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Dare’s Christmas Gifts

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by AKM Miles

  "In the parkin' lot when we went to Wah-Mart to get some baloney and tater chips the other day. He watched us walkin' in. I didn't see him when we came out." He ducked his head and admitted, seemingly ashamed, "I was too scared to look."

  "Oh, my baby," Jackie said, holding him tight and rocking him like he was an infant. Dare understood the urge. He wanted to grab JC and never let him go.

  "Where else did you see him, Brandon…and when?" Dare wanted the whole story, as clear as possible.

  "Yesterday, when Mom was swinging me at the park. He was standing by some big bushes and watchin' us. He didn't smile or nothin', just looked at us. He still looks mean."

  Ryan spoke up, his arms still tight around JC. "Okay, boys, we've got an idea we think you all will like. Why don't you all go and pick out some of Brandon's things to bring over to our house? His mom will get his clothes, but you all pick out stuff he will want with him. We're all staying together for a while. We're going to have a good time before the Christmas party this weekend. We'll all watch out for each other."

  Dare was tickled when the boys whooped and ran back to Brandon's room. The trust and innocence of youth.

  Once the boys were gone, the adults got serious about the situation.

  "There you have it. Mitch, somehow, is out of jail and stalking the boys. You know what that means?" Ryan's eyes moved from Jackie to Dare.

  Dare knew that his stomach was rolling and he was trying not to freak out, so he figured that Jackie was even more filled with dread.

  Ryan looked like he was in turmoil, but he told them. "He's looking for revenge. He knows what would hurt us the most. He's playin' games with us. We've got to do something. I'm going to the police station. I'll make them find out what's going on and how that idiot got out of jail. I'll try to get another restraining order, which won't do anything toward stopping him, but will add to charges against him when they catch him again."

  Dare said, "I'll help them gather their things and move over to our house. We'll lock up tight over here and we'll all stay together until he's caught. Don't you all worry. We were going ask if you all wanted to spend the week with us before the party this weekend, anyway." He went to Jackie and patted her shoulder, encouraging her to have faith. Together they would all take care of each other.

  "Uh, Jackie, you got a mop? I don't think the water story's needed now, huh?"


  The next three days were like a party, just as they'd planned. They did things with the boys, cooked together,ate fun meals and snacks, played games, and read books. All of them wrapped Christmas gifts for the party and made a huge mess in the kitchen decorating holiday cookies. Dare thought they made a nice family.

  Tonight was the party in the church basement for the families sponsored by the church groups. Santa was going to pass out toys to the young ones, and some of the adults were going to provide the parents with gift certificates to local groceries and department stores so they could get what they needed, not only for a nice Christmas, but for the coming cold months. Both boys were excited about helping the other kids have a good Christmas.

  Ryan had gone to the police station and found that, again, Jackie had to go down and arrange for the restraining order. They'd found out, finally, that Mitch's lawyer had dug in and found some kind of discrepancy in the processing of Mitch's arrest and sentencing. He'd been able to get Mitch off on the technicality, so now the two families were living in fear of more terrorizing from the man.

  Ryan had listened in frustration as he was told about the big problem with understaffing at the police station. They agreed to have a patrol car drive by Ryan's house occasionally, but their hands were tied unless Mitch actually did something.

  Ryan was afraid the madman would come after Dare, since he had thwarted Mitch's attempt to get Brandon away from Jackie. Dare had been unable to convince Ryan that he was being very careful. He knew Mitch would have it in for him. After all, Dare had hit the man with a Louisville Slugger and dropped him like a stone when Mitch was threatening Jackie with a gun in her back yard.

  There was a huge sack of gifts waiting by the front door to be taken and added to Santa's stack. Jackie and Dare had prepared snacks for the party and were now packing them for transporting to the church. The boys were in JC's room with Ryan helping them get dressed for the party.

  Dare headed up the stairs to check on their progress and see if maybe they'd get to this shindig on time. He heard the conversation as he got to the doorway. He paused and listened to his lover talk to the two boys, both dear to him.

  "JC, you have the cell phone in your pocket, right? Don't lose it, okay, buddy?"

  "Dad, I'm not gonna lose it. I know it's not a toy. I'm only to use it if I need you for somethin'. I'm not a baby."

  "You're right. You're my little man. You're gonna take good care of Brandon, too. Not going to let him out of your sight. You all stick together. Dare and I will keep an eye on you, but you're going to help us. No going to the bathroom by yourself, boys. I know, I know, you're big enough to go by yourself, but until they do something about Mitch, we're not taking chances. Okay?"

  "Dad? Why would Mitch be there? I bet he doesn't even go to church. He's too mean to think about doin' good stuff for people."

  "You got that right, but we're not taking any chances. Remember, if they tell everyone to turn their cell phones off, you don't have to. Yours is not going to be ringing in the middle of a story or prayer. That's just for you to get to us if you need help. There's a thing in the phone that will show us right where you are. Got it?"

  "I got it. Can we go now? Do we look good enough?" JC asked.

  Dare stepped into the room and said, "Wow. You all look great. Ready to go? I like your matching sweaters. You look like brothers."

  "We are brothers, aren't we, Brandon?" JC asked, looking at his smaller cohort. "We decided we were."

  "I think that's just fine. Brothers in spirit. Let's go to the party and everyone watch out for each other. But, this is a night to have a good time, so enjoy everything that happens tonight, okay boys? You all run down and see if Jackie has any last minute things for you all to do," Dare said. He wanted them to be careful, but he also wanted them to just be little boys having a ball at a Christmas party.

  As the two boys headed down the stairs, they heard Brandon say to JC, "They're gonna kiss again, huh?"

  Dare hid his face in Ryan's shoulder to cover the quick laugh the words invoked.

  "Good idea," Ryan said, chuckling with him. "Come here, you." Ryan pulled Dare back into JC's room and pushed him right up against the wall.

  "Mmmm, getting rough?" Dare loved being pressed between the two hard objects, the wall and Ryan's eager body.

  "Nah, just in a hurry. Everyone's waiting and I just want to love on you."

  "Back at ya."

  Dare leaned the little bit necessary and when their lips touched it was like striking a match. Flames leapt from the point of contact. Dare opened his mouth to let Ryan's questing tongue inside. He met it with his own and tightened his arms around Ryan. Below, their cocks were already hard and rubbing against each other. The kiss went on and on, as their breaths grew louder and deeper.

  "Gotta stop. Gotta go. This was stupid. Look at us," Ryan said, easing back and looking down at their matching tents.

  Dare pushed him back a second, stepped out into the hall and yelled down, "Jackie, cover for us. We'll be down in a few minutes. Something came up."

  "No problem, boys, we'll get stuff organized to take out to the cars," Jackie answered, and both could hear the amused affection in her voice.

  "Damn, you're smart," Ryan said, taking Dare's hand and pulling him to their room and locking the door.

  Ryan led Dare to the bed and pulled until they were both on top of the thick spread, shoes and all. Dare was both aroused and amused. It was clear that Ryan had a plan.

  "Dressed-up sixty-nine," Ryan said, his plan now clear. Dare watched as Ryan turned so that he was facing the othe
r way. Dare reached for Ryan's pants at the same time his lover reached for his. Ryan very carefully placed his feet on the pillows beside Dare's head and straddled his body. Dare was sure they looked ridiculous, fully clothed, with their cocks sprouting out of their pants. That thought disappeared as Ryan's cock hung in front of his mouth.

  Dare reached up and took hold, bringing it to his lips. He tasted the sweet pearl of pre- come from the tip of Ryan's cock and hummed, loving it. He jerked as his own cock was taken in Ryan's mouth and strong suction had him pushing up further, wanting more.

  Ryan was moving one hand up and down Dare's cock while the other hand caressed Dare's balls. Dare reached up, pulled Ryan closer, and took more into his eager mouth. He knew Ryan loved it when he took him deep into his throat and hummed as he swallowed around the tip. Eagerly, he provided just the action that had Ryan shooting down his throat. Dare managed to take it all, cleaning Ryan completely before letting him go.

  Ryan reached further with one finger and pressed on the spot behind Dare's balls. Dare lost it and came hard, spurting into Ryan's mouth. He bit his lip to keep from yelling out. Ryan did a nice clean up job on him as well before falling over to the side for a few seconds. Soon he moved around so he was looking down at Dare's drowsy eyes.

  "Now that's a nice look. Happy?"

  "Mmm, I think with just a touch of nutmeg, that would be better than eggnog, my new favorite Christmas treat," Dare teased.

  "You nut. Kiss, then brush our teeth, gather our group, and go party." They suited action to words and were soon packed up and headed for the church.

  Chapter Five

  Ryan watched in awe as the Christmas party broke into full swing. There were small children everywhere. It was hard to keep JC and Brandon in view all the time. Carols were being sung, lots of "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "Jingle Bells." Santa's appearance was anxiously awaited. Food had been devoured and partially cleaned up. Jackie had been in the thick of things with the serving of that.

  Dare had been running around all night putting out small fires in the child department. It seemed that, when you got a lot of little kids together, someone always needed special attention. Dare was drawn to those children that would benefit from the personal touch, be it a lap for a while, or a hug, a tissue, or just a pat on the shoulder. Ryan loved that about Dare, his need to help everyone feel good about themselves. Ryan loved just about everything about Dare.

  He watched as JC sat down, pulling Brandon down in front of him to listen as one of the parents read from The Christmas Story. He went to help Jackie with the clean-up detail. He was in the kitchen with her when they heard screams from the main room and they headed in to see what was up. Ah! Santa's much-anticipated arrival. He and Jackie watched as the people who were in charge got things into some kind of order. The story had evidently finished and all the children were gathering around the big tree. Dare came to stand with Ryan and Jackie. The tree was in the middle of the room, so there were children all around it.

  "I'm glad to see Santa made it. I was getting worried he was going to be late and the little ones were getting a bit restless," Dare said, leaning on the wall beside Ryan.

  "Hi, babe. Thirsty? You've been busy. Can I get you something to drink?" Ryan asked.

  "Got any eggnog?" Dare had the audacity to ask.

  Jackie spoke up. "I don't think so, Dare; they only have juice and soda. Well, they've got some coffee, but…what's so funny?" she asked as both men broke into muffled laughter. "You guys! I'm not even going to ask."

  "Best not," Dare advised her, stepping over and putting his hand on Ryan's stomach and giving him a little rub, hidden from the rest of the group. Ryan liked that a lot. Dare professed not to understand it, but since learning of Ryan's thing for stomachs early on in the relationship, Dare fed Ryan's need often. Ryan took a deep breath as he felt the sly caress. He wondered at the sweet smile Dare gave him. His lover had something up his sleeve, if he wasn't mistaken. That was some sexy grin. Dare added another quick rub before he turned to face the crowd and behave.

  "Later," Ryan whispered in his ear. He caught the slight shiver Dare couldn't quite cover up.

  Ryan's eyes swept the room looking for the boys. He didn't see them. They were just there. Must be on the other side of the tree.

  "You see the boys?" he asked Dare and Jackie.

  "Yeah, they're right…no, they must have moved. They were sitting together right there…I'll look," Dare said. As one, the three of them split up and circled the tree. Ryan took the long way around behind where Santa now sat in a big rocker, doing his ho-ho thing and passing out gifts. They met on the other side with wide eyes. None had seen the boys. They headed for the bathroom. Maybe JC had taken Brandon. He'd do that. He wouldn't let Brandon go alone.

  Dare and Ryan hit the men's room together, and both sucked in a deep breath when they were met with an empty room and dead silence.

  "JC? Brandon? Guys, you all in here?" Ryan's voice cracked; he couldn't help it. He was trying not to panic, but…well, he was.

  They hurried back out and started canvassing the room, asking adults if they'd seen the two boys. Most remembered seeing them, but none knew where they were now. Jackie was wringing her hands, tears were starting to flow, and she was beginning to shake.

  "Oh my God. Brandon! It's Mitch, I know it. I should have been watching Brandon. Where's my baby?"

  "Jackie, we were all in here, watching them both. They were right here just minutes ago. Let's don't panic yet," Dare said, trying for calm. Not quite making it there, though.

  "Jackie, you stay right here. Keep a watch out in case they just went exploring. Ryan and I will go out and see if we can find out anything."

  "I can't…I can't…" She was babbling.

  "Jackie! Yes, you can. You have to. We have to go look and you have to be here in case they come back in here and we're not here. What will they think if we're all gone at once? Come on, now." Dare had her by the shoulders. He hugged her tight, then put her from him. By the time the two men got to the door they were at a dead run.

  "JC! Brandon! Boys, you out here?" Ryan hoped not. It was cold as hell and if they were out here, they didn't have their coats on, 'cause they'd have had to pass them to get to the room with all the coats, boots, hats, and gloves.

  Dare was yelling, too, and walking now, looking at the ground all around like a bloodhound looking for clues. Ryan headed for the parking lot. There was no movement there, no car squealing out of the lot, giving them something to follow. It was eerily silent.

  "Ryan!" He turned back to Dare and found him standing by a tree in the yard by the building.

  "What is it?" he asked, hurrying over.

  "Look. Does it look like the ground's all scratched up here like…oh God, like someone was being dragged?" There were pine needles under the tree and they showed where something had moved through them.

  Ryan had a small penlight on his key chain and he dug it out and shined it on the area. Fuck. It was all torn up, grass and pine needles askew. He grabbed his cell and called 911. He had to clear his throat, but he gave the information as quickly as possible. He described the truck Mitch had before he was arrested. He had no way of knowing if he still had it, but it was all he could give them.

  Dare was there as soon as he hung up the phone and grabbed him, holding tight for just a second.

  "We'll get them back. Come on, we've got to get away and not mess up this area. You stay strong, love. I'm going to tell Jackie what we think happened, and we'll get our coats and come back and wait with you."

  When Ryan saw them returning with the coats, he figured Dare had used all his skills dealing with Jackie. She had to be terrified. Lord knew he was. He pulled his coat on and grabbed JC’s, holding it like a lifeline. God, please…

  The party continued inside while the three stood outside, waiting. Ryan knew the fear and dread he was feeling was shared by the others. Sirens split the silence and then another form of chaos ensued.

nbsp; Chapter Six

  "Brandon, look. Santa's here." JC pointed as Santa came in from outside. There were others with him, but all eyes were glued to the big man in the red suit. All the kids jumped up and screamed, running to him. JC managed to keep hold of Brandon's hand, so he wouldn't get lost. Just as Santa went by them he felt a strong hand on his shoulder, pressing in and hurting.

  He tried to flinch away, but a voice was beside his ear saying, "Come with me, or I'll kill your little buddy here." JC looked and Brandon was being held in the mean man's arm, his mouth covered, his eyes wide and scared. "Not a sound or he dies, you got it?" JC nodded and walked right out the door with Brandon's father, too afraid to do anything else.

  Brandon was squirming and kicking. Mitch yelled at him to be still or else. JC pulled against his hand once they were outside, away from the other kids. He knew better than to go with this man, but what if he did kill Brandon? There was a car sitting right in front of the sidewalk and JC tugged hard, trying to get away from Mitch's grasp.


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