir to meet Ljot 152
HADD (Haddr): s. of Thorgeir Thornfoot and b. of Bergonund 71–2; goes to B. at Ask after the coming to naught of Egil’s suit at the Gula-Thing 125; sits with B. and Frodi late a-drinking; goes out to hunt the bear 128; slain by Egil 129
HAENG (Hængr): see Ketil Haeng
HAFRSFIRTH (Hafrsfjörðr): Norw., 14; 23. xviii. 244, 261
HAFSLECH (Háfslækr): Icel. 56; 205; 207; 213
HAKON ATHELSTANE’S-FOSTERLING (Hákon Aðalsteinsfóstri): King of Norway, s. of K. Harald Hairfair 98; comes from England to Norway; the folk flock to support him against his b. Eric, who flees the land 134; 147; grants Thorstein Thorason his rights; his saying to Egil on the dealings betwixt E. and K. Eric 148–9; for K. Athelstane’s sake, will let E. have the law, but counsels him not to abide in Norway because ‘the might of us kinsmen’ will still be the greater; gives E. tokens and word-sending to Thord of Aurland 150, 155; 160; Arinbiorn is uncertain of his relations with him 161; said to be a righteous man; welcomes Arinbiorn, but when he learns his errand (to press Egil’s claim to Ljot’s inheritance) threatens him 162–3; consolidates his power over the scat-lands; his messengers twice slain in Vermland; sends word to Thorstein Thorason that he shall get in the V. scat, other else be gone from the land; his mistrust of Eric’s sons in Denmark 167; his messengers think he will be pleased if Egil is slain 168; they report to him their desertion of E. 169; Earl Arnvid will not have ‘these slanders’ (about the taking off of the K.’s men) reach his ears 177, 181; pleased with Egil’s journey, is friends again with Thorstein; goes with a host into Vermland; his victories in W. Gautland and in Denmark 182–3; wars against Eric’s sons; wins the battle but loses his life at Fitiar in Stord 194. 255, 265, 270, 278–9, 288, 295, 302
HAKON: Earl of Hladir, and sovereign lord of all Norwa
y, called by some ‘the Mighty’ but by some ‘the Ill’; defeats and slays K. Harald Greycloak at the Neck in the Limfirth 200; his treatment of Einar Jingle-scale 201. xxiii. 250–2; 261, 265, 274, 305, 311
HAKON: Earl of Hladir in K. Harald Hairfair’s time, grandfather of the great E. Hakon 5
HALFDAN THE BLACK (Hálfdan svarti): King of Westfold; f. of K. Harald Hairfair 3; 11; 50
HALFDAN HIGHLEG (háleggr): s. of K. Harald Hairfair 279
HALFDAN WHITELEG (hvítbeinn): King 166
HALL: 259
HALL GUDMUNDSON (Hallr Guðmundarson): b. of Slaying Bardi (of the Heathslayings Saga) 186; 223
HALL OF THE SIDE (Síðu-Hallr): 274
HALLBERA: Kveldulf’s mother 1
HALLBIORN HALF-TROLL (Hallbjörn hálftröll): 1
HALLDOR (Halldórr): s. of Olaf the Peacock 186
HALLFRED THE TROUBLOUS-SKALD (Hallfreðr vandræðaskald): xxv. 260
HALLI: s. of Thorstein Egilson 204
HALLSTEIN (Hallsteinn): s. of Earl Atli the Slender 2
HALLVARD HARDFARER (Hallvarðr harðfari): and his brother Sigtrygg Sharp-farer, men of the Wick, instruments of K. Harald Hairfair where hazardous deeds were to be done, such as the taking off of men; sent by the K. to take Thorolf Kveldulfson’s cheaping-ship from Thorgils the Yeller 32–3; their house robbed and burned for this by Thorolf 35; obtain the K.’s leave to take Th.’s life for this 37; the K.’s sarcasm on their chances against Th. 38; their slow journey north gives warning and causes a war-rush of the folk of Halogaland in support of Th.; they come too late and are laughed at 41; sent by K. Harald east to the Wick to bring home the sons of Duke Gutthorm 50–1; waylaid and slain by Kveldulf and Skallagrim at the mouth of the Sogn Firth 52; Sk.’s ditty on their slaying 53