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Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks [Love in Stone Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m his father.” He stood in front of her with his arms folded. How many times was he going to have to say that before it sank in?

  “Everything we did back then was a mistake. You didn’t even remember it.”

  “The fact I got it up shocks me, Darla. I was out of my face.”

  “Why are you forcing me to relive it?” she asked, hitting her chest.

  The pain was clear to see.

  Cursing, Luke stared up at the sky. It was night and he’d missed the barbeque, dealing with everyone else. Darla sure knew how to escape him when she put her mind to it.

  “I’ve relived that night every hour since I remembered.” He’d taken her last night in the empty house without any protection. She’d been incredibly tight and he’d known she’d not taken a man since him. The satisfaction shocked him. He was the only one to know what heaven felt like inside her body.

  Darla was the woman he and brothers loved, but because of his attitude, she’d kept them at bay.

  “Why? If you were so far gone, why did you fuck me?” Darla asked. Luke winced. He’d fucked her that night. There hadn’t been any niceness to the act.

  He took her hand, holding onto a part of her. “I was leaving to go travelling. You were always there, and I wanted you. I was older and I couldn’t have you. Ryan, Jon, and I always agreed we’d share a woman like our true fathers did before our mother married that bastard.” Luke cut the words off, remembering the abuse he’d suffered at the hands of his stepfather. It was an incident he never wanted to relive. “You were there and I wanted you so badly. One taste of you was all I wanted.” He shook his head at the thoughts. “I always thought about you while I was away. Ryan and Jon gave me updates on you regularly. I never forgot about you. I just didn’t know what had happened. You were gone the next morning.”

  “I was scared. You made me feel things I hadn’t been ready for,” Darla said.

  He watched her wipe more tears from her eyes. “Everyone in town knows I’m Nathan’s father.”

  “I know. You advertised it at the diner. God, how am I going to show my face again?”

  “They’re angry at me, baby. Not at you.”

  She pulled away from him, settling her hands on her thighs. “We made a mess of everything. I was never going to tell you.”

  “Nothing will stop me being Nathan’s father.”

  “I’m not going to force you to do something you’ll regret, Luke. You’re Nathan’s father, but that doesn’t mean anything,” she said.

  Her words tore him apart. Didn’t she realize how happy he was at the news of being her son’s father? He had a bigger reason to claim her.

  “What are Ryan and Jon thinking?” she asked. Her lips wobbled a little as she spoke his brothers’ names.

  “They hate me. They want to do right by you and Nathan.”

  She shook her head. “No, none of you owe me anything. I can raise Nathan. I’m not accepting any charity.” Darla stood to leave.

  Luke panicked. He couldn’t watch her leave again. For the last couple of days, all she’d done was leave.

  “You can’t leave,” he said. “You can’t shut me out, Darla.”

  “I’m not trying to shut you out, Luke. I’m not expecting anything from any of you. If Ryan and Jon will continue to be my friends, I’ll be happy.” She made to turn again.

  “You could be pregnant again,” he said.

  Darla froze and turned to face him. “What?”

  “Last night. I didn’t use anything. I took you and came inside you.” He stopped to take a breath, hating himself as he spoke the words. “You could be pregnant with my child. I mean, you caught the first time, why not now, too?”

  He hated the words the minute they left his mouth.

  “Then I’ll deal with it like I deal with everything else.” She stormed up to him and slapped him around the face before walking away.

  There was nothing he could do. He deserved the slap and the agony of watching her walk away again. When was he going to get it right?

  Chapter Ten

  The old ranch had potential. It wasn’t a complete nightmare, even though Ruby couldn’t live there for any length of time. A lot of work still needed to be done, but she saw how much work Troy and Chris had already done to the old ranch. She saw past the lack of color, stained floors and damp smell.

  Walking through the main hall, she looked into the sitting room, the dining room, the study and main office. Chris took the lead through the kitchen. All the time she was making notes on the guys to call and what could turn this place into a living home. It would require a lot of favors, but if Chris and Troy were ready to offer some form of payback then she was more than happy to call them in.

  “What do you think?” Troy asked, leaning against the fridge. “Is it a total waste of time?”

  She shook her head. “No, I think this place could be a real beauty.” Running her hands down the counters, she made her mind up. “Do you have a pen and paper?”

  Chris left to grab her what she asked for.

  “You look pretty thoughtful,” Troy said.

  “I am. Thinking about how awesome this place could look with the right touch.” She went and turned the tap on, feeling the cold water. “I’ll get Brad here sooner as well. There’s no way you could be living like this for so long.”

  “It’s not bad.” Troy moved closer.

  She felt him right behind her. Leaning back against him, she let out a sigh. His scent surrounded her and she was comforted by it.

  Chris walked in seconds later. “Here’s your paper and pen.”

  Pulling out of Troy’s comforting warmth, Ruby leaned on the counter and started making notes. She put down the names of decorators, electricians, and repair men and women.

  “There are the people you’re going to need to call. If you want, I can call them and see if they’re available if you want. I can also help with some of the work.”

  “You can help with hard work?” Chris asked.

  “Hey, I sorted through my own shop. These hands know hard work.” Her nails were short and her palms smooth.

  “We’ll love you to help.” Chris took hold of her hand, tugging her close. “Do you think you could stay here tonight?”

  “What about the bugs?” Ruby asked.

  “No bugs,” Troy said, standing behind her. He moved the hair off her neck kissing a path up to her ear. “Do you want to see our rooms?”

  “Yes,” she said, gasping. His lips were driving her crazy.

  Chris took the lead once again, taking her up to his bedroom. She couldn’t stop looking at the floor. Bugs were a big no-no for her.

  “Stop looking. You won’t find any,” Troy whispered into her ear.

  Smiling, she started to look ahead of her.

  Chris opened the door on the far right. The room was like the rest of the house, in need of work, but she saw Chris tried to make it habitable. There were suitcases along the back wall near the bed. She noted they were locked tight.

  “Are you thinking of moving?” she asked, looking at the closed suitcases.

  “I need to clean out the wardrobe and fix it up.”

  “Okay, I’ve taken pity on you both. You’re all alone in this rundown ranch. I’ll help, and I’ll get the town to help where I can.”

  Troy pushed the strap of her dress down her arm. “That sounds good,” he said. “Can we not talk about decorating anymore? I want to touch you, make love to you.”

  Closing her eyes, she basked in their attention. Troy got her naked as Chris caressed every inch of her. When Troy revealed some skin, Chris was following the path, making it burn. He had day-old stubble and it was brushing across her skin.

  “Open your eyes, baby. I want to see your reactions to what I’m doing,” Chris said.

  She did as he asked, watching him kiss and suck at her body.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Chris lifted her breasts up and started to nibble on the buds. “All I think about is loving
your body. You fill my thoughts all the time. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  From the first day she met them Ruby hadn’t been able to stop thinking about them either. She’d purposefully passed their shop, hoping for a glimpse of them. All of her efforts were wasted until that day at the Dancin’ Donkey. She’d gotten what she wanted that day.

  “Stop sweet-talking her,” Troy said.

  “I love the sweet-talking.” She smiled up at Chris. “You can sweet-talk all night long.”

  He laughed and she responded deep inside her pussy. Cream flowed easily out of her from his laugh alone.

  Chris lifted her up in his arms and placed her in the center of the bed. “I’ll do more than sweet-talk you, baby. I’ll make love to you all night long.”

  While he spoke, Chris removed the dress completely, followed by her thong. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Troy fisting his erection. Reaching out to him, she wrapped her fingers around his length, pumping the shaft.

  Fingers teased through her slit. She was soaking wet already. Ruby opened her thighs wider for Chris.

  Troy threw Chris a foil packet. “Put it on, mate.”

  She heard the foil being torn and Chris moan as he pushed the latex down his length.

  Troy played with her breasts as Chris pressed deep inside her. Both men drove her crazy with their passionate touches.

  They took charge, together, making her body sing and her mind soar. She knew it was only a matter of time before her heart took over and started to feel the same as well. Troy and Chris were not like any of the men she’d ever known. They were both entirely different and for the first time in her life, she could imagine a life with more than one man.

  Seeing the pleasure in their eyes, Ruby gave both men what they wanted. She gave them her submission, her pleasure, and her orgasm. Ruby placed herself in their care, loving every second of their touch. She couldn’t get enough of their hands on her body or their lips. They surrounded her with warmth and their dominance. She worked to give them both as much pleasure as they were giving her. Working their bodies at the same time, they all crashed into orgasm. It was the first of many of the night. A simple taste of what was to come.

  * * * *

  The following day, Chris watched as Ruby lay against the rock nearest the old lake. The water didn’t look half-bad. He’d not visited the lake, figuring it would be in a bad state like the house. The lake was surrounded by a small forest.

  “What do you think?” Ruby asked. “This makes your ranch look pretty special, right?”

  Laughing, Chris climbed up beside her. She was wearing Troy’s white vest shirt and a pair of his black boxer briefs. Ruby looked so adorable in their clothes.

  “Very special.”

  “Later on, you might find some high school kids messing around, but that’s to be expected,” Ruby said, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

  Last night, he’d made love to every inch of her body, but still he was hard for another taste of her. He would never get tired of her. Her curvy, hot body would always tempt him. He and Troy had taken it in turns to love her. Her cries of pleasure were the best sound he’d ever heard.

  Troy came back from the ranch carrying several drink cartons and a bag that smelt amazing.

  “Bessie sends her best. She says these are your favorite on a Sunday.” Troy jumped up onto the large rock, handing Ruby her food.

  She opened the bag and inhaled. The sweet scent made his mouth water. “It’s sweet pastry with jam inside. I love them. They’re a treat.”

  Ruby offered them both one. “I was thinking I could call some of the guys to come and price up the work. That way they’ll see I’m vouching for you but also get an idea of the work they’ll need to do.”

  Chris took a sip of the coffee and looked out over the lake. “Sure, no problem.”

  “I was wondering if one of you would have any objections to driving me into work on Monday?” she asked.

  “And why would you ask that?” Troy asked.

  Chris watched the two flirting and smiled.

  “Well, a little bird told me it’s your grand opening.” She leaned over running her fingers up Troy’s chest. “And if I was spending the night, I’d need a ride to the shop.”

  “You’re wanting to stay the night?” Chris asked, liking her plan already.

  “If you guys could find some use for me, that is.” She let out a sigh. He saw through her teasing.

  “I could think of multiple somethings for you to do,” Chris said, bringing her attention back to him.

  She giggled. He watched as she started to take out each pastry from the bag of pastries offering some out to him and Troy. The morning went by in a haze of fun and resting. Chris couldn’t recall the last time he’d spent a Sunday resting. Between the shop, the move and the house, he was exhausted. Dropping back onto his palms, he stared at the lake. The sun was up in the sky, heating his face. He was relaxed, happy and content. They were the three things he’d never been able to feel in London.

  “I wish we could stay here forever,” she said.

  “I know what you mean.”

  “Daisy and I used to come up here with Brad when we were younger. She would always jump from this rock into the lake. Without fail, she’d terrify me. The first time she did it, she was thirteen. Brad jumped in after her.” Ruby smiled as she spoke.

  “Were you and Brad always together?” Chris asked.

  “No. We started dating really late in high school. Neither of us had a date at the prom. He was there, I was there, and it made sense for us to go together.” Ruby shrugged. “We were always close. Getting out of the house with three dads was hard work. They liked Brad and they trusted him to keep me and Daisy safe. I don’t think they’ll be trusting him any time soon.”

  “You’ve got us now. I think your dads like us,” Troy said.

  “Yeah, I think they like you, too.” They stayed on the rock in peaceful silence for as long as they could.

  Ruby broke the moment. “Come on. The sooner we get your house into working order, the sooner you can enjoy being Stone Valley locals.”

  She jumped off the rock. Chris admired the shape of her ass and how well it filled out his boxer briefs.

  “You’ve got ‘forever’ sparkling in your eyes,” Troy said.

  “Shut up.” Chris playfully punched him in the arm, catching up with Ruby.

  Inside the house, he found she’d opened all the windows, and the curtains were being pulled down from their holders.

  “What are you doing?” Chris asked, seeing the work ahead.

  “I’m letting in some fresh air. Trust me, you’ll thank me for it later.” Ruby stood with hands on hips. “I’m going to get calling. Any guys I can’t get on the phone, I’m going to get my parents to put the word out. How about you work on getting refreshments ready?” She headed out of the room. Ruby spun on her foot at the last minute. “If one of you goes into town, let Bessie at the diner know what you’re doing. She’ll round up some burgers and stuff for you to feed everyone.”

  Chris stared at the empty space she’d been standing in seconds before.

  “Has she just taken over our home?” Troy asked.

  “Hell yeah. Which one of us is going into town?” Chris asked, wanting to stay as close to Ruby as possible.

  “I’ll go. Keep me updated on everything, will you?”

  “Sure thing.” Troy left the house and Chris went to find his woman. He stood in the kitchen doorway, watching her phone different numbers. She looked so in-control of everything. He couldn’t help but smile at how reserved she was.

  When she looked up at him, she winked and gave him a thumbs-up.

  “Okay, today.” Silence as Ruby kept nodding into the phone. “I’ll make sure there’s a shiny new handbag for your woman?”

  He saw the excitement in her eyes. Minutes later, she put the phone down. “I’ve got the electrician on the way. I should also mention he’s my dad, Roger. The decorators are
on their way. We’ll have this house up and running in no time.”

  Chris fell in love. He didn’t know what it was about that moment, but he did. Her smile was infectious, as was her excitement.

  “Who rocks?” she asked.

  “Come here.” Ruby walked into his arms. “You’re the one who rocks.”

  * * * *

  Troy organized dinner with Bessie. The owner of the Flippin’ Tasty agreed to have food delivered to them. He greeted several people he passed and felt like the town’s people were starting to accept him and Chris.

  Going back to England was not an option. The past was in the past, and he hoped to keep it there. He never wanted to expose Ruby to that part of them. What happened with Sandra was a big mistake on their part.

  Driving back to the house, he found Roger Monroe looking through the house at all the electrical switches. Around the back, he found two large, gruff-looking men. Neil Blackthorn and Tyler Daventry were carpenters and were going to handle the fixing of their furniture and also bring the front and back porch up to scratch.

  Ruby stood with Tessie and Tate as they looked around the house. Each of the women held a brochure filled with accessories and fabrics. Chris was going back and forth from the kitchen out to the workers.

  Troy stood watching the commotion take place all around him.

  “Hey, you,” Ruby said, stopping to talk to him.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Everyone is pitching in. Dads called them all in. Brad should be on the way soon. Isn’t this exciting? You could have your house looking awesome within a week or so.”

  She walked away, dialing another number on the phone. Going through to the kitchen, he found Chris making more drinks.

  “What the hell is happening, man?” Troy asked, taking a seat.

  “We’re getting all the help we can ask for. I can’t believe Ruby organized this. She’s, like, the fastest phone-caller I’ve ever seen.” Chris was pouring more hot water into mugs.

  “What are you doing?” Troy looked into the cups.

  “Coffee and tea is what’s on order. They’re all happy to help, providing we give them refreshments during the job.”


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