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Her Independence Day

Page 6

by Victoria Belle

  “Not enough,” Jesse teased.

  “We could be so much worse,” I offered.

  “I don’t think I could handle much more,” Ashley said.

  And I wondered if that was true. Unfortunately, there was only one way to find out. So I offered her my hand, which she took, and I pulled her away from the wall to come stand in front of me. The toe of her sandal kicked the pebble she’d been playing with, and it skittered away across the pavement. I guided her to stand between me and Jesse.

  She never pulled away. Her eyes remained glued to mine as I let go of her hand and let my touch fall on her hip. I’d never touched her like this. It was an innocent touch compared to what I wanted to do to her, but it was intimate regardless. More intimate than anything we’d ever done. All of the contact we’d had up to this point had been innocent, minus the occasional hand grazing the lower back or shoulders kind of thing at family functions.

  Her lips parted slightly, and her eyes darted back and forth between mine.

  “I’ve been into you for a long time, Ashley,” I told her. She stayed where she was, apparently frozen to the spot, and sucked in a sharp breath. “And I really want to kiss you right now.”

  Ashley blinked.

  I continued. “And you don’t have to choose just one of us if you want all three.”

  “What?” she asked. Her voice was breathy and soft.

  I suspected that same heat that had come to life inside me was also burning inside her like a gentle flickering flame. I tugged her closer so that the length of her body was pressed to mine.

  “Ethan,” she whispered.

  I reached up to cup her cheek, and I held the side of her face like she was glass, like she might crumble in my arms at any moment. She was a treasure. After standing like that for a couple seconds, her eyes fluttered closed, and she pressed her cheek deeper into my palm. Her breath whispered out between her lips, and the tension she was holding in her shoulders slipped away. Her walls were coming down, and she was inviting me in.

  I traced her jaw and rested my thumb under her chin to gently urge her to look up at me. She did, but she kept her eyes closed. Her lashes were incredibly long. Her cheeks were still bright pink, and I could see traces of shimmer there—remnants of her makeup, I assumed.

  I leaned down, closing the distance between us. Before our lips touched, I could smell mint on her breath and tequila. I could feel her tremble under my touch.

  And then we were kissing. Her lips were warm and soft as velvet. She stood completely still under the kiss but let me in when I pushed my tongue between her lips. She tasted like honey. And sex. And everything I ever could have imagined but better.

  She moaned softly into my mouth, and I took this as encouragement to hold her to me more fiercely. Her hands rested on my chest and then tightened into fists, gathering the front of my shirt between her fingers.

  The kiss deepened.

  Fifteen minutes ago, I’d believed that Ashley would be walking down the aisle to be married off to a man that could never make her happy in less than four months. And now here I was, kissing the girl of my dreams, the girl who had always been just out of reach.

  She went to the tips of her toes, and her hands wandered up to the collar of my shirt. She pulled me closer to her, and I wrapped my arms around her lower back, bending her back as my tongue plunged into her mouth to explore all of her.

  I knew things were heating up too quickly, and at some point, I would have to reel it in. I didn’t want to scare her off and move too fast after years of refraining from pursuing her, but the swell in my pants as my cock twitched and stiffened would not be easily ignored. She’d see or feel it sooner or later, and if things got too steamy, it would be impossible to walk away from her.

  I wanted her so fucking badly. I wanted her on her back, on all fours, straddling me. It didn’t matter. Whatever she wanted, she could have. She just needed to give voice to those desires, and I could worship her the way she deserved.



  This was the most alive I had felt in months. Possibly years.

  Every nerve ending in my body was singing. There was a rushing in my ears that I realized was my blood coursing through me like it had been set on fire and was seeking refuge in every part of my body that ached to feel the slightest sensation. Like my lips.

  Ethan’s kiss was tender and aggressive all at the same time. The way he held me to him, like I was all he ever wanted to feel again, made me melt in his arms.

  This electric attraction had never been present in my relationship with Nick. The only time I’d ever heard my own blood rushing in my ears was when I thought he was going to come after me and put his hands around my throat when he caught me packing my bags three weeks ago. And that hadn’t been from lust. That had been nothing but fight or flight. And I’d done neither. I’d stood there, trapped like a bird with clipped wings, just praying he didn’t come for me.

  He’d stood on the other side of the bed, his thick barrelled chest rising and falling with each rapid, furious breath. The way he looked at me. I could only compare it to the way a lion looked at a weak gazelle that had lingered too far behind the herd. He’d yelled at me and then rushed around the foot of the bed to slam my suitcase closed. I retreated into the corner until there was nowhere else for me to go, and he boxed me in, using the bulk of his body as another wall to pin me in place.

  I didn’t know what snapped him out of his rage, but somehow, he got a hold of himself and spared me enough time to slip out from between him and flee. I didn’t even grab my bag. I didn’t get any of my shit until I went in with the moving company on a day I knew Nick would be at work.

  I hated how afraid I had felt in those brief five minutes that felt like an eternity. That crippling fear followed my everywhere now.

  Except for here in Ethan’s arms. Here, I was completely and totally safe, and all my defenses crumbled, and I bared myself wide open to him. I clung to the front of his shirt and pulled myself to him like we could become one. I wanted him so badly.

  What had he meant when he said if I couldn’t choose, I could have all three of them? All three Thomas brothers? Was that even a possibility? Could I handle something like that?

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts. All I wanted was to focus on how good my body felt and relish the moment of finally having one of my dreams realized. My ultimate dream. The one that was forever lingering in the back of my brain like a nagging, incessant, terribly frustrating wish.

  Dimly, I remembered that Jesse was behind me. A part of me felt guilty for kissing his brother like this when he and I had just been having a good, deep conversation, but the other part of me was completely unwilling to let the moment end.

  Then that guilt was dashed when Jesse moved in behind me and put his hands on my hips. I instinctively pushed backward, burying my ass in his crotch.

  I should have been shocked to feel his thick erection against me, but I wasn’t. I should have been surprised when he lowered his hands to squeeze my bare thighs and let his fingers wander back up, this time tracing the inside of my legs. I should have told them both no.

  I didn’t.

  I wrapped my arms around Ethan’s shoulders to keep myself upright as Jesse’s fingers wandered along the inside of my thigh, tracing the hem of my very short shorts. Just a half inch more, and he would touch me. He would discover how desperately wet I was. I couldn’t let that happen? Could I?

  Jesse moved closer in behind me. His chest was grazing my shoulder blades as the two of them sandwiched me. My breasts were crushed against Ethan’s chest, and I wished I would have worn a bra. But then again, I never did. I hated the underwire and the constraint. I liked to feel free. Ethan was probably glad for it.

  His hands slipped up the inside of my shirt and moved steadily upward.

  My breath hitched in my throat when his thumbs ran over my nipples. He caressed my breasts and went from my front to my back, tracing the curve of my spine with h
is fingers before cupping my tits again.

  It felt so damn good.

  Jesse applied pressure to the inside of my right thigh, urging me to spread my legs a little for him. I obliged, stepping apart, still clinging to Ethan for dear life.

  I shivered when Jesse brushed my ponytail to one side of my neck so he could lean in and press kisses to the other. His hot breath and gentle nibbles had my panties soaking through with hungry need. Ethan’s tongue danced along mine as Jesse tugged my shorts to the side and slipped his hand inside the opening of the right leg. He traced one finger along the sopping wet fabric of my cotton panties.

  Please, I thought desperately. I didn’t dare give voice to what I wanted. Not yet. I couldn’t. It was still wrong. It was all still so wrong. Which was fucking confusing because it felt so damn right. Please.

  Jesse nudged my panties to the side, and his breathing in my ear quickened. It was a primal energy that thrummed between the three of us, and it was clear to me that both men had been withholding their desires just as I had. And all that time of needing but never getting had caught up with us, and we were all victims to our lust.

  Jesse traced my opening, dragging my juices all over the place and swirling them around my clit. I spread my legs farther without intending to. My body was taking over and calling the shots now, which was great. The less thinking, the better. I arched my back to press my ass farther into his crotch. He was thick and hard beneath the denim of his jeans, and flashes of hot desire rippled through me as I imagined what it would be like to take him inside me.

  All thoughts and imaginings were dashed when Jesse slipped a finger inside my pussy. A tight knot of pressure had formed below my tummy, and as soon as he buried his digit in me, it burst apart, leaving me gasping for breath as I tried desperately to return Ethan’s kiss. I realized he was smiling into my mouth, and he was watching me.

  I pulled away, and Ethan followed, dropping his head to trail kisses down my neck as I leaned my head back on Jesse’s shoulder. Ethan went lower until his lips were kissing the tops of my breasts. He nudged my blouse aside, exposing my tits, and he took one of my nipples full into his mouth and sucked hard before rolling his tongue over my sensitive tip.

  I thought I might have an orgasm right then and there. Jesse pulled me backward so he could rest against the wall, and Ethan followed, still worshipping my breasts as he went. I had no sense of insecurity with them, which I most definitely had when I was with Nick. He made me feel like I wasn’t thin enough, pretty enough, fit enough. He had me convinced that I wasn’t worthy of the pleasure I owed to him. Our sex life was very one-sided, and this change of pace was incredibly refreshing.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I had an orgasm.

  Jesse pushed another finger inside me, and I whimpered with pleasure.

  “Does that feel good, baby?” he whispered in my ear.

  I nodded. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t tell him how truly good it really felt. So instead, I moaned and reached behind me to rub his cock through his jeans. Jesse chuckled and pinched my earlobe between his teeth. I reached up to try to find his belt.

  Things were moving much too fast, but I didn’t care. I wanted to feel him. I wanted more than just his fingers. And I knew I would do anything for them. I’d sink to my knees right then and there and take Ethan in my mouth if he gave me the space to do so.

  “Ashley?” Someone was calling my name. No, not someone. Lulu. She was looking for me.

  My eyes snapped open, and I found myself staring up at the stars. Ethan was slipping his hand down the front of my shorts. My tits were exposed. Jesse was pumping his fingers in and out of me. I was about to climax right on the spot. My body was quivering.

  “Ashley?” Lulu called again.

  I sucked in a sharp breath and stopped Ethan from getting his hand in my shorts. He blinked at me. Had he not heard Lulu calling me? Perhaps not. “Stop,” I said, my voice hoarse.

  Jesse ceased immediately and took his hand out from the hem of my shorts.

  I slipped out from between them and nearly fell. Jesse caught my elbow and steadied me. I was now bright pink with embarrassment as I pulled my blouse back over my breasts. Now that I had space from them, the realization of what we had just done slammed into me, and I was horrified. Ashamed.

  “I have to go,” I breathed.

  “Ash,” Ethan started, taking a step toward me.

  “Lulu is looking for me.” I turned and hightailed it the hell out of there. I was grateful to slip around the front of the building and out of their view. I found Lulu standing on the other side. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back inside.

  “Where are we going? Ashley are you okay? What’s going on?”

  We blew past Dean, who watched me pass with concerned eyes. I was sure he would have followed if I didn’t haul Lulu into the ladies’ washroom. I went into the largest stall and dragged her in with me. Then I locked the door behind me and pressed my forehead to it.

  “Ashley, what the hell? Are you okay? What happened?”

  “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.”

  “Ashley!” Lulu grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around. She crouched down so that she was looking up into my face. “You’re scaring the hell out me. What happened out there? Are you hurt? Are you all right?”

  “I’m all right,” I whispered, feeling guilty for worrying her. But my mind had just caught up with my body, and I couldn’t believe what I’d just done. I met her eyes for the first time. “Lulu, I messed up.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I—I kissed Ethan.”

  “So what?”

  “And then one thing led to another, and I was backed up against Jesse, and he… he fingered me. And Ethan was still kissing me and then my shirt was half off and—” I broke off and buried my face in my hands. “Oh God. Why did I let that happen? What was I thinking?”

  “Ashley. Relax.” Lulu took my hands and pulled them away from my face. Then she fixed the straps of my shirt and tucked my loose strands of hair behind my ears. She fixed my smudged makeup and rubbed my shoulders. “This isn’t as big of a deal as you think it is. I know you probably don’t want to hear this yet, but hell fucking yeah girl, you finally got a taste of what you wanted. I have to admit, I’m really jealous.”

  I blinked at her.

  Lulu laughed and patted my cheek. “This is not a crisis. It was bound to happen eventually. Was it good at least?”

  Was it good? I considered her question. It had been fucking wonderful. I could still feel the imprints of their lips on my body, of their hands, of their bodies pressed up against mine. My pussy was aching for Jesse’s touch even now. I pinched my knees together, and Lulu giggled.

  “That good hey?” Lulu asked.

  Some of the shame started to ebb away under Lulu’s acceptance, and I gave her a smile of my own. “You have no idea.”

  “Atta girl.”



  I rolled out of bed on Thursday morning with a pounding head. Curse those cheap tequila shots at the Lamp Post. They really had a way of creeping up on you and knocking you on your ass the next morning.

  I showered, and the hot water chased away some of the lingering effects of the alcohol, but not all of them. My head still ached, and my stomach was a bit queasy. It was only seven-thirty in the morning, so I refrained from calling Jesse and Ethan to see if they wanted to grab a greasy breakfast. Knowing the two of them, they’d still be in bed for at least another hour, maybe two if Ethan had his way.

  I brewed a cup of coffee and sipped it black as I went into my home office and opened the blinds. I sat down at my computer and opened my email, which had over a dozen new messages from potential clients. Some were inquiries, some were thank yous for a job well done, and three were newly obtained customers sending back their signed contracts and other documents. I booked their dates in my calendar and shared it with my brothers and our other ten employees.

  We were a sma
ll agency for now, but I had big ambitions for growth. We had a hundred percent success rate and customer service score all within our first year of operation. It was more than promising.

  Once I was done with the general housekeeping in the office, I went back out into the living room to finish my coffee. I indulged in a morning stretch, which was a ritual I used to follow religiously when I was in the military. I’d let it fall to the wayside over the last few months but was trying to get back into it.

  As I stretched, I thought about the night before and how much of a hurry Ashley had been when she and Lulu returned from the bathroom. She didn’t even stop to say goodbye. She blew by me and gave me an apologetic look over her shoulder as she and Lulu bolted out the front door to hail a cab. A few minutes later, Jesse and Ethan had come in from outside, looking as rattled and confused as Ashley herself had.

  I didn’t ask the questions that popped into my head. I’d let the whole thing lie and got us a cab back home too. There was no point in staying if Ashley wasn’t there.

  My phone rang, and I answered it. Jesse’s thick, fatigued voice filled the phone, and he asked if I wanted to go for breakfast. I said I did, and we made plans to meet at a diner that served the best hash browns in town. It was conveniently located halfway between my place and Jesse’s.

  I changed into jeans and a long-sleeved gray shirt and grabbed my car keys and wallet. My stomach grumbled as I rode the elevator down to the underground parking lot.


  Jesse and Ethan were already sitting in a booth at the window when I arrived. The waitress, Sadie, was pouring them each a piping hot cup of coffee. When she saw me come in, she started filling the third mug on the table.

  “Thanks, Sadie,” I said as I slid into the booth opposite my brothers.

  She gave me a tight-lipped smile. “No problem. The usual for you boys?”

  We all nodded, and she bustled off back behind the counter. She’d been serving us since we first started coming to this place when we were teenagers, and our orders had barely changed. Except we drank coffee in the morning now instead of cola.


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