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Restoration Page 20

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “I love you. Even if you did ruin a very, very, very, expensive runway dress, I love you with everything that I am.” My voice has a tone of finality to it that I don’t want him to miss.

  Asher smoothes my hair behind my ear, and his breath dances along my lips. My eyes close when his lips brush over mine. “We’ve been in worse situations, siren,” he whispers across my lips. “We’ll get out of this one too.”

  I nod, my throat clogged with emotion. “Then we’d better get ready. Our fate awaits.”

  My gaze roams over the girl staring back at me in the mirror. Even with the impending doom of the gala, I recognize contentment in my face. I release a light laugh at the thought. It’s been such a long time since I’ve felt at peace, happy.

  I smile into the mirror. My cheeks are still flushed from my time with Asher, and though my eyes are no longer hazel, the indigo sparkles brightly, almost playfully. The hardship and frown lines I’ve grown accustomed to marring my face over this past year have disappeared. This eighteen-year-old girl, she’s familiar. My heart soars at seeing my old self again.

  I exhale and smooth down the front of my black silk ML Monique Lhuillier spiderweb gown. I would never admit this to Abby, but this sleeveless, V-neck dress is the best thing I’ve ever worn. I twist to study the lace detail at the hem. It’s short in the front and longer in the back, in a delicate spiderweb pattern. I cringe at the pile of expensive material on the bedroom floor. She really is going to end me for ruining the other dress.

  I double check to make sure my daggers are sheathed on my thighs, then throw a second set of weapons into the hidden pockets of my flared skirt. I touch up my soft makeup and smooth out the long ponytail of my hair, giving myself one last look over.

  My eyes drop to the silver necklace Asher gave to me, and I gently run the tips of my fingers over the feather laying on its side. I close my eyes and remind myself that there isn’t anything to worry about tonight. We’ve strategized for days. All scenarios have been accounted and planned for, and while an entire supernatural kingdom gathers to celebrate Asher’s coronation, and our mating ceremony, we’re going to end this, once and for all.

  I try to shake off the foreboding feeling as a piercing pain makes itself known in my heart. I frown and exhale. Just as fast as it happened, it’s over. I straighten myself and hold the gaze reflecting back at me in the mirror.

  “Everything will happen the way it’s meant to,” I whisper, trying to breathe easier.

  I step out of the bathroom and immediately come to a standstill when I notice the gargoyle standing by the fireplace, sipping on amber liquid. I take him in appreciatively. The bad-boy look on Gage Gallagher melts panties, but Gage in a tuxedo? Holy crap, ovaries will be exploding this evening.

  Gage turns to face me and presents a devastating smile that proves all things dark and dangerous ooze out of him. His gaze drops to my black Louboutins and roam up the length of me before meeting my amused stare.

  “You look exceptionally lovely this evening, love,” Gage compliments.

  “Thank you,” I reply. “Where’s Asher?”

  “Checking on a few last-minute details. He asked that I escort you down.”

  Gage throws the last sip of his drink back and places the crystal on the mantle before stepping toward me. My heart rate kicks up, and once again, I feel the prick of pain, causing my face to scrunch for a moment before it subsides.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, studying me.

  “I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right.” I rub over my heart again.

  A knock at the door pulls our attention toward it, and Nassa walks in wearing the floor-length, plum chiffon Nicole Miller Hawaiian hibiscus gown Abby chose for her. She looks stunning in the sleeveless, V-neck dress, adorned with twisted racerback straps and a full skirt. See that, I do listen to Abby when she gushes about clothing details.

  I watch as Gage’s lips part. In a sharp exhale the air literally leaves his body. Hooded eyes meet the sorceress’s. I smirk to myself when I notice he’s stopped breathing.

  A knowing smile appears on Nassa’s lilac lips. “Gallagher.”

  “Buttercup,” he wheezes out.

  I bite my lip so as not to laugh. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen Gage speechless, or bewitched.

  “His Highness is requesting the queen’s presence in the ballroom,” she says slowly.

  After a silent pause, it dawns on me that she’s talking about Asher and me. I prepare to move toward the doorway, but Gage just stares, unmoving, so I follow suit and remain still.

  “Gallagher!” Nassa rasps, annoyed at his lack of motion.

  “Christ. You’re breathtaking.” His voice has dropped an octave.

  At the compliment, Nassa takes a preemptive step back, looking nervous and unsure. Ignoring everything around him, including me, Gage stalks toward the shaking sorceress.

  “I mean it, Nassa. You’re beautiful,” he says, standing in front of her.

  Jade eyes widen, and her expression becomes crestfallen. “I can’t,” she whispers.

  One of his hands darts out, and his fingertips run over the twisted strap of the dress. Nassa swallows, uncomfortable. Her pleading eyes jerk to me, begging for assistance. I offer her a small, slow shake of my head, telling her silently I’m not intervening. This is their moment.

  It’s clear that Gage feels a lot for her, and before tonight, she needs to know.

  “W-we should go,” she squeaks out in her deep voice.

  I see hesitation flash in her eyes as Gage catches her hand in his. He turns it palm side up and places a light kiss into it before closing her fingers over the gesture, as if asking her to hold on to it for safekeeping.

  With a curt nod, Gage steps back and holds out both of his elbows. “Are you ready?”

  The question is meant for me, but his eyes never leave Nassa.

  “I don’t think I have a choice but to be,” I mumble, placing my arm through his.

  Nassa does the same on his other side, and Gage tilts his head toward me.

  “You always have a choice, Eve. That’s the beauty of free will.”

  Chapter 18


  Gage escorts us down the ancient grand staircase of the castle toward the wooded location where the coronation is being held. As we walk down the long pathway, covered in white stones, my breath hitches, and my lips part in awe as I take in the majestic forest setting.

  Medieval wooden tables and cream fur-pelt-strewn chairs sit amid towering redwood trees. Garlands of white flowers hang and sway in a canopy from the trees, set amongst twinkling amber lights. It’s as if someone recreated the décor from our mating ceremony and blew it up times a thousand. Tall vases filled with white hydrangeas decorate each table, and the entire woodland setting is lit with hundreds of white candles and wrought-iron lanterns.

  Except for the sound of waves crashing in the distance, you would never even know we’re on the coast of Scotland. Ornate banquet tables display silver platters serving the finest food and wine, giving the gala a lavish medieval feast design.

  In the center of the celebration, a dark wood dance floor sits atop the dirt ground. The London clan’s family crest, a dragon, is burned into the center, branding it. To the side, a platform holds musicians performing traditional Scottish folk music, complete with Highland bagpipes.

  My eyes scan the surroundings with a sense of wonderment and trepidation, taking everything in. After a moment, my gaze lands on the stone stage where Asher will officially be anointed king, and our plan will be executed. I shiver at the thought.

  Keegan and Asher were adamant the festivities be held outside under the evening sky. Garrick, Deacon, and Lord Falk know security will be tight. It was assumed if they penetrated through an indoor security, they would figure out this was a set-up.

  The brothers felt an outdoor event security breach would appear more organic, allowing the conspirators to think they’re smarter than they are. After seeing the d�
�cor, I agree. This does feel more authentic.

  I’m so consumed by the beauty of everything I fail to realize that Gage has guided us over to stand with Abby and Callan. Abby narrows her gaze, focusing on my hand, which is interlocked with Gage’s elbow. I immediately remove it.

  Clearing my throat, I fixate on her off the shoulder gown. “Where is Asher?”

  “He and Keegan are discussing last-minute security procedures,” Callan replies.

  I lift my gaze to Abby’s scrutinizing one. “What?”

  “While you look absolutely stunning, Eve, that isn’t the dress I left you in earlier,” she points out. I shrug and act like I have no clue what she’s talking about. After a moment of silent inspection, realization falls across her features, and she stomps her foot like an irate child. “Damn Asher and his stupid sexy piercing. How badly is it ruined?”

  I take her hands in mine and offer a sympathetic look. “It’s bad, Abby. Destroyed.”

  Her eyes widen and her shoulders sag. “It was couture. Runway. Nooo,” she whines.

  I avert my gaze, noticing Callan’s outfit. “Are you wearing a kilt?”

  Callan grins widely. “It’s a Scottish gala, Eves. Of course I’m wearing a kilt.”

  I throw a pointed glare at him. “Please tell me you’re wearing something under it?”

  He shrugs noncommittally. “Real men wear kilts. It’s quite freeing, cutie.”

  I snort. “Why do I see another apron in your future?”

  Abby turns to him and places a loving kiss on his cheek. “Don’t listen to her, baby. Your calves are just as sexy as Uriel’s,” she whispers.

  “You think?” he asks, twisting his left leg, showing off his muscle.

  My gaze collides with Nassa’s before she rolls her eyes at the constant cuteness that is Callan and Abby. The sorceress steps away from Gage and moves toward the bar. Smart girl.

  “Speaking of the angel,” Gage mumbles as Uriel approaches the group.

  “Gargoyles . . . and human,” Uriel muses. “I apologize for the interruption, but Michael would like a word with Gage and Callan before things . . . begin.”

  “All right,” Callan agrees and places a completely inappropriate kiss on his mate’s lips.

  “Christ, get a room,” Gage scoffs, following Uriel toward the castle.

  “Maybe if you planted a few mind-blowing kisses on your girl’s lips, she wouldn’t feel the need to get inebriated,” Callan teases, trailing after the two supernatural warriors.

  “You okay?” Abby asks.

  My eyes dart around wildly. “I just want this to be over.”

  She pulls me into a side hug. “It will be.” Her brows pinch together.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, following her sightline to McKenna.

  Abby and I stand speechless, watching McKenna interact with a little boy near the stage.

  A few seconds later, Abby breaks our astonished state. “Do me a huge favor?”

  I shake off the image of McKenna being kind and face Abby. “Of course.”

  “Make sure Callan makes those for our baby shower.” She points to a large turkey leg.

  I scrunch my nose. “Really?”

  She nods emphatically.

  “Wait, are you saying I have to throw your shower?” I moan.

  Abby’s focus slides back to Kenna. My gaze follows. Good lord, the poor child looks like he’s about to pee his pants. Abby waves her hand in a see motion at the uncomfortable scene.

  “Yeah . . . okay.” I study the child’s face. “Who is he, anyway?”

  “That bundle of adorable is Tristan. His mom is a nature nymph. She helped me with your mating ceremony and the coronation gala décor,” Abby explains.

  “She’s very talented. This place looks like a fairy tale.”

  “It does,” she agrees before her gaze locks back on me.

  I continue to observe the toddler. He can’t be more than two. Unease sweeps through me because he shouldn’t be here tonight. Not with what is about to happen. It’s too dangerous.

  “What is it, Eve?” Abby asks quietly.

  “Nothing. It’s just,” I point to Tristan. “He looks familiar in a weird way, doesn’t he?”

  Abby looks Tristan over for a moment and shrugs. “Not really. I should go save him from Kenna before she makes him cry. I’ll be back after I return him to the safety of his mom.”

  “They’re not staying, are they?” I ask with concern in my voice.

  Abby shakes her head. “No. She understands what’s about to happen.”

  “Good.” I smile and watch her make her way over to Tristan.

  Abby bends down and taps his nose with her finger before tickling him. He giggles, but I notice the light behind his cognac eyes is dim. He places a small hand on Abby’s belly, and she beams before taking his hand into hers and seeking out his mother. Abby is going to make an amazing mother.

  I turn toward the castle, and my heart stops when my gaze collides with a dark set of sexy, brooding irises. The familiar squeeze of lust begins to flow through my veins at the sight of Asher St. Michael, standing in the middle of the dance floor, on his crest, in a full tuxedo.

  My chin drops and I watch him through my lashes. A cocky smirk appears on his lips as his heated gaze peruses my body. He releases a low, appreciative whistle and stalks toward me in a predatory manner. Once he’s in front of me, he dips his head so we’re at eye level.

  “It is so sexy that you are mine,” he whispers the growl.

  I grip the lapels of his jacket. “You clean up pretty well yourself, pretty boy.”

  “Do you have your daggers on you?” he questions.

  I moan in a sexy manner before whispering across his lips. “You sure know how to sweet-talk a girl, Your Highness,” I tease. He laughs, running his hands down my bare back and over the curves of my ass. His body goes deathly still, his hands locked on my backside.

  I peer up at him questioningly. “Something wrong?”

  “Where the fuck are your panties, siren?”

  “My mate ripped them earlier in the throes of passion,” I counter.

  Asher’s gaze drops to the lower half of my body. “Fuck,” he draws out as if in pain. “Not only am I going to be fighting off enemies this evening, but now I have to fight off a raging hard-on from knowing you’re running around without panties.”

  I suck my lower lip into my mouth before releasing it. “Then next time, don’t rip them.”

  He groans. “No roundhouse kicks tonight.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “It’s nice to see you kids learning to compromise,” Callan banters.

  Asher turns to both his brothers as they approach us. “Everything all set?”

  Keegan nods. “It is. Security is positioned. The divine warriors are watching for the dark army. Just remember, Michael and Uriel can’t get involved in supernatural matters, so there will be no divine assistance when it comes to Garrick, Deacon, and Lord Falk. That said, the protector clans are in place, and we’ve given non-obvious breach options.”

  “Eve and I will make our rounds greeting guests. When the time comes for the coronation, be prepared and on guard. This shit ends tonight,” Asher states with a finality to his tone.

  “Where is Gage?” I inquire.

  “Lurking in the shadows. Keeping up appearances,” Asher responds.

  “What do we do now?” I ask.

  “Now, we wait for all our worlds to collide,” Keegan answers.

  I watch as the gargoyle I’ve declared eternal vows to graciously addresses every guest with a powerful, dominating presence. I absorb his breathtaking good looks. They cause beings to gravitate toward him. I see the tension in his shoulders and the way he observes everything. Always studying, and strategizing, ready to strike out, like a cobra. Watching him, my fears and uncertainties are replaced with renewed dedication to what I am fighting for. Him.

  It’s in this moment I realize that I love him with an undeniable fierceness tha
t can never be replicated. I’ve fallen to fate. There will be no more running. I would fight and sacrifice everything I am and have to protect my love for Asher. Against all odds, he’s wrapped himself around my heart and embedded himself into my soul. He is a part of me. The best part. I will belong to him, always.

  Asher approaches our table and smiles down at me. He laces my fingers with his and pulls me into a standing position. The gala is now filled with hundreds of supernatural creatures dancing and eating, all here to celebrate the new gargoyle king and his human mate. Nerves take over at the thought. Crap. What if they hate me? My breathing starts to fumble and Asher picks up on my distress.

  He yanks my hand so I spin in his arms, pulling me tightly to his chest. Staring into my eyes, he leans forward, placing a light kiss on the side of my mouth. His lips brush over my cheek and settle by my ear. “You’re beautiful. You belong among them. They need you as their queen, more so than any of them even realize. So do I, siren.”

  Asher’s lips part while his gaze roams over me. My breath hitches when his eyes make their slow journey back up my body and collide with mine. The depths of love in them burn so brightly that a warm blush sweeps over my softly glowing skin.

  “Care to dance?” I ask breathlessly.

  A cocky grin appears on his lips. “As hot as you are, my mate is in attendance this evening. I doubt very much that she would like me waltzing with a beautiful creature such as yourself,” he teases and moves us toward the center of the dance floor.

  “Oh? What is she like?” I ask, playing along as he begins to sway our combined bodies.

  Asher’s gaze holds mine. “Beautiful. Witty. Sensual. Stubborn. An excellent shot with her daggers, thanks to months of my skilled training sessions.”

  I hold in a laugh. “She sounds like a very lucky lady.”

  Asher’s face grows serious. “Actually, I’m the one who is lucky.”

  The rest of the room fades away as I continue to gaze into his eyes. “Humbleness is a good look on you, Your Highness.”

  He leans in so I’m inhaling his breath. “You are a good look on me, siren.”


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