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Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground

Page 23

by Saxon Andrew

  “I’ll be in the void in less than five seconds. Then, we’ll pray none of them survive.” The Commander nodded and watched the large green ships moving toward the moon.

  • • •

  Lukas listened to the exchange as Willow telepathically listened in and converted the strange bronze beings thoughts into electronic words. “It sounds like they have a good plan. I’m curious about the missiles they use. It appears they penetrate the Orange Ship’s force field.”

  “I’ll run a full scan of them once they’re launched. However, I don’t think they’re going to get all of them.”

  “Why not?”

  “One of the Green Warships is falling behind the others. It appears to be running a series of scans out into the planetary system.”

  “They should be able to see that, Willow.”

  “The Navigator does. But he knows they are going to attack anyway and he doesn’t want to allow the rest of the crew to feel fear before they fire on them.”

  Lukas watched the Green Ships moving closer to the moon and said, “Willow, move us so that we’re lined up with the back of that crater that ship will be moving out of.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “If that ship goes into the void as soon as it clears the Gravity Limit, it should come right by us, shouldn’t it?”

  “If we drop into the void, it will.”

  “I want to try something.”

  “What is that?”

  “I want to fire our disruptor at a ship in the void.”

  “SAY WHAT?!”

  “Tighten the projector so the beam is as tight as possible. I want to take a shot at any of the Green Warships that chase that ambusher.”

  “Lukas, we’re not here to get involved in combat.”

  “Willow, we need to find out what will happen. I think now is an appropriate time to take a look while the majority of the Green Ships haven’t arrived. “We’ll fire and run, ok.”

  “What do you think is going to happen?”

  “I’m not sure. But I really don’t think we’ll be harmed by any disruption that happens from the energy discharge. It should start just beyond the disruptor’s barrel.”

  “I was wondering the same thing when I was being modified, Lukas.”


  “Yes, but what I wondered about was what would happen if Dark Energy from one of my reactors was fired through a disruptor in the void.”

  Lukas’ eyes narrowed as he thought about the idea. “Is that possible?”

  “There is Dark Energy in the void and it doesn’t cause a disruption. There’s not the high concentration that’s in normal space, but it is present. I thought that perhaps a dark energy beam might not cause a disruption. I don’t think the disruptor would be damaged because all it does is reflect the energy sent to it through the diamonds and mirrors without touching the walls of the barrel.”

  “It would be nice if we could find out.”

  “We can.”


  “I had one of the engineers run a conduit from my number four reactor to the disruptor with a switch to convert from normal energy to dark energy.”

  “Do you think it will be strong enough to do any damage?”

  “I have no idea. However, the dark energy reactors are much more powerful than the old nuclear reactors we used. If nothing else, it should at least knock out the star drive and allow that ship to escape.”

  “Then you agree that this is worth doing?”

  Lukas actually heard a sigh on the wall monitor, “Salud is going to kill me. But yes, we need to find out.”

  “We could always fire the beam in the void without having an enemy ship around.”

  “I’m not sure our scanners would detect anything. Remember, Dark Energy is invisible to any device we currently possess.”

  “So the only way to see is to actually hit something in the void with it?”

  Another sigh and Lukas started laughing as Willow said, “Yes. What’s so funny?”

  “You just sighed twice. Pat is right, you are alive!”

  Lukas heard another sigh that was cut off in the middle, “I didn’t notice I was doing that. But Salud is not going to be happy about doing this. She is depending on me to keep us hidden.”

  “If you’re right and we fire from inside the black cloud and the beam can’t be seen with a scanner…”

  “Then we will be hidden.” There was a pause and Willow said, “But I have no way of knowing if it will actually be invisible.”

  “Then that’s another reason to do this. Move us to that line and as soon as you scan the attack, drop into the void and get ready to fire. By the way, will you be able to use the disruptor’s tracking system to target a ship in the void?”

  “The tracking system is independent of the disruptor discharge. It will lock on and fire regardless of what energy is being used.”

  “Just be prepared to fire multiple times if more than one of those Green Ships start a pursuit.”

  “Good point. They’re getting close, buckle in.”

  • • •

  Chris listened to the conversation between Willow and Lukas telepathically as Willow sent it to him. He looked over at Hawk, “Activate the thrusters, get ready to run in if this doesn’t work.”

  “If what doesn’t work?”

  Chris shook his head, “I forgot none of you can hear what they’re saying. Willow and Lukas are going to fire a dark energy beam through their disruptor at a green ship in the void.”

  Audrey shook her head, “When did we develop a dark energy beam!?”

  “We haven’t. I’m amazed at Willow’s ability to come up with some ingenious developments. The first one was the DM Cannon. I’m shocked at the very notion of using a dark energy beam.” Chris pushed a button on his panel and said, “That is the coordinate I want you ready to go to if this flops.” Hawk nodded and entered the coordinate into his control panel. He stared at Chris waiting for the order to activate the thrusters. Audrey sat in her chair and began making inquiries into the Montana’s database on what the possible effects might be if a dark energy beam is fired in the void. She quickly learned that nothing was known about the possible effects. She shook her head and looked at Chris who sat in his command chair with his eyes closed.

  • • •

  Across the Virgo Supercluster, Piper listened in and felt his stress level go up. If this beam worked, his species might no longer be the most powerful in Andromeda. He almost brought the Elders in on the event but paused. Would they allow this to happen? It was a question of whether or not the humans could be trusted if they were more powerful. He thought about Willow telling him about one of his brothers attacking the Greys. He decided to keep this to himself. Perhaps the humans were the better choice to have this level of power. Besides, he knew they would give him the technology. He had no doubt that they would keep their promise to share what they developed. The question that bothered him was whether or not he wanted his species to have it. He knew his brothers could not all be trusted with it. It would put the Greys in danger. He focused and listened in on what was happening.

  • • •

  The bronze colored being watched his monitor and sat back in his chair as the eighteen green colored warships appeared above the walls of the crater. He gripped the arms of his chair as he felt his ship lurch as thirty-six missiles shot out of their launchers and the lasers opened fire. A moment later, he looked at the wall monitor to the right and saw the surface of the moon flashing below his vessel as it fled from its hiding place. He looked back at the green ships and saw them being hit by multiple laser beams. Then, they began exploding. The navigator yelled, “THE FORCE FIELDS ON THOSE SHIPS IS STRONGER. WITHOUT THE LASERS, THE MISSILES WOULDN’T HAVE PENETRATED IT!”

  The black colored ship went to full speed and roared away from the moon toward the gravity limit. He watched his situation monitor and saw that two of the enemy ships had not been destroyed and were in full pursuit
. They were gaining on his vessel at an incredible speed. He closed his eyes and knew they would be on him quickly.

  • • •

  Lukas saw the attack on the monitor and then normal space disappeared as Willow dropped into the void. He watched the black colored ship suddenly appear and fly past his position. He looked and saw two large green battleships appear and move rapidly toward him. He stared at them on the monitor trying to see the beam Willow was going to fire. He saw nothing but a moment later, both green ships exploded in massive blasts. Willow was far enough away that the ensuing disruptions did not reach their position.

  • • •

  The Navigator was changing course when he saw the two green ships pursuing him explode in huge disruptive blasts, “Kilon, something has destroyed the ships chasing us. Both have been blown into rubble!”

  The Commander saw the two ships explode as he grabbed his beard and pulled it, “How did that happen!?”

  The Navigator shook his massive head, “I detected nothing! Something hit them and whatever it was, did not appear on my scanners.”

  “Take us back to where they were attacked.”

  “Is that a good idea? Others will be called in to investigate.”

  The Commander struggled with his curiosity and then shook his head as he released his beard, “Continue to run.” He wanted to know who had saved him but the Navigator was right, reinforcements would be arriving quickly.

  “Willow, get us out of here!” The Attack Pod accelerated away at maximum speed.

  • • •

  Chris saw what happened and shook his head. What did this mean? This new beam was unbelievable.

  • • •

  Piper saw the destruction of the two Green Ships as well and wondered the same thing.

  • • •

  “Willow, what can you tell me about what just happened.”

  “I was concerned about using too much Dark Energy, so I didn’t feed a high level into the disruptor. I couldn’t detect the beams I fired but I did record the two ships’ destruction.”

  “Show me.”

  The monitor’s view changed and Lukas watched the two Green Ships moving through the void in slow motion. He stared at them and saw the lead ship suddenly have a huge hole blasted through its force field and blow out the entire front third of the large warship. He watched the second vessel and saw another huge hole punched into the middle and it blew up in a massive blast. A moment later, the first ship blew up as well. “Why didn’t the first ship explode first?”

  “I don’t know. It must have something to do with the reactors.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My scan of those ships as they were hit indicate the reactors are located in the middle of the ships. I hit the reactors dead center on the second ship and only hit one on the first. It must have taken some time for the first ship’s reactor to overload and take out the others.”

  “It appears concentrated Dark Energy doesn’t play well with normal energy.”

  “Indeed it does. It also appears that the beam isn’t visible and doesn’t leave a disruption in the void.”

  Lukas smiled, “We have a new weapon to use in the void.”

  “And we won’t have to go into normal space to finish them off.”

  “What did you learn about the Green Ship’s capabilities?”

  “Those ships are actually more powerful than the Orange Ships they’re replacing but they’re slower.”

  “Are you saying they would defeat the Orange Ships in battle?”

  “No, if the Orange Ships get close enough, their beams would penetrate the force field. I also think their void missiles would penetrate as well.”

  “I wonder what the green ships use in the void against other warships.”

  “Maybe we should have waited to see before we fired on them.”

  “We have to find out. Move back into normal space and see if you can’t find another attack taking place.”

  “This time we stay out of it!”

  Lukas laughed, “I’ll leave that in the hands of the professionals.” Willow entered normal space and, after a moment, entered the void and skipped away.”

  • • •

  Chris called the reactor engineers to the bridge and told them what Willow had done with the conduit feeding her disruptor. “Can you make that happen?”

  The two looked at each other and the senior engineer said, “I think we can run the conduit to six of our disruptors but we don’t have a switch on board to switch them back to normal energy. It will be all or nothing.”

  “Run the conduit and let me know when it’s completed.”

  “Yes Sir.” They started walking off the bridge and the Senior Engineer stopped, “Would it be ok to use a reactor for each of the disruptors? Running six conduits from the same reactor might pose a problem.”

  “Do whatever you think will work best?”

  “Yes Sir.” They turned and left the bridge.

  Audrey looked at Chris, “May I assume the new beam was a success.”

  “Oh yes!” Audrey smiled and saw Aman smile as well. He now had a new toy on his weapons panel.

  • • •

  “We have lost eighteen ships in one of the systems in the other galaxy.”

  “How many enemy ships were destroyed?”

  “We have no way of knowing. The message we received from the leader of the flock said that his formation was ambushed by a single black ship that fled into the void. Two ships survived and gave chase but we’ve unable to contact them since they entered the void.”

  The Leader of the Combined Fleets stared at his subordinate before saying, “Are there any records of losing any ships in the void?”

  “No, there aren’t. No civilization there has shown a weapon capable of attacking a ship in the void.”

  “Get a fleet there now and get back to me as soon as you determine what happened!”

  “I’ve already dispatched a hundred warships to the scene. The reports on the black ships that was given to us by the Legends says that they lost their planet and are operating from bases scattered in the quadrant. They have missiles that are effective but only if fired from close range. The one leading the Flock flew too close to the moon and was hit from close range.”

  “Warn the others to not make the same mistake.”

  “The warning has been sent. However, it seems our friends from the other side of the galaxy pulled out leaving the planet open for an ambush to be set up. They had to be aware of the danger the Black Ships represent.”

  “Does that surprise you?”

  “Not really. We’re finding they are not being helpful in any way.”

  “We would be doing the same. The Flock Leader should have read the reports on that quadrant before flying so close to that moon. You’ve seen the reports coming in; how bad is it?”

  “This galaxy is far from being tamed. Most of the planets with intelligent life have been brought under our dominion but more than a third of the galaxy has not been searched for intelligent life. Those that are still hidden are attacking us before they’re found and some of those we’ve conquered are still fighting. I’d like to blame the Orange Beings for this mess but they lost a lot of ground when their ships were ordered out to invade the spiral galaxy.”

  “I suspect we may be ordered to do the same.”

  “That would be a mistake.”

  “You’re talking to your kin. Find out what happened.”

  “Do you suspect treachery?”

  “No ship has ever been successfully destroyed in the void there. If our ships were, something out of the ordinary has happened. Find out and contact me. I have to inform the Ultimate of our progress and I need to know about this before I make that report.”

  “The ships investigating what happened will arrive within an hour.”

  The monitor went dark and the First Leader scowled. This did not look good. He knew his leaders were celebrating their upgraded status but he feared they
were hasty in doing so. The Orange Beings didn’t protest their demotion. That told him more than anything that this whole enterprise represented trouble in a big way. First, what happened to those two ships?

  Chapter Twenty

  Jinks walked into Fleet Operations and saw Salud sitting in Lukas’ office with Eve playing on the floor. “You look stressed.”

  Salud looked up and shook her head, “I had no idea how many questions Lukas had to handle every day. If they were simple and could be handled by those out in the cities, I’d feel better but they aren’t. I didn’t really appreciate all that he was doing to keep things running smoothly. Why are you here?”

  Jinks sighed, “I have another issue for your attention.”

  Salud fell back in her chair and Eve watched her closely, “What is it?”

  “Lukas sent word back that Chad shouldn’t send the pods to Earth until the support structures were built for the pilots. However, the force field is not up and operational and I think we should go ahead and send them.”

  “Have you spoken to Chris about this?”

  “He’s out there with Lukas.”

  “I know, but Piper can link you in to him.”

  “What’s going on?”

  Salud stared at him for a moment and smiled, “It appears Lukas and Willow have converted their disruptor to use Dark Energy from one of their reactors. They’ve blasted two warships in the void without leaving a trace of how it happened.”

  Jinks stared at her for a moment and sat down in the chair in front of her desk. “I didn’t know that was possible.”

  “No one did but Willow ran a conduit and put a switch in line to switch between nuclear and Dark Energy. The Pods are going to have to have the modification made before they’re sent to Earth.”

  “Did Chris say how long that might take?”

  “He says his engineers on the Montana ran six conduits from their reactors and six disruptors now use Dark Energy. He says he doesn’t have a switch on board but he thinks the modification will be simple to put in place.”

  “Does the beam work?”

  “According to Chris, he watched what happened through his connection with Willow and said it is devastating. I think you should start sending Chad’s Pods to the manufacturing facilities and ask for an Engineer by the name of Barry Alonso.”


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