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She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4

Page 11

by Shvonne Latrice

  “So you mad now?” I picked Draylah up and started planting kisses on her neck. She smelled good as fuck, and because I recognized her soap, I knew she’d probably just taken a bath or some shit. “Huh?” I carried her up the stairs.


  “Well get over that shit ‘cause you ain’t going nowhere.” I kissed her lips while gripping her ass in my hands as I carried her to the bed.

  “Neither are you, nigga! And you better not be getting into fights over other hoes, or I’ll cut your dick off,” she spat as I tossed her lightly onto the bed, before removing my shirt and then my vest.

  Climbing between her smooth golden legs, I whispered against her lips, “Only thing you gon’ do with this dick is take it.”


  I pulled up to the building I’d leased a suite out of for my record label, and threw my Range Rover into park. Before I was even out of my shit good, that hoe ass nigga Lieutenant Atticus Martín was climbing out of his shit and rounding the trunk to approach me.

  “Fuck you want?” I squinted my eyes at the sun. I still couldn’t get over the shit my grandmother had told me about this nigga. He wasn’t my fucking father though; I didn’t give a fuck what a blood test said.

  “I just came to congratulate you for what you did to your own brother.” He smiled. “I would have sooner, but it’s been a bit hard to catch up with you.”

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, but you need to get the fuck on. I don’t know who murdered that bitch.”

  “Oh smart, play the you don’t know anything about Bryen Montana being murdered the day before his hearing role.” He nodded with his arms folded. “I just want you to know that just because that shit somewhat blew over, doesn’t mean I won’t come after you, Frederick.”

  I started walking off before he could even finish, but hearing him say my legal name did some shit to me, and not in a good way.

  “Don’t get yaself fucked up… Pops.” I glanced over my shoulder at him, and the furious expression he once wore dissipated.

  “What did you just call me? It’s Lieutenant Martín to you, boy!”

  “My bad, bitch,” I hissed, before continuing on towards the entrance of the building.

  “Montana! Frederick Montana, come back here!” he hollered after me, but I continued to ignore him.

  I wanted his ass to know that I knew exactly what his fucking motive was. And it’d only be a matter of time before I murked his ass too.

  I thought about getting his ass caught up on a murder charge, but for one, I didn’t fuck with the police, and two, as connected and conniving as that muthafucka was, he’d probably figure out a way to get away with what he was doing to me and had done to my mama. I wasn’t taking no fucking chances with this shit. So that nigga was a dead man.


  “Hey, Bia.” Guinevere smiled as she entered my office, closing the door behind herself.

  “Hey, is everything okay?”

  “Well first, I wanted to say congratulations on graduating, as well as earning a permanent position here at the company. You’ve been doing really great, and I think that after these two projects with Kito, you should be able to work on your own.”

  “Wow, thanks so much, Guin. I wasn’t too sure if you were gonna keep me around, but I’m happy you’ve decided to.”

  “Oh, of course. And I think your mother would let me have it if I didn’t keep her precious baby in my company.”

  “Gotta love my mama.” I grinned.

  “Yes, she adores you and Taya.” Guinevere sat down across from my desk. “But, sweetheart, I did want to talk to you about something that I guess is not necessarily dealing with the job in particular, but more so a behavioral thing.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “So this ex-boyfriend of yours, Qamar, or whatever you said his name was, keeps coming up here. Now I was okay with you telling Donna to let him know that you either were out to lunch or off, but it’s becoming a bit too much. Donna doesn’t feel comfortable anymore, and on numerous occasions, he’s gotten belligerent with her when she explained that you weren’t available.

  Also, I cannot have him around my business. It’s rare, but at times, we do have clients come to the office, and I will not tolerate him being on the premises acting a fool.”

  Qamar had been calling and texting me so much that it was ridiculous, but I blocked him a little while ago, actually, the day I’d graduated. After that, he’d been coming up to my job at least three times a week and multiple times of the day. Luckily though, Kito hadn’t found out, and that was thanks to Donna keeping it under wraps for me when it came to him. I knew Kito was like a pit bull being held back at the moment, and just waiting to ravage Qamar.

  And it wasn’t that I cared if he got fucked up, I just wanted him and anything to do with him, out of my life. I didn’t wanna see him, talk to him, look at him, or have my man fighting him. I just wanted Qamar to become a distant memory.

  “Right, I get it. I’m gonna be honest with you and tell you that I don’t want to see him to even figure out why he won’t leave me alone. I know maybe I should, but—”

  “No, you don’t have to do that.” Guinevere adjusted herself in her seat. “And, Bia, I’ve known you since you were ten years old. I’m not telling you this only because of my business and employees that I have to look after. I’m telling you this because I’m very worried about you. I know this may seem extreme, but maybe you should get a restraining order.”

  “What? No, I’m sure after a while, he will give up. He’s just panicking because I don’t want to be with him.”

  “Okay, well like I said, Bia, get that situation under control so that Donna won’t have to be in the middle of it.” Guinevere stood up, just as Kito walked in.

  “I’ll handle it,” I replied.

  Guinevere nodded and then spoke to Kito as she slipped out of my office. Kito closed the door and then walked further in.

  “Handle what?”

  “Oh, just an umm… this new account. They’re a pretty big deal, and she wanted to make sure I was ready to branch out.”

  Kito cocked his head as my heart beat out of my chest. I prayed like hell that he’d bought what I was selling a minute ago.

  “Damn, so you just gon’ branch out on me already?” He grinned. He was so damn sexy, and his personality was even sexier, making it hard not to pounce on him at work.

  “Yep. I told you I can’t continue to be a bottom feeder, hanging out with you.” I stood up, and he glanced towards my door briefly before slipping his arms around my body.

  Kissing me softly, he pulled away and said, “Nah, but you deserve it. I like having a working woman.”


  “Hell yeah. That shit is sexy. It also means when my ass gets old and just wanna lay up, you can bring home the bread and massage a nigga’s feet.”

  “Okay, you got me fucked up. Plus, you still make way more than me.”

  “Let me fuck you up some more then.” He smiled and glided his hand up my skirt a little bit.

  “Kito, stop. Guinevere is back from vacation as you know, so none of that freaky at-work stuff.”

  I wished Guinevere would go back on some sort of cruise or something because I missed getting fucked all over this workplace.

  “Aight, but later tonight, I got you.” He stepped away from me before leaving my office.

  Lately, since my mom had been in the hospital and not at the house, Taya and I had been sleeping over Kito’s house. It was four bedrooms there, and in a much nicer neighborhood, so I can’t say I wasn’t enjoying it.

  Somehow, it’d just happened, and now pretty much five days out of the week, Taya and I were at his place. And after work today, my mom would be getting discharged from the hospital, and Kito said she could come too. I wasn’t sure if I was okay with that though, because I didn’t want him to become uncomfortable with me damn near moving my whole damn family into his place.

  The workday
went by pretty fast today because I’d been hard at work on this nightclub account that Kito and I had teamed up on. I guess because I actually enjoyed my career, it rarely ever felt like work. And being around my nigga all day did help too.

  I never thought I’d be one of those girls who could be around their man 24/7, but oddly, I didn’t tire of Kito. In the past, I always felt like I needed a break from a significant other or boo, especially Qamar, but with Kito, I always missed him a lot, unless I was out with my friends. But even then…

  “Aight, so you taking ya moms where?” Kito quizzed as we walked onto the elevator to head down.

  “I’m gonna take her home.”

  “I told yo’ hard headed ass you ain’t have to.”

  Chuckling, I replied, “I know, but I don’t want to feel like I’m taking all of your space. You went from being a bachelor to damn near a full house because of me. I know you miss your space.”

  Kito looked to me for a moment with a smirk, before placing his hand between the elevator doors so that I could walk out before him.

  “Nah, I don’t need no space when it comes to you,” he responded, hugging me from behind. “And trust me, I know you said that shit just to check and see if I’d agree.” He kissed my ear, making me giggle shyly like a child.

  “You’re not that smart, okay?”

  “Right.” He opened my car door once I hit the alarm. I’d been able to buy myself a new Lexus, and I was in love with it. “Aight, well since she’s gon’ be at home, then I should come over, right?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Kito and I kissed and talked about nonsense for about a minute longer, before he closed my car door and went to his.

  I drove straight to the hospital because my mom would be ready in about thirty minutes, and I did not want to be late. I wanted to get her home so that she’d be comfortable, and I wanted to get home to make sure Taya was there.

  Speaking of Taya, she’d been doing way better as far as the respect went, and I think it was partly because of Kito. For some reason, being in his home with us had her acting like she should. I think it was a combination of him, and my mother almost dying that night at the house. She’d been doing so well that I let her drive my old car, but to school and back only.

  I made it to the hospital, and after parking in the loading area, I got out and made my way inside to retrieve a visitor’s badge. I took the elevator up, and when I stepped off, I could see the visitor area, and a familiar face caught my attention. Not ready to face him, I continued on as if I didn’t see him, but unfortunately, he saw me.

  “Bia! Baby, wait!” my father called after me.

  I wanted to keep walking, but my feet were seemingly stuck. Slowly, I turned to face the man that I’d hated for years. He looked… well, and I guess that hurt knowing he’d been getting along just fine without his wife and children.

  “Can I help you?” I quizzed, not sure of what exactly I wanted to say to him.

  He made his way up closer to me, prompting me to step back a little bit because I didn’t want him in my space.

  “Bia, I tried to see your mother and even offered to take her home, but she told them not to let me in.”

  “Okay?” I was beyond confused on why the hell he was so surprised by my mother’s actions. Did he honestly expect her to jump for joy, knowing he’d popped up? Suddenly, it hit me that like my mother said, he was a lot like Qamar in the sense where he felt an apology or some sad puppy dog eyes could fix anything.

  “Okay… And I, umm…” He placed his hands on his hips and dropped his head in defeat. “I know I’ve been gone a while, but I heard your mother got even sicker, and also, I’ve had some time to think—”

  “Some time? Some time? You’ve had years!”


  “Look, I don’t know what the fuck has happened in your life recently that made you want to come running back, but you can give it up. No one wants you around anymore.”

  “Baby, don’t say that. Remember all the good times we had? You can’t discredit me when I was a good father to you 85% percent of your life. I’ve only been gone a few years, and all of a sudden I’m a bad father?”

  “Yeah, and a horrible husband. I don’t even give a fuck about you leaving me as much, but to abandon Taya, your minor child, and your sickly wife, is disgusting.” I turned my lip up. I’d actually gotten a nasty taste in my mouth just from the sight of him.

  “I offered to give you all money.”

  “Yeah, because that’s what they needed; that’s what I needed. A nice fat check to make everything go away. Life isn’t always about money… Tracy.” I didn’t know what to call this man, so I opted for his birth name.

  “I’m not dad anymore?”

  Sucking my teeth, I made an about face, but he grabbed my arm.

  “Don’t!” I barked, making him jump out of shock.

  He continued to call after me, but I made my way towards the back to my mom’s room. She was already up and ready to go, moving around like everything was fine. I was happy that she was getting better, and the fact that the doctor’s said her life span had been extended to three years, but I didn’t want her doing too much. I figured if we kept her on this track, things would get even better since now the cancer wasn’t even detectable in her system.

  “Hey, babe, ready to go?” She smiled widely, looking as beautiful as always.

  “Yeah, I am.” I took her bag. “So did you see him?”

  “No I did not. The nurse came and told me I had a visitor named Tracy George, and I told her to tell his ass to get gone.” My mother talked confidently as she put her jacket on. “I took a page out of your book.” She half smiled.

  “Mine?” I pointed into my chest.

  “I mean, I would have told your father to go vacation in hell regardless, but seeing how much you’ve grown, especially personally, is definitely inspiring, sweetheart.”

  “Me aspiring my already perfect mother?”

  “Yes, I know. It’s rare that someone of my caliber gets inspired by none other than myself, but it happens.” She shrugged and smiled.

  “Oh my gosh.” I playfully rolled my eyes before we left the room.

  On the way out, I was discreetly looking for my father, but I guess he decided to leave. I did sort of embarrass him by yelling, which was good for his whack ass.

  My mom and I stopped to get some dinner for everyone from Boston Market, and then went home. Kito arrived about fifteen minutes after I had my mom’s stuff settled back in her room with Taya’s help.

  “Taya, I just want you to know that I’m proud of how you’ve been acting.” I stopped her on our way to the dining room where Kito and my mom were already eating.

  “Thanks, and I guess I realized that I didn’t like myself and needed to fix that.”

  “Well, I’ve always loved you. I may not like you sometimes, but I love you. And listen, don’t feel bad about the situation with Flow, okay?”

  Flow was definitely found guilty of statutory rape, but got only six months in jail since the only proof they had of him sleeping with her were the text messages they’d exchanged about her being pregnant by him and him paying for the abortion. However, his career was done for even though it hadn’t really started, and he was now a registered sex offender, which was the worst for anyone, particularly a man.

  “Yeah, I know. I don’t really wanna think about him or the things I experienced.”

  “I get it.” I nodded.


  Around 3 a.m.…

  I woke up feeling sick as hell, so I threw the covers off of my body and rushed off to the bathroom. I didn’t even have the toilet top up good before I starting puking my guts out. I felt my eyes bulge out of my head because I was floored right now at the fact I was vomiting and so damn violently.

  Finally, everything had seemingly come up, so I caught my breath and then rose to my feet to flush the toilet. After brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash, I returned to my be
droom, and slipped under the covers next to Kito.

  “You aight?” he questioned as I hugged his strong, warm body from behind.

  “Yeah, just had to pee,” I lied.

  I hoped that Boston Market was just some bad food; otherwise, I was in for quite a surprise.


  “Would you guys like something to drink?” Qamar’s mother offered after coming back from lying his son down.

  “Nah, I’m straight,” Ricky replied, and I put my hand up to let her know I felt the same.

  Winona had invited us over because she wanted to talk about her son, and frankly, I wasn’t in the mood. But, I wasn’t just gon’ turn my back on her; not while she was dealing with an infant that I knew she didn’t have the energy to take care of.

  She basically wanted our help in convincing Qamar to step up and take care of his son, but truthfully, I felt like that ship had long ago sailed. Qamar was who he was, and had been that way for as long as I’d known him. Whatever Qamar didn’t want to do or whatever he didn’t want to deal with, he’d turn his back on. There wasn’t shit that could change that about him, apparently, not even his own kid.

  “So I know you guys went to talk with him, but I didn’t get any kind of update.” Winona came and sat in the living room with us, holding a cup of what smelled like peppermint tea.

  “Mrs. Hampton, I’m telling you that shit is a lost cause. He don’t want shit to do with being a father,” Ricky explained bluntly. Qamar’s mother’s face bore a somber expression at the sound of his words, so I attempted to give her some hope back.

  “Maybe you can drop Lace off on him and force him to take care of him. If he don’t have nobody there to care for the baby, he’ll be forced too.”

  Shaking her head as she set her teacup on the coffee table, Winona replied, “No. I love my grandson too much to do that. Last time I attempted something of that nature, Qamar left him home alone.”

  “You serious?” My lips slightly parted at the sound of her words.

  “Exactly, so forget the shit.” Ricky shrugged. “At least the nigga is off that cocaine.”


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