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Best Gay Erotica 2005

Page 2

by Richard Labonté

  My sexy sailor in the desert. I wish I could see you in your Navy uniform.

  Even from across the room, Kevin could smell the cigarette butts that spilled from ashtrays on both bed tables, and stale whiskey, and suntan oil. The lampshade tilted up, exposing the light bulb left the way Jerry had turned it while they watched themselves dog-fuck in the dresser mirror. The empty Jack Daniels bottle lay on the floor below Jerry’s foot, next to the motel towel with the brown smudge where Jerry had wiped Kevin’s ass.

  And Kevin gloried in it all. He lifted his elbow and took a long sniff of his armpit, the way Jerry had done while jacking off on the toilet the night before. He spit on his fingers and wet a patch of dried cum on his belly, then put it to his nose and smelled his own reconstituted semen. Gripping his hard-on, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

  “Me!” he whispered to himself. “Mine! This is what I want! Cock and cum and asshole sex with another man. This is what turns me on.”

  He longed to scoop Jerry into his arms, lift him up naked with the sheets and their dried cum and their undershorts and all the smells and all the booze and all the sweating and sucking and fucking and shooting off together, gather up the whole room and the night, and drag it with him all the way to California, and never let go of any of it forever.

  He stepped through their scattered clothes and carefully settled onto the bed.

  Fuck. I want to kiss you so fucking bad. His cock twitched in his hand. No, don’t risk it. He’d be pissed again. He leaned over his hitchhiker’s big chest. Has he got a hard-on under the blanket? He considered pulling the draped cloth away from Jerry’s hand. No. I don’t want to wake him up yet. This is too good.

  The way Jerry had his elbow crooked over his body showed his black panther tattoo slinking down the outside of his thick arm, and on the inside a tuft of dark hair sprouted between the bulge of his muscle and his chest. The memory of that arm lashing out at his jaw made Kevin’s heart thump nervously as he moved closer, getting his face back into an intimate proximity forbidden with another male. He bent down and put his nose and lips right up to the cleft where the underarm hairs curled out, and sniffed the acrid odor of his sleeping giant.

  His dick stiffened in his fist. He whimpered out loud, “Muhhh!”

  Jerry stirred. The big arm muscle bulged up and down as he twisted his forearm with his fist tightened. The glowering cat’s paws moved. “Pant’er onna prowl,” he croaked, with his eyes still closed. Kevin’s hard-on grew slick in his hand. He kissed the tattoo.

  “Mmm, yeah,” Jerry sighed. “Turns me on.” He flexed his arm again. “Lick all over it.”

  Kevin lapped his tongue across the cat and then sucked at the smooth skin. The mattress bounced as he masturbated shamelessly. Jerry raised his head and peered down. “You jerking off, man?” He laughed and coughed at the same time. “Over me?”

  “Uh-huh,” Kevin said, sitting back on his heels and displaying his erection to Jerry. “I’ve been watching you sleep. You aren’t mad, are you?”

  “Naw, I don’t mind.” Jerry yawned, distorting his words. “Nah affer—eeeeYUH—las’ night. You beat off over my sorry bod all you want.” He took a deep breath, put his fists to his shoulders, and raised his elbows up high. “Rub my belly,” he grunted, arching his back.

  Kevin put his hand under the blanket and made circles on the warm, hairy skin. Jerry squinted his eyes and twisted against the sheets. His abdomen hardened and then vibrated. Kevin laughed. “I can feel it in your stomach when you fart,” he said.

  Jerry grinned and squeezed out another. “You know, if I was king,” he said, cupping Kevin’s balls with his hand, “I’d put you on the payroll to be my own personal wake-up boy.” His palm warmed Kevin’s nuts. “Be your official assignment,” he purred, tugging and fingering softly between Kevin’s legs. “Jump in the sack with me every morning sportin’ a big ol’ boner like that, and then wake the king up right.”

  “You don’t have to pay me,” Kevin said. “Just tell me what to do.”

  “Okay.” Boosting himself up with his elbows, Jerry punched his pillow behind his neck and looked down at the lump in the blanket. “First thing the king needs is a good scrotum scratch,” he said, spreading his knees apart and making a tent. “King’s always got itchy nuts first thing in the morning.”

  Kevin reached lower under the bedclothes and found Jerry’s hairy bag, hanging down loose and warm and slightly damp. “Like this?” He nudged the soft pouch up with the back of his thumb and dragged his fingernails underneath, watching Jerry’s face for approval.

  “Yeah, like ’at,” his king said, raising his arms and locking his fingers behind his head. The sour smell of his sweat blossomed in Kevin’s face. “Get the right one now,” he commanded, eyes narrowed to slits. Kevin fingered Jerry’s right testicle with his nails. “Uh-huh. Now get upside the left one some more. Mmm-hmm. Now come right up the middle between the two of ’em. Yeah, right there.”

  Kevin’s cock flamed in his fist as he felt another man’s bare balls flopping about in his scrambling fingers. “Feels so fine,” Jerry said, flexing his muscles and turning his face to sniff his underarm.

  Kevin groaned. He leaned forward. He licked Jerry’s open armpit, tasting salt on the fine hairs.

  Jerry laughed. “King’s wake-up boy is really throwing himself into his work,” he said, twisting to reach for his cigarettes. “King likes that. Enthusiasm in the troops is a good thing.”

  “Muh!” Kevin moaned. “I’m so queer for your body it just makes me crazy,” he said, running his hand back up the trail of hairs to Jerry’s navel, inserting a fingertip into the knotty hole in his belly.

  “Yeah, you got the main qualification for this job covered, I do believe.” Jerry lit up and inhaled. “Play with my tits some,” he said, blowing out through his nose as he dropped his lighter on the table.

  With the sweet first puff of tobacco smoke filling the air, Kevin spread his hands over Jerry’s chest and massaged the solid muscles. “I still can’t believe you let me touch you like this,” he said, circling his fingertips through the curls around the nipples. “It’s so sexy that you’re just kicking back and smoking while I feel up your body.”

  “You like that, huh?” Jerry put his free hand under the blanket. “Pull on my tits,” he said, narrowing his eyes.

  Kevin pinched Jerry’s nipples and tugged at them.

  “Harder,” Jerry said. The blanket lifted and fell. “Harder.”

  Kevin got a better grip and stretched them out a full inch. “Doesn’t that hurt?”

  Jerry squinted his eyes. “Uh-huh,” he nodded. “’Specially when you do it for me. Two things I like to do when I beat my meat, is to suck on my tat and pull on my tits.” He smiled shyly. “Gets me going real good when you do it for me.” He took a puff and threw his head back to blow smoke straight up. “Harder,” he breathed, tensing his chest.

  Panting shallowly, Kevin pulled until Jerry stiffened and groaned, muscles bulging. He grimaced so alarmingly that Kevin slacked off the pressure, and Jerry slumped back against the pillow, grinning with his eyes closed. Kevin toyed with the two stubs, now red and elongated. “Your nipples get hard like little dicks.”

  Jerry looked down his chest. “Uh-huh. You got ’em sticking up like two little baby boners, huh. Standing tall.” He licked his lips. “Just like the big guy down between my legs.” The lump in the blanket rose and fell.

  Kevin ran his palm down Jerry’s chest, touching the bruise over his rib. He noticed a three-inch scar below it on Jerry’s belly. Tracing it with a fingertip, he imagined Jerry in a hospital with a doctor slicing around inside his abdomen, taking out his appendix. He hesitated, envious that another man had touched a part of Jerry’s interior that Kevin could never reach. He pushed the bedcovers down a few more inches, to the bare skin where Jerry’s pubic hair began to bush out. “Can I see him now?” he whispered. “Can I see the big guy?”

  Jerry pulled his hand from under the blan
ket and hooked his wrist behind his neck again. “You gonna be a good wake-up boy?” He took a slow draw on his cigarette. “Gonna treat the king’s cock right?” He held the smoke out, butt end first.

  “Oh, yeah.” Kevin put his lips to it and took a puff. “I’m gonna be a real good boy.”

  “Okay. Head on down south and show me how good.”

  Kevin lifted the crumpled sheet and blanket.

  Jerry’s pale hard-on sprang up from the shock of black hair between his hips, standing tall indeed, robed and regal. Kevin scooted down by Jerry’s side, kicking the blankets off the foot of the bed. His hitchhiker’s manhood swayed proudly in front of his nose, smelling of Coppertone.

  He touched a swollen blue vein. “This is the real king,” he whispered. “Down here.” The shape of the head showed through the foreskin. Kevin slipped it back until a circle opened and the tip peeked out, pink and glistening at the slit. “That’s what you’ve got between your legs. The king of cocks.”

  “Think so?” Jerry held his cigarette down to Kevin’s face again. “The king we all obey, huh.” Kevin nodded and took a puff.

  “Okay, whyn’t you get all the way down there between my knees,” Jerry said, stubbing out his smoke. He spread his legs apart. “Lemme teach you a trick with my dick.”

  Kevin curled up between Jerry’s thighs, propped on one elbow. “Tell me what to do,” he said, locking his legs around Jerry’s calf.

  “Can you suck your own cock?”

  Kevin looked up from aligning his erection against Jerry’s leg. “No,” he said, and shrugged. “I used to try, but I can’t quite get to it. Can you?”

  “Nah. Used to be able to touch my tongue to it, back when I was skinny like you.” He toyed with his nipples. “We’d all suck ourselves off if we could, huh?”

  Kevin grinned. “I sure would.”

  “Okay, I’m gonna train you how I’d give myself a blowjob, if I could get my mouth down there to it.”

  “This is so queer,” Kevin said, humping Jerry’s calf. “We keep getting better at it.”

  “Yeah, champ, I’m working on that,” Jerry said. “Here’s the deal. Pull my foreskin up. All the way up over the head.”

  The fine skin rolled up in Kevin’s hand and formed a pucker at the tip. Beyond it he could see Jerry staring down at it as he tugged his nipples out.

  “Keep the hood up until I tell you, okay?”

  He cupped Jerry’s balls with his other hand, fascinated by their softly rolling heft, as Jerry’s voice floated down to him. “Now open your mouth wide and put it as far down on it as you can go.”

  Looking up Jerry’s belly and into his blue eyes, Kevin lowered his gaping mouth.

  “Yeah,” Jerry said, nodding and twirling his nipples. “Uh-huh, like ’at. Now close your mouth on it and give it a good suck. Get it good and wet.”

  Kevin engulfed it, an alien thing yet quite recognizable, a creature with a life of its own, vaguely reptilian, as strange in his mouth as a frog but familiar as a million secret orgasms in his hand. He wrapped himself around it.

  “Ah-h-h, yeah-h-h,” Jerry breathed. “Now, hold your mouth still and start pulling the hood down real slow, while you’re sucking on it. Uh-huh, I wanna feel it roll back inside your mouth.” Kevin obeyed, slipping his finger and thumb around the base and retracting the thin sheath through his lips.

  Jerry sounded distant. “Go real slow, buddy, re-e-e-al slow. Mmmh! Quarter inch at a time. Peel it back. Eighth of an inch at a time. Fuck, sixteenth of an inch, oh yeah real slow.”

  Kevin could feel the foreskin withdrawing past his tongue, dilating around the head of Jerry’s cock. When the knob popped free, Jerry groaned and put his hand on Kevin’s neck. “Now!” he whispered, pushing down until the rounded head probed the back of Kevin’s throat. He choked at first, but he held fast until he had to back off to breathe.

  “Do it again, man,” Jerry urged. Kevin obliged, running the foreskin up to loose folds between his lips, mouthing the whole thing, drawing the moveable skin down until it released the cockhead, then lunging forward to make it jab at his throat. He sputtered, his eyes watered, and Jerry’s encouragement enthralled him.

  “Get all over it, buddy,” Jerry ordered, and he did. “Show me how much you love it,” he whispered, and Kevin’s erection burned against Jerry’s leg. Kevin added flourishes, discovering he could retract the foreskin by pulling down on Jerry’s balls, twisting his other fist around it on the upstroke, repeating, repeating, humping Jerry’s hairy calf, knees clamped around him like a horny dog as he felt a slick spot spreading under his own dick.

  The world receded. Kevin sucked grateful obscenities out of his sailor, teased him into helpless, plaintive cries, made him groan, “Yeah, Kev, buddy, oh fuck yeah like that!” then backed off to make Jerry collapse into breathless, trembling gasps of “More, man. More, buddy. C’mon, Kev, make me cum.”

  Cock connection. This is what I want. Complete connection with another guy’s hard dick.

  Knock knock knock.

  Jerry jerked in his hands and hissed, “Shit!”

  No! No! Not now! Kevin closed his eyes tight and pressed his face into Jerry’s pubic hair.

  “Room cleaning,” a woman’s voice came from outside.

  Jerry cleared his throat and whispered, “I locked it last night.”

  “Nuh!” Kevin squealed through his nose. Go away! He’s mine! Leave us alone!

  But keys tinkled, the lock clicked, and the door swung open, just as Kevin raised his head and let Jerry’s hard-on pop from his mouth. Sunlight glared around a girl carrying a stack of towels. She stepped inside, calling, “Hello?” Her brown face peered in past the white cloth. Her eyes locked with Kevin’s.

  “Oh!” she said.

  Kevin stared back, too dismayed to speak. He realized that a strand of cum stretched from his lower lip to the tip of Jerry’s dick, silver in the light, trembling with each thud of his heart.

  “Oh!” the girl repeated. Then her voice lowered in comprehension, “Oh.” Backing up, she bowed and mumbled, “Excuse, por favor, excuse, please.” She bumped her elbow on the door and a towel fell on the floor before she disappeared.

  Raised to be a polite Southern boy, Kevin considered briefly if he should pick it up for her. But her hand reappeared and snatched it up as she sang out, “Check-out time is eleven o’clock!”

  The door slammed and the light dimmed again.

  “Shit fucking almighty,” Jerry muttered. “I know I threw that goddamn dead bolt last night.”

  Kevin wiped his lower lip, hesitated, and then licked his finger. Jerry rolled away and reached for the bed table. He squinted at his watch. “Fuck, man. It’s after one o’clock. No wonder she’s pissed.” He got up and yanked the curtain open. “God damn it, she’s heading straight for the office. She’s gonna tell that old fart she caught us sucking cock. Shit!”

  Kevin blinked in the light. “She’s probably just going to tell him she can’t get in to clean the room. Come back! I want to finish!”

  “Did that bastard take my number down last night?” Jerry turned to him. “I showed him my Navy ID, remember? Did he write it down?”

  “I don’t think so.” Kevin frowned. “I think he just looked at it.” In the bright window light, he could see that Jerry’s cock had gone completely soft.

  “If that fucker calls the shore patrol, my ass is grass.”

  Kevin shook his head. “Jerry, we’re in fucking Arizona. There’s no shore patrol at the Grand Canyon. I mean, for what, canoes? Come on back.”

  “Okay, the highway patrol. What if he calls them?”

  Kevin remembered the cold stare the greasy old man had given him. “Oh, shit. He did write down my license plate number. And I know he caught on that I’m queer.”

  “Damn it! Now I can be blackmailed.”


  “My security clearance. I told you, I work for the fucking admiral.”

  “So?” As Kevin stared at him
, Jerry’s neck and cheeks slowly reddened. “You’re blushing,” Kevin blurted.

  “I’m brainwashed,” Jerry muttered. He balled up his fist and smacked it into his palm. “Fuck! Now I’m a security risk, see? If anybody’s tailing me, all they gotta do is talk to her.” He bent over suddenly and grabbed their underwear from the floor. “Come on,” he said, throwing Kevin’s briefs to him. “We gotta get out of this dump.”

  Kevin wiped himself dry with his BVDs, watching dazedly as Jerry pulled clean shorts from his seabag and stepped into them. When Jerry’s cock and balls disappeared behind white cloth, Kevin heard himself whimper. It was over. He sighed. His hairy animal now looked civilized.

  “Jer,” he began, but he didn’t know what to say. Jerry looked up, stopping with one furry leg into his jeans. Kevin asked, “Can I, uh, borrow some of your underwear?”

  Jerry pulled on his pants and tossed a second pair of his boxers onto the bed.

  They dressed quickly, stuffing their things away unfolded, Kevin into his cardboard box, Jerry into his seabag. “Check for roaches in the ashtrays,” Jerry told him, zipping his bag. While Jerry loaded the car, Kevin picked through the cigarette butts and then dumped everything into the trash. In the bathroom he swiped at the mirror and ran the water in the bathtub to rinse away the yellow puddle. He straightened the lamp in the main room, heaped the covers back onto the bed, kicked the dirty towel underneath it, and dropped the empty whiskey bottle into the can on top of the ashes.

  Jerry came in and slapped the room key onto the dresser with a five-dollar bill under it. “That’s, like, a week’s pay in Mexico,” he said, slipping on his aviator sunglasses. “Let’s go.”

  At the door Kevin hesitated, looking back at the bed. He adjusted himself inside Jerry’s loose-fitting boxer shorts. He flexed his asshole. He took a deep breath, smiled, and followed his new buddy out to the VW.


  Teh-Chen Cheng

  On a winter night, black and bitter as an herbalist’s brew, old woman Kang gave birth to her first and only son. He emerged gasping and howling, his breath and body steaming in the dry, cold air. The baby gave off so much robust heat and energy that he nearly glowed.


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