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Captured By A Royal Thug 2

Page 6

by Heiress

  “You did all that shit too, Don!”

  “Yes, but I’m King. I can skate through that shit. You on the other hand cannot. Dumbass. By the way, how’s the leg?” he smiled.

  “You’re supposed to be my brother and you got me shot.”

  “You got yourself shot, but we can call it even since you slept with my wife,” he stated with a blank stare.

  My mouth fell ajar, surprised to know that he had found out about that. “First off, that hoe fucked me. Not the other way around. I was drunk and she took advantage of me. Not that I fought back, but that’s not the point. I was practically raped,” I explained.

  “I’m hearing that a lot lately,” he mumbled. “How could you do some foul ass shit like that, Mir? We suppose to be brothers nigga. What the fuck is wrong with you?” His eyes squinted with a turned-up lip.

  “Nigga she was fucking everybody. I mean everybody. Caught her sucking on one of her servants’ pussy lips a while back. She was a straight hoe and it’s sad that your blind ass couldn’t see that. And how you gone get mad at me when Twan and daddy was hitting that shit too? Hell, momma probably hit it too,” I laughed.

  “That’s your momma,” I heard him mumble.

  “What you mean that’s my momma? That’s your momma too, Don.” He was quiet. He had a look on his face that I knew all too well. He was hiding something. “What you not telling me bro?” Still he didn’t say a word. “I’m being exiled anyway and I’m probably going to lose my wife, so just tell me!”

  “Our old man got his mistress pregnant with a boy and that turned out to be, Iman.”

  “What?” I was beyond shocked. “Like… Iman our brother?”

  “Only by blood,” he hissed.

  “Damn. I always knew that nigga looked familiar. He got our DNA.” I shook my head.

  “That’s not all. Our old man is a sick ass nigga. He raped Aunt Madame back in the day. Twenty-eight years ago. It’s a lot of shit to go with the story but-”

  “Aunt Madame is your mother!” I barked, putting two and two together. Leah stirred again in her sleep, but this time she lifted her head.

  “Yes. Madame is my mother. Iman is our brother. Akeena is still you and Zara’s mother. Oh, and half the babies that Mena gave birth to are still alive and no, they’re not mine. Five of them lived to be exact. After taking some DNA tests, one of them belongs to our old man, two of them belong to Iman and one of them has been confirmed to be King Enzo’s.”

  “What about the last one? Is that one for you?” I quizzed.

  “Nope. It’s a boy and he looks exactly like you. We used, Akeena’s blood to confirm. Congratulations little brother, you’re a father,” he smiled.

  My mouth dropped. I was speechless.

  “You had sex with Mena and then got her pregnant?” Leah rose to her feet with her eyes shining with built up tears.

  “Leah, I fucked her one time and I was drunk. I wasn’t thinking with my head, but there is no way that the baby could be mine. I fucked a million girls while I was drunk, and it was probably unprotected. No babies. It has to be some kind of mistake,” I tried to reason.

  “The only mistake was you fucking my wife in the first place. You always thinking with the wrong head brother. That shit done caught up to your ass,” Adonis contributed.

  “Don, how about you shut the fuck up and let me and my wife talk? Just because you the King don’t mean I won’t get out this bed and fuck you up,” I snapped.

  Walking towards me, he unlocked the handcuffs. “Talk that hot shit now nigga.” He mugged.

  “Bet,” I replied, drawing back my hand and punching him square in the mouth. The room grew silent. Me and my brother have never physically fought before. We made a vow that we wouldn’t put hands on each other, regardless of what the issue was. Today was different. He had pissed me off.

  Swiping his lip to wipe the blood off, he grinned. Without a word, he grabbed me by my shirt and flung me to the floor. He delivered blow after blow. Since he was the one who taught me how to fight, every punch he threw, I matched it. Both our knuckles were bloody. Both of our faces were leaking. I wasn’t letting up and neither was he.

  “Adonis! Amir! Stop it. Please!” Leah begged hysterically, but it fell on deaf ears as we tumbled across the floor. We were literally beating each other’s ass. “Adonis please stop it! Think about what Bella would say if she were alive.”

  Adonis stopped his blows. “Bella’s dead? How did you hear that? Where did you hear that? Who told you that?” Adonis badgered.

  “We been heard it nigga-get your knee off my neck!” I pushed him off of me. “A few days after we left, we got the news. Something about her being shot when they attacked the palace,” I finished.

  An expression of relief left his face. “Next time be specific before you just blurt some shit out like that. I thought this was recent news. Bella isn’t dead. She married that snake ass nigga Enzo and she’s with him in Zlato,” he confirmed.

  “What? You mean… you mean to tell me that Bella is alive, and she’s been alive this entire time? What happened to the baby? Is the baby alright? Did he or she survive?” I could tell Leah was excited to hear that her dear friend was actually living.

  “The babies are fine. She gave birth to two boys and a girl.” Adonis smiled with happiness as he spoke. I could tell my brother loved them by the way the corners of his mouth raised when speaking about them.

  “Well okay, that’s great! So how do we get her back? How do we rescue her?”

  “We don’t do shit. I will help her. You are going to the dungeon to await your trail to be beheaded and my brother is being exiled,” he explained.

  “Don, no! You can’t do this shit to her. It was my idea. I’m the one who proposed and came up with the plan. If anyone should die, it should be me. Not her.”

  “Then you should have thought about that shit before you came up with this stupid ass plan. It’s your dumb ass fault that she’s about to die,” he spat.

  “Look, Don I’m not gone be too many more dumbasses. I told you why I did it. You as my brother being King of a whole country should understand that. I don’t want this life. Why can’t you get that?”

  “Oh, I get it. Trust me, I get it little brother. I get tired of this shit too sometimes. I want to leave and run away too but I can’t! I took an oath to run this country and I must obey that. I get that you don’t want this, and I understand wanting to be free. What I don’t understand is why didn’t you come to me. I could have helped you. I could have faked both of your deaths or said you got kidnapped or some shit,” he paused.

  “You’re my little brother and instead of you coming to me for help, you took shit into your own hands and look. You can’t even enjoy your union because your wife is most likely about to die and you’re going to be disowned and exiled. This shit is on you.”

  Still laying on the floor, I thought about my brothers’ words. This was all my fault. I could have gone to my brother, the King, but I wanted to do it on my own. I hated depending on him to make things happen for me. I wanted to feel as if I didn’t need him or our family. I still feel that way, but I shouldn’t have felt that way in that moment of decision making. Maybe I wouldn’t be laying on the floor with a bullet in my damn leg.

  “Help me up bro.” I stuck my hand out for him to grab it and he helped me up. He walked me to the bed and assisted me in it. I glanced over at Leah who seemed to be upset about Mena and the baby. “Leah, please-”

  “So where does this leave me, Adonis?” she completely ignored me.

  “Well, the council will need to hear you and Amir’s side of the story and then they will make their decision. I can tell you right now that the shit won’t be good. I can bet money that they will kill you and make my brother leave our country with nothing. Not even his name,” he cleared up.

  “And you can’t do anything about it?” Leah asked.

  “I can’t and I won’t. I’m tired of saving his ass. If he’s stupid enough to do
some dumb shit like this then he needs to suffer the consequences. You a dummy too,” he snapped.

  “Watch your fucking mouth talking to my wife like that, Don!” I snapped.

  “Was Bella dumb too for thinking she could just have your baby and then that would be it? Was she dumb to fall in love with you and risk her life for your heirs and y’all’s love? I bet you wouldn’t call her a dummy if she were here,” Leah barked back, defending herself.

  “Bella’s not here and that don’t have nothing to do with you,” Adonis mugged. “Guards take her to the dungeon,” he spoke.

  Guards rushed to grab her. “Get your fucking hands off my wife!” I snapped. My words were the only weapons I had since I could barely walk.

  “Wait,” the doctor raised his voice, sprinting into the room. “I need to speak to, Leah. It’s urgent,” he was out of breath.

  “Why? What’s wrong with her?” I panicked.

  “I’m sorry but I’m not at liberty to say. King Adonis, may I have a word with the lady?” he asked. Adonis displayed aggravation on his face. He glanced at me and then back at Leah.

  “Make it quick. When you are done talking, send her back to me. She and my brother are not allowed to speak and see each other until the council hearing,” he ordered.

  “What! Hell no! Don, that’s some bullshit!” I barked, but it fell on deaf ears as he turned to walk away from me. Leah turned her back so fast to me, I couldn’t even get two words out to her. After the doors shut behind them both, I cursed myself.

  In the moment when I asked Leah to run away with me, I wasn’t fixated too much on the consequences. I just wanted a way out of this life and this family. I wanted to fucking live my life with Leah. I admit now that it was selfish. I was about to be banished from my own country and my wife was about to die. I couldn’t let that happen. I had to find a way out of this.


  “I’m what?” I barked, hearing the doctor’s words slip out his mouth in slow motion.

  “You’re pregnant,” he reiterated, clearing his throat. “In another week or so, you’ll be about five months pregnant.” He handed me a piece of paper with the confirmation from my blood work. “Here, we tested your blood and that can tell us everything that’s wrong with you. When we did, your blood work came back positive for pregnancy. I brought you in here to do an ultrasound so we can make sure the baby is responding.”

  “Uh…ok,” I mumbled. I didn’t know what to think or how to react. Me and Amir had been very careful since we started having sex. Not once did he come in me since we’d been on the run. “But how could this be? He’s been pulling out and I’ve been getting my period every month. Other than my mood swings, I’ve been fine,” I explained.

  “Lay back for me please,” he instructed, and I did as I was told. He told me the gel was going to be cold and to brace myself. “Leah, this happens often. A lot of women do not know they are pregnant because they use precautions during sex, and they get their period. It is possible to bleed during your pregnancy every month, but it is not technically considered your menstrual cycle. Here we go.”

  A picture appeared on the screen and I could see my baby as clear as day. I was definitely pregnant. He pointed to each body part, showing me what it was as if I didn’t know what a damn baby looked like. I was so shocked that I couldn’t even enjoy the fact that I was pregnant. It was bitter sweet because I always wanted to be a mother, but Amir let me know a while ago that he didn’t want kids. I think by him saying that, it only jinxed his sperm.

  “Oh, wow. It’s looks like your baby has company,” he blurted.

  “What do you mean by that?” I quizzed.

  “It looks like you’re having twins. I can even tell you the sex of them both if you want. I can see it as clear as day.”

  I thought about it for a few minutes before I said, “Sure. I… I guess I want to know.”

  “Well you can bring out the ribbons and bows because it looks like you’re having twin girls,” he announced.

  If I wasn’t already laying down, I would have fainted. This was all too much for me. “Wow. I get married illegally and then have to run for my life for five months. All to get captured and told I’m going to die and that I’m pregnant. With twin girls. It’s like my life is inside a snow globe and someone finds it and starts shaking it up and down. This can’t be happening to me,” I cried.

  The doctor kindly wiped my stomach off and then handed me a tissue. “I’m not supposed to say anything, but you can use this to your advantage. The King is very sensitive when it comes to babies. So is the council. If you go to King Adonis and let him know you’re pregnant, he may be able to spare your life. Now I don’t know if this could save Prince Amir, but it could possibly save you.”

  I wiped the tears from my eyes and got myself together. I didn’t have the luxury of breaking down and blaming the world for why my life was in shambles. I had to put myself in Bella’s shoes. I had to pretend I was her for the day because she was the strong one. She kept me together when I felt like I was falling apart. If she were here, she would tell me to find the blessing in this situation. The blessing was that I was about to give life to two baby girls. The blessing was that they could be the reason why my life gets spared.

  “Leah?” the doctor waved his hand in my face to get my attention.

  “Ye-yea. What?”

  “You sort of blacked out for a minute. Do you want me to have you escorted to King Adonis?” he asked.

  I nodded my head without even thinking. I was being brave like Bella. Just thinking about her made me cry. I needed her here. I needed my best friend. I needed her and Twan, but I was all alone, just like she was over in Zlato with King Enzo. I know she was over there being strong for me, so I had to be strong for her.

  The doctor handed me the paper to prove I was pregnant and sent me on my way with a guard. “I know I’m not supposed to be talking to you, but can you tell me if my friend is ok? His name is, Twan. He’s a guard too,” I asked.

  “For now, he is. No telling what is going to happen to him once he gets out of the dungeon,” he answered.

  “The dungeon? What is he doing in the-”

  “I can’t answer that,” he cut me off.

  I wanted to beg him to tell me, but I knew that he wouldn’t break. I continued to follow him in silence. When we got King Adonis’ study, the guard knocked on the door and awaited an answer.

  “What?” King Adonis barked behind the door.

  “Your grace, I have the servant Leah here. She was sent by the doctor to speak with you.”

  The door opened, and Adonis stepped to the guard, holding a scowl on his face. “She is married to my brother who is your Prince. That makes her Princess Leah, not servant Leah. Put some respect on her shit,” he snapped.

  “Ye-yes, your grace,” the guard stuttered.

  He then grabbed me by my arm and pulled me into his study, slamming the door behind him. “You hear to tell me that you got a baby baking in that hot ass oven of yours?” he quizzed, with his back to me.

  “How did you-”

  “I’ve seen Mena pregnant enough times to know when something is up. Plus, I got a vibe from Bella when she was pregnant, and I picked the same vibe up from you. On top of that, you not the same slim girl that left here five months ago. You put on a few.” I eyed my body with a smirk.

  “Are you calling me fat?” I got offended and self-conscious.

  “Not so much as fat. More like chunky,” he laughed.

  “King Adonis, it’s not funny. I’m carrying two girls in here and they are the reason why I’m gaining weight like this. I can’t stop eating. I didn’t even know I was pregnant. I can keep all my food down. I’m never sick, just moody. Now I know how Bella felt.”

  Adonis laughed again. “Bella had it worse. She was carrying four babies and didn’t even know it.”

  “Wait, I thought you said-”

  “The fourth one, a boy, died.” His eyes fell and I could see how much it
hurt him to bring up the baby. I could tell how hard it was to even bring up Bella. I knew he missed her.

  “Umm… let’s not talk about sad things. Will me being pregnant help me and Amir’s situation with the council?” I asked.

  “Of course. They will never kill a woman with child. Especially if it’s of royal blood. Your life will be spared. I can’t say much for my brother.” He shook his head.

  For some reason, I grew angry. “Why won’t you help him? Why are you letting him go through this? He is devasted about what’s happening with us. He just wanted to live a normal life and be happy. Why can’t you see that-”

  “Leah, no offense, but shut the fuck up,” he snapped at me laughing. “I’m not going to let them exile my brother. Well… I’m going to let him suffer. I’ve been coming up with a plan that could help all of us out. As soon as I can get my Bella back, I can put some shit in motion,” he explained.

  A sigh relief escaped my mouth. For that brief moment, I was relived. Then I thought about Twan. “Wait. What about, Twan? Why is he-”

  “Now I mean every bit of offense when I say, fuck that bitch ass nigga. He’s lucky I didn’t cut his fucking head off when I found out what he did. Nasty piece of shit,” he spat.

  “I know, Twan can be a lot of things but why are you talking like that about him? What did he do?” I questioned, dying to know the answer.

  “He raped my fucking sister. That’s what he did!”

  “What?” My mouth fell open and I couldn’t believe what was being said to me. I couldn’t have heard him right. Adonis did not just say that my best friend raped his sister. It was impossible. “I don’t get it. Is this a joke or-”

  “Why the fuck would I joke about some shit like this? He raped my sister and I damn near tore his head off his fucking shoulders. He’s lucky that I love Bella so much that I want her to get a chance to say her goodbyes before he dies. If it was up to me, he would have been dead,” he snapped.


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