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Escape to Earth 1: Running From Fate

Page 13

by Saxon Andrew

  The three humans stared at Lukas in silence and, after a very long moment, Joey said, “Well count me in even if I don’t get a space ship.”

  They burst out laughing and Trevor said, “Are you going to be able to build a ship that can take on those battleships you described? It will have to be a giant won’t it?”

  “No, Salud’s force field development will keep them safe. I just need to develop a weapon strong enough to hit them from a distance. That’s why I need you working with us, Trevor.”

  Joey leaned back, “So how do you see this going down?”

  “First, I have to get enough money to fund our little enterprise. I’ve started that by buying and selling stocks online.”

  “How have you done?”

  Lukas walked in the other room and said, “I started with three hundred thousand dollars and now have five million in eight days.”

  “Get out of here!”

  Salud smiled, “He’s right, Joey. I just set up two accounts tonight with all my savings of half a million and it’s now double that amount.”

  Lukas nodded, “My Wrist Unit scans the planet for any information that will make a stock price change.”

  Joey nodded, “And then you either buy or sell short.”


  “That kind of success will probably draw unwanted attention.”

  “My Wrist Unit has already detected an outside agency taking a look at my account.”

  “I think I can help with that. I have more than twenty blind corporations set up with me as the only officer. I can have each of us listed as officers and start using those to place your orders.”

  Salud shook her head, “Won’t they still be able to track it back to us?”

  “No, I’ll have my attorney set up other corporations overseas that will have the ownership located there and those countries will not cooperate with any investigation. We will remain hidden. Besides, while you’re working on that, I probably have enough capital to get us started.”

  Salud shook her head, “Joey, it’s going to take millions.” Joey just stared at her. “Did you hear me?”

  “Salud, I have a personal account with ten million in it and another account offshore that has ten times that amount.” Everyone at the table stared at him. Joey shrugged, “My Great Grandfather made his fortune with a fleet of commercial ships. His son was hired by several Middle Eastern countries to get their oil out of the ground. He charged them a dollar a barrel and by the time they breached his contract, he had already made more than he could ever use.”

  “And your father?”

  “After my mother died in a boating accident, he left the business and went to live in the wilderness. I was his only child.”

  Lukas shook his head, “I heard you were rich.”

  “Actually, the term is wealthy.”

  Trevor said, “What’s the difference?”

  “Did you hear about the giant’s most recent NBA contract?”

  “It’s worth a hundred million dollars over five years.”

  “He’s rich. The man who writes his pay check is wealthy.” Joey turned to Lukas, “So what do we do first?”

  “We need a place to build the machines that will manufacture the various pieces that will make the ship.”

  “Does it have to be big?”


  “I have a two hundred thousand square foot warehouse near Plymouth that is currently vacant.”

  “That would be plenty for starters.” Lukas looked at Salud, “I need the diamonds you put in the force field projectors.”

  Trevor looked at Lukas, “Diamonds?”

  “It’s the carbon in the diamonds that collect the beams from the emitters and focus them. No other Fellowship civilization has diamonds and Salud’s force field is more powerful than anything they have. I suspect that once the force field projector is hooked up to a reactor, no ship in the Fellowship will be able to penetrate it.”

  “What do they use to focus their force fields?”

  “It’s a form of high composite silicate material.”

  “Is it the same material they use to focus their disruptor beams?”

  Lukas looked at Trevor, “Yes, it is.”

  “So if we use diamonds to focus our beams instead of that silicate material, I believe the beams from our disruptors will be considerably more powerful than they are now.”

  Salud nodded, “But the diamonds would need to be cut differently. The cut I use in the force field projector sends the pattern out in a field that surrounds it. You’ll need a diamond that focuses the energy beam in on itself multiple times before it’s discharged.”

  Lukas looked at her, “It requires a small modification to make that happen. The power will be focused into the center where a flat cut extends behind it.”

  Salud shook her head, “I’m having difficulty visualizing what you’re saying.”

  “I’ll provide the formula for the cut. However, how are we going to acquire the diamonds we’ll need for the force fields and the disruptors?”

  “That is going to cost a lot.”

  Trevor looked at Salud, “How big do they have to be?”

  “The ones I used in the four units I build were two karat each with no impurities.” Trevor whistled.

  Lukas pressed the button on his Wrist Unit, “WU, what is the minimum size for a diamond to function in the force field projector Salud made.”

  “A tenth of a karat.”

  Salud’s eyebrows came together, “What? Won’t that reduce the power?”

  “No, the only thing that will reduce the power is actually reducing the power. The smaller diamond can focus the emitters with no difficulty.”

  Lukas looked at Salud, “Does that make a difference?”

  “A huge difference. I have enough diamonds that I personally own that will make two hundred.”

  “We’re going to need much more than that.”

  “Alright, I’m going to give my Father enough money to make two cutting machines to make the diamonds we’ll need for the force fields and disruptors. I’ll also hire him to go and acquire the diamonds we’ll need to cut.”

  Joey looked at her, “Is he capable of doing that?”

  “My father is Joseph Vazquez.”

  “Get the flock out of Dodge. Are you serious?”

  Salud nodded and Lukas looked at Trevor, “I need you to redesign the disruptor to use diamonds to focus the beam. Can you do that?”

  “I’ll see. What are you going to use to power them?”

  Lukas looked at the three humans and saw they were all staring at him. “Look, we have some issues that have come up. On the way here tonight, Salud and I saw a large number of Government vehicles. One of them had Department of Defense on it. They’re investigating the abrupt departure of my Pod and I suspect they’re taking this particular UFO seriously. I think we should take some time and focus on getting the capital needed to build what we need before we start building anything.”

  Joey shook his head, “We saw them, too. Lukas, how are you going to hide from the government the ships you intend to build?”

  Trevor nodded, “You’ll have to acquire licenses and permits to open a plant and that includes being inspected. They’ll be all over you like white on rice.”

  Lukas looked at Joey, “What about building them offshore?”

  Joey raised his eyebrows and then lowered them, “Any government that owns the island we lease will want to know what you’re building. A manufacturing facility as large as I suspect ours is going to be will be something that will draw more than just our government’s attention. Plus, any car that’s brought into the country will have to pass EPA emissions tests along with crash testing.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Lukas heard his Wrist Unit and said, “Why do you say that?”

  “How have you hid the pod since you arrived?”

  Lukas tilt
ed his head, “It morphed its shape into a car called a Corvette.”

  Joey smiled, “Cool.”

  “As soon as you build a ship, have it morph its shape to that of a car. It will have to be an original shape, the auto manufacturers will not appreciate your copying their designs. You can park them all out in the open and no one will suspect anything. I also suspect if you announce that you’re working on building a new model of hybrid car, the governments will be more than ready to support your effort. They might even provide funds to assist you.”

  Trevor looked at Lukas, “There is a huge concern over global warming and climate change due to carbon being put in the atmosphere. There are great tax incentives for green companies.”

  Lukas nodded, “That is an excellent idea, Wu. We’ll use that fiction to avoid their attention. How are we going to morph the cars until we build the computer that controls them?”

  “Simply put me in contact with them and I’ll send the impulses to shape the hulls.”

  Salud looked at Joey and Trevor and saw they were also staring at her. Uhhh, Lukas.”


  “What did you mean by using that fiction?”

  Lukas shook his head and waved his hand, “That idea of global warming being caused by burning fossil fuels is ridiculous.”

  “There’s good science to support it?”

  “No there isn’t.” Lukas saw them staring at him and shook his head, “Surely you don’t buy into that myth.”

  Trevor snorted and said, “Lukas, we’re pumping billions of tons of carbon dioxide into Earth’s atmosphere every year. The planet is getting warmer.”

  “Actually, it’s not. You’ll see over the next couple of decades that the planet has started a cooling cycle. There are some good climatologists that say things are going to cool off.”

  “But last year was the hottest year ever recorded.”

  Lukas looked at Salud, “It was the hottest summer ever recorded, not the hottest year. Matter of fact, it was the coldest winter in this country’s history as well. Check it out. However, there are scientists on both sides of this issue and it really isn’t pertinent to what we’re going to do. Time will determine what’s happening.

  Trevor shook his head, “Just how do you know so much about this?”

  “All I’ve done since I arrived here is work at night and watch TV all day. You have some very good channels that taught me most of it. The Pod’s computer answered most of my questions about things they didn’t cover.”

  The three stared at Lukas and Salud said, “I’m really reluctant to believe you’re right about this.”

  Lukas smiled, “Then don’t; there’s good arguments for both sides of this issue. Like I said, we have more important fish to fry. I have an opinion, that’s all.”

  • • •

  Joey shook his head, “Are you saying we shouldn’t do anything to control the release of these gasses?”

  “Not at all. They do collect in large cities and have an impact on human health; smog can be a really bad irritant.”

  Salud smiled, “So what next?”

  “We are going to have to keep a low profile while the Government is investigating. Joey, you and I will take the next year and try to raise as much money as possible.” Joey nodded. “I also need you to find a place offshore where we can build our manufacturing facility.” Lukas looked at Salud, “I need you to get the machines built that will cut the diamonds and also find a large enough supply to meet our needs.”

  “How many will we need?”

  “I suspect more than two hundred thousand.”

  Salud shook her head, “Lukas, even if I purchase them at wholesale, a tenth of a karat will run about a thousand dollars each.”

  Lukas nodded, “That’s two hundred million.” Lukas looked at Joey, “That makes our job more important.”

  Joey shrugged, “I can fund their purchase.”

  Trevor stared at him, “Do you really have that much money?”

  “More than that but go ahead Lukas. What is Trevor going to do?”

  “Well, he’s going to graduate first and while he’s working on that, I hope he’ll redesign the disruptor.”

  Trevor shook his head, “Lukas, according to the diagrams you gave me, the power going into the disruptor is huge. The reactor needed to provide it is similar to the one used by our nuclear submarines. That reactor is as big as this room. From what I’ve heard you say so far, the ship’s you’re going to build are the size of a Corvette. I see a problem.”

  “Trevor, we’ll worry about the reactor later. What I need you to do is redesign it and determine the amount of energy needed to make it operate at maximum efficiency.”

  Trevor scratched his head and sighed, “I keep saying things can’t be done.” He looked at Lukas, “I need to start believing that we can do whatever needs doing.”

  Lukas smiled, “Exactly right.”

  Salud shook her head, “Lukas, my father is going to be building the machines and finding the diamonds. What am I going to do?”

  “You are going to keep track of the stock programs we have running in my laptop and get Joey to instruct you on what to do with them.”

  Joey smiled, “I’ll have you place most of the profits to purchase stock into the fake corporations. I’ll manipulate the value and make it look like you’ve had some serious losses.”

  Salud shook her head, “Lukas, I can’t make those programs operate like you do.”

  “My Wrist Unit will continue to operate them. It will connect with them over the internet wherever we are and make the changes remotely.”

  “What are you going to be doing?”

  “I’m trying to decide on what sport I’m going to take up.” The three stared at him. Salud’s mouth was open. “Don’t look so shocked. I understand that some golfers are worth a billion dollars. I have pretty good control of my body, I might as well use it. Baseball, football, basketball, and golf all have great payouts. We really need the money fast.”

  Joey shook his head, “Let’s assume you take up golf, or any other sport, and you actually do win a tournament or make a team’s starting line-up, you are going to be thrust into the public’s limelight. Do you have a history that can withstand the scrutiny of the press?”

  Lukas stared at Joey and after a moment sighed, “You’re right. I guess this is a bad idea.”

  Joey put his hand on his chin and said, “Let me see what I can come up with. Maybe I can create a history for you.”

  Trevor looked at Lukas, “Do you seriously think you could make money golfing?”

  Lukas shrugged as Salud said, “Augusta pays five million dollars to the winner. The British Open a similar amount and most of the weekly tournaments have a million dollar payday.”

  Lukas smiled, “And if I am successful, you can use it to make more investments that will be passed on to Joey.”

  Salud shook her head, “The only ones that can play in the Augusta must win a PGA tournament. Just how are you going to do that?”

  Joey said, “I can get you into a tournament.”

  Lukas looked at Joey, “You’re just full of surprises.”

  “My family is one of the sponsors of the Honda Classic in Palm Beach. I can get you a sponsor’s exemption.”

  Trevor shook his head, “Those are impossible to get, especially for someone that is an unknown.” Joey raised his eyebrows and smiled. Trevor said, “You must have more than just a little clout.”

  “I guess. However,” Joey looked at Lukas, “You need to study up on the rules of golf and start working on learning how to play the game. I’ll fly you to Florida and you can begin working on a course in Port St. Lucie. I have a condo there where you can live and if you discover you don’t have what it takes to play the game, then let me know as quickly as possible so I can withdraw you.”

  “I still need a history that will pass a background investigation.”

work on that.”

  Trevor smiled, “This should be interesting.”

  Salud nodded, “Do tell.”

  Salud shook her head and went to pour some coffee when she heard Joey say, “Who is going to be your caddie?”

  “Salud, she has the time to do it.”

  Salud stopped in her tracks and looked at him, “Are you out of your mind? I don’t know anything about golf!”

  “You’re the one that’s been telling us about the tournaments.”

  “I played on my high school team but that was years ago. And if you don’t recall, I have a class load to instruct.”

  Joey said, “Take a sabbatical.”

  Trevor nodded, “Or a leave of absence.”

  Salud shook her head, “You’re all crazy!”

  Lukas smiled, “Ok, let’s do it this way. If, and it’s a big if, Joey can get me a history and if, another big one, I can learn how to play the game competitively, then you take a leave and come caddie for me.”

  Salud stared at him and saw him smiling, “You’re really liking this, aren’t you.”

  “Caddies win about fifteen percent of the golfer’s winnings. Plus, a real caddie would quickly determine that I don’t know enough to be legitimate. It will have to be one of us.”

  Trevor smiled, “I graduate in June. I’ll take your place, after that and you can go back to work here.”

  Joey shook his head, “Salud, you are going to have to eventually leave your job if we’re going to do this. I think you’ve already made enough on your stock transactions to support yourself for the rest of your life if it came down to it. Why are you reluctant?”

  Salud looked at Lukas and saw that she was not trusting him again. She saw him staring at her and knew he saw it. “You’re right. I’m fighting leaving my current life.” She looked at Lukas, “If you can do it, I’ll be your caddie.”

  Lukas smiled and saw headlights flash into the front room. He stood up and walked toward the room and saw three government cars parked in the street in front of the house. He shook his head and said, “I probably need to move.”


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