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Escape to Earth 3: Defending Holy Ground

Page 27

by Saxon Andrew

  “Not really. This is going to be the most fun I’ve ever had. It’s worth the risk and if it happens, que cera cera.”

  “We have a lot to do. I’ll get with you later.”

  “I love you, Budge.”

  “I know. And I love you as well. Let’s make our lives count for something.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Six weeks passed and Chris decided that they had done all that needed doing. The Invader Fleet was larger than the first one sent by the Orange Civilization. He really thought that with so many ships stranded in M-86 that the second invasion would be smaller but the order to send all warships made the difference. Normally, several hundred warships would always be stationed at each planet to defend it against aggressors. This time, all ships were being sent and the total was staggering. The giant fleets of green warships continued to grow but the Fleet’s overall commander ordered the voyage started. The late arrivals could fall in at the rear of the huge formation. The Lead Talon watched the fleet start moving and looked at the huge monitor on the wall. “Where are the transports?”

  “Talon, they are located in the center of our formation.” The Talon nodded. That was the safest place for them.

  The Main Fliers watched the huge formation start moving and didn’t like the situation they were forced in to. Ten thousand warships were left behind to defend the planet where the Government was located, but that was the only planet defended. The Main Leaders had to argue to leave those ships behind and finally prevailed. The Legends insisted that no one in the galaxy would dare attack them. They won the argument by suggesting that ships from M-86 could make the journey and endanger them. The Legends relented and allowed the small fleet to stay around the main planet.

  The Orange Leaders watched the giant formation start moving and the Greatest Leader expected them to be immediately attacked by forces from the Spiral Galaxy. When it didn’t happen, it worried that he was going to miss the opportunity to take new territory to exploit. He looked at the Second, “Are we receiving a feed from their ships?”

  “The Legends insisted we be shown how much better they are than us. We will receive current and up to date videos from their scanners.”

  He stared at the monitor and said, “I’m surprised they weren’t attacked here.”

  The Eighth raised an eyestalk and shook it negatively, “I’m not.”

  The Greatest turned his attention to the Eighth, “Why?”

  “If they attacked here, they would fear the Legends would order us to join them. They’ll wait until they’re too far away for us to assist them.”

  The Greatest stared at the Eighth and said, “All of you are reduced one rank. The Eighth is now the Second. He has added more to our insights than all of the rest of you together.”

  The Eighth swelled over the sides of his Tub and said, “Thank you for your confidence, Greatest Leader.”

  “You’ve earned it.” The former Second didn’t like his demotion but had to agree that the Eighth had made a significant difference. He did not begrudge his new status. The Greatest looked at the monitor again and said, “Do any of you have an idea of what’s going to happen?”

  The new Second said, “If any outside force or agency ever wanted to attack our galaxy, now is when it would happen.” Everyone around the table turned to him. “Think about it. The Greens are defenseless and we only have enough ships to defend our planets. If we leave to defend them, we will be attacked in turn.”

  “Who could possibly mount an attack against either of us?”

  “How many galaxies have we visited and killed a civilization or two? I don’t see any outside force that could do it but now would be the perfect time if there was one.”

  The Greatest stared at the Eighth and said, “Issue a high alert to our forces that all vacations and leaves are canceled until further notice. I want our ships prepared for anything.” The New Second sent the orders. The Greatest was surprised by the observation but the Eighth’s suggestions were too good to ignore. He suggested that all of the updated warships be sent to M-86 so they could return quickly if they were needed. They would fly at a slow speed not giving away their real capabilities and that would leave hundreds of thousands of ships that could now be updated. It was a remarkable suggestion. The updated warships would also stand a better chance of survival against the forces fighting them in the other galaxy. The Eighth deserved his new status.

  He didn’t like one thing the Legends forced on him. It was clear that the enemy was using a Dark Matter Cloud around their ships. The Legends ordered him to give the Green Leaders the device used in his scanners to detect the cloud. All of the warships in the invasion force had their scanners upgraded as they assembled to leave. Now his ships no longer had the ability to hide from them. But, he was still alive and giving the device to them apparently convinced the Greatest Legend that he was being honest about following orders. Besides, his newest ships would be too powerful for the green ships to handle.

  He looked up at the monitor again and saw the gigantic fleet start accelerating to full speed. It quickly disappeared from the probes he had around his territory and he saw they were spreading out across a huge volume of the void. That’s what his ships should have done when they invaded. He couldn’t accuse the Green Leaders of being stupid. They learned from his mistakes.

  • • •

  The Talon commanding the Green Warships left in M-86 sat in his command chair and swore. His ships were being chewed up by the savage civilizations that were still attacking his fleets. He saw the main invasion fleet leaving for the spiral galaxy on his monitor and saw the huge numbers of Orange Ships moving toward him on the second monitor. He thought about the situation for an hour and then made a decision. He pressed a button on his panel that activated the general frequency. “All ships will gather at the edge of the galaxy closest to our home and prepare to leave.”

  His second in command looked up at him in shock, “You will be executed for this!”

  “Probably, but my crews and ships will survive. The Orange Ships left before we arrived and many of our brothers were killed in ambushes. I’m not doing anything they didn’t. Let them face the enemy who will be preparing for their arrival. I’m not sacrificing another ship. Keep this information secret.”


  “You will do as I order or I will kill you.”

  The Second stared at his commander and then looked up at the Orange Ships on the monitor. This was their fault; they didn’t defend the passage. He looked at his commander and nodded, “I will support you in this decision, Talon.”

  “Order communication silence on all ships. We are going home.”

  “The Orange Ships will see us and report our departure.”

  “We will take a longer route through the void. Set a course that will prevent them from seeing us and start the fleets moving.”

  “Yes, Talon.”

  Four million Green Warships were trapped in M-86 when the passage was destroyed; they now numbered two and a half million. The Talon smiled and knew the Orange Ships were going to receive a hot welcome by the local civilizations. They deserved it. He looked at his monitor and saw hundreds of thousands of his ships were skipping out to his position. In less than twenty-four hours, the giant formation accelerated away from the huge galaxy.

  • • •

  Chris arrived at Eden and Barbie went directly to the spaceport. He and Audrey went quickly to the conference room and found the Leadership Team gathered. Stoney and his mother were also present and they greeted him with hugs and kisses. “Thank God you made it back.”

  “Aww Mom.” Kathy hugged him tight and Chris said, “I want to talk with both of you about something after the meeting.”

  “What’s it about?”

  “A wedding.”


  Chris put his finger on Kathy’s lips, “After the meeting.” He removed his finger and she reluctantly nodded.

  Chris walked away and Stoney look
ed at the table where Audrey waited for Chris to come sit beside her. He saw her expression and noticed Kathy was also watching them. “She loves him.”

  “But he’s so young!”

  “He’s older than most of those present. It’s not the distance; it’s the mileage. He’s been through more than most humans would experience in a lifetime.”

  Kathy saw Chris and Audrey holding hands under the table and she sighed, “They should have whatever happiness they can get in this most violent of times.” Stoney smiled, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her tenderly. They turned and walked to the table.

  Chris listened to their thoughts, leaned over, and whispered into Audrey’s ear, “After the meeting, I’m wondering if you might agree to a short detour.”


  “I was hoping that you would agree to marry me.” Audrey’s eyes went wide and then they started to moisten. “Think about it and you can give me your answer after the meeting?”

  “Why are you asking me now?!”

  “I had to get my parents approval first.”

  Audrey turned and saw Stoney and Kathy walking toward the table and they smiled at her. “You won’t have to wait for an answer, just the kiss. I will marry you, gladly.”

  Chris squeezed her hand and smiled. They turned and looked at the others gathered around the table but it was easy to see they were both joyous.

  • • •

  Lukas looked at the gathering and saw many new faces he didn’t know. The newly promoted Admirals and Commodores all looked so young. But they also looked eager. That was a good thing. “The invaders have begun their voyage and we are now going fully operational. Jinks, you will be the overall commander of our combined fleets.” Jinks nodded. Lukas looked at Chis, “You and Audrey will leave for the Fellowship after this meeting and you will direct their fleets.”

  “Are you sure you want me to do this?”

  “I do. It’s going to be difficult task to meld them into our ranks so that our fleets don’t walk all over each other. You should sit down with our senior admirals and get their input on how to best use them.”

  Chris nodded and looked at Audrey. She nodded as well and Lukas wondered what was going on. Salud saw them look at each other and she put her hand up to her throat. She recognized that look. Her stepson was in love.

  Lukas looked around and stood up, “We are going to initiate our attacks when that fleet is six months out from M-87. That additional time will allow us to build more Pods and get their pilots ready. All of you commanding a fleet WILL get them prepared. Is that clear!”

  “YES SIR!”

  Jinks looked at Lukas, “What are you going to be doing?”

  “I’m leaving Julie’s fleet at Eden for defense purposes. Salud and I will go to Earth and direct our efforts from the spaceport that has been built there. All of your fleets will also go to Earth and will train with the Fellowship Battleships to get ready for our attack. Lukas looked around the table and smiled, “We’re going home!” The room erupted in cheers and everyone stood and applauded the announcement.

  Chad saw Julie wasn’t happy but she looked at his concerned expression and said, “I’m ok. I know it has to be this way.” Chad hugged her and she forced a smile. Julie looked up into his eyes and said, “I’ve been meaning to tell you something.”

  “What is that, love?”

  “We’re going to have a son in about five more months.” Chad’s mouth fell open and Julie smiled, “I think we’ll call him Junior.”

  Chad was shocked and could only say, “Junior?”

  “He’s going to be named after you, Darling.” Chad pulled her into his arms and held her like she was life itself. “That’s why I know I should stay here. You make sure our son gets to know his father!” Chad felt tears and could only hold her in silence. Julie whispered in his ear, “Junior is a great name for a surfer.” Chad could only shake his head and fight his tears. He loved Julie so much.

  Everyone was caught up in the moment and didn’t notice Chad and Julie…but Salud did. She smiled. She told him. She saw the early signs of Julie’s pregnancy and knew she had been keeping it from Chad. She wiped a tear and looked at Lukas. Maybe it was time to tell him; she couldn’t hide it much longer.

  Suddenly, everyone in the room heard a thought, “Would it be inappropriate to make a request at this moment?”

  Silence slammed down on the gathering and Lukas looked up, “We’ve not heard from you in a long time.”

  “We’ve been observing and learning.”

  “What is your request?”

  “Since you are taking the vast majority of your forces to Earth, may we offer our services to defend this planet in the event that it might be attacked?”

  Lukas smiled, “We would welcome your assistance.”

  “Thank you. It is our honor to do so.”

  The room erupted in cheers again and Salud knew something remarkable had just happened. The Sentinels would make sure Eden would be safe. Now the warriors could go and not worry about their loved ones left behind. She knew Lukas worried about the Silver Ships and the Attackers but now that would no longer be an issue. The war was coming and this time her species was ready.

  • • •

  Salud looked at Lukas as thousands of people entered the huge colony ships. “Is this a good idea?”

  “They requested me to take them, how can I say no?” The last humans taken from Earth to Eden were the people who lived on Barbados. Lukas insisted that they deserved to survive because of all they had done to support the ONE WORLD movement. The Leader of the colonists came and asked Lukas if he was going to set up his operations on their former island and Lukas told him he was. Since there were no humans on Barbados when the planet was attacked, nothing was damaged on the island. The Leader asked to go home with him.

  “You’re putting a lot of faith in that force field.”

  “They should be allowed to go.”

  Salud sighed and then smiled, “It’s a good place to start.”

  Lukas smiled and watched one of the giant colony ships lift off. It rose in the clear sky and Lukas smiled, “Yes, it is.” The giant ship rose on a huge flame and Lukas’ heart sung. Humans were going home and Earth was waiting for their return. He pulled Salud close and continued to watch the giant ship grow smaller.



  “We’re going to have a son.” Lukas snapped his head down and looked at Salud. “In about three months.”

  “Is that why you’ve been wearing those baggy clothes?”

  “Yes. I didn’t want to worry you.”

  “You should stay here on Eden, Salud.”

  “If it’s safe enough for them,” She nodded toward the colony ships, “It’s safe enough for us. I will not remain behind.”

  Lukas looked into her eyes and then shook his head, “I love you so much!”

  Salud put her arms around him and put her head on his chest, “Our baby will be born on Earth. I won’t have it any other way.”

  Lukas smiled and nodded. “We need to hurry.”

  “We still have time.”

  “I don’t want to be late for this wedding. We need to get there early.” Salud nodded and they walked toward the giant Fleet Operations Building. Salud reached under her flowing robe and unbuttoned the top of her pants, “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to do this.” Lukas laughed and put his arm on her shoulders. “By the way.” Lukas looked at her. “Julie is also going to Earth to have her baby.”


  “Jinks put Lance in command of her fleet. With the Sentinels protecting Eden, Jinks felt it would be alright to allow Julie to join Chad on Earth.” Lukas stopped walking and looked at Salud. “Lance has outperformed all of the new commanders and we won’t be losing anything by leaving him with her fleet.”

  Lukas slowly started nodding and said, “Who is going to command Lance’s fleet?”

  “Jason Goddard.”

bsp; Lukas smiled, “He’s also an excellent choice. He’s ready.” Lukas turned and started walking again, “Let’s go to a wedding.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The gathering in the Welken’s throne room was huge. Every planet in the Fellowship had their leader present for the meeting. The Welken Royal introduced Chris to the huge assembly and he told them that he would be commanding their fleets in the coming war. The huge monitor behind the throne showed the Welken Royal standing beside Chris. One of the representatives stood and waited to be recognized. A voice announced, “The Drogen Representative wishes to be recognized.”

  The Royal looked out and saw the Drogen standing. He said, “You may speak.”

  “Why has a human been chosen to lead our forces instead of one of our own?”

  The Drogen sat down and the Royal stared at him. “Who has suffered the most from the invaders? Who fought them and prevented them from attacking us?”

  Chris said, “May I address the assembly?” The Welken looked at Chris and after a moment said, “I recognize the Human Representative.”

  Chris looked out at the huge assembly and said, “The Fleet Admiral commanding the Welken forces had the same question. I had a demonstration done to help him answer that question.” Chris turned and pointed a device toward the monitor. The image changed and the assembly saw a small ship glowing in space. A hundred Welken Battleships surrounding the small ship suddenly opened fire with every disruptor and blasted the small ship’s force field. The assembly watched in horror as the force field failed and the disruptors continued to fire. The small ship continued to absorb the blasts and after what seemed like a long time, its force field reappeared.

  Chris looked out at the assembly who were sitting in silence. “I’m of the opinion that we might be able to handle this invasion without your help. It’s the next invasion where we’ll probably need you and this one presents a good opportunity for your fleets to practice for the next one. The point is, we are going to have to work together so that we don’t get in each other’s way. That one ship you’ve just watched could destroy your battleships faster than you can imagine and we have quite a few of them. It will be those small ships that hit the invaders head on and we intend to use your fleets to clean up the mess we make. If you would prefer to hit them head on and we clean up after you, I’ll certainly entertain the motion.”


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