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Made to Love You

Page 2

by Sheryl Lister

  “Yeah. You’ve been working like a dog. Oh, you just finished that crazy shaped building, right?”

  “The ribbon cutting was yesterday. It came out better than I expected. The client was happy and it put me over the top for a junior partnership.”

  Tony slowed his steps. “What?”

  Devin stopped walking. “Partner.”

  A wide grin split Tony’s face and they did a fist bump. “Congratulations, man! It’s about time. We need to celebrate.”

  “Give me half an hour to settle in and I’ll meet you in the lobby.” The two men parted ways and Devin took the elevator to his room. He slid the key into the door. “Wow,” he whispered. Everything about the suite shouted “for lovers only.” His mind automatically shifted to Vivian and he wondered whether she had made it to her hotel. Long ago, he figured that whenever he saw her again the only thing he’d feel was anger. The anger and confusion were there, but so was desire and, surprisingly, remnants of the deeper feelings of connection he thought were gone. Pushing those thoughts aside, Devin unpacked, showered and left to meet Tony.

  They went to an outside pool, ordered a beer and spent a few minutes just catching up.

  “So, are you ready to be a married man?” Devin asked.

  Tony nodded. “I am. A year ago I would’ve said hell no and run for the nearest exit, but since meeting Samantha I know there’s no other woman for me.”

  “I’m happy for you. She’s a great woman.”

  “What about you, Devin? I thought for sure you’d beat me to the altar.”

  Devin tilted the bottle to lips and took a long drink. “Yeah, well things change.”

  “Well, Sam’s maid-of-honor wanted to know if you’re single—Lora. I think she’s interested in a few extracurricular activities other than what we’ve got planned,” he added with a laugh.

  “Hmm.” Before seeing Vivian, he might have been interested. However, something about the feel of her in his arms and rapid pace of her heart against his chest when she fell in his lap told him they weren’t over. Not by a long shot. He had questions and she had answers. Whether here or back home, this time he intended to get them and maybe see if she was finally ready for more.

  “So…do you want me to tell her you’re interested?”

  Instead of answering, Devin said, “I saw Vivian.”

  Tony choked on his beer. He coughed and coughed, then finally caught his breath. “When?” he croaked.

  “She’s here.”

  “Here? Where?” Tony asked, pivoting on his stool and scanning beach and pool areas.

  “We were on the same flight here, but I don’t know where she’s staying.”

  “Did she finally tell you why she ended things?” Tony was the only one Devin had told what happened.

  “We didn’t really talk.”

  “I take it you still have feelings for her.”

  Devin shrugged. “I didn’t think so, but seeing her and holding her again—”

  “Wait a minute. What do you mean holding her?”

  He told Tony what happened on the plane and then continued. “I think we were both shocked. For a minute, though, I saw something in her eyes that reminded me of how things were back when we dated. I thought I could let it go, but I need answers, Tony. Either here or when I get home, this time I’m not going to just let things go.” Devin tilted the bottle to his lips and took a long drink.

  “I don’t think I could, either.”

  “That was one of the worse times in my life. Somebody broke into my house, then, with no explanation, my girl leaves me.” He shook his head. “The only thing that kept me sane was work and my family.” Devin still got angry every time he thought about that robbery. Thankfully, the police had recovered a few of the items that were most important to him.

  “I remember,” Tony murmured. He clapped Devin on the back. “I hope you get the answers you need, my brother.” He glanced down at his watch and stood. “I need to get going. I’m meeting Samantha for dinner in thirty minutes, after she meets with the wedding planner again. One of the few times I’ll see her alone before the wedding,” he added with a heavy sigh.

  Devin laughed and came to his feet. The two men headed back to the hotel lobby. “I take it her mom is running interference.”

  “Man, we’ve been here twenty-four hours and I’ve seen my woman once for fifteen minutes. I couldn’t even get a real kiss,” Tony fussed. “With the schedule her mom and that wedding planner has, this will probably be the last time I see her until Friday.”

  He laughed harder at Tony’s expression.

  “Ah, Dev, I don’t think you’re going to have to wait until you get home.” Tony gestured across the lobby.

  Devin’s laughter stopped abruptly. Vivian stood at the registration desk with her two friends. A slow smile formed on his lips. “I guess not.”

  “As much as I’d love to stay and see how this moment will play out, I have my woman to get to. I’ll see you tomorrow. We’re meeting for the ATV safari at nine-thirty, right?”

  He nodded. “I’ll check with Jason and Marcel sometime this evening to make sure they’re good to go, too. Tell Samantha hi.” The laughing women turned from the desk and started toward Devin and Tony. The moment Vivian spotted Devin, her smile faded and her big brown eyes grew wide.

  “Will do. Good luck. By the look on her face, you’re going to need it. Later.”

  Devin chuckled inwardly. The surprised look on Vivian’s face was priceless. Looked like he might get those answers sooner rather than later.

  As soon as they checked in and deposited their bags, the women rushed back to the lobby for the meeting with the wedding planner. They would have had a few minutes to rest, but Vivian was trying to avoid Devin after deplaning and they got caught in the long customs line. She couldn’t help but wonder where he was staying. Seeing him again was hard because, although she had ended their relationship—she didn’t have a choice—she still loved him.

  “Too bad you two have to meet with the wedding planner,” Dawn said as they waited at the front desk. “I’ve seen some fine brothers walking around here.”

  Vivian laughed. “Try not to have too much fun without us.”

  “Yeah,” Mariah added. “Save some fun for after Friday night. There are a couple of tours we should do. I really want to tour the Bellefield Great House and Gardens.”

  Dawn rolled her eyes. “Hmph. I should’ve known you’d want to go somewhere that has to do with gardens and flowers.”

  “I want to go, too,” Vivian said. “Dawn, it’s one of the oldest sugar plantations in Jamaica.”

  “Ms. Irving said she’ll be down in a moment,” the front desk clerk said after hanging up the phone.

  “Thank you,” Vivian and Mariah said at the same time.

  “Viv and I shouldn’t be long, Dawn. An hour tops. We’re just going over the order with the hotel staff to make sure I have everything I need. We can have dinner afterwards.”

  Dawn glanced down at her watch. “If y’all take too long, I’m going to ask one of these sexy men running around here to join me, like that one,” she whispered and pointed to a dark-skinned man who had obviously just left the pool or beach. His damp, muscled skin glistened in the overhead lighting.

  Vivian shook her head at her outrageous friend. “Girl, I don’t know about you. Try not to get into trouble while we’re gone.”

  “I’ll see what I can do, but don’t hold me to it.”

  They all laughed.

  “Um, Viv,” Dawn started, her laughter fading, “remember when you said this was a big island? Don’t look now, but I think it just shrunk.”

  Vivian followed Dawn’s gaze and her stomach dropped. “I don’t believe it.” Out of all the hotels on the island, what were the odds that she and Devin would end up at the same one? She watched as he and Tony, who she remembered as being one of Devin’s friends, shared a one-arm hug. “This can’t be happening.”

  “Oh no.” Mariah laid a hand on V
ivian’s shoulder. “Sweetie, I’ve got bad news.”

  She couldn’t imagine anything being worse and wasn’t sure she wanted to know, but asked the question anyway. “What is it?”

  “That guy Devin was just talking to is Samantha Green’s fiancé. The one time he came with her to the shop, you were out, so I didn’t get a chance to introduce you.”

  Vivian was wrong. It could be worse.

  “Aaaand, now he’s coming this way.”

  “Gee thanks, Dawn,” Vivian said sarcastically, like she couldn’t see all six-foot four-inches of Devin’s magnificent milk chocolate body heading in her direction. That sexy swagger had caught her attention the first time she’d seen him at the local gym. At the time, Mariah had been trying to impress some guy she was dating and talked Vivian into joining the fitness center. Unlike most of the women there who dressed in skimpy, tight workout attire, Vivian always wore an old T-shirt that was two sizes too big and baggy shorts. Devin had come up to her and teasingly said, “You know your workout might be more productive if your clothes fit better. You’re spending half your energy readjusting them.” He continued to tease her every time he saw her until she wore an outfit that fit. Then he’d asked her out on a date to celebrate. The evening had ended with a kiss that melted her on the spot. And she’d been melting ever since. But, once again her past caught up to her, forcing Vivian to end a promising relationship and hurt a man she was coming to love in the process. Now she was on an island with that same man, and ran the risk of succumbing to something she knew couldn’t last.

  “Good afternoon, ladies.” Devin spoke to all three women but his eyes never left Vivian. “We meet again, Princess,” he murmured, searing her with the intensity of his gaze.

  “Hey, Devin. You remember my friends, Mariah and Dawn?”

  He nodded. “Good to see you ladies again.”

  “Looks like we’re all here for the same reason,” Mariah volunteered with a slight edge in her tone.

  Vivian cut her eyes at Mariah. She had hoped to keep that information secret until absolutely necessary, like the day of the wedding. She saw the moment he understood.

  “The flowers. That means we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, Viv. I’m looking forward to catching up.”

  “We’re going to be really busy, so I don’t think I’ll have much time for socializing,” Vivian said quickly. “Then it’ll be time to head back home.” She skewered Mariah with a glare that dared her to tell him how long they were staying.

  Devin smiled perceptively. “Is that right? I’m sure Mariah can spare you for a few minutes. If memory serves me correctly, your floral arranging skills were limited to a few simply designed corsages and boutonnieres by choice because you preferred the business side of things.” He leaned down close to her ear. “Your words, not mine.”

  Damn his memory. She took a step back, needing to put some distance between them. She searched the lobby for signs of Ms. Irving. How long did it take for the woman to get to the lobby? “Actually, there are several other things I have to do as well. So, like I said, I’ll be busy. Hope you enjoy yourself.”

  His smile never wavered. “I think I’m going to enjoy this trip much more than I anticipated.”

  Vivian’s breath caught. The heated look in his eyes was one she remembered well. This is so not good. She never could resist him when he turned those dark, magnetic eyes on her. How did she ever break up with him? Why was he staring at her like that? And why wasn’t he more upset with her?

  “Oh, I’m so glad you made it,” Ms. Irving gushed, approaching the group with her arms spread. “Isn’t this place fabulous?”

  Thank goodness! Vivian wanted to kiss the woman. “Hello, Ms. Irving. Yes, it’s a beautiful resort, although we haven’t had a chance to settle in yet.” Mariah greeted her and Vivian introduced Dawn.

  “Oh, dear. Was your flight delayed?”

  Mariah folded her arms and threw Vivian a look. “No. It just took a little extra time to deplane.”

  “You must’ve gotten caught in that dreadful customs line. Well, I’ll try to keep it short. I asked Mrs. Green and Samantha to join us. They should be here in a… oh, there they are.” Ms. Irving waved them over.

  Samantha hugged Vivian and Mariah when she joined them. “Thank you so much for being here, Mariah and Vivian.”

  “We wouldn’t have missed it,” Vivian said. “This is our friend, Dawn.” She stole a quick glimpse at Devin standing there and smiling, and wished he would take a hint and leave.

  “Nice to meet you,” Samantha and Mrs. Green said.

  Samantha looked over at her mother, smiled and turned back. “I couldn’t have been happier when Mom told me she was flying you guys over.”

  “Believe me, it was no problem,” Mariah said with a chuckle. “Are you ready for the big day?”

  Samantha nodded and bounced up and down. “I’m so excited I can barely keep still.” She reached for Devin. “How are you, Devin? I didn’t know you knew these ladies.”

  He leaned down and hugged her. “I’m good. Vivian and I go back a ways.”

  “Really? That’s great. Vivian, make sure you have Devin bring you to the rehearsal dinner and pre-party tomorrow night at five. Actually all of you should come. I insist.”

  Mariah and Dawn eagerly accepted. And judging from Devin’s satisfied expression, he obviously had no problem with it. Vivian seemed to be the only one less than pleased.

  “I’ll be more than happy to escort Ms. Michaels,” Devin said. “What time should I pick you up, Viv?”

  “I can just meet you in the lobby.”

  “A gentleman would never do that. So, what time?”

  Vivian wanted to tell him never, but with Samantha, Mrs. Green and Ms. Irving smiling at her expectantly she mumbled, “Four forty-five will be fine.”

  “Great. What room are you in?”

  Vivian reluctantly gave him her room number.

  “I’ll let you ladies get to your meeting.” He bent, placed a lingering kiss on Vivian’s cheek and whispered, “See you later, Princess.”

  Vivian blushed…hard.

  Dawn and Mariah stared open-mouthed, then Mariah frowned.

  “Well, let’s get going,” Ms. Irving said and hustled them to the room she reserved.

  They discussed the schedule, toured the grounds where the wedding would be held, the courtyard for the reception and then Mariah’s workspace. Samantha left in the middle to meet her fiancé for dinner. Vivian was glad Mariah wrote everything down because she hadn’t heard one word. Her thoughts were still on Devin, the soft kiss that still lingered on her cheek and how she was going to get out of going to that dinner.


  Vivian picked up the glass holding her second drink as soon as the waiter set it on the table and took a long draw from the black plastic straw.

  Dawn reached over and snatched the drink out of Vivian’s hand. “Girl, you might want to slow down. That rum punch has a way of sneaking up on you and I don’t plan on carrying you out of here.”

  “Viv, Dawn is right,” Mariah said with a sigh. “Especially since you don’t drink very often. These are delicious… but strong. Maybe you should put a little more food on your stomach before finishing that cocktail. And, I don’t want you to be still passed out tomorrow when it’s time to work. We have too much to do.”

  “I’m fine. And I’ll be ready to work in the morning.” Vivian knew they were right and, if she didn’t slow down, she would pay dearly tomorrow, but she also figured if she drank enough, it would quell her rising response to Devin. She never realized how much she missed him. Okay, that was a lie. She missed him like crazy. No matter how many guys she went out with, none of them came close to making her feel the way Devin did. She found herself comparing every one of their touches and kisses to Devin’s, and the conclusion was always the same: none came close. Vivian released a deep sigh and retrieved her drink from Dawn. She needed it. This time, though, she only took a small sip and leaned
back in her chair while staring out over the water. She’d been looking forward to relaxing and sampling authentic Caribbean cuisine with the beach steps away, but her peaceful paradise had turned into something more stressful. However, there was nothing she could do about it now. Sitting up, she picked up her fork and dug into her dinner. The food—traditional Jamaican steamed fish, rice and peas—smelled heavenly. This might be her only vacation for a long while and she needed to make the best of it.

  The three women ate in silence for a while then Dawn asked, “So, you want to tell us what’s going on with you and Devin?”

  “Nothing. I don’t know what he’s doing.”

  “No?” Mariah said. “Seems to me he wants you two to get back together.”

  How she wished they could. But the risk was too great. “Well, that won’t be happening. I can’t believe Samantha asked him to escort me to the rehearsal dinner.”

  “If you don’t want him, I’ll be happy to go in your place.”

  Vivian and Mariah glared at Dawn.

  “What? She just said they weren’t getting back together. I’m not talking about dating him for an extended period of time. Just one looong night of pleasure, that’s all.”

  Vivian tried to push down the rush of jealousy along with the urge to smack Dawn.

  “Dawn, seriously?” Mariah said, rolling her eyes. “He broke up with Vivian. You do not go after ex-boyfriends who trashed your best friend’s heart.”

  Dawn waved a hand. “Oh lighten up. I was just kidding.”

  She said it in a playful manner, but something about her tone when she mentioned sleeping with Devin had Vivian thinking Dawn meant every word. The tension at the table was palpable for several minutes following the exchange, but things had returned to normal by the time the dinner plates had been removed from their table.

  Mariah groaned. “I think I need to walk off some of this food. I ate entirely too much.”

  “Me, too,” Vivian said. It was a good thing she hadn’t finished that second drink otherwise she would need someone to carry her out. Feeling the beginnings of a headache, she decided she’d have to find another way to deal with emotions swirling around in the pit of her stomach.


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