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Phoenix Quest Adventures: First Three Novels

Page 24

by K. T. Tomb

  Kadan got it. “Dude! They’re in my game!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Phoe and the rest of her party felt like they had walked for days. When in actuality, it had only been a few hours. The sun started to set and Peter was wondering if they would ever find civilization. “I really didn’t bring the right shoes for this excursion.”

  Alex walked close to Simon. “So tell me, Simon. For someone who was engaged to an amazing woman like Symone Armette, I don’t see any tears. Did you love her?”

  Simon stopped walking and faced Alex. “You’re a smart man Alex. Do you understand why you would never be on my payroll? It’s your limited thinking. For a scientist, you should have the ability to explore any and all probabilities. You need to expand your mind and see the bigger picture. You are guided by your emotions, which appear to be focused on Symone. You need to remember a few things. Phoe and I have had some rather disturbing experiences of late, which include events in which we were supposely a part of, but cannot remember. Then Symone gets supposedly shot dead immediately before we all get whisked away to Never Never land. Then what a surprise, to see that my future brother-in-law is suspiciously absent from our journey down this wondrous rabbit hole. Let’s top off all the mystery with the fact that someone that I have just made the acquaintance of is more concerned with my feelings for my fiancé, than our current predicament. In fact, of all the people here, you are the lone soul who seems least affected.”

  Alex looked nervous. “What are you saying?”

  Simon had his trademark smile. “I am saying that I would wager all of my stock in my own company that you not only know what’s going on, but have also had some major hand in this scenario’s inception.”

  Alex huffed and walked faster and away from Simon. Phoe joined Simon’s pace. “I heard it all, Simon. I have to say that I agree with you.”

  “He’s an amateur,” Simon said, confidently. “His reactions to my accusations proved that I am on the right track. There is something amiss about this entire situation. Either our protagonists wished to deceive us with sophomoric games, or they didn’t care as long as the outcome remained the same. That means that there are at least two people involved who are used to showing arrogance. Since I am here with you in this little charade that would leave Symone and Hamilton. Alex has now given me a third party to think about.”

  Phoe had a questioneing look. “That’s great and all, but how do you describe what we saw concerning each other and Symone dropping dead in front of you?”

  “I can’t right now,” Simon said, in a discouraged tone. “Of course, that never stopped me from following my gut before.”


  It was nighttime and the group continued on their journey. They used the light of the moon to make their way and they had passed several small streams to quench their thirst, but there was no sign of food. After another hour of walking and a much deserved break, one of the black-clad men pointed to something up ahead. They could all see a bright flickering light coming from over one hill. Three of the men dressed in black started to run toward the light.

  Phoe tried to prevent anyone else from leaving. “No! This is unfamiliar territory! We have to stick togeth…shit.” She went up to one of the remaining men. “Let me see your weapon!” He slowly pulled out his handgun. It was similar to a 9mm, but had a different feel. She checked the magazine and found several dart-like projectiles instead of bullets. “What the hell are these?” He remained silent. She grabbed his gun and pointed it at him. “Now, talk!”

  He started to laugh. “You’re wasting your time. Those darts are what brought us all here. Shooting me again is pointless.”

  Phoe got right up in his face. “You knew what was going on all along?”

  The man gulped. “No! We didn’t know where it would take the person who got shot with them! We just knew it took them somewhere.”

  “So you came to keep an eye on us?” Phoe said, accusingly.

  His head lowered, as if he was shamed. “No. We’re victims just like you. We don’t know why…the people in charge did this to us.”

  “You paused!” Phoe yelled. “You were about to reveal who your bosses are! Asshole! What’s in the darts?” He pulled one out of his pocket and handed it to her. She couldn’t see in the darkness, so he handed her a mini-flashlight. “Seriously?” she asked. “You had light, too?” She looked at the dart closely with the help of the light. She saw a hint of the color blue. She grabbed the flashlight.

  Phoe ran up to Alex and grabbed his shirt with one hand. She gritted her teeth in rage. She stuck the end of the flashlight in her mouth and shined it on the dart. She then spit out the flashlight. “Hey, shithead! You know those little blue pills that your buddy Kadan told us about? Are these them?”

  Alex looked completely taken by surprise. “What? Kadan told you about the pills?”

  Phoe lowered her head, because she had her answer. She held up the dart, which no one could see in the darkness. “Hey! Everyone! In case you haven’t figured it out yet…we’re inside of Kadan Alexander’s stupid game!”


  Jonathan’s fist pumped the air. “Yes! I knew if anyone would figure it out, it would be Phoe! Besides my father, of course.” His determination increased. “Kadan. I understand what you just told me about the virus being passed on through security systems, but what I don’t get is how it’s supposed to affect people like the pill does.”

  Kadan thought for a moment as he stared at the monitor. “Uh…actually, the virus leaves an external residue. The residue is then absorbed through the epidermis and accepted into the bloodstream, thereby having the same result as the pill.”

  Jonathan couldn’t contain his shock and anger. “Kadan! I’m not a genius, but even I know that by introducing a foreign agent into the bloodstream, it could cause catastrophic results! What the hell, man? Didn’t you ever stop to think about the repercussions to someone with an immune deficiency disorder?”

  Kadan panicked. “I know, man! I know! Don’t you think I knew that?”

  “Then why continue?” Jonathan interrogated.

  Kadan lowered his head in shame. “Alex. It was Alex. He came up with a blank check from some investors and my eyes just saw dollar signs. I…didn’t think…”

  “Damn it!” Jonathan punched the wall, but only succeeded in cracking a bone in his finger. “It’s a really bad day for the human race, when I have to be the voice of reason! With everything as it is, I assume that the Armettes are the investors?”

  Kadan nodded silently, hanging his head as a tear rolled down his cheek.

  Jonathan grabbed Kadan by the shoulders and looked him in the eye. “We have to help my father and everyone else get out of the game. You have to tell me exactly what my future step-mother wanted in return for her money. I’m talking like what they wanted immediately.”

  “They wanted all the samples before we sent them off for testing and of course exclusive rights to my game. More bad news, I’m afraid. We can’t stop the game.”

  “What?” Jonathan yelled. “That would have been a great thing to mention earlier. How do they get out then?”

  Kadan gulped and leaned away from Jonathan, as if he expected to get punched. “They have to finish the game. Complete it, you know. Beat it.”

  Jonathan shook his head. “It just keeps getting better. What scenario did you pick for them?”

  Kadan started to sweat despite the cooler temperature of the room. “I didn’t pick it. It’s not up to me. Whoever takes the blue pill with main frame capabilities creates everything that the characters go through. The main frame pill gives them control of only themselves at first, then when more people are given the pill, the memory increases and the game gets bigger.”

  “That explains why the six extra men are there; for more memory. A bigger game. Wait! What can someone do who takes a main frame pill without all of the extra people taking a blue pill?”

  “That’s easy,” Kadan responded. “They can cha
nge only their appearance until more people take pills. I also think that my game was sent to just about every known hacker for testing.”

  Jonathan stared at the monitor. “That explains a lot. It wasn’t testing. They wanted everyone to have it. If Symone and Hamilton were the only ones who took a main frame pill that means that they are in complete control once everyone gets infected with the blue pill. That virus can spread worldwide in about two and a half hours. Once the hackers realize what it does… Congratulations, Kadan. You and Alex are probably the most dangerous cyber-terrorists the world has ever known.”

  Kadan rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’ve been told that before.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Phoe and the others entered some kind of village right out of the history books. There were several structures which resembled houses. They were small, yet made of sturdy planked wood. The roofs were rounded with several layers of hay as a cover. Several wooden sticks were woven through the hay for support. The wooden doors were supported by thick tree branches that were rounded and braced against the wall to form a door frame. Piles of cut firewood were stacked in front of each door.

  The flickering light that the group noticed came from a large bonfire in the middle of the housing structures. The fire burned brightly as Phoe, Peter, and Simon started to search the structures. Each one came out with several large coats made crudely out of some kind of animal fur. The coats were distributed to everyone. As soon as they were received, the recipients quickly put them on.

  Alex looked at the bonfire. “What’s happening to the fire?”

  Phoe, Peter, Simon and four of the assassins rushed toward the fire. Phoe looked back at Alex. “You scared me for a minute, Alex. There’s nothing wr…”

  Before she had a chance to complete her sentence, the ground gave way beneath the bonfire. Pieces of earth along with seven startled people fell into the blackness below.


  “Oh, come on!” Jonathan shouted, as he noticed the events from the game. “Seriously? What’s with all the drama?”

  “It’s a game, dude,” Kadan replied, while trying to calm Jonathan down. “Haven’t you ever role played before? That’s like par for the course, man. The game has to run its course.”

  Jonathan glared at Kadan. “What happens if they die in the game?”

  Kadan looked away and started to become nervous. “Look, man. I told you the specs. I told you that they’re all tied to the computer and the game.”

  “Just answer the question!” Jonathan huffed.

  “Yeah,” Kadan responded, reluctantly. “If they die in the game…they’re dead for real.” He pointed at the monitor. “Look at them! Oh, man they’re in the game! Actually in the game! Of course they’re dead if they die in the game! That’s like saying it you kill me here, I’ll be dead! Dude! I know your mind can’t wrap itself around the fact that this game really exists, but it does! Accept the weird and freaky truth and start helping me deactivate the game so the hackers can’t spread this shit like wildfire!”

  Jonathan tried to calm down. “You know how to stop the game from going viral?”

  “Yeah,” Kadan said, confidently. “All we have to do is create an anti-virus for the game, since it reacts the same way a real virus would. Let me work on that while you keep monitoring them. I’ll try to find the manual I made, it’s down here somewhere. Who knows? Maybe you can figure a way to interact with the game. We have a little less than two hours to make it happen, before the whole world starts playing.”


  Phoe and company fell about 200 feet that ended in a rude awakening as they splashed into some kind of underground lake. Two of the assassins started to wildly thrash around. Phoe gained her bearings and treaded water. “Someone…help those assholes, please!” The non-swimmers were soon assisted by the swimmers. Once the drowning was averted, everyone stayed near each other in the water.

  The water was chilly, but still warmer than where they just fell from. Soggy pieces of wood from the bonfire floated near Peter. His eyes widened as he looked up to see where they were.

  The area was dark and was the sign of a large reservoir. The ceiling was covered in stalactites and a bluish glow that appeared to emanate from a large alcove a few hundred feet ahead of them. The water level was even with the floor of the alcove.

  “I have to insist that we get moving,” Simon pleaded. “We have no idea where we are and if Phoe is right, then we will have to have our guard up no matter where we go.”

  Phoe looked up at the hole they fell through. “I agree with Simon. Though I am a little curious as to why no one has called down to us to see if we are alright.”


  After everyone made it safely to the alcove, Peter noticed a small hole in the back wall. “Hey, everybody. I think I’ve found the source of the blue light.” A bright blue light shone through the hole and practically lit up the entire area they had dropped into.

  Simon pushed through the wall. It was brittle and fell to pieces. Phoe gave him a look of caution. “No offense, Simon, but I’m better at the field work. I wouldn’t…”

  Two of the assassins acted before Phoe could finish her statement. They pushed through the wall into an alcove that looked like a mirror image of the one they were in. Phoe managed to get her arm up stopping the others.

  All anyone could do was look on in horror as something impossibly huge rose from the depths of the water where the two assassins entered the adjoining alcove. It was humanoid in appearance, but the features were twisted and grotesque, as if it had been badly burned or somehow had its skin melted. It stood with the water line reaching its waist.

  The creature’s crooked mouth opened and mucous and blood dripped into the water from its gaping jaws. The two assassins froze in terror as the creature leaned over and totally engulfed one of them with its mouth. It started to chew as the sound of bones being crunched echoed throughout the underground cavern. Blood spewed from its mouth as it grabbed the other assassin with its deformed hand and proceeded to slam the assassin again and again onto the ground of the alcove. Blood sprayed toward the others in the other alcove with each slam. After the creature was satisfied with its conquest, it gurgled up something similar to a laugh and started to walk away in the opposite direction.

  Phoe, Peter, Simon, and the remaining two assassins stood for several moments not knowing what to expect next. Phoe crouched down near the water line on her side of the wall and proceeded to wash off the blood that had sprayed on her.

  “Phoe?” Simon asked with astonishment. “I understand that you are accustomed to things in the field as you previously stated, but I would classify this as something I would never expect to see in my lifetime.”

  Phoe continued to clean off the blood on her arms. “I agree,” she said nonchalantly. “In fact, it’s seriously creeping me out. I figure I can do one of two things. I can scream like a little girl and run in the other direction from the big bad monster, or I can suck it up and prepare to kick its ass. With a little help from my friends, of course.”

  One of the remaining assassins approached Phoe. “You act like you know what that was.”

  “Don’t you?” she replied with a condescending tone in her voice. “That my dear friend, is Grendel.”

  “Grendel?” Peter added. “As in Beowulf’s Grendel?”

  Phoe nodded. “We’re somehow inside of Kadan’s game. I don’t know a lot about gaming, but I do know two things. I believe that we need to finish this game, if we are ever to see the real sun again, and I also believe that if we die in here, it’s for keeps.”


  Jonathan had just finished getting rid of his lunch in a nearby trash can when he turned and said, “Kadan. I think you need to watch your game for a while.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Phoe walked over to the two assassins left in their group. “Before we continue on our suicide mission, I need you to come clean. Did the Armettes hire you to kidnap Kadan Alexander?”r />
  The two men looked nervously at each other. One of them spoke up. “Yes. We were hired to kill everyone with him when we found him. There were different factions assigned to various locations seeking him out. We weren’t involved with the Sweden faction, as you already know. We heard about what happened though.”

  “Is this a trap?” Phoe queried. “Are you going to kill us when we’re not looking?”

  “No,” the assassin answered. “We had no idea that we were going to be inserted into the game. After what I saw that creature do, employer loyalty is out the window. It’s more than obvious that we’re expendable. Symone and Hamilton wanted Kadan kidnapped so that they would have control over the game. It was also just in case they needed to fix something or make improvements.”

  Simon tried in vain to hide his embarrassment. “And I thought she just wanted me for my money. Ha!”

  All of a sudden an intense pain surged through Phoe’s, Peter’s, and Simon’s abdomens causing all three of them to double over. The assassins stood in shock as they both started to disintegrate into thin air. The procedure seemed to be painless, but the look of horror and confusion on the two men’s faces as they disappeared from existence, would forever be etched into the memories of the remaining adventurers.


  Kadan and Jonathan stood silent as they stared at the monitor that showed them the continuing events within the game. Kadan looked as if he had just had his heart ripped out by a trusted ally.

  Jonathan put a reassuring hand on Kadan’s shoulder. “The price of genius. I just want to know one thing. Why did those guys disappear and what’s wrong with Phoe, Peter, and my father?”


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