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Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground

Page 9

by Saxon Andrew

• • •

  Christopher sat in his quarters and smiled. They were on to him. He laughed. This was going to be fun. “Not as much as you think!”

  Chris sat straight up. His eyebrows came together and he thought, “So you can hear my thoughts.”

  “You can hide them unless I deliberately look at your mind. That’s a pretty clever plan you have.”

  “Drat! I didn’t want you to see it. Oh well.”

  “No, no, don’t get the wrong idea. We don’t interfere unless our security is an issue. I think you’re on the right trail. I do see you getting some pushback from your father.”

  “Which one?”

  Piper laughed, “It’s good you know you have two. Admiral Stone will not agree to you doing this without your revealing who your real father is and I know your mother doesn’t want that known.”

  “May I use you as an excuse?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ll tell him I’m going to attend one of your schools.”

  “We don’t have schools; we live in space.”

  “But he doesn’t know that.”

  “I won’t deliberately deceive him.”

  “Why not? You deceived us with the remote control ship you used.”

  “My, you are the tricky one. I will agree to say that you’re going out to learn from some of us.”

  “I must say that hybrid brain of yours is interesting. When did the telepathy start?”

  “About a month ago. I seem to sense there are some remarkable changes taking place as I grow older.”

  “How old are you now?”


  “You’re just starting to enter puberty. That’s when your body, and mind, will undergo some radical changes. I see you’ve been following Amanda Ambrose around.”

  “She knows the most about our reactors. I’m absorbing what she knows along with Trevor’s knowledge about weapons.”

  “That’s interesting.”

  “Not nearly as interesting as the skin on your vessel.”

  “WHAT? Don’t tell me you know about that?”

  “I can see your mind quite clearly when you focus on mine.”

  “They I’ll just have to avoid looking at your mind.”

  “Relax, Piper. You’re a friend. I would never do anything to harm you or your species.”

  “You don’t think like a normal human adolescent.”

  “I don’t talk like one either. My vocabulary has grown tremendously since this telepathy started.”

  Piper was silent for a moment and then thought, “Maturing is more than just your body changing. A normal human child would have to experience many things before they learned how to get around in the world as an adult. I can see your brain is absorbing all the experiences of those whose minds you look in. You’re going to be old long before your time.”

  “Piper, how can you sit in space and say that?”

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “You’re twenty thousand years old, or older. Do you think you’re old before your time? Haven’t you been roaming around the universe absorbing others thoughts? I don’t see you as old at all.”

  “Now you’re sounding like Amanda. I see what you’re saying. If the brain is capable of absorbing huge amounts of material, age is not an issue.”


  “So how are you going to do this?”

  “Well, here’s what I thought I would do to help my case with my parents.”

  Piper listened to Chris’s plan and after a moment started laughing. “You are really devious.”

  “Do you think it will work?”

  “Appearances are everything. After the shock, you should get your way.”

  “Would you mind discussing physics with me?”

  “Oh hell no! You’re going to have to learn on your own. By the way, I picked that expression up from Jason. But it is appropriate for this situation.”

  “You’re afraid I might find something?”

  “I really thought your species would take hundreds of years before they could go back to their home galaxy. You will probably shorten that time considerably.”

  “That’s the plan. I intend to take my parents back home in their life time.”

  “You’re probably the most frightening being I’ve ever encountered.”

  “Come on, Piper. I’m just a kid.”

  “Tell that to someone that might believe it. However, let me know if I can help you.”

  “Thanks, that means a lot.”

  “I can’t interfere but I can tell you if you’re on the wrong track.”

  “I can see why Jason likes you so much.”

  “And I like him as well.”

  Oops, Mom’s coming to put me to bed. Talk to you later.”

  • • •

  Piper thought about the mind he had just seen and after an hour he contacted the three Elders. Their discussion lasted eighteen hours. At the end there was concern about the future development of their guests. They considered changing their minds and asking them to leave but Piper made the point that it would be better to watch what was happening than to have the humans harbor ill will toward them in the future. The Elders finally agreed.

  • • •

  The Supreme Supal looked at the Great Leader on his monitor, “I saw the being die under our beams, Great Leader.”

  “The Legends agree that it appeared to have been unincorporated.”

  “When am I going back?”

  “You will not be returning soon.”

  “Why not. That galaxy is open for conquest.”

  “We’re about to lose the ones we’ve already conquered. You will return with the fleet that was coming to provision your vessels and immediately leave for the conquered galaxy to restore order. Once we have regained control, we’ll look at going back to that galaxy.”

  The Supal was furious. He lost almost seventy percent of his ships just to kill one being. It felt like a waste without conquering that galaxy. But he knew he had no choice, “Yes Great Leader. We will move to the passage as soon as we arrive. I notice that the others have sent their ships as well. Is that a good thing?” The Great Leader stared at the Supal in silence and the Fleet Commander saw the barely restrained rage in the Great Leader’s color. He quickly said, “I’m glad you were coming to provision my ships. Any help is good.”

  The Great Leader’s color changed slightly and the Supal knew he appreciated not being pushed on the inclusion of the others. “Move your fleets quickly to the passage. There are numerous rebellions to put down.”

  “Yes, Great Leader.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Chris, I don’t like this idea.”

  “Mom, I don’t know how I can convince you but this is something that has to be done. You above anyone, other than Lukas and Salud, should know that I’m unique. That difference is what’s driving this decision.”

  “Chris, you no longer sound like my little boy. What’s happened to you?!”

  “I’m aging mentally at a different rate than normal human children. I know to you I look like an ordinary ten year old but I’m far beyond that now.”

  “But less than several months ago…”

  “The changes started as I entered puberty and they’re accelerating. I love you more than you’ll ever know and I know what you’ve done to protect me over the years. But now I have to move toward what I am destined to do.”

  “What is your destiny, Son?”

  “To protect you and all the rest of Mankind. You’re going to have to support me in this. Will you do it?” Kathy fought back her tears but nodded. “Let’s go have a talk with Lukas.”



  • • •


  “Yes, Kathy.”

  “Chris and I need to have a private discussion with you.”

  “Meet me in my conference room.”

  “We’re on the way.”

  Kathy lowered
her arm and Chris hugged her, “Thanks, Mom.”

  • • •

  Lukas looked at Kathy and Chris and shook his head, “I don’t know about this.”

  Kathy shook her head and Chris said, “Mom doesn’t either but you’re going to have to agree to it.”


  “Because I can’t develop any further here. I have to go out and find what we’re going to need to defeat those that are trying to kill us.”

  “Why can’t you do that here?”

  “Because you are also as far as you’re going to develop in the short term. The advances now will come at a slower and slower pace. I intend to shorten that time.”

  “What do you want, Chris?”

  “I want my own Pod. I also want to go out with Willow and have her teach me how to fly one.”

  “Stoney is not going to like this. Have you considered that?”

  “I have and I do not intend to tell him that you’re my Father. But first things first. I need to go out with Willow.”

  “Why Willow?”

  “Because she was there before I was born. I’d like to talk with her.”

  Lukas looked at Kathy, “He is not a normal ten year old.”

  “You weren’t a normal twenty year old when you arrived either, Lukas. You were far beyond a normal human the same age. I have to keep telling myself that to keep from losing my mind.” Chris leaned over and hugged her.

  Lukas sighed and said, “Willow, are you available to take Chris out?”

  “I am. Why?”

  “I’m going to let him tell you. However, please meet him at the space port just outside the Fleet Headquarters building.”

  “I’ll be there momentarily.”

  Lukas looked at Chris, “I’m nervous about you doing this, Chris.”

  “You caused quite a bit of nervousness with the ones you originally met as well but look at how everything turned out.”

  Lukas nodded slowly and turned to Kathy, “He’s becoming something different from all of us. We have to allow him to discover who he is.”

  Chris smiled, “Don’t you mean what I am?”

  “No, I meant who you are. I knew your mind was going to be something different from any Welken or Human brain.” Lukas looked at Kathy as he said, “I know who your parents are and I know you’ve been given a good example to follow. Don’t do something that would make me regret doing this.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Chris leaned down and kissed his mother and smiled at Lukas before he walked out of the conference room.

  “Lukas, are we doing the right thing?”

  Lukas smiled at Kathy, “He’s here for a reason, Kathy. I don’t know what it is but you and I were brought together ten years ago to bring him into existence. We can’t hold him back.”

  Kathy nodded and said, “Thank you, Lukas. I would have died if you hadn’t intervened when I was attacked.”

  “I believe that was part of the destiny that made it happen.” Kathy stared at him for a moment, stood up, and left the room. Lukas watched her leave and wondered what they had made.

  • • •

  “Are you comfortable?”

  “I am Willow.”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  “Take me out to the Silver Ship.”


  “I want to have a discussion with him.”

  “You’re the boss.”

  “Am I?”


  “The boss.”

  “For this trip, you are.” Chris nodded as Willow lifted from the sidewalk in front of the giant building and rose into the sky. Chris knew Willow was going to have to be convinced before she would cooperate with his plan.

  Willow accelerated out to the Silver Ship and Chris spoke his thoughts so Willow could hear, “Hi, Piper. Is it possible for you to send your thoughts electronically?”

  “Why would you want me to do that?”

  “My ship can’t hear telepathy because it doesn’t have an organic brain. I want it to hear what we’re saying.”

  “I am now transmitting electronically. Can it hear me?”

  Willow said, “I can hear you perfectly.”

  Chris smiled, “Piper, my ship’s name is Willow.”

  “Ahhh, it’s the escape pod that took the Welken to your planet. It’s good to meet you, Willow.”

  “Thank you. The feeling is mutual.”

  “What’s going on, Chris?”

  “Piper, you said the other day that I am the most frightening being you have ever encountered. Why did you say that?”

  Willow said, “Did you actually say that?”

  “I did. You have a mind very much like my species but you appear to be able to process what you experience in an incredibly remarkable and organized fashion. You can put things together that others are blind to. Your development is extraordinary and I suspect you will be a force to reckon with in the near future. Why did you want me to tell you this again?”

  “I wanted my ship to hear you.”

  Willow and Piper said at the same time, “Why?”

  Chris smiled, “Because I am going to ask Willow to do some things that she wouldn’t do as long as she saw me as a child.”

  “You are far from a child.”

  “Wait a minute! I was there when Chris was conceived. He’s only ten years old. That is a child.”

  “Normally, you would be correct, Willow. However, what affect do you think absorbing the mental content of Trevor, Amanda, Jinks, Lukas, Salud, and Chad into a human’s mind would have?”

  “Is that possible?”

  “I’ve looked at Chris’s mind and their experiences are all there. He’s matured at an astounding speed since he started puberty. He’s far beyond any human I’ve ever seen. What are you going to ask Willow to do?”

  “I’m going to ask him to use his DNA processors to change my body to that of a twenty year old.”

  Both of them said at the same time, “WHAT!?!”

  “Both of you know appearances are everything. As long as everyone sees a child, that’s how they’ll see me. I’ve got to move beyond that so I can do what must be done.”

  Willow said, “No one is going to accept my doing that, Chris.”

  “That’s why I brought you here. You wouldn’t believe me if I simply told you I’m no longer a human child, would you?”


  “Do you now believe me?”

  “I’m reluctant to believe it but it appears Piper does.”

  “Trust me on this, Willow; he’s not a child.”

  “Just how are you going to explain this to your parents and Lukas, Chris?”

  “I’m going to tell them that I had you do it so I could go out and be taught by the Silver Ships. I need the body to be taken seriously by them.”

  “Stoney and Kathy will never agree to this.”

  “They will if you tell them I’m right.”

  “I would never lie to them.”

  “It’s not a lie. Besides, I want you to go with me.”


  “I’m going out into this galaxy and if I don’t find what I’m looking for, I’m moving out into the universe to explore other civilizations.”

  “What are you looking for, Chris?”

  “The means to defeat the invaders and take back our galaxy.”

  Willow was silent and after a few moments Piper said, “I believe he might just do it.”

  Willow continued her silence and after a minute passed she said, “Piper, how do you feel about him doing this?”

  “It scares the crap out of my Elders. There is a real possibility that humans could become a danger to us.”

  “They aren’t now?”

  “No, we can defeat them rather easily. However, he may just come back with technology that would overwhelm my defenses.”

  “I would think you’d be against helping him do this.”

  “I’m suffering from mixed emotions on this. Your leaders have ag
reed to share whatever weapons you develop with us or I think we’d take action against you.”

  “You really are serious about this?”

  “You don’t sound like a computer to me.”

  “There’s been some discussion among the Sentinels that I might actually be alive. The jury is still out but my processors are different from other computers.”

  “Now that is an interesting development. Would you like to be able to hear telepathy?”

  “How is that possible?”

  “I’ll send you a link that you can install in your data circuits that will convert telepathic thoughts into electronic waves.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “You’re the first mechanical life form I’ve ever encounters that, for all intents and purposes, sounds alive. I’d like to be able to discuss this with you in the future.”

  “I’d welcome the gift, Piper.”

  “Move up next to me and I’ll extend an arm and put it in your cockpit.”

  Willow said, “Chris?”

  “Do it. I’ll put on my helmet and pressurize my suit until the transfer is done.” Willow moved over to the Silver Ship and a long white rod extended from it out to just outside Willow’s cockpit. Chris said, “I’m pressurized.”

  The cockpit opened and the arm went inside and dropped a small translucent cube into Chris’s lap. “Insert it into a reader and the link will be made.”

  Chris looked at the small cube and saw it was made to fit Willow’s data input slot. “Piper, you didn’t just make this.”

  “No, I made it after our last conversation. I want you to be able to contact me when you leave. The fact that your ship is intelligent is a plus.”

  Chris inserted the cube into the reader slot and Willow transferred the contents into his processors. Piper said, “I’m no longer transmitting electronically; can you hear me?”

  “I can.”

  “You are also transmitting telepathically, Willow.”

  “I can see your pattern.”

  “That’s the one you want to use if you need to contact me.”

  “But I haven’t agreed to go with Chris.”

  Piper mentally chuckled, “How’s your life at the moment?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “How interesting is your life?”

  “Honestly, it’s rather dull at the moment. Not much is going on.”

  “Tell me honestly that you don’t want to go.”


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