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Page 4

by Thomas DePrima

  Vyx studied the sketch for a few minutes, then looked intently at Darrigo. "If this isn't accurate, I'll be back to collect this money, even if I have to take the value out of your hide. Rivemwilth was a pussycat compared to me when I've been cheated." He linked his viewpad to the drafting tablet and uploaded the image before he tossed the thousand credits bill onto the table. It disappeared into Darrigo's pocket so fast that it was little more than a blur.

  "It's accurate. Just scan the surface until you see those three key peaks that I've drawn. You can't miss it after that."

  The three operatives insured that the ship was fully provisioned, then prepared to leave Scruscotto immediately. It was important to get to the base before anyone learned of Rivemwilth's death and beat them there. As often happens on such planets as Scruscotto, a couple of dozen travelers, marooned due to a lack of funds, begged for a ride off the rock. Vyx told them that it wasn't possible because they wouldn't be stopping at any inhabited planets before returning to Scruscotto. A few looked at him in disbelief, but all stopped pestering him.

  Traffic was light when they completed their preflight and lifted off in the early, pre-dawn hours. They didn't experience any near misses with other ships during this departure, and they collectively breathed a sigh of relief as they reached orbit.

  As soon as the navigation computer acknowledged the course data, they departed the planet. Vyx intentionally set a course that led to a system well away from his real destination in case anyone was watching. In a few days, if they determined that no one was following, they would change course again and head towards the Rhoitter system. It would take months of travel, much further into the Frontier Zone than Vyx had ever ventured, and then possibly that much time again to actually locate the base.

  Vyx found himself wishing that the small ship was just a little larger, because the bickering between Nelligen and Byers never seemed to cease, and there was no place in the crew quarters area where he could find any peace. Vyx felt sure that it wasn't just the food that gave Byers stomach problems, but he also knew that neither of the two would have it any other way. He decided to fashion a comfortable spot in a secluded area of the cargo hold where he could relax and be alone to read.

  * * *

  Chapter Four

  ~ January 20th, 2275 ~

  President Tasenal plopped tiredly into the rear seat of his limo for the ride back to his residence after attending one more in a long line of political fundraisers for his upcoming election campaign. His chief aide, noticeably absent for the past hour, climbed in beside him.

  "Sir," the aide started, as soon as the door closed, "our intelligence service reports that Arrosa is planning an attack on our planet."

  "What did you say?!" the President asked incredulously.

  "Our intelligence people on Arrosa, report that the Ministry of State Security is developing a plan for an all out attack on our world."

  "With absolute certainty?"

  "Yes sir; with absolute certainty."

  "When is this attack set to begin?" the president asked nervously, his normally ruddy complexion having turned ashen grey. At four-foot two-inches, he towered over most of his people. The fifty-two-year-old politician hadn't entered the political arena until he was thirty-six, but his popularity had helped him climb swiftly through elective offices. So swiftly in fact, that this was the first time he was seeking reelection to a previously held office.

  "Unknown, sir. No date has been established."

  The president took a deep breath and a little color began to return to his face. "Perhaps it's just an exercise, such as when we develop plans of defense and counter attack."

  "Our people assure us that it's much more than that. They claim the plans are a response to the terrorism attacks that Arrosa has been suffering. Apparently Marueck believes us to be responsible."

  "That's ludicrous–– isn't it? I haven't authorized any such attacks. Tell me honestly, Uthey, is it possible that any of our people are involved?"

  "I have absolutely no knowledge of anyone from Selax being involved, sir, but I can't guarantee that no Selaxians are culpable. Tempers are still running pretty hot over the Arrosian theft of our moon's ore. It's possible that some extremist group, made up of Selaxians, might be carrying out these dastardly attacks, but I know of no organized plots within the government."

  "I need more assurance than that, Uthey. I want an immediate and thorough investigation to determine if anyone, I repeat, anyone, on Selax has the slightest involvement. Get onto it."

  "Right away, sir."

  * * *

  Jenetta had just begun her workday when the message from Space Command Supreme Headquarters arrived. Even with the three-light-year per hour speed of IDS communications, it had taken a week for the message to arrive. Jenetta tapped the play button and then had to lean forward to complete the retinal scan that would permit decryption of the message. The image of Vice-Admiral Raymond Burke, the three-star admiral responsible for Space Command bases, appeared once the computer had confirmed Jenetta's identity.

  "Hello, Captain. I trust that this message finds you well and the base situation quiet and stable.

  "The Galactic Alliance Council has received an urgent appeal from the planetary government on Selax, which claims to have incontrovertible proof that the planet Arrosa is planning to attack them. As they're now located within Galactic Alliance Regulated space, they've petitioned for full membership and are requesting that the GAC step in and protect them from their solar system neighbor.

  "Space Command is powerless to take action before Arrosa actually commences an attack, so the Admiralty Board would like you to contact the two chief planetary officers and see if you can't defuse the situation. You have the authority, as Stewart SCB base commander and thus the supreme military authority in your sectors of space, to take whatever action you deem appropriate to stop hostilities if diplomatic solutions fail. But I'm sure you understand that military force is only acceptable as a final option.

  "A diplomatic team, charged with setting up a permanent mission on Stewart, plus embassies on dozens of planets in your sectors, was dispatched several months ago, but their transport won't arrive there for more than a year. The entire team is currently in stasis sleep, so is unaware of the situation. You'll have to handle this matter on your own until they arrive.

  "Forward your reports of any contact with these parties directly to my office. Good luck, Captain.

  "Raymond A. Burke, Vice-Admiral, Space Command Supreme Headquarters, message complete."

  The screen went blank and Jenetta grimaced. "Just what I need, two neighboring planets with a common ancestry, who can't resolve their own problems peacefully."

  The missing freighter still hadn't been located. Now officially listed as missing, patrolling Space Command ships were on notice to look for it, or any sign of debris.

  Thanks to the briefing by the freighter captain, Captain Oluthru, Jenetta felt she had a solid feel for the situation in the Weitack solar system. She sighed and tapped a button on her com unit.

  "Lori, see if you can find contact addresses for the chief government officials on the planets Selax and Arrosa, please."

  Jenetta returned to her reports as the com unit on her aide's desk beeped and the message appeared on the screen. Lt. Commander Ashraf stopped what she was doing and immediately began searching the computer for contact information. Since the planets were eleven light-years away, any communication to the planet would take hours to reach them, and replies would naturally take just as long. Not finding any communication addresses in the base computer for the chief executives, and not wishing to waste time following a single trail of referrals that might take days to yield results, Lt. Commander Ashraf sent simple queries to all the addresses in the base computer that held some promise of reaching someone in a key position.

  By late afternoon, Lt. Commander Ashraf's efforts produced a message from the Selax Department of State that included an address purported to be that o
f the president's personal secretary. She immediately forwarded the message to Jenetta, who was still in her office.

  When Jenetta noticed the message pop up on her com unit, she saw an opportunity to take a break from writing reports. She straightened her tunic and sat erect in her chair before tapping the record button.

  "Message to President Bezeel Tasenal, Chief Executive of the planet Selax. Begin message.

  "Hello President Tasenal. I'm Captain Jenetta Carver, base commander of Stewart Space Command Base. Space Command Supreme Headquarters is concerned with the situation described in your communication to the Galactic Alliance Council. They have asked me to look into it. I assume that Arrosa hasn't yet initiated any hostilities, and that the threat still exists. Please let me know how we might be of service to you. You understand, of course, that I can't commit military resources unless and until hostile activities actually commence. Perhaps both parties should meet in a neutral location to discuss their grievances. I suggest that Stewart might be the appropriate venue for such a conference. I shall await your response before contacting Prime Minister Marueck.

  "Jenetta A. Carver, Captain, Base Commander, Stewart Space Command Base, message complete."

  Jenetta sat back in her chair and viewed a replay of the message before transmitting it, unencrypted. It was highly unlikely that the Selaxians would have Space Command diplomatic decryption codes yet, since they hadn't been officially welcomed as an Alliance member.

  Among the numerous messages waiting for Jenetta when she arrived at her office the following morning was one from the Deputy Prime Minister of Arrosa, who said that he would gladly forward any message to the Prime Minister. Another was a reply from President Tasenal of Selax. After preparing a mug of coffee, she sat down to view the President's reply first. Because the language translator was operating, his lip movements didn't match what Jenetta heard.

  "Greetings, Captain. I was most pleased to receive your message. Your fame has naturally preceded you and we're delighted that you'll be involved in this process. Arrosa hasn't yet initiated any hostilities, but we're fearful that they could attack us at any time. There's no doubt that their weapons technology is far superior to our own and they could easily devastate our planet.

  "Our information is that they suspect us of being behind a series of terrorism attacks that have taken place on their planet during the past year. They believe that we're striking back because of a dispute over ownership of our moon. I can assure you that, although we resent the theft of resources from Isodow, my government has no involvement in or knowledge of who might be perpetrating the attacks. We've conveyed that information to the office of the Prime Minister of Arrosa.

  "If someone is carrying out these attacks in our name, they must be stopped before Arrosa attacks my planet. The only way to accomplish that might be to settle the dispute over which planet actually owns the moon that orbits Selax. What I would ask of you is that you arbitrate the dispute and settle the issue. I'm sure that my people would abide by whatever decision you, as a representative of Space Command and the Galactic Alliance, reach.

  "Bezeel Tasenal, President of Selax, message ended."

  Jenetta continued to stare at the empty screen long after the message finished. She didn't feel equipped to handle a dispute between two worlds, a task normally reserved for diplomats, judges, and lawyers. The trouble was, as base commander she was the only GA diplomat presently on Stewart. And until both parties formally became members of the Alliance, no involvement by GA judges and lawyers was permissible.

  After thinking the matter over for some time, she called the senior officer in the Judge Advocate General's office. He wasn't in his office so Jenetta asked his aide to locate him and have him come to her office as soon as possible. He arrived out of breath in twenty minutes time. When the base commander sends for you, and specifies as soon as possible, you drop anything you're doing and get there. When alerted that he was in the outer office, Jenetta told Lt. Commander Ashraf to send him in.

  "Come in, Captain Donovan," Jenetta said as he entered her office. "Make yourself a beverage and then please have a seat."

  "I'm fine, Captain," he said as he sat down. Perspiration dotted his brow.

  "Captain, we have a serious problem."

  Captain Donovan suddenly looked like a little boy caught with his hand in a cookie jar. "Uh, we do, Captain?"

  Jenetta was amused by the expression, but didn't mention that or let her face reflect it. "Yes. Space Command has requested that we intercede in a dispute between two planets in this sector. There's a risk that if the situation is allowed to continue unabated, the stronger of the two might attack their neighbor." Captain Donovan's face had relaxed when he realized that the problem wasn't with him. Jenetta thought that an attorney should have a better poker face.

  "Which planets are we talking about, Captain?"

  "Arrosa and Selax," Jenetta replied, "in the Weitack system. It's roughly eleven light-years from here."

  "And what is the dispute that requires our intervention?"

  Jenetta related everything that she had learned about the situation, beginning with Captain Oluthru's background information.

  "It sounds like there are still some hard feelings over past events," Captain Donovan commented.

  "Yes, they've only had a hundred years to get past it. Since their average longevity is almost that of Terrans, there must still be some people on both planets that were alive during the war; and perhaps even fought in it."

  "Anyone from the generation that actually fought in the war, or their immediate descendents, might be hard-pressed to forget the grievances," Captain Donovan said.

  "It'll be our job to help them finally put it into the past, at least as far as this matter is concerned."

  "It's too bad the diplomats won't be here to assist. It'll make your job as arbiter that much more difficult."

  "My job? I'm not a lawyer," Jenetta said. "You're the senior JAG officer. I'd like you to handle it."

  "I'm sorry, Captain, but as base commander, and the senior military authority in this part of space, you're the only one that can legally do it. My staff and I can advise, but we can't sit for a flag officer, or in this case, the senior military commander. While I can sit as judge for most military and civilian trials, you're the only one that can adjudicate a general court martial for an officer, capital offenses committed by civilians, or Galactic Alliance proceedings. "

  Jenetta grimaced. "I was afraid you might say something like that."

  "Sorry, Captain. Those are the regulations."

  "I understand, Captain," Jenetta sighed. "I'll let you know when I've learned more about this situation so you can advise me on Galactic Alliance law and legal precedents. Dismissed."

  Captain Donovan stood up and turned to leave, then stopped. "Excuse me, Captain. Where would this arbitration take place?"

  "I've suggested that Stewart might be a suitably neutral place."

  "It would be," he said nodding, "but it might be preferable to conduct the sessions aboard a battleship posted in the Weitack system. At least you'd be able to prevent access by both support and dissension groups. Here on the base, they'd have access to common areas and could potentially clash."

  "You have a point, but if I'm to be the arbiter, I have to conduct the sessions here. Travel time by the Chiron is ten days. I couldn't afford to be that far away if trouble were to occur here. Base security will have to keep protestors and supporters apart."

  Captain Donovan nodded. "Good luck, Captain."

  "Thanks. I suspect that I'll need all I can get."

  After spending another hour thinking about the situation before composing a message to the Prime Minister of Arrosa, Jenetta finally straightened her tunic, faced the video unit squarely, and tapped the record button.

  "Message to Prime Minister Nadeil Marueck of the planet Arrosa. Begin message.

  "Greetings, Prime Minister Marueck. I'm Captain Jenetta Carver, base commander of Stewart Space Comm
and Base, and the military commander for the sectors of space around your planet. Space Command Supreme Headquarters is concerned with the situation that seems to be developing between your planet and Selax. While we maintain a strict policy of non-intervention in the internal affairs of any planet within GA regulated space, maintaining the peace between planets is one of my prime responsibilities. I'd welcome the opportunity to open a dialogue with you regarding the dispute over the moon that orbits Selax. President Tasenal has requested our involvement. He asks that we mediate the matter. Naturally, we'll be happy to comply, and I hope that both parties will submit to binding arbitration.

  "I look forward to hearing from you, Mr. Prime Minister.

  "Jenetta A. Carver, Captain, Base Commander, Stewart Space Command Base, message complete."

  Jenetta immediately recorded a second message.

  "Message to the captains of all military ships assigned patrol duties in the sectors surrounding Stewart Space Command Base. Begin message.

  "Captain, a potentially dangerous situation is developing in the Weitack System where a dispute over ownership of the moon orbiting Selax might escalate quickly. The superior military power is Arrosa and it's feared that they might begin hostilities without warning. I request that all ships whose patrol route takes them to the vicinity of that solar system make their presence known by passing close enough to Arrosa to be identified by the Arrosian Space Control System. I don't anticipate any hostilities directed towards our ships, but I want the Arrosian authorities to understand that we're never very far away.

  "Jenetta A. Carver, Captain, Base Commander, Stewart Space Command Base, message complete."

  Unlike the messages sent to the two planetary chief executives, Jenetta encrypted this latest message before sending it.


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