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The Invisible Papers

Page 9

by Agostino Scafidi

  Let’s keep it all above board okay? It’s time to be honest with ourselves here, nobody likes a fool who pretends to be a wise man, remember that. Who said that? Who knows! Do you? Is it true? One has so many more quotes where that came from, they’re not messing around here! They’ve got books and books, shelves and shelves containing volumes upon volumes all able to discredit you. Let one snap their fingers, pick up the first leaf that touches their digits and watch as he or she burns you to a crisp with it.

  There’s a new block of words waiting for you on that parchment over there. It may contain some foul language and ideas you won’t want to hear but they’re necessary for your development as a person. Proper development and right development. What development? Regarded by you as inappropriate yet extremely vital to them. Who wins? Do you have your knife with you? They may have a gun. Better bring two knives then.

  Basically they’re piling on all the work now so he or she doesn’t have to touch anything later. What is one saving oneself for? A night of rest and relaxation? Will they even stick to this plan? Maybe it’s just a surge of inspiration, nobody knows.

  One could spend this moment doing absolutely anything else yet one is writing to you. Is it right? Who’s to say it’s wrong? If they aren’t supposed to be here why then are they? It doesn’t make sense, that statement, the statement referring to whether this moment is being spent rightly or wrongly. Who’s to say? Wouldn’t it be impossible to spend a moment wrongly if you were to really investigate? Like a boundary in a video game where the map has not been drawn, you simply cannot pass! If you were supposed to pass or if it were right to, then you would certainly pass! Alas you can’t, therefore if in life you’re able to pass wherever you please then it must be right to do so. Do morals come into play? They may, which brings to light another tangent to follow. What do you say?

  Apples, persimmons, mangoes, cantaloupe, tomatoes, water and beef bouillon squares. Do the math, smell the smells. Dream and sleep easy then thank them in the morning.

  Now that they’ve got a free hand they’ll tell you a little bit about what they consider grand. One wonders how much he or she can discover about the paranormal. “Magick” is also quite fascinating. A religious man may scorn such things but some do acknowledge them all the while remaining wary. One wonders how much money a ghost hunter makes. It seems that if you had an innate ability for witchcraft and/or energy awareness or manipulation then you just might be perfectly suited for this line of work. How many moons must you watch come and go concerned about what to call this and what to call that? Choosing a label for something could set the stage for a full-scale offensive campaign! Everybody and their mother will knock on your door to see who really lives there!

  It took a while but after much deliberation they’ve settled on the ideal approach. With extensive deliberations such as those you inevitably reach a point where not only are you splitting hairs but you are looking at two hairs of only microscopic differences. Interchangeable terminology, synonyms on multiple levels. Now all one feels is the pressure to impress. Here you are with them at this particular juncture and you’re thoroughly concerned with whether you have something to show for it or not! Do you feel like you’ve wasted your time and brain cells? Luckily they’ve found something new to sink their teeth into, three things to be exact. You may be wondering what these newfound pet projects are so let’s just say that there are many more ridiculous things out there that someone could waste their time on.

  One is feeling an enormous amount of pressure to satisfy at this final stage of things, at this ebb of a majestic tide. Yet it might not be so majestic, it is to them but it may not be for you however what they believe is what’s important so hopefully it’ll rub off. They’re making a list and they’ll have you check it twice okay? Great, thanks for your patience thus far.

  It’s nice to have had you around and one hopes they’ve been kind and hospitable toward you. Please come back soon because we always like having guests. Next time we’ll fix you a nice supper and we’ll enjoy some good wine and a nice after dinner drink!

  Chapter 20

  One has to admit that sober living isn’t fun. This may or may not be true however sobriety is definitely a more affordable way to live. Also, the mind is clearer but don’t get carried away on this point because a sober mind can still be disoriented or clouded by an innumerable number of things. In the end when you tally up every single pro and con you can think of, the choice to remain sober wins. Do you agree? What if you don’t? There may be plenty of supporters for “Team Subjective”. Someone once spoke concerning this particular dilemma, they referred to how success is the only real measure of right and wrong. Now of course this way of seeing things could be accepted at face value and while it does make a certain amount of sense the entire perspective itself could be deemed subjective! One doesn’t think we’ll ever get to the bottom of this but the good news is we don’t even really have to!

  He or she will keep running for the stars. The ever bright moon rises low and they’re pointing a finger to the centre of it all.

  One wonders what we’ll talk about but friendliness is a trait they can rustle up if necessary. Do you like his or her sense of humour? Don’t ask them what they’re doing please, one doesn’t want to keep any more secrets but they will if they have to. Look at all the peace and quiet, it’s so fleeting. One keeps a piece of it in their pocket and the rest of it in a jar. Hopefully they’ll be able to store the little they have left for at least a few months. The storm’s a comin’ isn’t it? Maybe they’re overreacting a tad.

  One loves to laugh just as long as it’s Wednesday or Saturday. Every other day he or she remains stoic and serious. Any other day he or she may be found crying and curled up in a hole somewhere. Don’t let them get all dark on you please, don’t let darkness ruin your day but do know that a little bit of contrast is helpful sometimes. Some probably consider it necessary yet it may actually be an issue that lives irrespective of anyone’s position, similar to a law of nature!

  He or she is here now devoting their existence to typing you these letters, hopefully it brings you a sort of pleasure. What would be even better is if you were blessed with the sparks of revelation, the sparks of imagination and realization as well as insight! This is what one deems most important when he or she reads something, anything at all. One hopes it brings them something new and profound, something that can nudge him or her onto a path that surprises them. Any moment of the day, any day of the week. There is always room for positivity but even if negativity arises it could still lead to creation. Destruction makes room for creation.

  The fear of something will likely bring more of it to you and when it arrives you’ll be ill-prepared. You may have a great deal of pain coming your way. Like a dam that blocks the flood waters from destroying your village, certain things can’t be dammed up, certain things will knock down even the strongest man-made elements!

  We’re all cleared up now! This is a great achievement, it’s great to feel that fresh, clear air. All clear! Wonderfully light and clear, clear, clear! Clarity (it wasn’t substance induced either).

  Keep your eye on the road. Keep your eye on the sidewalk. Watch your step, look at your feet. Don’t trip! If all else fails and you find yourself hurtling quickly to the ground you must make use of your hands for protection! Don’t be a fool! Use your tools!

  Sometimes he or she looks at a man of science and wonders if he has a heart and if so, they wonder if he has the capacity to share emotions. One doesn’t want to single out the men of science though, we should include the women of science too. They can easily be just as robotic and seemingly inhumane. They may have good intentions but the rigidity in their planning and implementation can be so frightening it makes you wonder whether they should be removed from this world. Strong words, one knows. Strong enough? That’s probably something a council of some sort should deliberate upon. It’s not one human’s place to make such a decision singlehandedly. It would be too great
a power for any lone person to hold although many of us on this earth would probably kill to attain such power! Heads up!

  So you want to borrow something of theirs, all right, he or she hears that but what would be appreciated is if you had the courtesy to ask to borrow something of his or hers. Simply because you know they possess a certain item that you wish to make use of doesn’t make it right when you mention or declare you want it and consider this a request in and of itself. How about actually asking him or her? “May I borrow your…?” “Can I borrow your…?” “Would it be all right if I borrowed your…?” “Hey, I need to borrow your… Could I?” See? Those are very key elements in a request and it really offends him or her when you simply assume you’re entitled to borrow something of theirs. Just because you know one owns a typewriter or a camera or a record player or even a penny doesn’t give you the right to come to him or her with a terribly rude or ill formed request to borrow it. He or she says “No” to you.

  Welcome to the new age of… What? Medicine? Sports? Music? A new age could begin at any time and without warning! They’ve already spawned two new ages just this week and it’s only Wednesday!

  They’re on the final stretch now. He or she can’t stop but in a day or two they definitely could! Time to wrap it all up and end it gracefully, keep the carcass from building up a good stink along with an infestation of maggots! Isn’t that a wonderful image to sign off with? It’s quite fitting.

  The sound of the bell is making him or her deaf. It’s been a while since they’ve set their feet in the sand. Witches’ wands encircling over the heads of their slaves. Cauldrons brimming with magic. Hell fires are rising and we’re all jumping up and down because the ground is so hot!

  Does one have the peace of mind to travel the forest that lays ahead? There is a blackness over the horizon, howls and screeches are coming from the trees. Sunlight may be waiting for them on the other side but no one knows for sure. He or she guesses that the only thing they can do is put their faith in the right place and put one foot in front of the other. “And they’re off!”




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