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Airplanes. See also Marine Corps aircraft
B-24 (Liberator), 60, 123
B-29 (Super-fortress), 66, 80, 85, 91, 127, 131, 147
P-47, 82, 97
Airstrips, 51, 56, 67, 163–64
at Iwo Jima, 124, 127, 131, 146–47
at Okinawa, 158, 160, 163
in the Palaus, 121–23
Peleliu, 108–9, 111
at Tinian, 80, 85
“Alligators.” See Landing vehicles, LVTs
Amphibious doctrine, 45, 60–61, 68–69, 195–96. See also Gavutu-Tanambogo, lessons from; Tarawa, lessons from
development of, 12–16, 22, 24–27, 32–33, 174–75, 196–98
Amphibious logistics
beachmasters, 77, 91, 136, 140, 158, 201–2
embarkation, combat loading, 32–33, 68–69, 89, 136–37, 197
medical evacuation, 98, 143, 144
momentum problems, 32–33, 57, 77, 82, 91, 159, 160
offloading, 33, 57, 82–83, 89, 91, 121, 142–43, 158, 164
USMC and USN disputes about, 33
shore party operations, 77, 91, 159
Amphibious operations, Japanese
proficiency of, 16–19, 21–22
setbacks in, 19–21
Amphibious operations, U.S., 195. See also Amphibious doctrine; Amphibious logistics; Storm landings
Army’s role in, 88–91
contrast between
Army and Marine, 92–93
European and Pacific, 87–88
debated at Okinawa, 165–70
defined, 4, 196
history of, 9–13
night, 33–34, 88
training for, 29, 61, 113, 136–37, 151
Amphibious task forces, evolution of, 194 fig.
“Amtracs.” See Landing vehicles, LVTs
Anderson, Carl E. “Squeaky,” 136, 140–41, 143, 197, 201–2
APAs (“attack transports”). See Ships, troop transports
Army units. See also Sixth Army; Tenth Army
7th Division, 150, 158
ps, 106, 150
27th Division, 56, 59, 72, 73, 92, 150, 162
31st Division, 119
41st Division, 110
43d Division, 38
77th Division, 73–78, 93, 150, 153, 161
81st Division, 111–12, 120, 123, 124, 150
321st Regimental Combat Team, 121
323d Regimental Combat Team, 121
96th Division, 150
Army Air Forces, 91, 97, 160. See also Airplanes; Close air support
Seventh Air Force, 29, 59, 123, 135
Arnold, Henry H. “Hap,” 91
Ashland (LSD 1), 48–49
Bailey, Caleb T., 121
Baku bombs, 162–63, 184
Banzai attacks, 72, 132, 146–47
Barbey, Daniel E. “Uncle Dan,” 38, 88–91, 174–76
Barracudas, at Rendova, 38
Battle of Empress August Bay, Bougainville, 52
Battle of the Points, Luzon, 19
Bayfield, 141
Beachmasters, 77, 91, 136, 140, 158, 201–2
Betio, 49, 52–54, 55 fig., 58. See also Tarawa
neap tide at, 53 n, 202
Bismarck Sea, 146
Blandy, W.H.P. “Spike,” 128, 139, 153–54
Blessman, 145–46
Block Island, 180
“Bloody Gorge, the,” Iwo Jima, 147
Bloody Nose Ridge (Umurbrogal), Peleliu, 111, 120, 122–24
Boats. See Landing craft; Landing ships; Ships; Submarine operations
Bonnyman, Alexander, 196–97
Bordelon, William, 197
Bougainville, 20–21, 50–52
Bourke, Thomas E., 180
“Brodie slingshot,” 38
Brown, Wilbur S., quoted, 191
Bruce, Andrew D., 74
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, Jr., 150–51, 174
strategy of, at Okinawa, 162, 165–70
Caldwell, Frank C., 188
Carlson, Evans F., 26, 102
quoted, 61
civilian, 72–73
Japanese, 36
at Betio, 54
at Guam, 76–78
at Iwo Jima, 144–47
at Okinawa, 170
at Peleliu, 124
projected, at Kyūshū, 174, 189, 191
U.S., 35, 92, 102–3, 180, 187–88, 198
at Biak, 110
at Bougainville, 51
at Gavutu-Tanambogo, 3–4
at Guam, 76–78
at Hollandia, 91
at Iwo Jima, 129, 139, 142, 144, 146–47, 188
at Okinawa, 155, 158, 160–62, 169–70, 170 n
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