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Galaxy Warrior Favian: Alien Abduction: Galaxy Series 8

Page 13

by K. L. Wallen

  Not wanting to cause a scene, Dr. Randall decided not to enter the room. As she was quietly pulling the door closed, she caught Dr. Carter’s eyes and shook her head in anger and disbelief.

  When the exterior doors slid open, she didn’t respond when she heard Dr. Carter calling her name. She’d deal with him and Dr. Everen tomorrow. Stacy shut her car door, and feeling very anti-social, decided on a new plan for the evening: money and gift card, dart into the hospital, dash home, change, and go for a ten-mile run. It would then be late enough to turn in for the night.


  Stacy changed into a jogging outfit and slid on a lightweight jacket. “So how about it Favian? Up for a run? Well at least I made the nurse happy today,” she sarcastically stated as she made her way down the stairs. She could only attribute calling on Favian as a miens to deal with her mental state.

  She forewent the stretching, fearing either Dr. Carter or Logan would pull up. All she wanted was to run and forget about her crappy day. No matter how many times she recanted her motto of ‘No woe is me,’ it was if the words were coming from a stranger and going in one ear and out the other, only to circle around her head and reenter. She blew out a deep breath and picked up speed. Stacy knew if she didn’t work off this excess pent up anger, that she was likely to quit her job. After she performed the stem cell procedure on Cory, that is. He is her patient and she intended to see his treatment to the end.


  “Commander Gharm, may I have a few minutes of your time?” Favian requested when he stepped off the lift and onto the bridge. He followed his commander into the conference room and replayed parts of Stacy’s day, ending with her request to join her on a run.

  “She looks disturbed,” Dorn commented.

  “Yes, she’s been in that state since she arrived at work. We don’t have monitoring equipment in all of the rooms at the research lab, so I don’t know what happened. Would you object to me going for a run?”

  Dorn enlarged the image and closed in on Stacy’s expression. “Put in your contacts and change. You’ll wear a monitor and Blaize will trail behind. That’s an order. Ivanoff has already shown us that the satellites do not perform well at night. Earth is not safe for females, especially at night.” The treatment and threats to females on Earth was something that Fleet Commander Scorpak highlighted. Dorn picked up his data pad and sent a message to Blaize to report to the bridge immediately.

  Using Pzian speed, Favian returned to the bridge less than five minutes later. Ivanoff informed him he locked into her coordinates, via the translator. He recommended waiting a few minutes to transport to that location, so as not to frighten her.

  Favian turned to Blaize. “Don’t crowd, as the humans would say.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it, as the humans would say,” he retorted. He waited an extra twenty seconds before trailing the good healer. Blaize landed and heard Favian not far ahead. He had to remind himself that humans do not possess the speed that Pzians do. Blaize smiled when he pictured Favian trying to look like he was running, when it would be nothing more than a brisk walk. He wondered if Favian would be pumping his arms the way humans do. After a couple of miles, curiosity won out and Blaize closed the distance to see how well Favian was faking it. He was impressed, and backed off when Favian turned his head in his direction.


  Stacy readied her whistle when she heard the footsteps closing in on her. She entered the golf course, and ran along the outer edge.

  “Nice night for a run,” Favian commented as he reached Stacy’s side. He kept an arm’s length away from her, matched her pace, and kept his focus straight ahead, so as not to scare her.

  “Yes, it is.” Stacy turned her head to see who it was with the familiar voice.

  Quick as lightning, Favian caught Stacy before she hit the ground. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to distract you and cause you to stumble.” He helped right her and then stepped back.

  “You were at the accident yesterday. Where did you go? I couldn’t find you.” Stacy stared at the powerful, handsome man. She narrowed her eyes trying to get a better look. Twilight had come and only a quarter moon supplied light.

  Favian didn’t have any problem seeing the pretty doctor. “I wanted to stay there, to help you. I’m sorry I left you to deal with the accident. The transports were nearly there and I didn’t want to explain the adrenaline rush.” He hoped she accepted his part-truth explanation.

  “What you did was incredible. I’ve heard stories of people experiencing adrenaline rushes in time of need or panic, but never witnessed it.” She held out her hand. “Thank you for your help. I’m Stacy Randall.”

  Favian took her hand. “It’s nice to meet you Stacy Randall. I’m Favian Bax. I was impressed with your dedication, when you saved the woman’s life yesterday.” He couldn’t help but lift the corners of his lips.

  “Favian?” She saw him nod his head. Stacy looked down and saw their hands still joined. For some unexplainable reason it felt right, up until he noticed where her eyes landed and released her hand. “Would you care to run with me?” She shook her head as if in disbelief that she just offered him, a stranger, at night, to run with her.

  When Stacy took a step back, Favian reassured her, “I will run with you and make sure you’re safe. Shall we?”

  “Hum, if you wanted to hurt me, you could have already. There’s no one around.” She shrugged her shoulders in an attempt to display nonchalance, even though she felt everything but disinterested. “Let’s run.” Stacy started out and picked up her pace. She wanted to see if he was actually a jogger or a stalker. If he could keep up, then she would give him the benefit of the doubt. Stacy ran full out for the next half mile before slowing back down to a jog. Favian kept up without laboring.

  “So tell me about yourself,” she requested as they continued to jog.

  He made sure to use human words. “I’m a doctor. I am not married and don’t have any children. There’s not much to tell. I’m more interested in you. Your turn.” He remembered Robert and Aideen sharing that phrase.

  “A doctor? So tell me doc, how many bones are there in a human’s skull?” She doubted his story of being a doctor and hoped he’d prove her wrong.

  “Twenty-two in the skull. Two hundred six total in the human body. Did I pass?” he chuckled.

  “Yes, I’m sorry to have questioned you. I had no right to do that. If it makes you feel better, I came under question myself today.” She maintained her pace and focused on what was in front of her. Stacy reached into her jacket pocket, pulled out her small flashlight and lit up the ground in front of them. “That’s better.”

  Favian was glad that she decided to take another lap around the golf course, he didn’t want this time with her to end. “Do you want to discuss what happened? I’m an excellent listener.”

  Part of Stacy wanted to spill her guts to this stranger, the other part wouldn’t allow her to do so. “I’m also a doctor. I had coworkers question my ethics today. It was disheartening.” She couldn’t believe she shared that and quickly added, “And that’s all I’m going to say on the subject. So what field of medicine do you practice?”

  He understood what she was asking and tried to think of the human words. “I am in general medicine. I don’t have a specialty. What of yourself?”

  “I’m a researcher. So, did you just move here? I don’t recall seeing you at the hospital or the medical center. Or do you have your own practice?”

  Favian replied, “I work with warriors.”

  “Oh, a military guy.” She turned her head and smiled. “You look military. Short hair, buff, yes,” she twinkled. “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you. You just really do look like you could walk onto a battlefield. That’s a compliment.”

  “I’ve been on many battlefields and accept the compliment. Do you run out here every night?”

  “Why? Are you hoping to come running with me again?” she playfully gushed.

  Favian laughed. “Yes,
as a matter of fact I am hoping to see you again. If it is just to go for a run, then that’s what we’ll do. I will always make sure you are safe.”

  “You should be careful what you promise, fine doctor,” Stacy laughed.

  By the second lap around the golf course, the conversation took a turn and they discussed astronomy, astrology, and the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. Stacy hadn’t noticed Blaize whizzing past on their third trip around the golf course. After the fourth lap, Stacy stated that it was time for her to head back home. She was glad when he offered to stay with her until she reached her home.

  “Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee? It’s the least I can do since you made sure I stayed safe.”

  Favian signaled to Blaize that he wouldn’t be long, and then followed the pretty doctor into her home. He accepted the coffee and spent the next hour talking and laughing with her. “I should go. Thank you for allowing me to jog with you. Another run, tomorrow night? I’d love to hear about your research.”

  “It’s a date. Can you do an hour earlier? I don’t usually run this late.” She walked Favian to the door and took his outstretched hand. “I enjoyed our run.” Stacy glimpsed down once again at their joined hands and marveled at how right it felt.

  Favian’s will power was tested to its limit. Her hand felt priceless in his and it pained him to release her soft hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He stepped onto the porch and then jogged down the driveway.

  Stacy watched him until he was around the corner and out of sight. She closed the door, leaned her back against it, and sighed. For him, she might just have to break with her minimum 3-month dating rule, and ask for STD testing to be done soon. With a smile on her face, she went upstairs. Stacy decided it was time to dig through her bottom dresser drawer and pull out a few toys.


  Dorn and Adal had watched Stacy’s reaction after she closed her door, and grinned at Favian when he materialized on the bridge. They only watched so far as her sighing, smiling, and limply leaning against the door. The dreamy expression on her face told them she found the good healer very attractive.

  Blaize was right behind him, and he too, grinned. “I’ll be in the training room. I’ve never run so slow in all my life.”

  “Thanks for intercepting that stray ball,” Favian called out before Blaize entered the lift. He received a nod back in return. Favian then handed his commander the transporter and monitor. He didn’t feel the need to report what occurred, they all knew.

  Chapter 16

  Stacy waited until her cellphone stopped vibrating to see who had called. There were four calls from Dr. Carter, one from Dr. Everen, and several from Logan.

  She called Logan back and apologized for not getting back to him sooner. He was back on shift at the fire station in the morning, so she told him she would be there Saturday to practice. “Yes, everything is fine. I really am sorry about not calling you back sooner. I just had a rough day and needed to run.”

  While she listened to him talk about his day, her mind drifted to Favian. Stacy caught enough of the conversation to respond, “Yes, Saturday. I’ll be there, promise. I do want to help.” After she hung up, she took a shower and changed for bed. Doctors Carter and Everen could just wait until she sees them at work.


  “Ivanoff, bring up the monitors at the research institute. Let’s see how Dr. Stacy Randall is faring this morning,” Dorn ordered. He, like the others, was becoming addicted to watching Stacy. Dorn had granted Warrior Tyce Owynn, who specializes in interspecies relations, permission to tap into the monitors at Stacy’s work and in all rooms of her home but the bedroom and bath.

  The Commander smiled when he saw Stacy enter the research facility. “Turn up the volume,” he ordered.


  Cora went out of her way to greet Dr. Randall the next morning. She even brought Stacy a caramel latte. “May I?” Cora waved her hand in the direction of the chair in front of Stacy’s desk.

  “Yes. Here let me get you,” Stacy didn’t get a chance to finish.

  “There’s no need to pay me for the coffee. I’m trying to apologize to you Dr. Randall. I’m ashamed at the way I reacted yesterday. I was confused. Please, forgive me,” Cora stated with genuineness.

  Stacy couldn’t be angry with Cora. She had done nothing wrong. “It’s okay. Imagine how confused I was when I saw the images appear. I’m afraid I owe the M.R.I. technician an apology for questioning her ability to operate the machine.” Stacy chuckled and added, “I probably also owe one to the tech who did the x-ray, and one to the tech who operated the CAT Scan.” She picked up the coffee and took a sip. “Delicious. Thank you Cora, and not just for the coffee.”

  “Your welcome, and here, you made the paper.” Cora shut the door on her way out.

  Stacy picked up the newspaper and opened it to the page with the post-it note sticking out. It was an article about the automobile accident. She shook her head as she read, “Dr. Stacy Randall and an unknown hero, saved the life of Deborah Schlott...” her voice softened and trailed off as she read the rest aloud.

  “I’ve got to make a copy of this for Favian.” A warm feeling rushed through her body as she said his name. “Ah, Favian. I want to see you again,” she whispered right before she removed the post-it and put the paper inside the filing cabinet with her purse.

  She turned on her computer and waited to see who would be the next brave soul to enter her office. It didn’t take long until Stacy heard Dr. Carter’s two-knuckled knock. She turned her chair to face the door, knowing he wouldn’t wait for her to say enter. He never did.

  Bill stepped inside Stacy’s office. “Morning, I tried to call you several times last night. I even drove over to your home, but you were out.”

  “I went for a run. Is there something you need, Dr. Carter?”

  “I just wanted to talk to you about yesterday. May I sit down?”

  Stacy shook her head. “I have a lot to do. I need to schedule an appointment for Cory with his family doctor to get clearance for the procedure, and schedule a room at the medical center. I’m hoping to do his treatment next week. Or have you, or Dr. Everen, taken over my patient’s case?

  “Cory is your patient. We wouldn’t take over your case. Stacy,” he was cut off.

  “That’s not what it seemed like yesterday, when you and Dr. Everen delivered the good news to the family. Dr. Carter, I really do need to set up these appointments.” She turned and picked up her phone.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you.” Dr. Carter stood for a long moment before leaving her to her calls. He stepped into the hallway and shook his head at Dr. Everen.


  “Bagallard,” Blaize belted out. “What did he do to her?”

  Dorn glanced over his shoulder. “Calm down. Stacy is fine and is handling the situation.”

  “We’re still tracking her computer. I’ll tap into the medical center’s computer mainframe so we’ll know which room she will be assigned for Cory’s procedure,” Varun remarked. He was as anxious as the others were, to witness a stem cell implantation.

  Adal swiveled her chair around to face Varun. “Can you retrieve that article Cora shared with Stacy?” Adal knew all of Stacy’s coworkers by name. “Look, Dr. Everen isn’t heeding Dr. Carter’s advice.”

  Not too soon later, Blaize was threatening to go down there and eliminate Dr. Everen.

  Adal figured Favian would be there right now if he had a transporter with him. She even wanted to go down there and kick Dr. Michael Everen’s ass. “How can he possibly think she would accept his apology? The bagallard honestly believes his actions were justified! Did you hear him? What he and Bill did?” she exclaimed.

  Commander Gharm switched the feedback to the conference room. “Stacy is handling her coworkers. Updates?” Dorn inwardly smiled when he thought about the Fall Festival. He knew the entire crew would be up here to watch the MacKennas create a distraction and to see Favian carry Stacy down the ladde


  Favian waited impatiently all day for this. He knocked on Stacy’s front door, as Ivanoff instructed. “Ready for our run?”

  “Yep. I just finished stretching so I’m good to go.” She locked the door and slid the stretchy bracelet over her wrist. “If you’d like, we could make it a shorter run and I’ll make us something to eat when we get back.”

  “I’d like that. Let’s run.” They started jogging down the street and continued to talk. Favian wondered if Stacy even noticed the people who stopped to stare at them. “Was your day better, today?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact it was. I don’t believe my coworkers will ever question my ethics again,” she said with a hint of glee in her tone. “Plus, if everything goes well, my patient will be walking again, very soon.”

  Favian smiled. “That sounds interesting. I hope you’ll share the story with me over evening meal.”

  Stacy found his phrase amusing. “Evening meal, I like the sound of that. Sounds much fancier than dinner. I hope you won’t be disappointed with my cooking.” She ran faster as they entered the park where the Fall Festival will take place. The two of them then veered towards the golf course. “Let’s just do one lap around the course, and then back to the house.”

  They made good time and made it back while it was still light outside. Favian knew Blaize transported back up as soon as they reached her home.

  “Here. We made the news.” She handed him the paper she picked up for him. She had her own copy tucked away, upstairs. Stacy took the paper back and opened it up to the correct page.

  Favian reached for the paper but found her hand in his. He smiled and held onto her hand as she led him to the sectional. He sat down and let Stacy have her hand back so she could point to the article. He acted surprised, even though Adal had forwarded him a copy. Favian was finding it difficult to maintain his composure with her so close. She smelled good, and her arm against his arm felt perfect. He started to reach up to touch her face but remembered the monitors and lowered his hand. Favian briefly closed his eyes and shifted to lessen the pressure in his pants.


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