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She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4

Page 27

by Shvonne Latrice

  As I was locking the door to my brow bar, I felt a presence behind me, so I quickly whipped around to face them. Standing before me was some girl with blonde hair, and a really thick frame. She was tall as hell, at least five feet eleven. She had a pretty face, but I was sure it’d look better when it wasn’t all balled up like she was ready to fight.

  “We’re closed,” I said, giving her the benefit of the doubt. Also, her brows weren’t up to my standards, so she very well could have been here to get them done.

  “I’m not here for my fucking brows, and you know that! You know who I am!” she sassed, placing her hand on her hip.

  “Actually, I don’t know you from a can of paint, but if you don’t wanna know my fist, I suggest you back up off me and quit yelling,” I snapped right back. I didn’t care how big this bitch was; I would mop the floor with her like the rest of these hoes.

  “I don’t know what you want to happen between you and my man, but I’m telling you right now, it won’t. He and I are a family, we have a daughter together, and a son on the way.” She patted her stomach. “There is nothing you have on me. He doesn’t even want that baby y’all had.”

  At first I was completely baffled, having no idea who this banshee was talking about, but finally I’d gotten an idea: North. That was the only man I had a child with that she could be talking about. Ricky, for one, would never step out on me, let alone have a baby with another girl, and secondly, Ricky kept these hoes in check. None of them would ever have felt bold enough to show up at my shop talking shit. And now that I was looking at her, she looked very familiar. She was the girl North had posted on Instagram a few months after he left Lily and me for Florida. She was just twig-thin back then, so it didn’t hit me at first.

  “Girl, nobody wants North, okay? You’d actually be doing me a favor if you told him that I didn’t want him around me or my baby. Ask yourself why your man is all the way over here in California, where I live, if I’m the one bugging him.”

  “Yeah, well that’s not what he’s telling me!” she said and then looked over her shoulder. “North!” she shouted, and like a sad ass puppy, he climbed his pathetic ass out of the car and started over to us. “Tell her what I told you to tell her.”

  “Kendra, come on, man—”

  “Tell her! Since you claim she’s on your dick and won’t leave you alone about being a father to her daughter, tell her what I told you to say!”

  “First off, you need to lower your voice! Secondly, I don’t want to hear shit this nigga has to say. Everything he told your ass is a lie. I don’t want him around, I have a man who is doing perfect in all areas, including being a father to Lily. Now get this nigga from in front of my shop before—”

  “Aight, so what don’t you understand about me saying not to come around my girl.” Ricky closed the door of his Range Rover and started towards us. I knew this was gonna happen because he said he’d meet me here to help me take some stuff home.

  “Ricky AK.” Kendra smirked, completely forgetting about how mad she was a minute ago. How dare she come up here to check me about her man, but be smirking at mine. She was about to get that wig snatched off.

  “Look, man, fuck out of here with all that shit.” North waved Ricky off and tried to walk around him, but Ricky shoved him so hard he stumbled back and lost his balance a little.

  “Ricky, he was just leaving! Him and his baby mama!” I shouted.

  “You got me fucked up!” North roared, pacing angrily with his fists balled but still not making any moves. “I ain’t the one, nigga!” He pulled his shirt off, still huffing like an idiot as Ricky watched him, unmoved by all of his shenanigans.

  I knew North wasn’t a punk, but I didn’t get why he was doing all of this and had yet to swing. I mean, he just got pushed so that was more than enough reasoning for him to hit Ricky.

  “What’s up then, nigga?” Ricky grinned, antagonizing North.

  “Baby, stop,” I told Ricky, palming his chest and trying to push him back so we could leave.

  “Nah, this nigga say he ain’t the one to fuck with, right? Come show me, muthafucka.”

  North, furious beyond belief, rushed towards Ricky and me, prompting Ricky to gently move me to the side so that I wouldn’t get hit. As soon as North got close enough, he swung, missed, and then got decked between the eyes. He paused for a minute, trying to adjust to the pain, before going back in to box Ricky. The two men went at it, until Ricky had North hemmed up on the front of some car, tagging him repeatedly. North was swinging too, but I didn’t see any lands at this point.

  “Oh my gosh! Baby!… Stop hitting him!” Kendra screamed, just as North slid off the hood and escaped Ricky’s wrath.

  North tried to go back in for more, but Kendra blocked him, telling him something I couldn’t quite make out. North had blood on his nose, shirt, and all of his teeth, and I only saw a little blood on Ricky’s lip, so North must have gotten him a few times.

  North and Kendra walked to their cars as Ricky stared North down, seemingly satisfied with the ass whooping he’d given him.

  “Fuck you and yo’ bitch! You got a dirty ass hoe you calling wifey, nigga!” North just had to call out as Kendra got into the driver’s seat.

  “Ricky!” I shouted.

  Ricky raced over towards the car just as North hopped in the passenger’s seat. Kendra quickly cranked the car to start speeding out, hoping to get away.


  Ricky shot out their tires, causing the car to spin and stop. Before I could say anything, Ricky hopped his crazy ass onto the hood of the car, and bashed in the windshield. He snatched North through like a damn rag doll, and beat his face in with the Glock he was clutching as Kendra screamed as high as her lungs would allow.

  Finally, Ricky finished and let North, who was passed out, go, then he hopped down off the hood like it was nothing. As Kendra continued to cry and scream over North, Ricky walked back over towards me smoothly.

  “Go straight home. I want some pussy,” was all he said before climbing into the car.

  I did the same and took my ass straight home for that dick. At least now North would most likely kick rocks.

  Chapter Ten: Qamar

  “Go ahead and go on back, Mr. Hampton.” The nurse smiled at me, and I nodded in response.

  I tread down the hallway to the room my father stayed in, and once I got to the cracked door, I knocked gently.

  Pushing my way in, I spotted him sitting at a table watching TV and looking like his normal self. He’d seemed pretty okay when we talked on the phone, but I didn’t understand why he wanted to stay in here. He’d be leaving in a week though, but declined to stay with me and opted for my mother instead. Her ass still wasn’t gon’ take him back, but she said she loved him enough to give him a room to sleep in.

  “Hey, Pops.” I smiled and sat down at the table with him.

  “Hey, son. I was so busy watching this bullshit here that I didn’t notice you.” He pointed to Sports Center and shook his head.

  “It’s aight. I was surprised you wanted to see me because usually when I want to visit, you decline.”

  “Yeah, I know. I didn’t want anyone coming to see me for a minute. But I talked to your mother, as you know, and she told me some things I didn’t like.” He set the cards in his hand down and leaned back.

  “What she say?” I questioned dryly, already kind of aware of what it was that she’d told him.

  “She told me about your kids and what you’re doing, man. What’s wrong with you, Qamar?”

  “Why something gotta be wrong with me?”

  “These are your children, boy. You should want to be there for them, the same way that I was there for you.”

  “You were there for me because you loved my mother.”

  “That was not why.” He shook his head. “Yeah, I did love your mother, and I still do. But I bet you didn’t know that I love you more than I love her. From the moment you were born, you became my number one prior
ity. You are right that having a child with your mother was a bonus, but that didn’t determine my love for you, Qamar. Whether you were a baby I made with Winona or an ex-girlfriend, I was gonna be there for you. Because regardless of who carried you, you’re my son.”

  “And that’s great, but you want to be a father, and you like that shit; I don’t. I want to live my life the way I want to; and that’s by making music, getting rich, and having my girl. Being a father don’t make me happy.”

  The night I tried to force myself on Bia and she asked me if doing all the things she wanted me to do would make me happy, had me thinking a lot. And she was right; being in my children’s lives and all that shit was probably the right thing to do, according to society, but it wouldn’t make me happy. What made a nigga happy was what I was doing now, and that was rapping and getting this money. Also, being with Genesis, who didn’t give a fuck about all that shit.

  Genesis didn’t care that I was so called immature, or neglecting responsibilities. She just wanted me, Qamar, and I fucked with that. I didn’t want a woman to make me better. I wanted a woman who was just gon’ sit back and play her fucking role. I realized being with Bia would have had me doing all kinds of shit that I just didn’t want to do, namely being a damn father to two fucking kids. Call it what you want, but I was gon’ do me regardless of what anyone felt.

  “Then you need to stop having unprotected sex, Qamar. And watch, those kids are gonna grow up and be something great, and you’re gonna regret not knowing them.”

  “I don’t think so.” I shrugged. I truthfully didn’t care if one of them became the damn president.

  “You really mean that, huh?” My father stared me down, and I nodded. “Being a father is wonderful thing, Qamar. You’re gonna miss out on one of the most gratifying things and one of the greatest loves you will ever feel.”

  “My greatest love is money, music, and pussy. And I’ll have some new kids when I’m ready.”

  Exhaling heavily, he replied, “Okay.” He shuffled his cards and added, “And always shoot for a woman that will want you to make yourself better, not one that sits by and lets you act a fool.”

  “I’m good. Ain’t no better than Qamar Hampton as is.” I chuckled and stood up. “Well, I should see you soon. I ain’t gon’ come to the house because Mama got you know who there. But I’ll hit you and see what’s up.”

  “Mhm.” He nodded, focusing on his cards.

  I wasn’t gon’ be able to be around my parents that much since they were gon’ be taking care of Lace. I didn’t want him getting the wrong idea when he grew up, by expecting me to be a father to him. And I ain’t want him hating on my new kids I had down the line. So it was best I kept my distance. The child with Angelique, I didn’t have to worry about. I’d already signed over my parentals, and she was moving to Oregon anyway since she’d found some job.

  I patted my dad’s shoulder and then left the hospital so I could go sign these documents my lawyer had for me.

  When I entered my lawyer’s office, he was seated on his couch with a bunch of papers neatly stacked and on a table.

  “Afternoon, Mr. Hampton. Are you ready to sign some more documents?” Theo quizzed.

  “I am. These the same as the ones for the other one, right?” I questioned, referring to the signing I had to do for Angelique’s kid.

  “Exactly the same, only a few more because you’re signing over to your mother and not Lace’s biological mother.”

  “Got it.” I sat down and took the pen from him.

  “Oh, also, Lacie’s husband was arrested this morning for her murder. They found the poison used to kill her in his basement.”

  “Word? How they know to look there?”

  “An anonymous tip of some sort.”

  “Damn, I wonder from who?”

  “Beats me. But you were already in the clear, and this just solidifies everything. You’ve overcome a lot, Mr. Hampton.”

  “I sure and the fuck have.” I smiled.


  Around 10 p.m. that night…

  I walked into my house, floating damn near. I’d signed the last of the paperwork, giving away any parental rights I had over Lace, and now it was official; a nigga didn’t have any kids. And I’d just come from a dope ass studio session with the homies, which had me excited about my next album.

  I entered my kitchen where I heard Genesis making some food, and placed a bottle of champagne on the counter.

  “It’s time to celebrate.” I grinned.

  “It’s official?” She smiled, rushing around the corner to me.

  “Sure is. Now it’s just me and you, baby, like I promised. No Bia, no kids, and no bullshit.”

  “Perfect.” She kissed me, just before I popped the cork on the champagne, causing it to fly everywhere. “We should have a party.”

  “Okay, but after we have a private one.” She took my hand and started leading me towards the stairs that led to the bedroom.

  I watched her ass, loving the way her body moved, and couldn’t help but think how good life was for a nigga.


  One week later…

  The judge had ultimately decided that Lily should be given back to me after making me take a maternity test. I knew that would most likely be the case, but there was always a possibility that she would go into the system or something. I knew for sure that Antonia wouldn’t have her, simply because the bitch stole her and she was now facing procuring charges. Kidnapping charges were brought against her as well, but because Antonia’s lawyer proved Lily was ‘given’ to her, and that she didn’t take her necessarily, she was only looking at a couple years in jail for that. Pure bullshit. At least the procuring would have her doing some longer jail time.

  They did get a statement from Lily, not a live testimony, and I was happy to know that my baby hadn’t been harmed physically while living under the roof of two pimps. I don’t think I would have been able to deal with knowing Antonia or Mark had done something to her. Locking her in her room and taking her toys away was more than enough.

  The authorities also questioned me on my aunt’s whereabouts, and I told them I hadn’t seen her since Antonia spilled the beans on Lily. I was worried they’d start looking into me, but Pascal had somehow gotten her neighbors and employees at Ricky’s club Zebra to tell the police they hadn’t seen her since then either. So now, she was a wanted fugitive for her crimes. Good luck finding her.

  Upon searching her house though, they recovered a key to safe harboring printed emails. The emails showed Charlie had agreed to pay certain people using the money she got from selling Lily, if they assisted her; the accident, burials, and death certificates included. The police were able to locate and arrest two of the people she’d emailed, since the third was already in jail for something else, and the fourth had been murdered a year ago.

  At the time of this shit, I was a 16-year-old girl, depressed and suicidal as hell over losing my mother, boyfriend, and new baby in one fucking day. This whole trial, I was able to see everything differently, and why my aunt wanted to be so private with everything. She told me it was to protect me from having everyone in my business and my face, but now I knew it was because it was all planned. The woman I thought loved and cared about me took advantage of my young age, extreme depression, and vulnerability all to cash a check.

  “Daddy, are we going to eat pizza now!” Lily shrieked as Ricky picked her up outside of the courthouse.

  North had no problem giving his rights away, especially since his fire-breathing dragon of a baby mama gave him no choice. I usually despised women who fucked with deadbeat dad ass niggas, but in this case, I was beyond thankful for Kendra. Not to mention, North was still recovering from his broken nose, jaw, and collarbone at their Florida home, so he didn’t want any more problems with Ricky. I mean, North was dumb, but not that dumb.

  Anyhow, almost immediately after North signed Lily over, I had Pascal draw up some adoption paperwork for Ricky so that once I was
given Lily in court, all he’d have to do was take over. My baby couldn’t wait to change her last name to Montana, and it just filled me with a warm cozy feeling seeing her have such a great man for a daddy.

  “Yeah, but first we have to go taste some cake,” Ricky replied to Lily.

  “I hope you’re happy!” Antonia spat to me. “You too, you little brat!” she hissed to Lily. She was angry with my baby for giving a statement saying all the same things she’d admitted to me.


  I cocked back and punched Antonia as hard as I could, making her tumble down the concrete steps. I’d been wanting to do that for a while now, so it seemed like a perfect time. It was hard not to laugh as she squeaked and wailed while tumbling, as her lawyer chased her down the steps to try and stop her from falling.

  “Yay, one point for Mommy!” Lily cheered, causing Ricky and me to laugh.

  As Antonia’s lawyer helped her up as she sobbed out of pain, I pushed my twins in their stroller as Ricky carried Lily to the car. And once we were all buckled in, we went home to change and then to the bakery to taste some cake samples for the wedding.

  As soon as the five of us got to the bakery, we were seated in the back and the samples began to come out.

  “Oh my, is this you guys’ daughter?” Coral, the baker, questioned. She’d only met Ricky and me previously.

  “Yes I am. I’m Lily AK, and you?” Lily stuck her hand out, and Ricky, Coral, and I laughed so hard at her adding AK to her name.

  “Oh, well nice to meet you, Lily AK. Would you like some water and juice with your cake samples?”

  “Yes please.” Lily nodded.

  “Baby, do not say that at your new school,” I told her once Coral pranced off.


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