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Restoration Page 19

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Shit,” Marcus exhales. “No pressure there, huh?”

  “There is no pressure. I love Eve. She is my mate. Your future queen. Our bloodlines have mixed.” His gaze meets mine in resolve. “And will stay that way, forever. My assignment has been fulfilled. I have upheld my protector oaths and am ready to lead my kin,” he states.

  I smile at his comments.

  “What o’ mankind? Where dae they fit intae this divination?” Sean questions.

  “Where they always do. Stuck in the middle between darkness and light. Able to exercise free will and decide which side to surrender to,” Asher responds somberly.

  “Without the darkness, the light can’t exist. Without the demonic legion, our race would cease to exist. Gargoyles were created to protect against evil and fight for righteousness. If the darkness faded, so would our race. It’s why my father made a deal with the dark army. A misguided attempt to keep our kin in existence,” Keegan adds.

  Asher meets Gage’s gaze. “Gage, my brothers, and I have a long-term plan to ensure future generations of protectors succeed and excel under their oaths. If you grant me royal appointment, I vow I will lead our race well.”

  “’N’ this gala?” Griff inquires.

  “Instead of hunting them down, the gala will be a well-designed ruse to lead Lord Falk, Deacon, and our father to us,” Keegan explains.

  “How?” I interject.

  “If the leaders in this room agree to crown me king, the gala will celebrate not only our mating bond, which will interest Lord Falk, but also our coronation as king and queen. Something my father won’t allow since he’s still breathing, and you are human,” Asher enlightens.

  “And Deacon?” Marcus asks.

  “The proverbial cherry on top,” Callan answers. “All realms and royal courts will be invited, as well as the divine army in the event the demonic legion thinks about crashing.”

  “Yer sure Garrick cannae be redeemed?” Griff asks.

  All three brothers become silent before Asher replies gravely. “It certainly seems that way. I’ve never seen him like this before. It’s as if something snapped and he’s lost all semblance of sanity. He’s not the same protector who raised us.” Asher sighs. “Or maybe he is and we just never saw this side of him. Either way, there isn’t a rational thought in his actions anymore.”

  The sadness in his tone is unmistakable, and my heart breaks for all three protectors. After a while of silence, Griffin finally stands. “All in favor o’ appointing Asher St. Michael, son o’ Garrick, as our king, say aye.”

  Angus, leader of the Irish clan, stands. “Aye.”

  Marcus follows suit. “The Manhattan approves.”

  Gage presses his lips in a flat line before standing. “The Paris clan agrees.”

  Griffin turns to Asher. “Aye. Th’ Scottish clan will be honored tae have ye as our king.”

  Asher tips his head toward me before taking a knee in front of the standing clan leaders. I watch as his demeanor suddenly becomes regal and authoritative.

  “It is I who am honored to serve your clans and our kin,” he responds.

  “So then, it’s time to attack?” Callan grins widely and Asher stands.

  “It’s time to attack,” Asher reassures.

  “And plan a gala,” Abby adds gleefully.

  Leave it to Abby to be excited about catering and attire at a time like this.

  I make my way to the kitchen in need of sustenance. The gala’s strategy meeting went on for hours after Asher was elected king. Not wanting to leave anything to chance, the clans planned down to the minutest details. It was exhausting to listen to, though necessary.

  My steps falter when I see Abby and McKenna with their heads together at the kitchen table. I approach slowly and salivate when I see what they’re up to. Crossing my arms, I arch my eyebrow, meeting Abby’s guilty glare.

  “What are those?”

  “Cupcakes,” Abby says around a mouth full of frosting.

  I lift my chin. “What’s in them?”

  “Sugar and chocolate,” she replies, swallowing.

  “Pickles?” I challenge.

  She shakes her head back and forth adamantly.

  “I’m in.” I quickly take a seat and snatch one, devouring the yumminess. “These are amazing. When did Callan bake them?” I ask, inhaling the chocolate pastry.

  Abby’s sapphire eyes widen and flick to McKenna with guilt written all over her face.

  I smirk. “Are you pregnancy cheating on your baby daddy with store-bought cupcakes?”

  She frowns and lowers her second sweet. “You make it sound so dirty.”

  “Says the gargoyle who gave me the sex talk,” I counter.

  “Clearly you needed it,” she argues.

  “By the grace, you two are ruining this moment. We have about fifteen minutes left before Callan comes in and all hell breaks loose. Focus on the damn cupcakes,” Kenna instructs.

  I watch McKenna take a bite of her red velvet one and snort.

  She sighs and glares at me. “What now, blood of Eden?”

  “It’s just funny that you, cupcake, are eating an actual cupcake.” I giggle.

  “There are days when I really wish Asher had brought home a stray dog instead of you.”

  “Aw. I love how you sweet talk me while we eat sweets,” I reply.

  “Queen or not, keep this shit up and I might kill you myself today,” she warns.

  “Threaten all you want, but consider this. If I was dead, then who would you take out all your pent-up anger on?” I argue.

  “Eves has a point,” Abby adds, grabbing a third.

  Rulf walks in, looking exhausted. He takes the three of us in before quickly retreating. Needing to talk to him, I hop up to chase him down, but before I leave, I turn back to the table. “As your new queen, I demand that not be touched.” I point to the half-eaten baked good. When I turn back to follow Rulf, I watch McKenna out of the corner of my eye as she sticks her finger in her mouth and pushes it into my frosting.

  Her immaturity knows no bounds.

  After running down a few halls, I finally catch up to the protector.


  “Your Highness.” He bows.

  I cringe, placing my hands on his shoulders and pull him upright.

  “Yeah, um . . . we’re not going to do that.” I continue when he looks at me with a blank stare. “No bowing or queen stuff.”

  “Eve, royal formality requires—” I cut him off.

  “I know, but it’s a new, younger, hipper regime. New rules. No bowing. Or . . . ‘Your Highness’ stuff.”

  “All right.”


  “What can I do for you?” he asks.

  “I haven’t had the opportunity to thank you for saving me from Lord Falk that day and bringing me here while you got Asher, so thank you,” I offer.

  Rulf pales. “It’s not necessary, Eve. It was my fault to begin with.”

  “I know,” I breathe.

  His expression turns surprised. “You do?”

  I nod. “Helena explained. If you’re concerned that I’m going to tell Asher, I won’t.”

  He narrows his eyes in disbelief. “What is it you want?”

  A ghost of a smile plays at my lips. “Let’s just call it even. You saved my life.”

  He shakes his head. “That doesn’t sit with me. Had I known what Lord Falk was planning, I never would have agreed to help him. I might have saved you, but I’m the reason you were there in the first place, Eve.”

  “I suppose you’re right. How about you just owe me a favor at some point?”

  He smiles brightly. “Fair enough.”

  I start walking backwards toward my ruined cupcake. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  He nods. “I would expect nothing less, Your Highness.”

  I girlie growl at his use of Your Highness and turn back to the kitchen.

  Chapter 17

  Burning Hearts

  My body lies limp and helpless. The tension begins to burn deeper, thickening the air. Blazing eyes rake over my writhing body with heavy lids. Asher leans over me with his hands on the mattress on either side of my hips, his face in mine.

  “You’re going to make us late,” I murmur against his swollen lips.

  My eyes focus on his mouth, and through my erratic panting I realize I want his lips back on mine. Asher complies with soft, gentle strokes. Assaulting my heart at the same time. He takes everything I can give him with my mouth, seeking entrance into my soul.

  When he finally pulls back, his eyes have darkened to a deep blue, lit with heat. Asher smiles down at me, knowingly. In this moment, neither of us cares if we’re late to the coronation or not. The fate of our story will just have to wait a few more minutes.

  His mouth finds mine again; ending any willpower I had left to stop him. Our kisses are intense, filled with longing and desire. He moves his body over me, his hands pulling me closer by my waist as we kiss and nip at one another’s mouths.

  I tug at the bottom of his white dress shirt, yanking it loose from the top of his black tuxedo pants, and slide my hands underneath the starched material, against his heated skin.

  “Fuck.” He sighs into my mouth, the word vibrating through me.

  The tips of my fingers explore the contours of his back and the muscles etched into his stomach. Asher growls and kisses me again in a slow, sexy, tormenting way that has me breathless.

  He rolls onto his back, so I’m on top of him, straddling him. I unbutton his shirt, releasing each tiny closure with a fervent need. My mouth descends back onto his with aggressive and bruising caresses. My hands release their hold on his shirt and slide into Asher’s hair, gripping it tightly. Silently willing him to become one with me.

  He sits us up, trailing kisses down my jaw and neck before taking my lips, holding me captive in a desire-filled state, while his fingers find the edge of my dress, toying with the hem playfully before sensually moving it up my bare thighs. His fingers climb underneath, all the way up to the lace of my black panties. With a quick tug, he rips them off me.

  At the primal action, I moan into his mouth. His kiss devours the sound. Just as I become light-headed, Asher pulls back, breaking our connection, and allowing us to catch our breaths. His large hands come up and affectionately push the hair out of my face. I smirk and bite my bottom lip at the tenderness of the gesture.

  Holding my head firmly in place, his fingers tangle in my silky strands.

  “I loved that pair of panties,” I pant, holding his eyes.

  A cocky grin spreads across his mouth. “They were between you and me, siren.”

  I arch a brow. “What?”

  His gaze sharpens. “I plan on destroying anything that comes between us.”

  My tongue wets my lips at the rawness of his words. “What about my dress and bra?”

  Asher’s hands reach for the dress and I grab his wrists. “Wait,” I say huskily.

  He gives me a wry smile. “Waiting.”

  I suck in my lower lip. “Not the dress. Abby will kill me. It’s designer,” I gasp out.

  Asher drops his lips to my collarbone and presses lightly, causing me to shiver. My hands curl into the hair at the base of his neck while his palms glide over my shoulders and flatten across my chest. My eyes slide closed as he caresses my breasts through the material of my dress before I hear the distinct sound of expensive silk being ripped.

  “Asher!” I barely release on a breath.

  “Nothing between us, siren,” he reminds and tosses what’s left of the material to the floor.

  I try not to think of all the ways Abby is going to murder me. Instead, I focus on the back of his knuckles caressing the rise of my breast before he places a soft, deliberate kiss there.

  My breath hitches, and his arms circle around my waist. With a quick move, he positions me on the bed. I’m on my back, with Asher kneeling over me. His shirt is still unbuttoned, revealing his statue-like chest and stomach muscles. The raw power he’s releasing causes my heart to beat rapidly and my pulse to thrum loudly in my ears.

  His eyes fall upon me with a combination of mischief and passion while he smiles against my breast. I sink into the heat of his tongue against my nipple before his lips close around it, drawing it in deeply. He continues the torture before granting my other breast the same attention.

  “Oh. My. God. Asher.” I groan.

  “Are you wet for me yet, siren?” His voice vibrates against my chest.

  A sudden animalistic need to mark him, make him mine, overtakes me. I push my way onto my knees, running my hands over his chest and hurriedly pushing the shirt off his shoulders. It falls to the floor as my clumsy hands undo the latch on his tuxedo pants, pushing them toward the rest of our formal garments, taking his boxers with them.

  I see the burning indigo glow in his eyes, and I know they match mine. I reach up and cup his jaw, bringing him down for a kiss. Our lips fuse with a force that completely wrecks me from the inside out. It’s perfection. Our bond makes everything so much more intense.

  “Tell me you’re wet for me.” His mouth brushes mine and one hand clenches my hip.

  I bite down on his bottom lip as two of Asher’s fingers find their way under the left strap of my bra. As I release his lip, his head slides toward my bare shoulder, planting gentle kisses on the skin as he glides the material down my arm. My body arches into his chest and he rumbles his approval. His other hand mimics the motions so both straps are dangling low on my arms.

  Skilled hands slide over the material, cupping my breasts before they release the front clasp. I suck in a breath as Asher pushes apart the material, letting the straps fall completely off my body. With both of us on our knees, he eases the length of his body against mine.

  Warm hands slide up my bare thighs while Asher captures my mouth in another deep, searing kiss. My body jerks at the first touch of his fingers brushing against me. The harder our kiss becomes, the gentler his touch. The contrasting feelings send my body into overdrive.

  Our lips part, and he brings his right hand to his mouth, licking his thumb to wet it before slipping it between my legs and pressing down in deliberate circles. I release a loud moan. Needing something to hold onto, I take him in both hands, allowing my thumbs to run over the ball portion of his piercing as my fingers run the length of him.

  Asher’s free hand curls around my neck, bringing my forehead to his so he can stare into my eyes as we work one another toward release. Just as I begin to feel the familiar tightening and coil, Asher grabs my wrists, pulling my hands off him.

  “I need inside of you,” he pants out.

  Suddenly, I’m on my back again with Asher hovering over me. With one hand, he holds my arms above my head and runs his tongue over his first two fingers on his other hand, before pressing them back onto me in faster circular motions. His features tighten as he pins me to the bed and looks down at my face, pushing me toward an orgasm.

  Just as I’m about to fall into a blissful release, Asher grabs the sides of my head between his trembling hands and thrusts into me hard and without warning. I cry out from the intrusion, and my body splits into the most earth-shattering orgasm I’ve ever had.

  Asher continues slamming into me, growling and extending my pleasure as I continue to pulse around him. Burying his hands in my hair, he presses his mouth to mine and continues his unrelenting assault. Spasm after spasm of pure pleasure rolls through me until I’m so physically and emotionally spent tears threaten to overtake me.

  Shadowed eyes stare down at me, watching as I continue to come long and hard. Asher’s forehead drops to mine as he shudders through his own climax, releasing a few deep grunts. His eyes close, and he slows down his thrusts, riding out his orgasm before relaxing into me.

  His breath is hot across my lips as we both struggle to breathe normally. My muscles are completely gooey, and my body is exhausted to the point I could pass out and be asleep for da
ys. Best. Sex. Ever. Asher drops a light kiss to my lips. His features are softer, sated.

  Carefully, he slides out of me, rolling onto his side and propping himself on one elbow.

  I turn onto my side so I can face him, and he cups my cheek, rubbing his thumb over my bruised and painfully swollen lips.

  “You never answered me,” he says quietly.

  I lift my hand and run the tips of my fingers along his jaw. “What?”

  “I asked you if you were wet for me. Since you didn’t answer, I needed to be sure.”

  I burst out laughing. He flashes me a taunting smile and wink.

  “Well then, a job very well done, gargoyle.”

  Asher’s gaze flicks up to mine. Pure admiration shines back at me as his hand drops from my face, and he runs his knuckles over the edge of my jawline.

  “We’d better clean up. We’re already ridiculously late. I’m sure everyone is wondering where we are,” I suggest.

  Neither of us moves.

  He leans in so his lips are between my ear and cheek. “I fell in love with you the moment I caught you ogling me in Professor Davidson’s class. Someday, this will be over and we’ll have the peace we deserve. Whatever happens tonight, know this. With every breath I take, I will protect you, always.” His voice is low and lost somewhere as he rumbles the words against the side of my face before I feel the soft brush of his lips.

  “Ash—” I begin in a raspy and breathy voice.

  He presses a finger to my lips and stares deeply into my worried gaze. “Tell me you understand what I’m saying.” His breath is warm as it whispers across my face.

  I study him. “Is that when you first knew you loved me, in architecture class?”

  A ghost of a smile plays at his lips. “Actually, I think I fell in love with you when I caught you checking out my ass after our first verbal encounter.”

  I lean forward and gently rub my lips over his. “I fell in love with you when I walked out of the coffee shop and saw you leaning against your car.”

  His mouth kicks up in a grin on one side. “I knew it. You’re just using me for my ride.”


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