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She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4

Page 23

by Shvonne Latrice

  “I don’t think so. I mean, I genuinely wanted her. I love her.”

  “Yes, I know you love her, but that’s not the only thing driving you to prey on her like you’re doing.” Dr. Rose adjusted her writing pad. “What happened every time Bia forgave you in the past?”

  “I would fuck up again.”

  “When you were about to mess up, did you worry about losing her? Did you even care at the time you were committing this act?”

  “Nah, not really.” I shook my head. “It didn’t matter to me that much until she would stop fucking with me and…” I didn’t need to finish my sentence because I’d just proved Dr. Rose right.

  “See. Being with her didn’t matter until it seemed like she was gonna be done with you, versus you having the chance to be done with her. And I bet once you thought she was gonna make that call to end the relationship, you went into overdrive in order to stop that.”

  “I love Bia. That is why I’m on her ass.”

  “Yeah, I think you did love her. I know you did. You still do, but you don’t love her the way she wants to be loved, Qamar, and I think you should let her go be with the man she’s clearly in love with. The man who clearly is loving her the way she wants.”

  “The way she wants? Love is love.”

  “No, Qamar. We all have different love languages. To some people, loving them is doing whatever they say. To others, loving them is engaging in sexual intercourse all day. Then there are some who feel loving them is by buying them gifts or giving them money. And I think with Bia, loving her is showing her respect, protecting her, and making her feel like she’s special to you. For you, I think loving you means allowing you to behave how you want, and not debating you on it. Am I wrong?”

  “Maybe, maybe not.”

  “Well, I think it’s best that we move on from Bia.”

  “I ain’t got a choice now, shit. I think it’s obvious I ain’t the nigga she wants.” We both laughed. “Plus, I got a new girl I’m feeling anyway.”

  “Oh! Well good, tell me about her.”

  It was gon’ be hard as fuck to let Bia… be. Whether it was due to my ego or love, or both; I wanted her ass. But unless I wanted to get arrested, I didn’t really have a choice but to back the fuck off. Genesis would make shit easier for me though.


  A week ago, I’d received my certificate for my cooking courses, and I was still in disbelief. The week prior to that, my counselor helped me apply to a few jobs that were looking for cooks. I was happy that the majority of them were pretty nice restaurants, but when I started getting responses, reality kicked in, and I became scared as hell. With these types of jobs, if you fucked up, your name would be known at every restaurant in the city, and no one would hire your ass after that.

  Just fifteen minutes ago, I’d had my last interview out of the five I’d been called in to do. This one, I wanted the most, because it was a restaurant that sold multiple types of dishes. I didn’t want to be stuck somewhere, where all I did was make the same type of shit every damn day. Some days I wanted to cook a seafood dish, and others a steak dish.

  On the way home, I decided to stop by the store because I needed to get a few things to cook, and some snacks since Isla was allowing Michael to come over tomorrow afternoon. The only reason she was even playing nice with MG was because she was actually afraid he was gonna take Michael from her. I didn’t know how she even believed that, but whatever MG told her ass had worked.

  She was still being a bitch about it though, only letting Michael visit for dumb amounts of time like 50 minutes, or 3 hours and 10 minutes, just to be petty. I swear I wanted to just give her a good ass whooping, but I knew MG would blow a fuse if I did. The way my hands ached at the thought of choking her out or knocking her teeth down her throat, was crazy. I’d only been able to get little licks in here and there, but that wasn’t enough. I wanted to drop kick that bitch just one good time. Lord, if you’re listening, grant me that wish without me losing my man.

  I entered Ralph’s grocery store, staring hard at my iPhone to make a mental note of what exactly I needed to get. I was probably the only woman in the world who loved the grocery store, but I guess it was part of my love for cooking.

  “Long time no see,” a voice called out.

  I flipped my hair and looked to see Marie, the same girl that I used to work with that warned me about Bull. For some reason now, seeing her gave me a bad feeling, like she was gonna bring me some bad news. I didn’t need that shit in my life, not while it was going so well.

  “Oh, hey. I’m kind of in a rush, so—”

  “Girl, relax. I don’t have anything scary to tell you. It’s just I haven’t seen you since that day inside of Chick-fil-A. You look… well… like really well.”

  Grinning hard, I responded, “I am doing well. I just got a certificate at my chef school, and I’m hoping to get a job soon. I scored some interviews, and you know that’s the first step.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “So, are you still…?” I had to know since I hadn’t heard anything since MG accidentally killed Bull.

  “Yeah. I don’t think I can do anything else honestly, Kattlyn. You kind of fell into this, whereas me, I think this is just what I’m meant to do. I’m good at it.”

  “At sex? I’m good at sex too, but I prefer doing it to one man.”

  “Yeah, but you chose this life in order to survive. I chose this life because this is who I am… I like to fuck niggas for cash.”

  “Wow, okay. Well who do you report to these days? I heard through the grapevine that Bull got taken out,” I lied.

  Marie was cool, but I didn’t trust her ass enough to be telling her my man took Bull out. Back when I was working, she would always be two-faced, being nice to me when in private, but in front of the other girls, she’d act like she didn’t fuck with me since they didn’t. Only reason I even gave her the time of day was because as bad as it sounds, she was the only one of the girls who was even nice to me at all, whether in private or public.

  “Someone much better than Kraze’s ass. Cortney found this woman who runs like this whorehouse. It’s so much better, Kattlyn. No long cold nights, or any of that shit. We literally stay inside and the niggas come to us.”

  “Seriously?” My eyes widened. “That would have been the life back in the day.”

  “Yeah, and it is. You should come by and meet her. She’s really smart, and has a lot of knowledge. She makes me want to do stuff other than prostitution… sometimes.”

  We both chortled.

  “Maybe I will come by. Where is the… house?”

  “It’s right around the corner from here. Why don’t you come meet her when you’re finished shopping since you’re already here?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I have some reading to do, and then I wanted to make a nice dinner for my man.”

  “What are you, a housewife now?”

  “No.” I laughed. “I love to cook, and I love to cook for him, so it’s fun for me to do them both.”

  “I see. I guess if I was dating a sexy rich rapper, I’d be the same.” She exhaled. “Well, I’ll be around here if you change your mind.”


  I pushed my way through the grocery store after retrieving a basket, and collected everything I’d need for tonight. I couldn’t help but think about Marie’s new setup. Had I not been in love with cooking and getting my life on track, I would definitely look into being a Madame. It was tempting as hell, but I knew MG wouldn’t have it. He was so annoying, but that’s what I loved about him. He kept my head on straight.

  I checked out and when pushing my cart to the car, I saw Marie talking to some guy. Keeping my eye on her, I finished putting my things up, and then called her name to get her away from the sleazy looking dude.

  “Hey, what’s up?” she rushed over.

  “Let’s go meet the lady,” I said.

  “Okay, cool.”

  Marie and I got into my car and she di
rected me right to the house that looked really normal. I guess I didn’t know what to expect, but from the outside, it appeared to be a regular family home; I guess that was the point.

  We got out of the car, and Marie led me up to the front and into the house since the door was unlocked. She spoke to a few of the girls, and I noticed there were a few guys here, relaxing and stuff like they were in a tavern of some sort. I continued to trail Marie while taking in the scenery, and finally, we ended up at a door that looked like it led to an office. Marie knocked lightly, and I heard a woman yell for us to come in.

  “Did you need something, Marie?” The very well put together woman stood up. She was talking to Marie but looking dead at me.

  “Not necessarily. I wanted you to meet an old friend of mine, Kattlyn. Kattlyn, meet Miss A.” Marie smiled.

  “Nice to meet you,” I replied.

  “Likewise. Did you come here looking for work?” Miss A asked.

  “Oh no, absolutely not. Marie here just wanted me to meet you, and after explaining to me the setup here, I was interested.”

  “I see,” she replied.

  “I told her how smart you were and how you give the greatest advice.” Marie kissed her ass as I continued to scour the room with my eyes.

  “Is this your home?” I inquired, still taking in the large office.

  “No, I just run my business out of here. I’m always here as if it were my home though.” She sat behind her desk. My eyes followed her, but then landed on a picture of a beautiful little girl; the same little girl I knew to be Lily.

  “This your baby?” I questioned, lifting the picture.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business… What did you say your name was again?” She snatched the frame from me.

  “Kattlyn.” Miss A and I stared one another down, almost like we were bickering silently, before I turned to Marie and said, “Well thank you for inviting me. This is a nice ass house. I better get going so I can get home to my man though.”

  “Oh, right.” Marie giggled.

  “Nice meeting you, Miss A,” I said sarcastically before walking back through the house as if I owned it.

  “Please tell me you work here,” some nigga shouted, and I just ignored his ass. I wasn’t trying to be here too long because from being with MG, I’d learned that someone was always watching my moves.

  “So I guess I’ll see you around,” Marie called out once I stepped out into the driveway.

  “You sure will.”

  I damn near ran to my car after snapping some photos of the house, making sure to get the address numbers, and then I forwarded them to Draylah. I was pretty damn sure Miss A was Antonia, and no judge in their right mind would allow a child to be mothered by a Madame who stole her. For once, my nosiness had come in handy.

  After sending the evidence I’d collected to Draylah, I drove home, anxious to begin cooking. By the time I got there, it was dusk, so I took all of my groceries inside and began putting everything away as quickly as possible. Just as I finished setting up for what I was about to cook, the doorbell rang. Pausing to try and remember if I’d invited someone over, I realized I hadn’t, but went to answer it anyway. Spotting Isla’s ugly face on the camera monitor from the inside, I took a deep breath before pulling the door open.

  “Yes?” I looked her up and down, only holding the door open enough to peek my head out.

  “I need to speak with Micah.”

  “He’s not here, and you should have just waited until tomorrow when you brought Michael over to talk. You don’t need to speak with my man alone.”

  “I need to talk to him about Michael coming over; he’s not. I changed my mind. The visits are over with.”

  “And why is that?”

  “It’s none of your damn business! Look, I will come back when Micah is here. I refuse to speak with his guard dog.”

  That was it; I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  “What did you call me?” I came from behind the door, tying my hair up. “And don’t repeat it unless you’re ready to fight,” I warned.

  “I said I refuse to talk with his guard dog, bitch!”



  Without hesitation, I began giving it to Isla like I’d been wanting to for almost a year now. We were right there in the driveway, spinning around, as I delivered punch after punch to her stupid face. Both of her hands were holding onto patches of my bun, but that did nothing to slow up the pounding I was doing on her face. Even the blinding headlights of a vehicle that I was sure belonged to MG didn’t stop me. I hated this bitch and she deserved this shit.

  “Kattlyn!” I heard MG’s voice, his headlights still shining brightly as he rushed up to pull us apart. “Let her hair go, Isla!” he growled angrily.


  I socked her in the face again since she didn’t let go, and her ass jumped back with the quickness after that one. As usual, she began crying hysterically, yelling shit that nobody could even understand.

  “Speak English, hoe!” I spat, rolling my eyes at her theatrics.

  “Kattlyn!” MG barked to me. “Isla, take yo’ ass home, please,” MG begged.

  “Talking all that shit and can’t even fucking fight! ¡Ahora pareces, estúpido!”

  “Fuck you, bitch!” Isla snapped, and when I darted in her direction, MG scooped me up.

  “Go in the house.” MG placed me by the door, and after some seconds of hesitation, I went inside.

  I looked at them on the monitor, and finally, Isla left after they exchanged some heated words; probably about Michael not coming tomorrow. I watched MG walk to his car to shut it off and lock it up, before coming inside.

  “Baby, I’m sorry, but she called me a guard dog! She knows I don’t like her! What was I supposed to do!” I pleaded, and he just stared at me blankly after locking the door and putting the alarm code in.

  “What the fuck am I gon’ do with you?”

  “Love me?” I pouted, making him half smile sexily.

  He tossed his head back and exhaled before bringing me in for a hug and kiss.

  “You fucking crazy,” he mumbled.


  Ever since Wonder asked me to marry him, I’d been giving him and his wife even more of the cold shoulder. Their career was circling the drain at this point because a lot of their success was based on them being this power couple. But now that Wonder had let the cat out of the bag by proposing to me like a fool in front of hundreds of people, everybody now knew that this whole time, the Michaels were frauds.

  I honestly wouldn’t give a damn, but in the midst of ruining his reputation, Wonder had ruined mine. Things had gotten so bad on social media that I had to disable my comments. Every time I looked up, people were calling me a home wrecker and all this bullshit, and instead of forcing myself to ignore it, I just removed that young comment feature.

  And can you believe Wonder had the nerve to still be trying to make something happen between us? He’d texted me just this morning claiming now that he and Carla were exposed, he and I could be together. The fool just didn’t get it, and after I went off on his ass, he threatened me. He told me he’d ruin my life if I didn’t take him back, and I told him to fuck off. Hopefully that was the last time I had to speak to his delusional ass.

  I blamed myself partially for this, because I knew better, but I went and did something dumb anyway. I had no business sleeping with a married man, but because I was lonely and kind of felt like I needed to do what I had to do to keep a job, I went along with it.

  However, I’d learned my lesson, and never in life would I lie down with a man who was involved, whether it be a wife or girlfriend he had. Plus, the shit was nasty if you think about it. Yeah, I was told Wonder hadn’t been sleeping with Carla, but I found out that was a lie, and she too had little affairs. I made Wonder strap up every single time, but just the thought of all the diseases that could have been passed around between the three of us, made my stomach churn.
I was praising the Lord when all my sexual health results came back negative.

  “Can I have some more of your salad?” Bia quizzed, pulling me from my thoughts. She, Draylah, Kattlyn, and I were out to lunch.

  I needed some time with my friends because it kept my mind off of things. Being with Frisk did as well, but I wanted to be 100% sure he was ready to be on lockdown status before I got involved fully. Truthfully, he did seem different this go ‘round, like he was more serious about our union. But until I was sure, I wasn’t about to make any sudden moves with him.

  “Yeah, go ahead.” I chuckled. Bia wasn’t showing at all, but she was definitely eating way more than before.

  “Oh my gosh, V!” Kattlyn squealed before showing me her iPhone screen.

  My eyes almost bulged out of my head as I read the gossip site headline, claiming they had a sex tape of Wonder and me. Suddenly, my mind went back to Wonder saying he’d ruin my life, and I knew this was his doing.

  “What is it?” Draylah questioned.

  Kattlyn nor I replied as I took Kattlyn’s phone to look for more information on the post. I went to the actual website, and saw they had a clip of the tape, and it was definitely me and Wonder. This dummy really didn’t give a fuck about anything, as long as he could take me down with him.

  “This nigga recorded us having sex clearly, and he just sent it to the blogs,” I gave Draylah a delayed reply to her question earlier.

  “Are you fucking serious? That shit is illegal,” Bia spat.

  “It is?” I frowned.

  “Hell yeah!” Bia and Draylah shrieked simultaneously.

  I would definitely be looking into that, but right now, I was gonna give Wonder a piece of my mind that his ass definitely wouldn’t like.

  “Ladies, I apologize, but I have to go make some calls and do a few other things.” I scooted my chair back and stood up.

  “Okay. Don’t worry about paying for the meal,” Draylah replied with a half-smile that was dripping with sympathy.

  I rushed off to my car, and after cranking up, I made sure to calm myself. I wanted to drive with a somewhat clear head, because the last thing I needed was to get in some sort of car accident. I mean, unless the other driver was Wonder, then I’d be okay with that.


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