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Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks [Love in Stone Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “She wants an affair with us.”

  “Only an affair?” Troy asked, glancing in her direction.

  Luke stood opposite them. His hands gripped the edge of the bar tightly as he looked over at Darla.

  “Why don’t you ask her to dance?” Chris asked.

  “She hates men at the moment.”

  “I thought we were supposed to be celebrating your future,” Ruby said, raising her voice and lifting her bottle. “To Chris and Troy. Congratulations on moving forward and leaving the past behind. I’m sure I and every woman in Stone Valley will be rooting for the Pleasure Palace. Do you hear that, ladies? The sex shop will be opened Monday and I imagine it’s going to be one hell of a grand opening.” Ruby took a swig from her water.

  The entire club raised their glasses and offered congratulations.

  “It will put men into early retirement,” Darla said, raising her glass and glaring at Luke. “What the hell, some men are already retired.”

  Luke flinched from the woman’s stare. Whatever Luke had done to Darla, it was becoming bitter between them.

  They all moved close to the women once again. Tate was moving her body to the beat of the music while Darla was having a glaring match with Luke.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.” Darla left the bar, heading in the direction of the bathrooms. Luke followed the other woman. There was no way Chris was getting involved in that mess.

  * * * *

  “When are you going to stop avoiding me?” Luke asked, following Darla into the bathroom. The pastel-pink summer dress she wore looked too damn sexy on her small curves.

  She turned to face him. The anger radiated out of her and was directed at him.

  “This is the ladies’ room,” she said, folding her arms.

  “Why do you always have so much attitude, and why is it always directed at me?” he asked, getting angry.

  “You’ve got no right to question me. Now leave.”

  “This is my bar.”

  “This is the ladies’ room.” She turned to the stalls and began checking to see if anyone was listening to them. “Great, we’re alone.”

  He took a step closer. “Why do you hate me? I’ve done everything in my power to help you and Nathan.”

  Darla went red with rage. She shoved his chest. “You’ve done everything to help me? All you want to know is the father of my little boy? You want to know who was stupid enough to fuck me.”

  “You gave birth to him when you were eighteen. Someone has to answer for that, Darla.”

  “No, I gave birth when I was nineteen. I’m almost twenty-three, Luke. Nathan isn’t four for a few weeks.”

  “What? You still had sex when you were too fucking young.”

  Darla burst out laughing. “I had sex on the night I turned nineteen, Luke. No, he didn’t wear a condom, and I didn’t make him.”

  She shoved his chest once again. “And then he left me, okay?”

  “Who is it? Who fathered your baby, Darla? I’m going to make the bastard pay for putting you in this position.”

  There was silence between them for several minutes then Darla grabbed his hand and led him to the mirror in the bathroom.

  “You want someone to beat, then take it out on yourself, asshole.”

  Luke frowned. “I’ve never touched you. This isn’t funny.”

  “Look in the mirror, Luke. Look at yourself and think of my little boy. Think about Nathan and tell me you don’t see a striking resemblance, and when you’re doing that, tell me you don’t remember what you did on the night before you left here to go travelling.”

  She stormed out of the bathroom and he stared at his reflection. His eyes were blue, as were Nathan’s.

  “…and when you’re doing that, tell me you don’t remember what you did on the night before you left here to go travelling.”

  Her words echoed around his head. Four years ago, he’d gotten drunk and woken up at home. He recalled a bad dream of sweaty bodies, dark caresses, and the sweetest cries of pleasure he’d ever heard.

  Crap, he was the father of Darla’s little boy. He’d fucked her, taken her virginity, and left her. Without waiting for all the memories to sink in he rushed out of the ladies’ room, intent on finding her.

  * * * *

  Troy watched Ruby laughing with her friends. Chris kept his back to the bar, looking out across the dance floor.

  “The plumber cheated on her with Daisy,” Chris said, whispering the words to him.


  “I know. I can’t believe she’s still friends with Daisy.”


  Luke charged out of the ladies’ room like the devil was at his heels.

  “Where’s Darla?” he asked.

  “She’s walking home,” Tate said, smiling.

  “Ruby wants us,” Chris said, grabbing Troy’s attention once more. “Ask her to dance.”

  Troy took a sip of his lemonade before grabbing Ruby’s hand. “May I have this dance?”

  Her smile was sweet and her cheeks shone a deep red as she followed him onto the dance floor.

  “Has Chris been talking?” she asked.

  He led her onto the floor and tugged her into his arms. The music was fast, but he wanted to feel her body wrapped around his.

  “He’s been talking about you and what you want.”

  “What do you want, Troy Jones?” she asked. Her hands moved up his chest and slipped around his neck. He’d watched Chris hold her ass earlier and couldn’t help but grip her firm flesh beneath his touch.

  “You know what I want.”

  “No, I don’t. I think you’re going to need to spell it out for me.”

  Glancing down at her, Troy was struck by her playfulness. He’d never seen this side of her. They’d not known each other very long but he saw that this side of Ruby never saw the light of day. She kept herself contained within her shop, never letting herself feel.

  “Chris told me about Daisy and your ex.”

  She tensed in his arms. “And you wanted Daisy?”

  “What? No!” Troy almost vomited in his mouth. “Daisy is not the woman we want. We want you.”

  He moved her toward the corner of the dance floor. Pressing her back against the wall, Troy stared down at her plump, heart-shaped lips.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m giving you a taste of what’s to come.” Troy closed the small gap between them, claiming her lips with his own.

  Her hands gripped the collar of his shirt, holding him tight against her. Closing his eyes, he plunged his tongue deep into her mouth, tasting her for the first time. The hint of tequila shots lingered on her tongue. He knew it wasn’t enough to make her different.

  Troy pulled away, staring down into her closed eyes.

  She let out a sigh, opening her eyes and looking up at him.

  “That was some kiss,” she said.

  “It wasn’t a real kiss.”


  He shook his head. “It was a simple taste. An appetizer of what I’m going to do to you.” Troy fingered the skirt of her dress. The fabric molded to every curve and his dick thickened with renewed need. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. From the fiery red hair to the startling green eyes, Ruby owned him completely.

  “You’re coming to my dads’ barbeque tomorrow?” she asked, stroking the front of his shirt.

  Troy teased his fingers up the inside of her thigh. “Yes.”

  “Then how about we call this a night and you, Chris, and I get out of here.”

  “Are you sure? You’re not going to back out at the last minute?” he asked, prolonging their moment together.

  “No backing out. I can also tempt you with a hot shower afterward.” Her hand moved down to rest on his cock.

  Easing forward, blocking as much of them from the room as possible, Troy nibbled on her neck.

  “You’re playing with fire,” he said, warning her.

  “Fire is somethin
g I can handle. I can show you a good time, Troy. What have you got to lose?”

  I’ve got so much to lose.

  Ruby could easily claim his heart and make it impossible for him to love another woman. There was something about the fire in her eyes and the passion in her spirit that was intoxicating. She wasn’t broken where many women would be from what Daisy had done to her. Ruby was a fighter. He admired fighters.

  “I’ve got so much to lose, love. For now, I’d gladly take you home and show you what you’re missing out of.”

  She licked her lips. “I’ve got to tell Tate.”

  Troy let her go and made his way out to the truck. Chris was waiting for him.

  “Is she on her way?” he asked.

  “She’s saying bye to her friend.”

  He unlocked the truck, climbed inside and waited for Ruby to follow them. Chris waited with the door open.

  “We’ve got to do this right by her,” Chris said.

  “We will. For now, all she wants is a little fun. I think we can give her a lot of fun. Don’t worry about the serious stuff. Some fun loving is on the cards, nothing more.” Troy kept his gaze on the door. He wasn’t ready to fall in love. There was a time when he thought Sandra was the one. She’d torn through him and Chris like there was no tomorrow. Sandra hadn’t been a warm woman. He and Chris found out the real woman when it was too late. At least it hadn’t been the end of their friendship.

  The door to the Dancin’ Donkey opened and Ruby appeared. Troy tensed when he saw another man exit behind her.

  Her name was called and Ruby stopped, turning around. The other man moved into the light. It was Brad, the plumber.

  Fisting his hands on the wheel, he waited for Ruby to drop the other man.

  Nothing happened. The two were talking and all he wanted to do was get out of there with his woman.

  “What the fuck is this?” Chris asked. The anger in his friend’s voice echoed throughout Troy. He didn’t like another man near his woman. Ruby was his woman, if only for the night.

  Troy knew it wasn’t just going to be for tonight. No matter how many times he tried to fight the attraction between them, Ruby was going to be part of their lives.

  Chapter Five

  “Ruby, wait.”

  Brad’s voice angered her. Why couldn’t he leave her alone? Stopping, she turned to look at her ex.


  “I wanted to speak to you. We’ve not really talked in a long time.”

  She was tired of avoiding him and of Daisy keeping their relationship a secret. Staring at her ex, Ruby wondered why she’d ever been attracted to him. Brad was handsome enough, but he wasn’t Troy or Chris. Those two English guys had taken over her senses in the last few days she’d known them. They were the first men she’d ever found an excuse to pass by their window for a chance to look at them. Gazing into the shop without being caught was another thing. She’d not perfected the art of passing, looking inside without being seen, yet. Maybe after tonight, she wouldn’t need to hide everything.

  “What have you got to say? I’ve got something to do tonight.” She pointed toward Troy and Chris waiting for her in their truck.

  “You’re dating the new guys?”

  “We’re having some fun. What do you want to talk about?” she asked, getting more and more frustrated as he remained quiet.

  “Do your dads know?” Brad asked, looking past her shoulder.

  Letting out a sigh, Ruby pressed her hands on hips. “No, they don’t know. Just like they don’t know you’ve been fucking my sister for the past three years. Not everyone needs to know everything about everyone, Brad.”

  “You knew?” Brad asked, shocked.

  “Yes.” She said the word through gritted teeth.


  “The daisy tattoo on her shoulder was a dead giveaway. There are not many women in the town who have tattoos on their shoulders. That’s what I saw when I saw you two together.” He made a move to touch her. Ruby backed away from him. “I really don’t want to get into this with you. It’s over between us. We both know the truth and we’re both adults. Please, leave it alone,” she said.

  “You’ve never said anything.”

  “Why would I, Brad? Why would I announce to the whole of Stone Valley that you were cheating on me with my eighteen-year-old sister?” Three years had passed since the incident and she was over what happened. She refused to let it affect her life or her choices.

  “I hurt you.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Is there a problem here?” Chris asked, standing behind her.

  “No, no problem at all, right, Brad?” She stared at her ex and saw the sadness in his gaze. Was he embarrassed by how things had ended for them?

  Pushing the thoughts out of her mind, she turned away and headed to the truck.

  “You looked like you were going to go all caveman on him,” she said.

  “He was bothering you. I didn’t like it.”

  She shrugged. “We’ve not talked much in the last three years.”

  “How can you not hate your sister?”

  Ruby shrugged. “I really don’t know. Hating her seems so wasted. I love her and our parents would have a fit if they knew the truth.”

  “Maybe they’ve a right to know.”

  “I still won’t be the one to open my mouth.”

  Chris helped her into the truck. She settled beside Troy. He reached over, taking her chin in his hands. His lips brushed across hers. “I don’t like the way Brad was looking at you.”

  “He wasn’t looking at me in any way. You’re seeing things.”

  “He’s attracted to you, love,” Troy said.

  “No, we’ve not been together for a long time. You’re seeing things. Don’t spoil our time together, and if you continue, you’ll be taking me home, alone.”

  She folded her arms, refusing to budge.

  “Just drive, Troy.”

  Chris rested his arm along the back of her chair. They sat scrunched up together in the confines of the truck. Troy steered out of the Dancin’ Donkey and Ruby became aware of what she was doing.

  She was taking two men she barely knew home with her for some hot, sweaty sex. Licking her lips, she rubbed her palms down her thighs. During the dance with Chris, she’d been struck by how little excitement was in her life. Even Tate noticed. The only guy she’d been with was Brad and their sex life together was less than thrilling. She’d never responded to a man like she did with Troy and Chris. Both men ignited flames inside her that wouldn’t go away. She’d brought herself to orgasm with her hand multiple times over the last few days, and none of them left her satisfied. Ruby knew in her heart the only people to satisfy her were the two men she sat between.

  Chris’s fingers landed on her thigh. She glanced down to see his fingers working up, caressing over her skin.

  “Your skin is so soft,” he said.

  Fingers moved further up her thigh, teasing them open. He pushed the skirt up as he travelled up her thigh. Her pussy melted, swamping with her cream from the simple touch.

  Three years.

  It had been three years since she’d known any kind of pleasure from the touch of a man.

  “Your nipples are hard,” Chris said.

  She moaned, turning to look at him. His free hand reached across them, caressing her face. The pads of his fingers stroked down her cheek to her neck.

  “So soft and so responsive,” he said.

  The tips of his fingers travelled down to her collarbone and then down to the top of her breast. She was breathing deeper than ever before.

  Her body was not her own. Chris controlled her with his touch, the easy way he manipulated her body.

  “How long, Troy?” Chris asked, staring into her eyes.


  “Why?” she asked, licking her lips.

  “Give me your lips.” Chris leaned down, taking what he asked for. She tilted her head back, giving him better access

  His tongue licked along her bottom lip, making her moan. There was no control inside her. She reached up, sinking her fingers into his hair and tugging him harder against her. Ruby felt like a starved woman, finding food for the first time. Chris was feeding her with his touch. His kiss pleasured her, making her melt. She covered the hand on her thigh and forced his touch further up until he cupped her pussy.

  “Fuck,” he said, breaking the kiss.

  “What?” Troy asked. The other man’s voice sounded strained.

  “Get us to her house. She’s fucking wet and I want a taste of her sweet pussy,” Chris said.

  Ruby moaned, needing more. Three years. It was a lifetime and she was finally breaking her spell with two hunky English men.

  “Please get me home,” Ruby said.

  * * * *

  Troy pressed down on the gas, trying to get to Ruby’s house as fast as possible. The scent of sex permeated the truck, making it hard for him to concentrate on anything other than fucking her. The skirt of her dress was up around her thighs, tempting him to reach over and stroke.

  He saw Chris’s palm working her mound and he wished it was his hand.

  Taking a quick left and then a right, he pulled up outside of her house. He liked the look of her space.

  “We’re here,” he said, opening the door and climbing out.

  Chris helped Ruby out of the truck. They all worked quickly, Ruby unlocking the door, switching the light on as they moved into the house.

  Troy kicked the door closed, following her down the long hall to the stairs. She didn’t stop as she ran upstairs. Chris was first, with Troy coming up the rear.

  Ruby stood in the main bedroom. Entering the room, Troy watched as she unpinned her hair.

  “Tonight doesn’t mean a commitment,” she said, throwing the clips that bound her hair onto the drawer opposite the wall.

  “Got it,” Troy replied, not meaning a single word. Tonight may not be commitment, but it was certainly the start of something.

  He was breathing heavily and Chris was doing the same. She was intoxicating to watch.

  Her hands moved behind her, fingering the zipper.

  “Do you need help with that?” he asked.


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