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Galaxy Warrior Favian: Alien Abduction: Galaxy Series 8

Page 10

by K. L. Wallen

  “Did they do any of these acts in public?” Blaize wondered aloud.

  “Yes, to a certain extent. Humans are very passionate and not afraid to show their affection. We’ll be picking up the MacKennas, after Cheng and Nica. Watch Nolan and his mate, Sherry, also Conall with his mate Bridgett. They have been life-mated, married as the human’s call it, for a very long time. The relationships with the honored guests and their chosen Pzian mates, the Fleet Commander brought aboard, were new and exciting. Not that what the senior MacKennas have isn’t exciting. Theirs has reached a point of comfort.” Ivanoff stopped explaining when Blaize’s data pad hummed. He nodded to him as he left to meet with the Commander. Ivanoff held the door open and stated, “Don’t forget your contacts. I’ll be up as soon as you return, to retrieve Nica.”

  Before he stepped back in to let the door close, he saw his son, Tyce, and Maxon approach. Ivanoff wanted to laugh, but held it in. “Warriors,” he nodded his head in greeting. “I’m sorry, but I have to program a search for information for Favian right away, and then I’ll be going with the Commander to retrieve Nica. We’ll have to talk later.”

  “Nica?” Maxon asked.

  Ivanoff shook his head. “That would be Honored Guest Veronica Rose Archer. She prefers to be called Nica. Also, she is promised to Commander Traven Scorpak. Let the other warriors know this.” He stepped back and let the door slide shut.


  “Ivanoff!” Nica exclaimed and raced into his arms. She went up on her tippy-toes and kissed his cheek. “You scared the crap out of me!” she laughed. “Good thing I was dressed.” She stepped back and turned to face Commander Gharm.

  “You look familiar. Weren’t you on Slotan’s transport before they left?” She held her hand out in greeting. “I’m Nica.”

  “I’m Commander Dorn Gharm. You may call me Dorn. Fleet Commander Scorpak has assigned me the next measure of this mission.” He took her offered hand and gently shook it as shown how previously. Dorn was careful not to crush her delicate bones.

  “So, what’s up? Are you ready for your first file transfer? First, how’s Traven? I miss him so much. Did he get his promotion?” Nica raised her eyebrows and looked expectantly from one to the other.

  Ivanoff turned towards Dorn. “May I?”

  When Dorn motioned for him to proceed, he rattled off the answers. “We are here to see if you would like to come to the transport ship for the night. You’ll meet Senior Technical Officer Varun Osiri, who you’ll be working with on the uploads, and some of Laurel and Moira’s family members may be joining us, along with Director Lee. Traven is fine and misses you. He sent me a transmission and asked that I tell you he is scheduled to be in this sector in two years’ time, and then three years beyond that, at which time he will collect you. Yes, he did get his promotion and is now Commander Scorpak of the Galaxy Hunter.”

  “What of Slotan? I thought he was the Commander of the Galaxy Hunter.”

  Dorn spoke up, “He is Fleet Commander of all Pzianian warships and has been for the past decade. The Galaxy Hunter is his favorite vessel and he takes command of it when he journeys on her.”

  Nica smiled and looked at Ivanoff. “That must be some warship.”

  Ivanoff smiled back. “Actually, it’s an older vessel. The Galaxy Hunter was the Fleet Commander’s first commission, so he is partial to her for that reason.”

  “Oh. Okay. Ah. Let me go change and toss a few things in an overnight bag. Could you grab a flash drive and copy the file “Traven 1,” for me please? The password is Ivanoff. Just trying to make it simple. You can change the password. That has the latest information for you.” Nica turned and darted into her bedroom. When they arrived, she was barefoot and had been lounging in a mid-thigh nightshirt with the words ‘I’m a Special Edition’ printed across the front. Ivanoff silently agreed.

  Dorn stood still and watched as Ivanoff walked over to an archaic computer system. Next to the contraption, he picked up a blue rectangular object and inserted it into the side of the machine. He then took hold of an object not connected to the machine and dragged it to the side. Dorn watched as an arrow grabbed a folder on the screen and dragged it over to a box that opened when Ivanoff inserted the rectangular object. He then pulled out the object and put it in his pocket.

  “Perhaps we should bring that,” Dorn pointed to the machine, “up to the ship, so Varun can learn how to operate it.”

  “She has a smaller one, what’s called a laptop, which we can take up with us. It is battery powered, where this one,” Ivanoff motioned to the desktop computer, “must be plugged in. We do not have the same type of energy source to power that machine. If you wish, I’ll suggest to Nica that she allow Varun to transport back down with her at the end of her stay so she can show him this machine. The difference is the physical design and the power source.”

  Nica had changed into jeans, t-shirt, tennis shoes, and a lightweight jacket. As she entered the living room, she caught the last part of that conversation. “I’d love to show him. It won’t take but a couple of minutes. We’ll take up the laptop and an extra battery. Our systems are nowhere as advanced as yours, but I think Varun might find it entertaining.” She winked, and held her overnight bag up so they could see she was ready. “Well, okay. If one of you will grab my computer bag, I’m good to go!”

  Ivanoff walked over and grabbed the computer bag, then walked next to Nica and held out his arm. As soon as she slipped her hand around his arm, he transported them up.

  As soon as they landed on the bridge, Nica dropped her bag and gave Director Lee a hug. “So nice to see you again! So, have you talked to the powers that be, and gotten me permission to get a copy of the official government protocols?”

  Director Lee returned her embrace and then stepped back. “A copy of them will be messengered to you next week. My word.”

  “Excellent!” Nica clapped. She then turned to the other warriors on the bridge and smiled. “So who might you all be?”

  Dorn started with the introductions. He began with Warrior Adal Lucia. Before he could explain her duties, he was interrupted.

  “Oh! My first look at a Pzianian woman! You’re so beautiful and tall. I’m so glad to meet you,” Nica declared and hugged Adal.

  Adal looked at her commander then at Ivanoff. Not sure what to do, she gently hugged the human female back and replied, “It is an honor to meet you as well.”

  Dorn cleared his throat and continued with the rest of the introductions. The other warriors only got an offered hand, and looked disappointed that they also didn’t receive an embrace. Each one was careful not to hurt the pretty, but frail female.

  Ivanoff offered to show her to her quarters. He picked up her computer and overnight bags, then promptly dropped them when she stumbled on the stairs and nearly crashed face first. Warrior Mrirux was close and successfully dove to catch both bags before they hit the deck.

  “Thanks. I’m good. I’m good,” she exclaimed and continued towards the lift. As the door slid open, she heard Adal tell the Commander that she has set course to the MacKennas and they will be there shortly.

  After showing Nica to her quarters, Ivanoff returned to his room and sent Favian what he discovered. ‘Your guest has added two entries on her calendar. One is called a Fall Festival for the following weekend. She has also typed the words, Logan and Derek, under that. She jotted down Logan/ladder/station 11:00. That’s listed for tomorrow. I have the computer searching the area for their names now. I’d suggest you ask the MacKennas what this means when they board, you might get your answer faster since we have no last names. We’ll have the MacKennas up within half an hour.’ Ivanoff sent it off and made his way back to the bridge. He expected Favian would accompany him and the Commander down, like before. However, that was a decision for Dorn to make, not him.


  Sherry sprung off the couch as soon as the warriors appeared in Bridgett’s living room and called out, “They’re here!” She promptly gave Ivanoff a
hug, then placed Dorn’s hand in hers and slowly swung the clasped hands back and forth. “Right on time, as promised.” She smiled up at him. She released his hand and took hold of Favian’s. “So nice to see you here again, too. I hear you have a permanent hair removal wand. I’d wanted to talk to you about that last time.”

  Nolan walked up behind his wife and put his arm around her shoulder. “Honey, why don’t you see if the others are ready? I’ll keep them company.”

  “Oh, okay,” she turned and gave her husband a quick kiss on the lips and headed upstairs. Sherry crossed paths with Bridgett, who pleaded with her to help get Aideen’s rear-end movin’ along.

  Nolan rolled his eyes and whispered to Favian, “She’s let her hair grow, in case it works like Nair does. Tell me now if you don’t have this wand so I can tell her to shave, please. I miss the feel of her smooth legs.” He sighed.

  Favian looked at Gharm who nodded his approval. “I know not what this Nair is, but I have the wand and will explain to your lovely mate how to use it.” He listened as Nolan explained Nair, and then explained permanent, hair-removal laser treatment clinics, and how time-consuming the procedure is on Earth.

  Ivanoff quickly considered the monitoring devices, then realized that his concern was unwarranted. No warrior aboard the transport would intrude on such an intimate treatment. Just as he completed his thoughts, the rest of the MacKenna clan came down the stairs.

  Dorn took hold of Conall and Bridgett’s arms, Ivanoff took Nolan and Sherry’s, and Favian took hold of Robert and Aideen. They transported to the bridge and then went directly to the cafeteria for evening meal.

  “I’ll have Tyce take you to your rooms after we dine. If that’s alright?” Dorn asked.

  Aideen turned towards Favian. “Did my aunt ask you about the wand?” she waggled her eyebrows and grinned.

  “Yes, I’ll bring it to,” he was interrupted by Nica.

  “Would that be the permanent hair removal wand?” When Nica saw Aideen bobbed her head up and down, she told her, “I know how to use it! I’m Nica by the way. I hear you all are related to Laurel and Moira.”

  The warriors watched as the humans introduced themselves to each other and hugged. This came as no surprised to Ivanoff, and he enjoyed watching the expression on the other warrior’s faces. He particularly liked it when Nica turned to Adal to see if she wanted to help demonstrate the wand. Hum, Nica doesn’t know Pzian females don’t rid themselves of their hair, he thought.

  Like the last time the MacKennas came aboard, the warriors gathered trays, utensils, and began ordering an array of food to set out. Nica, a bit too quick with her movements, accidently knocked into Rort. The tray she was carrying toppled to the floor and she jumped back, right into Maxon, who in turn found the platter of food he had selected now plastered to his chest. Nica immediately began apologizing to the warriors, then she heard a scream.

  Aideen dropped her tray and leapt onto a table when these little round humming neon bugs came out of nowhere. Sherry, Bridgett, and Nica caught sight of them and joined Aideen. Robert slid to the side and slightly behind his dad, unsure what to do. Director Cheng Lee, Conall, and Nolan observed the warriors and saw that they were not alarmed. Whatever those oddly lit, ladybug, looking things are, they’re harmless. The two brothers and Cheng stood there fascinated and watched as these things devoured the mess on the floor.

  After assuring their wives everything was fine, Nolan and Conall helped their wives down, while Cheng stepped over and helped Nica. Tyce took the prompt from the human males and helped Aideen, who was still eyeballing the cleaning bots with distrust.

  “Those are cleaning bots,” Dorn announced. He held in the chuckle that wanted to escape. It would be most unprofessional of him to laugh. “Maxon, why don’t you go change?”

  “Oh, thank God. I thought those were the alien cockroaches Moira told us about,” Sherry exasperatedly declared. Sherry listened, as did all of the other humans and warriors, as Ivanoff explained how the Fleet Commander sent out a message to all ships to make sure none of the warriors had brought them aboard.

  Conall cocked an eyebrow at Ivanoff but said nothing. He just pulled his wife in close and gave her a kiss on her temple. Bridgett wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

  Nica walked over to Maxon and apologized again. “I’ll see if I can get the replicator to make you some special drinks.” She turned and went to the replicator and ordered up various alcoholic drinks. She was grateful when Ivanoff was there to help her with the tray. It was quite heavy, for Nica.

  Everyone took their seats. Nica held a seat open, next to her, for Maxon. She really did feel bad for making a mess of his uniform and wanted to serve him the drinks. Ivanoff felt as if he should send Maxon a warning, but then decided it would be more fun not to. Ivanoff adores Nica, even if she is the most uncoordinated, klutzy human he has met.

  Favian sat next to Bridgett and asked her about the notes made on his potential honored guest’s schedule.

  “What is her specialty?”

  He simply stated that she’s a highly regarded healer. Per Commander Gharm’s orders, he didn’t share that she specializes in stem cell research.

  Bridgett suggested that he check to see if the local fire department has firemen with the names of Logan and Derek. “Perhaps they’re going to demonstrate, at the festival, how they carry a victim down the ladder.” She softened her words to just a wisp, “I hope they’re strong. That could be quite a fall if he drops her.” Favian didn’t miss the words, nor did any of the other warriors.

  Aideen only caught part of that conversation, which led to an impromptu confession about her giving Laurel her hot firemen of the month calendar. “Well, I was afraid Moira had the only hunks on the planet,” Aideen fanned her face and moaned as she said this. She realized the attention she was drawing and blushed. Aideen remained quiet on the subject after seeing her father’s raised eyebrows and decided it would be best if she concentrated on her food.

  Favian wondered what that was about, but had a sinking feeling, and didn’t like where his thoughts were traveling. When Robert took a few verbal shots at his sister, he liked Aideen’s words and moaning sounds even less.

  Tyce was enjoying the evening and would be reviewing the feed later. There was so much movement and conversation that he was not able to capture it all himself. Tyce found their interactions with each other and with those, they just met, interesting. Trusting, was the first impression that came to mind. Tonight, he would go over everything and decide what to ask the humans to clarify, in the morning.

  Chapter 12

  “Do we have any recordings to review of Dr. Tishman with a patient yet?” Dorn inquired.

  Favian tuned down the volume in Stacy’s home. She had been singing a beautiful song as she sterilized her kitchen. He looked up at his commander and replied, “No. Nor are there any updates to her calendar indicating she’ll be meeting with a patient. Ivanoff did uncover that at the prior place she worked, her last patient requested another doctor. The reason was not stipulated, but was granted. She left shortly after that and took the job at the research lab.” Favian replied.

  Dorn turned the sound back up. “I wonder if all humans sing. I had watched video of some of our Fleet Commander’s honored guests singing. This one,” he pointed to the monitor, “also has a pleasing voice.” He sat back in the chair and noted when Stacy reacted to a loud noise.

  The Commander watched Favian’s potential honored guest open her front door. “Who is that?”


  Stacy took a step back from the peephole and opened her front door. “Logan. What are you doing here?” She opened the door wider and allowed him entrance. Stacy couldn’t help but appreciate the fine form that walked past her, and the sly grin she displayed quickly softened as Logan turned to face her. She raised her eyebrows and pulled in her bottom lip.

  “You’re dressed,” Logan remarked. He then cleared his throat and commented, “Of course you�
�re dressed. Are you on your way out?” Logan had hoped to catch Stacy in something less, considering the early morning visit, but found the form fitting jeans and cashmere baby blue long-sleeved pullover attractive in way that left him hungry to see what was underneath.

  “I just finished my shift and wanted to stop by and see if you’d like to join me for breakfast. There’s a pretty decent diner not too far away.” He crossed his arms and flexed his biceps.

  Stacy lifted her hand and moved her hair back behind her ear. “I was just about to run to the store. I’m out of coffee.”

  Logan tilted his head to the right and smiled. “No problem. How about after breakfast, I take you to the store?” He innocently shrugged one shoulder. “Besides, I’d like to talk to you about the festival and go over the answers to some of the more common questions people will ask. You are still willing to help us out, right?”

  “Yes, of course. Were you serious about carrying me down that ladder? Will you be wearing full-gear when you do this?” She puckered her lips and looked up at him with a concerned expression.

  Logan laughed to lighten the mood. “Don’t worry. I won’t be fully geared for the demonstration. I’ll just have on the standard—about forty-five pounds worth of equipment. When the situation warrants, we wear some seventy-seven pounds of gear. Even fully dressed, I could easily carry you down the ladder. Care for a demonstration?” he winked.

  “Uh-um, I don’t have my shoes on,” Stacy lamely stated.

  Logan laughed again. “You’re adorable. Now, go get your shoes on.” When he saw her eyes widen, he added, “Don’t worry, I won’t throw you over my shoulder and cart you out caveman style, although it’s tempting. We’ll talk about this over breakfast. You’ll see, you’re in good hands.” He stepped to the side and waved with his arm for her to go get her shoes.


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