She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4

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She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4 Page 9

by Shvonne Latrice

  “You fucking serious? We weren’t even together, and that shit was a minute ago. Why you even bringing that shit up?”

  “Because I want to. If I had have had sex with another nigga during that little break, you would have been pissed.”

  MG stared at me for a little bit and then laid down on his back so that he could be at my level on the bed. I turned my face to the side so that I could see him better as he lied next to me.

  “You right; I would have been angry as fuck.” He stared up at the ceiling. “You didn’t though, right?” He looked my way.

  “No, asshole. I was pregnant, remember?” As soon as the words left my lips, it all washed over me again. I didn’t even understand why I was so bothered since I wasn’t that far along, but the fact remains that I was.

  “Yeah, I remember. You wanna talk about it?”

  “There isn’t really anything to talk about, Micah.” I chuckled nervously before tying my hair up.

  “You just seem different as fuck ever since it happened, and I wanna make sure you good. That’s my job.”

  A smile tugged at my lips thinking about how he really cared for me. No man outside of my father had ever given two fucks about me, but Micah did. Yet, I still wasn’t ready to spill how I felt. I wasn’t used to being sad or weak, and every time I allowed myself to be either or, I regretted it later. I preferred being tough at all times. That was just me.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It was a long time ago. But I’m really tired, so goodnight, baby.” I leaned over to kiss his lips, and then turned my back to him. I felt him hug me from behind, and even though I didn’t really want to be touched, his embrace felt so good. And before I knew it, I was dozing off.

  I slept like a baby through the entire night, and when I woke up, it was already 11 a.m. I had to be at work at 1 p.m., so I quickly got up and rushed to brush my teeth before hopping into the shower. Draylah wasn’t too strict with what we could wear to work, as long as it wasn’t anything too revealing or club worthy. So I just slipped on some skinny jeans, sandal stilettos, and a tube top, before combing my hair down.

  I made it to work just ten minutes before I had to clock in, so I went right to the front to start working.

  “Thanks so much, Draylah.” Dakota smiled as she walked around the front of the receptionist desk I was sitting at. I couldn’t stand this Dakota girl, because it was obvious she liked Ricky.

  “No problem. If you wanna come back in three weeks, Kattlyn can go ahead and put you in for when I’m free.” Draylah smiled as she touched my shoulder. I gave Dakota a fake smirk as I readied the keyboard to type.

  I took payment from Dakota and scheduled her next appointment as Draylah straightened up a few areas in the lobby.

  “I got it,” I said as soon as Dakota left.

  “Thank you.” Draylah handed off the broom.

  “You umm… you don’t think she has a crush on Ricky?” I couldn’t help myself and the shit was tearing me up on the inside.

  “Who?” Draylah looked to me with dipped brows.

  “Dakota. She was acting all clingy and sad like a house dog when you guys went to Hawaii.”

  “She was? You think she likes him?” Draylah raised a brow, and I could tell it was about to be some shit.

  “I mean… I went ahead and asked her and she told me no, but it just seemed like she was jealous that you went on vacation with him.” I shrugged.

  “Oh, okay. Well if you think she likes him, I’m sure she does. You’re very observant, that’s why I like you.” She grinned.

  “Well thank you.” I batted my eyelashes.

  The workday went by pretty fast since Draylah and the other girls had clients literally all damn day. By 9 p.m., it was closing time, so the four of us began tidying up a little bit.

  “Look at this bitch,” Koya commented as she showed Yavanna a video on her phone.

  “Who is that?” my nosy ass asked.

  “Your man’s ex. She’s showing off at some restaurant she’s about to eat at,” Koya replied as she tilted her phone a bit so that I could see.

  I saw Isla flashing a thick stack of cash and showing off her new Birkin that I was sure she bought with my nigga’s money. She was such an idiot for showing off, and an even bigger one for tagging her location. This would be a lesson learned for her ass to never show off by blasting your whereabouts.

  By the time we were done and waiting for Draylah to put the alarm on, only twenty minutes had passed, and I was anxious as hell to get to Isla. See, now that I was here legally in a sense, I didn’t mind dragging that bitch in public, and today would be the day. Yeah, MG may not hit women, but I definitely did, and she was not about to get away with the money my man worked his ass off for. That bitch didn’t deserve a damn dollar.

  “Goodnight, ladies,” Draylah called out as we went to our cars. We simultaneously said ‘goodnight’ back, and I rushed to my Porsche.

  I swear I had the pedal to the floor the whole damn way to the Blvd Lounge on Wilshire. This hoe was really doing it big, and I knew she had Butch’s tired, washed up ass with her because in the background, I saw that fat ass wrist that he’d squeezed into that diamond watch she probably got him.

  I got there fairly quickly, and upon walking up to the front, I saw Isla and Butch sitting outside eating dinner. I’d taken off my earrings and jewelry in the car, and had tied my hair up as well. I even changed into some tennis shoes, which I kept in the car for fights. I never wore anything but heels, so the only time I needed sneakers was to work out or to beat a bitch’s ass, and the latter was most frequented.

  “I know I—oh my gosh!” Isla screeched when I yanked her up from her seat by that tattered weave. “What the fuck is wrong with you!” she shouted when I let her go.

  “I’ll give you a chance to free yourself from an ass whooping if you give me whatever money you have on you.”

  For a minute, she stared at me with a confused expression, before turning to Butch and laughing heartily.

  “Are you crazy? I’m not giving you shit!”

  “You have five seconds to decide before I fuck you up, Isla.” I was speaking calmly, tapping my foot impatiently. I wanted to whoop her ass before a waitress came out and tried to break it up.

  “Fuck you—”


  I punched that bitch right in her mouth with as much of my strength as I could, and sent her scurrying like a mouse to hide behind Butch.

  “Aye, come on, back up!” he barked at me when I tried to get around him to get some more of her. I knew she was in pain because I’d hit her hard as hell and felt the bone in her gums when I did so.

  “Don’t touch me, or I’ll have my nigga beat your ass again!” I hissed to Butch when he reached out to me.

  “Oh my gosh!” Isla wailed loudly into Butch’s back, as he continued to block me from her.

  “I tried to warn you,” I said calmly as I walked back to her side of the table and dug in her purse. I grabbed the stack of cash she’d flashed on Instagram, along with a few others, and then dumped the rest of her things out onto the ground before taking her $15,000 purse. “Bitch! And tell your nigga to stop eye fucking me!” I hollered just as a manager came from inside.

  I darted off at full speed, feeling good about the stacks of cash I had. They were all hundreds too from the looks of it, so no telling how much I’d gotten that hoe for. When I got back to my car, I counted one of the stacks she’d had in a rubber band and saw it was 150, hundred-dollar bills. The other stacks appeared to be the same height, so I assumed they were the same amount. I grinned at the sight and my new purse.

  I drove home with a smile on my face, and as soon as I stepped into MG’s mansion, I went right up to the bedroom so I could put away my new purse and cash. Upon entering the bedroom, I saw MG coming out of the shower in a robe like he was some mob boss, making me chuckle.

  “Fuck you doing out here, Kattlyn?” he quizzed, ceasing my laughter.


hy you out here causing shit with Isla and Butch? How you even get to them, huh?”

  “I didn’t—”

  “Baby, the shit is all over every fucking blog. It’s like I can’t turn away for a second without you doing some wild shit.”

  “I didn’t even see any cameras out there. I—”

  “That’s the point, baby! Them muthafuckas are everywhere! Now that you rolling with me, them niggas gon’ be on ya every move! Why you even worried about Isla?”

  “She was showing off your money and I didn’t like it! Why should she get to have your money when she didn’t even work for it?”

  “Trust me, I feel the same way, but it’s just cash, and I got plenty of it left. And I’m gon’ take care of Isla, I don’t need you to do that shit for me.” He neared me.

  “Well too bad.” I folded my arms. “And I don’t care if you have ten billion dollars hidden in the attic, $300,000 is a lot of money, Micah. And I got her for at least $45,000 just a minute ago!”

  “Wait, you robbed her? They didn’t show all that in the pictures.” He frowned, and it was like he’d just noticed the Birkin bag in my hand.

  “Yes, I robbed her! That’s what I do!”

  It was silent for a few seconds, before we both began to roar with laughter. I’d never seen him smile so widely before with his handsome ass.

  “What the fuck, Kattlyn! You can’t be doing that shit to everybody!” He grinned, but it was obvious he didn’t wanna be smiling. “Listen, you gotta promise me that this is the last fucking time you gon’ rob somebody.”


  “Kattlyn. I got money, and you working on having ya own money, baby. You ain’t gotta rob people.”

  “She deserved it though.” I pouted.

  “You right, but promise me.”

  “I promise,” I replied begrudgingly as he pulled me into him. His lips fell onto mine, as I cupped the sides of his face.

  “I’m in love with a fucking thief.” He chuckled against my lips.

  “No, you’re in love with a savage, nigga.” I cheesed, making him snicker lowly at me.

  I was gonna try to refrain from robbing people, but if Isla pushed my buttons again, I may just have to give her ass a round two.

  Chapter Four: Virginia

  A couple days later…

  “Virginia, do you have the wristbands?” Carla inquired.

  “Of course, Carla,” I replied dryly.

  Tonight, Carla and Wonder were having a big ass party to celebrate the launch of their new workout program that had been picked up by a cable company. Some time ago, I would have been happy for them both, but right now, I was irritated, disgusted, and uncomfortable.

  I didn’t want to be here at all, and I especially didn’t want to be working for them anymore. They were some straight up and down weirdos, and there was nothing that either of them could say to convince me otherwise.

  This party tonight was gonna be packed too. The line outside was already wrapped around the corner of the building located in downtown L.A. People really looked up to Carla and Wonder as far as being like that it-couple who had their own business; plus, Wonder was Ricky AK’s deejay, which got him even more fame. I think most people were here tonight for the open bar and free food, however.

  “Tell Joe they can start letting people in,” Carla said to me, and I nodded.

  I went to let Joe, the doorman, know that he could start allowing people to come in so that we could pass out the wristbands. People had actually paid extra to take pictures with Carla and Wonder, so they were to have a specific colored band. Then we had the media here, who would also be wearing a specific wristband in order to tell them apart from the regular attendees.

  After telling Joe to open the doors, I handed over the wristbands to two of the party workers so they could put them on the guests as they checked them off the guest list.

  I needed a damn drink already, so I went straight to the bar to order a Patrón straight. It seemed like when one area of my life got off the ground, the other would crash and burn. Just when I was starting to get a damn handle on working for two very busy clients, my personal life crumbled.

  Frisk trying to give me ultimatums pissed me off, and I guess it was because I was tired of having to comply with my significant other. I’d been bossed around enough in my relationships, and I was tired of it.

  And as badly as I wanted to act like I didn’t care that Frisk and I were broken up, I knew I did and a lot. Telling myself I’d dodged a bullet did nothing to cure the uneasiness I felt in the pit of my stomach every time I thought about him.

  We’d only been dating for some months, but in that short time, I’d actually gotten to experience a real adult relationship. Frisk wasn’t some fucked up addict like Vigo, nor was he some weird ass fool with a whole wife; things were easy… natural… and I missed it already.

  “You look so good tonight.” Wonder approached me with a seductive grin that almost made me puke up my semi-digested Patrón.

  “Thank you, Savian. But you have people waiting to meet with you, and someone is interviewing Carla at the moment, so I think you should join that.”

  Chuckling while biting his lip, Wonder nodded. I knew he was thinking that he’d have me back in his bed at any minute, and it was annoying as hell. I just wanted to shake his ass so he’d get it through his head that we’d never be again.

  “Ugh.” I grumbled and shuddered at the thought of having fucked that fool.

  For the next two hours, I moved through the party, making sure everyone was having a good time and that some of the workout merchandise was selling. I conversed with a few people, making sure to sell my clients’ product verbally, and also made sure everyone was acting accordingly, aka, soberly.

  “I love this song!” a female voice shouted loudly over the party. It wasn’t quiet in here, but it was definitely quiet enough to hear whoever the hell she was.

  Frowning, I made my way through the crowd, scanning the area frantically to find out who the hell was making a ruckus. The female voice was bringing attention to herself as she continued to call out and make comments about the music. I finally found the culprit, and it was none other than Charmaine, Frisk’s little fuck buddy.

  Inhaling and exhaling sharply, I stormed over to the two employees that I’d put in charge of the wristbands.

  “You checked off every name of every person that came through that door, correct?” I stared down into the redheaded girl’s flushed face as she nodded repeatedly, swallowing the lump in her throat.

  “Ye—yes, we did, I swear, Virginia,” the other one spoke up.

  “Let me see the list, please, because I am sure some people are in here that are not on the list.”

  “Virginia!” Charmaine shouted my name before I could even scan the list attached to the clipboard in my hand.

  Closing my eyes for a brief moment to breathe soundlessly, I finally spun on my heels to face her.

  “Charmaine, this is an invite only party. You need to leave, or I will have security escort you out.”

  “I’m not going no damn where, so call whomever you need to call, okay?” she raised a brow, slurring her words.

  How long had she been here? Or did she come drunk?

  “Charmaine, I’m gonna ask you one more time to leave voluntarily so that I won’t have to call security,” I said lowly through clenched teeth.

  “Okay. I’ll leave as soon as you leave Jason alone.”

  “Charmaine, I am not—”

  “This bitch stole my man, everybody, and has the nerve to ask me to leave! Tell her to leave my nigga alone, and I will leave this party!” Charmaine hollered over the party. And although music was playing, it wasn’t loud enough to drown out this hood rat.

  “Okay! Sorry about that, everyone. I guess the open bar is getting to some of us!” I joked, and even though a few people chuckled, they still had perplexed expressions. Carla’s glare was the most obvious of the crowd, so I knew I’d be hearing from her

  I nodded to security who got right to escorting Charmaine out of the party. In true hood rat fashion, she yelled and screamed obscenities while accusing me of stealing her man, her entire way out.

  Once she was gone, I went right to the bathroom because I just needed a break from that scenery. I was embarrassed as hell, and even madder than that. I didn’t know who to be more infuriated with, Charmaine or Frisk.

  “Hey, you aight?” Wonder walked into the bathroom, causing me to roll my eyes as I leaned against the sink.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Please go back to your party.”

  “I will, but I wanted to check on you first.” He took a gulp of his drink, which was kind of nasty. I didn’t understand how people could eat or drink in the restroom, particularly a public one.

  “I don’t need to be checked on, I need to be left alone.”

  “I mean, I guess I’m just surprised. I thought everything with you and old boy were all good, but I guess not. Got a little love triangle going on.”

  “There is no love triangle. There is a relationship, and then a bop who is upset that she never got the chance to become an official girl.”

  “Why you ain’t go to New York with old boy?”

  “His name is Frisk, and how the hell do you know if I went or not?”

  “Because I saw the photos from the show, and I didn’t see you with him at all. Usually, I’d see you in the midst of his entourage, but that wasn’t the case.”

  “Well maybe you should focus more on what you have going on, instead of my relationship.”

  “V, whatever you have with this nigga ain’t worth breaking up what we have, aight? I mean, I know it’s something new and it seems like the right thing right now, but—”

  “But nothing!”

  “You’re only not with me because you’re with this nigga! If he left you, you know you’d be crawling back to me in a hot second!”

  “He and I aren’t even together anymore, and I still don’t want you!”

  For the first time tonight, Wonder didn’t have shit to say. He stood there looking at me with astonishment written all over his face. I was tired of repeating myself to him, and was praying like hell that he’d processed and understood what I’d just said to him.


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