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Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks [Love in Stone Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 14

by Sam Crescent

  “Sure. We’re all about the wood,” Neil said, winking.

  Rolling his eyes, Chris took Ruby’s hand and led her out of the shop. “I want you to work our shop. Troy and I have got some things to get to. Do you think you can do that for us?” Chris asked. The thoughts were whirling around his head so fast that he couldn’t focus on just one. The only thing he knew was getting Ruby safe.

  “Sure. I’ll be your slave for the day, but I’m getting paid,” Ruby said. The sass was back in her voice.

  He settled her into the job, showing the workings of the till and where the stock was.

  “I know how to run a shop. I’ve been doing it a lot longer than you,” she said. “Go, do what you need to do. I’ll still be here when you get back. I’ll probably be bored out of my face, but I’ll be here.”

  Chris took his kiss first and made his way out the front, waiting for Troy to follow.

  “I’m telling you, mate, I’m addicted to her. Ruby is our future.”

  He couldn’t argue with Troy. In the last few weeks, Ruby had become part of their lives and he refused to live without her. Finding out who was sending her letters and now trashing her shop was important to him. There was no way Sandra would lower herself to do something like this. She never cared about them all those months ago. Chris was sure she wouldn’t waste any time on them. It made no sense, neither the letter nor the brick. Not only did the terrorizing make no sense, Sandra was not the type of woman to walk around Stone Valley unseen. She was easy on the eyes.

  “We’ll settle this with the brick and the letters and then concentrate on telling her she’s staying in our lives.” Chris had already fallen for her. Ruby had a way about her that penetrated his thoughts constantly. In the mornings, he reached for her even when she wasn’t there. He missed her in the mornings when she wasn’t with them and loved watching her walk around seminaked when she was with them.

  “I think I’ve fallen in love with her,” Troy said. They continued to walk down the street together. “I don’t know how or when but I have.”

  “I’m in love with her, too. She’s perfect for us and she’s insatiable in the bedroom.” Chris ran fingers through his hair. He needed to do something with his hands. When it came to Ruby, he felt vulnerable. Moving to Stone Valley was, for both of them, to leave the past behind. Chris never intended to meet a woman, let alone fall in love, but he’d done both.

  “Where are we going?” Troy asked.

  “We’re going to see Don.”

  “You think the BDSM club owner will help us out?”

  “He’s our best shot. I know it’s a little far out of our reach, but he’s the only guy who has mentioned Sandra’s name. He clearly knows something we don’t. I think it’s time we got caught up on our ex.”

  They found the club easily enough. Chris grabbed the tickets he’d stored in his wallet. The woman at the main desk let them through and put a call to Don.

  Chris took a private seat, giving Troy enough room to squeeze inside.

  Only minutes passed before Don came out of a private marked door. The older man looked flustered as he made his way toward them.

  “What do I owe this pleasure to?” Don asked, taking a seat. “I seem to be doing this a lot lately.” He signaled for the waiter to bring them some drinks.

  “Ruby’s shop has been vandalized. She got a letter warning her away, and now her window has been smashed,” Chris said, thanking the waitress for their drink.

  “What does this have to do with me?” Don asked.

  “You’re the one that came to us about Sandra. We thought you had some information about her,” Troy said, taking over.

  Don let out a sigh. “I’ve not got any information on her. She’s not been seen by the club in several months. Her ban said she couldn’t be part of the clubs, but I know some of the Doms loved using her as a submissive.”

  “Could she be the one doing this?” Chris asked.

  “It’s too farfetched a story. Is there anyone else from your past?”

  Chris looked at Troy, trying to remember all of their past lovers.

  “Everyone left us satisfied, Chris. The only relationship we’ve been part of that finished bitterly was with Sandra.”

  “Well, this might not have anything to do with you guys. Maybe someone in town wants you and doesn’t like the fact you’ve claimed Ruby instead.” Don threw out the suggestion.

  “No, we’ve not even promised ourselves to anyone. Ruby was the first woman we saw. We’ve not dated since we got here,” Chris said.

  Don downed his drink. “Look, we’ve all got problems, and I can’t help you with this. I know of you guys, but I don’t know you. I’d suggest taking your concerns to Trevor. The Sheriff can be an ass at times, but his heart is in the job.” Don looked behind him toward the door.

  “You’re not going to help us?” Chris asked.

  “There’s nothing I can do, and frankly, neither should the two of you. Your security detail days are over. You’re like the rest of us. Tell the Sheriff what you know and he’ll take care of everything.” Don stood to leave. “Your invitations are still valid. You may come in whenever you wish.”

  Chris shook his head. “We’re not into this scene. Keep the invitation, but thank you.”

  He stood to leave, following behind Troy.

  “That was a dead end,” Troy said.

  Breathing in the fresh air, Chris looked up to the sky. “We can’t let anything happen to Ruby.”

  “We’re both agreed on that, Chris.”

  They didn’t know who was threatening their woman, but they knew how to take care of Ruby. For now, Chris could be comforted with that.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Working for Troy and Chris wasn’t half-bad. Ruby spent most of the day in constant, aching need for her men to come and give her some kind of release. After they left her alone for an hour, they came back looking stern. Their attention to detail was not lost on Ruby. She knew they were hiding something. Each of her men took it in turns to check out the security.

  By the end of the day, she was rushed off her feet, aching all over, and in need of some tender, loving touching from Chris and Troy.

  “Your house or mine tonight?” she asked, walking in the back.

  “Our house. We’ve got all the supplies there,” Chris said.

  Rolling her eyes, she took the spare seat in the corner. “What’s going on?” She folded her arms under her breasts, watching them work.

  “Nothing, love,” Troy said, looking up and smiling at her.

  “You’re acting like security guards or personal guards, I don’t know. Please, don’t keep me in the dark. Talk to me.”

  “We’re not keeping anything from you, baby,” Chris said, closing the book he was looking at. “We’re worried about you.”

  He stood up, going around the desk to meet her. She stayed where she was waiting for him. “There’s nothing to worry about,” she said.

  “You can’t know that,” Troy said.

  Reaching out for both men, she held them tightly. “We’re all going to be okay. Stone Valley is small, but we take care of each other. No one will let anything happen to me. I promise.”

  Chris held her close. “I can’t let anything happen to you,” he said.

  “Nothing will.”

  She wrapped her arms around his body, offering him as much comfort as she could. “Come on, let’s go home,” she said.

  Chris and Troy closed up the shop, locking the doors behind them. She waited for them. Her body shook with anticipation. Licking her lips, she gazed down the length of their bodies. Both men were muscular and firm in all the right places. An answering pulse echoed between her thighs from simply looking at them.

  Her heart pounded inside her chest as she recalled her conversation with Tessie earlier. Ruby’s feelings for her two hunks weren’t simple. She couldn’t call it care and maybe not even love. What did she feel for Chris and Troy?

  There was no easy descr
iption for her emotions. Her feelings for Brad never developed like this.

  They each took hold of her hands and escorted her to the truck. Chris was driving this week. She knew her men took it in turns to give each other some time off of driving. Troy held her hand all the way to their ranch house. The house no longer looked in disrepair. She loved coming out here and sitting, looking at the freshness they’d instilled into the place.

  “I still can’t get over how much help the locals gave us. It leaves me speechless,” Chris said, parking the truck.

  “It’s a good place. You’re a local now yourself. This was their way of showing they accepted you.” Ruby eased out of the truck with Troy’s help. His touch lingered on her ass, like it always did.

  She squeezed her ass tight, becoming aware of the plug inside her. The first plug had been unbearable and now she loved having one inside her. Shaking her head at how her men had changed her, Ruby walked up the fixed wooden steps.

  “Did Neil and Tyler stop by after they boarded up your windows?” Troy asked.

  In the commotion of the afternoon, they’d not spoken about what happened.

  “Yeah, they’ll come back to install the window as soon as I have one delivered.”

  Chris held the keys in his palm. “You’re free to back out,” he said.

  “Why would I back out?” she asked, looking up at him.

  The heat in his eyes made her yearn for him.

  “You’re free to stop us at any time.”

  “I know, baby. I’m not going to be stopping a thing.” She stepped over the threshold the instant he turned the lock. She spun around to face them. “You two have been driving me crazy with your sexy talk. I want what you two promised me.”

  She pushed the strap of her shirt down her shoulder. It was still too hot to even think of wearing sweaters. Ruby shimmied out of the top and the skirt she wore, revealing a red lace bra and thong set. When she’d woken up that morning, she’d dressed to impress.

  “Are you going to turn me away, or are you going to take off your pants and start fucking me?” She turned on her heel, heading for the stairs. “I’ll be up in your room, Troy. I’m going to get things started.”

  Pushing her fingers into the front of her thong, she stroked her clit.

  “Fucking hell,” Troy said.

  Ruby didn’t stay around to listen to them. Taking the steps two at a time, she charged for Troy’s room. They all took it in turns to fuck in the other room. Sometimes they didn’t make it to a room and she was taken in the kitchen, the dining room, or even the sitting room. She didn’t mind where they took her, as long as each of them gave her an orgasm. They’d turned her into a greedy person. She needed more than one orgasm a day to keep herself satisfied.

  Removing the lacy underwear, Ruby climbed onto the large bed. Pushing the pillows behind her head, she lay against them. She opened her thighs, waiting for the door to open. Where the bed lay against the wall meant the first one of her men to enter would see her playing with her pussy.

  She was so wet that she didn’t need to lick her fingers to get herself started. Stroking through her slit, she kept her eyes on the door. Ruby heard them running up the stairs. Their feet drilled the anticipation into her.

  Chris was the first one at the door.

  “Fuck,” he said, running a hand down his face.

  Stroking her clit, Ruby kept her eye on the door as Troy came crashing through. Both men were naked, which gave them extra points in her book.

  “Stop touching yourself,” Chris said, moving to the foot of the bed.

  “But I ache with need.” She pouted.

  “Stop touching yourself or you won’t feel our tongues on that sweet pussy.” She heard the warning and stopped. Pressing her fingers to her lips, she sucked the cream from herself.

  Troy was the first to climb on the bed and settle between her thighs. “You’re not getting away from us now,” Troy said.

  “Your pussy is ours to command for the rest of the night,” Chris said, crawling up beside her.

  “You’re both being a wee bit dominant,” she said, smiling.

  “Love, you’ve got no idea how dominating we can be.” Troy ran his tongue from her entrance up to her clit.

  Ruby moaned, the pleasure so intense she almost came there and then.

  * * * *

  “Will there be whips and chains later?” Ruby asked.

  Troy chuckled against her pussy. Their woman certainly knew how to tease them.

  “No whips. No chains. We’re not Doms, love. We just like being in control. I hope you’re ready for that,” he said. He opened the lips of her sex, looking up at her and making sure she knew he wasn’t giving her pleasure until she agreed with him.

  “I look forward to your brand of torture,” she said, winking at him.

  Running his fingers through her creamy slit, Troy took satisfaction in seeing the change in her green eyes.

  He slipped two fingers inside her cunt and pressed his thumb to her clit. “Do you think I should bring her to orgasm with my hand, or my tongue?” Troy asked, looking at Chris.

  “She’s being a little willful tonight. I’m thinking your hand. Maybe we should forget about sharing her altogether.”

  “Don’t you dare,” she said, pushing his hand away.

  “You’ll like our brand of dominance, love,” Troy said. He moved back down, opening the lips of her pussy. Her clit was peeking out of its hood, winking at him. Troy licked the cream from her button.

  Ruby cried out, sitting up on the bed. Chris held her down as Troy began to lick and suck her tiny little bud. The butt plug they’d given her that morning was still there.

  “Put her on her knees,” Troy said, pulling away again. She growled in frustration, but Chris helped him to place her how he wanted her on the bed.

  Her full, rounded ass was up in his face with the toy taunting him.

  Stroking her cheeks, Troy tugged the toy from her ass, watching her anus close up once he did.

  “Get me some lube, I’m going to keep working her ass tonight.”

  Troy petted her body while he waited for Chris to get the lube from the other room.

  “How are you feeling, love?” he asked.

  “Desperate. I need an orgasm so bad.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t you worry about a thing, love. We’ll take care of you.”

  Chris came back with the lube, handing it to him, before sitting at the head of the bed. “Take my cock, Ruby,” Chris said. The sounds of her lips around Chris’s cock echoed around the room. His friend groaned, thrusting up toward her face.

  “I’m going to have to work extra to get her all hot and bothered,” Troy said.

  Opening the lube, he made sure his fingers were well coated.

  Troy teased her anus, watching her tense around his penetrating fingers. “It’s okay, baby. You can take it.”

  She relaxed under his touch. Troy pressed his tongue into her cunt and felt her ripple around him.

  Easing one finger into her ass, Troy took his time working in a second finger and spreading her open. Her pussy was dripping wet and coating his chin with her creamy essence.

  Ruby’s moans grew louder, even with the cock in her mouth.

  “I think our woman needs to come,” Chris said.

  Fucking her pussy with his tongue and her ass with one hand, Troy used his free hand to caress her clit. Within seconds, she exploded. Troy worked her body at the same time, fucking and licking her. He worked her over until the last wave of her climax left her body.

  “My turn,” Chris said.

  Troy extracted himself from her body, grabbing the towel Chris had brought with him to wipe his face and hand.

  Ruby was collapsed on the bed, panting. “You’re really going to give me two orgasms before fucking me?” she asked.

  “It’s your first time. You need these orgasms to start you with.”

  Troy settled in position at the top of the bed. Ruby gripped his shaft i
n her palm, fisting him from root to tip. Every now and then she’d pause as Chris worked her pussy. Her body shook, but she kept on going, palming his erection. She licked at his pre-cum oozing out of the tip before taking the whole head into her mouth.

  He stroked her hair, watching her lips surround his cock as she sucked him. It took every ounce of strength not to give into the pleasure of her mouth. He had no intention of climaxing in her throat.

  Chris started up his steady pace, working her body over and bringing her back to a new height of pleasure. All the time, Troy watched the changes on her face as she sucked, licked and dined on his erection.

  “Her ass is so ready to be claimed,” Chris said.

  Troy was aching to be inside her pussy. It felt like a lifetime since he’d taken her.

  Her hands caressed his balls as she took him to the back of her throat. He felt her breathing around his shaft. They’d been practicing her deep-throating them. Troy didn’t much care for it, even though it felt good.

  “When you come again, we’re going to fuck you,” Troy said, stroking her arms. “Chris will get a condom, put it on and lube it up well. He’ll play with your ass, teasing you until you open up for him.”

  Talking about what they were going to do to her had the desired effect. Ruby worked him harder and faster. Her body was flushed, with a covering of sweat coating her skin.

  “She’s so close. Her pussy is fluttering around my tongue. Pinch her nipples for me.” Reaching in front Troy fondled her breasts, feeling her body shake even more. Her moans vibrated up the length of his cock.

  He pinched her nipples and her body tensed as she was washed in another orgasm. Ruby released his cock, dropped her head to his lap and moaned. Throughout it all, Troy held her close, loving the way she reacted to their touch.

  “I don’t know if I can take much more,” she said, whimpering.

  “You can take it, love.” Troy moved out from under her. He turned her head and kissed her lips. “Do you hear that?” he asked.


  “Chris is getting ready to take your tight ass.”

  Her eye dilated and she turned over to watch Chris get ready. Troy chuckled. Her enthusiasm thrilled him. Glancing over at Chris, he saw his friend felt the same way.


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