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Warrior: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 2)

Page 8

by Anna Hackett

  “You came for me,” she whispered, pressing her cheek to his bare chest.

  “Always.” She was safe, and he was going to keep her that way. He swung her into his arms.

  “They’re getting away,” Kace said quietly.

  Thorin saw the few attackers who could still stand dragging their friends into the lift. He fought the violent urge to go after them and demand to know who the hell hired them, and why they wanted Regan.

  But as she curled into him, still shaking, he held onto her. Regan was his priority. The lift clanged as it started upward.

  “Let’s get her home.” He nodded at Kace for them to leave.


  It wasn’t until they got back to the House of Galen, that Regan finally drew a big breath and felt her muscles unlock. She held onto Thorin and the warm, solid comfort he gave her.

  Once they were inside, though, memories of the night before crashed into her. Other women had been pressed up against his chest just hours before. Her stomach curdled.

  She pushed against him. She felt his arms tighten for a second and he then reluctantly let her down.

  She refused to look at him. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

  “Regan!” The sound of running footsteps.

  Harper ran toward her and threw her arms around Regan. “We heard what happened. Are you all right?”

  She gripped her friend. “Yes. Thorin and Kace rescued me.” Regan lifted her head. “Kace? They hurt you. Are you okay?”

  The gladiator nodded, blood staining his face. Even though his face looked impassive, his hands were curled into tight fists by his sides and anger radiated off him. “I’m fine, Regan. I’m sorry they took you.”

  “Don’t be sorry. You fought like a machine and there were so many of them.”

  She turned stiffly to Thorin. “Thanks again for coming after me.”

  “I’ll always come after you.”

  Right. Unless he was busy cavorting with beautiful, sexy women who threw themselves at him. She stomped on the nasty thought. She had to move past these feelings.

  “Come on.” Harper slid her arm around Regan’s shoulders. “You need a drink and some rest.”

  Regan let her friend take charge, and she didn’t look at Thorin as they left. Soon she found herself being urged to sit down in a comfy chair in the living area, and a glass of water was pushed into her hand.

  Raiden moved closer and touched a spot on her face. “You have a graze. You need some of your new med gel.”

  “Kace needs it more than me.”

  “I’ll get it,” Harper said.

  Raiden stared at Regan for a second, then crouched down. “He didn’t sleep with them.”

  “Kace?” She frowned, not quite sure what he was talking about.

  “Thorin. He sent those women away once you were out of sight.”

  A part of Regan screamed in joy, but she pulled her sensible scientist side around her and shut it down. “It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t want me, Raiden, and I got the message. Loud and clear.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “He should have just told me he didn’t want me. I’m used to people not wanting me.”

  Raiden sighed. “He doesn’t believe he’s worthy of you. Of love. Of more.” The tattooed gladiator shoved a hand through his hair. “If you knew about his past, how he came to be here—”

  “His brother sold him.”

  Raiden’s eyes widened. “He told you?”

  She gave her a small nod. “That’s all he said.”

  “There’s more to the story, but he’s never told anyone that much but me.”

  Regan’s heart clenched.

  Harper reappeared. “Enough. She needs to rest. Let’s get you cleaned up, Regan.”


  Thorin slammed into Galen’s office.

  The imperator raised a brow and stood from his desk chair. He set a glowing screen down beside a stack of papers. “No, you aren’t disturbing me. Come right on in.”

  “Someone tried to snatch Regan.” Fury ran through Thorin’s veins like acid. “I want to know who it was.” He wanted the crud-spawn’s head under his axe.

  “I know. I already have Lore and Nero looking into it.”

  Thorin slammed a fist against the wall. “They took down Kace, grabbed her, frightened her.” He remembered the way she clung to him. “They were trying to force her into a cage, G.”

  Galen skirted the desk, then leaned back against it. His icy gaze was on Thorin. “She’s safe. You brought her back and she’s unharmed.”

  “Who the hell has the balls to try and take someone who has House of Galen protection?”

  “We’ll find out.” Galen’s words held a dark promise.

  Thorin sensed someone in the doorway and spotted a grim-faced Kace. His face was still covered in blood.

  “It was my fault,” Kace said. “They ambushed us and—”

  Galen made a sound. “The intel I’ve gathered said you were outnumbered and fought multiple attackers. And you managed to injure quite a few of them. This isn’t your fault, Kace.”

  The clean-cut gladiator stood straight and still. His expression didn’t change.

  Galen sighed. “Get down to Medical and get that wound healed.”

  Kace gave a single nod, then glanced at Thorin. “I’m sorry, Thorin.” He turned and left.

  “And you—” Galen speared Thorin with a look “—give me some time and we will work out who was behind this. I do know that the team who attacked Regan was a mercenary-for-hire squad. They work for the highest bidder.”

  “It has to be the Thraxians.” Just the thought of those bastards getting their hands on Regan again was enough to make Thorin’s fingers itch to grab his axe.

  “We don’t know that yet. Give it time.”

  Now Thorin understood why Regan risked leaving the House of Galen to follow the House of Thrax workers. Waiting for information was worse than landing facefirst in arena sand.

  A knock sounded at Galen’s door. One of the security guards, dressed in gray and red, stood at the doorway.

  “I’m sorry, Imperator Galen,” the woman said. “I just needed to inform you that the sandstorm we were monitoring has changed course and is heading for Kor Magna.”

  Galen sighed. “Just what we needed. Fine, give the orders for the staff to install the storm shutters. Lock down the training arena and ensure all workers are home well before the storm hits.”

  “Yes, Imperator.”

  After the guard left, Galen moved, gripping Thorin’s arm. “I swear to you, we’ll find out who tried to take her.”

  The imperator had never lied to Thorin, and Galen was a man who always delivered on his promises.

  Thorin gave a nod.

  “In the meantime, you don’t let Regan out of your sight. You keep her safe.”

  Thorin straightened. That meant staying close to her, no space between them. Every minute of every day exposed to her sweet body. He released a breath.

  “That’s right,” Galen said. “Whatever demons you’re battling in regard to that woman, you need to set them aside. For her sake.”

  But what if the demon was you, and the battle was one he wasn’t sure he could beat?

  It didn’t matter. What mattered was Regan, and Thorin would do whatever he had to do to keep Regan safe.

  Chapter Nine

  Regan rolled over in her bed, shifting to try and untangle the sheets from her legs.

  She sighed and flopped back against the pillows. Her nightmares weren’t letting her sleep. The roar of the wind outside wasn’t helping.

  A flash of lightning flickered through the shutters, and then a deafening crack of thunder shook the entire compound.

  Wrapping her arms around herself, she slid out of the bed. A few hours ago, a siren had blasted across the city, warning the citizens that a massive dust storm was incoming. The House of Galen workers had leaped into action, installing large wooden shutters over all the windows. She peeked through the tiny gap in
the slats. Sand whirled around outside.

  Apparently, deadly electrical sandstorms were common here on Carthago. She watched as a giant spear of lightning branched through the sky. The hair on her arms rose, the energy in the air rushing across her skin.

  She’d always loved thunderstorms back on Earth. She’d wanted to run around in the rain and watch the lightning, while her horrified parents had looked at her like they’d wondered where she’d come from.

  But she wasn’t on Earth anymore. She couldn’t get a good view of the storm from here, and decided she was going to find a better vantage point. She quietly crept out of her room, and padded through the living area. She headed down the corridor, her bare feet silent on the stone, and over to the little balcony she’d claimed as her own. Shutters had been installed here as well, but the gaps between the slats were wider, and as she stepped out the door, the wind tore at her white nightgown, sending it billowing. Her hair whipped around her shoulders.

  She touched the shutters, opening one a little wider. She watched the violent sandstorm and the lightning sparking through it. She felt alive, electric.

  And tonight, she was grateful not to be back in a cage. She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered.

  “You shouldn’t be here.”

  Thorin’s deep voice had her turning. He stood there, framed by the doorway, his arms crossed over his very broad and very naked chest.

  She felt like the lightning was running through her, now. His chest was almost always naked, but every time she saw it, it still took her breath away.

  There was another crack of thunder. Regan felt as though the two of them were in their own cocoon, surrounded by the storm. He stood there, so big, so alpha, so strong. She let her gaze skate over his huge arms, his strong jaw, and his bare chest. He was only wearing a pair of loose-fitting gray trousers that draped over his strong legs and the large bulge of his cock.

  Regan let out a shuddering breath. She wanted this man so much, even though he confused her. He pushed her away with one hand and held her close with the other. She wanted to touch him, to press her hands over all those muscles, and circle that enormous cock.

  Heat raced over her skin, flushing her cheeks. She was so turned on she hurt. Another crash of thunder rumbled.

  She could see that his harsh breathing was making his chest heave. His hands were fists at his sides, and she could clearly see the strained muscles in his neck.

  She desperately wanted to touch him.

  “Go back to bed, Regan.” He turned and strode away.

  She closed her eyes. The wind was rushing through the shutters, and now she felt hot and cold as the wind tore at her. The urge to go after him was so strong, matching the pulse between her legs and the need clawing at her.

  But she wouldn’t. This time, he had to come to her.

  Quickly, Regan secured the shutters and raced back to her room. As lightning hit again, she rushed into her room, throwing the door closed behind her.

  Her skin felt too sensitive, her breasts swollen, her senses heightened to almost intolerable levels. She dropped back onto her bed, pulling at her nightgown. She’d never thought of herself as a sexual creature. Sex could be nice and fun, but she’d never felt this way before. Like she was burning up. She wanted to blame the storm, but she knew there was only one man to blame. One man who made her feel like a burning inferno.

  She imagined Thorin’s big body on hers, his rough hands spreading her thighs, his mouth dragging across her breasts.

  She was never going to get any sleep. She lay back and shoved the fabric of her nightgown up to her waist. Then she let her hand drift down, over her soft belly, before it slipped between her thighs. She touched herself, swallowing a little moan. She was already damp and she imagined Thorin’s hand on her, his mouth and the scruff on his jaw scraping against her most sensitive parts.

  Anticipation made her shake. Finally, she touched her clit, making a little mewling sound. She rubbed it, her legs shifting on the bed.

  She was so empty. She reached down and slid her finger inside herself, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t Thorin.

  Then she heard a pained sound. A cross between a groan and growl. She jerked, her eyes flying open.

  Thorin stood in the doorway.

  His face was twisted, color riding high on his cheekbones. Those elusive dark scales were visible on his arms and chest.

  Their gazes locked, both of them breathing fast. Apart from the thunder and howl of the wind, only Thorin’s harsh breathing filled the space.

  Regan’s belly contracted. She kept touching herself and she saw his gaze go there. With him watching her, she felt naughty, sexy.

  “Don’t stop.” His voice was a deep growl. “Keep touching yourself.”

  She licked her lips. This couldn’t be her. She was a sensible scientist. Dr. Regan Forrest didn’t lie sprawled on a bed, touching herself in front of a man.

  No, not just a man. A big, sexy alien gladiator.

  But she spread her legs wider, her thumb circling her clit. Her gaze never left him.

  There was more lightning again, illuminating his large form in harsh white light. He should be frightening, but looking at him just increased her desire.

  She moved her fingers faster, and as she watched him, she saw one of his big hands slide down his ridged abs. He cupped the giant bulge in his pants and her eyes widened. It was enormous now, straining the fabric of his trousers.

  “Don’t stop.” His voice was tortured.

  Her desire was coalescing inside her, a hot, hard ball of need. Regan kept circling her slippery clit. The pressure of his gaze and the look in his eyes were too much. Her back arched, electricity skating down her spine.

  Regan screamed Thorin’s name as she came. Her orgasm was harder than any she’d ever had before.

  An almost animal sound filled the room. Through the haze of pleasure, she saw Thorin was still watching her. He looked like he was in agony—torment in his eyes and etched on his face.

  Then he turned and stumbled out. Regan shivered. Did she go after the stubborn man or not?


  Thorin couldn’t think. He slammed into his room. Need was an urgent throb through all of his body. His cock was harder and more painful than it’d ever been.

  He strode across his room, feeling like he was going to burst out of his skin. He saw that his scales were out on his arms, his animal nature close to the surface.

  He shoved his trousers down and took his aching cock in his hand. As he started stroking, a groan tore from his throat.

  He saw Regan splayed out before him, slim fingers touching herself. All centered on that fascinating little nub that seemed to be the heart of her pleasure. He pumped his cock harder and wished it was Regan’s hands on him, her mouth—

  Drak. He slapped a hand against the wall to stay upright. He kept tugging, needing some sort of release, some sort of sanity in this madness.

  Suddenly, he sensed her. Smelled the sweet scent of her arousal.

  He felt a small hand touch his back and he went stiff. She slipped around in front of him, her white nightgown bright in the darkness. He knew she shouldn’t be here. He knew he should send her away.

  Her hands circled his cock.

  “Regan—” A tortured groan.

  “Let me.” She pumped him, her gaze glued to his cock. “You are so big, Thorin.”

  He heard the excitement in her voice and he was lost. As she worked him, his hips jerked forward.

  “Drak, that…feels so good.” He felt his cock pulse in her hands.

  One of her hands slid down, tracing a thick vein along his cock, then back up, smoothing the fluid leaking from the tip over his length.

  Then her hands were gone. He looked down and saw that she was cupping her full breasts through her nightgown. He could see the dusky shadow of her nipples through the thin fabric.

  She smiled at him. How could she look both sweet and sexy at the same time? Innocent and seductres
s in one.

  Then she was urging him toward his bed. Unable to form any words, he planted one knee on the covers.

  She moved past him, lying down along the edge of the bed. She was pulling at her nightgown, but he leaned down, gripped the neckline, and tore it open with his hands.

  She gasped, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.

  “I can’t fuck you, Regan.”

  He saw her flinch and he cursed himself for being such an idiot. “I want to, but I have no control. I’m on edge. You’re so small, and I’m so big. I would hurt you, and I won’t do that. I would cut off my own arm with my axe before I hurt you.”

  Finally, she nodded, and then she moved, her hands going to her breasts again, pushing the sweet curves of them together. “Let me make you feel good. Let me taste you.”

  All Thorin could hear were his harsh breaths. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t say anything.

  She reached out, guiding him toward her, until his cock slid between her soft breasts.

  Sweet mother of the stars. He gulped in air.

  She pushed the globes together, until they were snug around him. He moved until he was straddling her, his thighs on either side of her luscious body. The desire in her eyes was almost enough to have him spilling himself all over her.

  “Move, Thorin,” she urged him.

  Unable to stop himself, he thrust against her, his cock sliding on her smooth skin. He moved a few times, and the next time, the swollen head of his cock touched her lips. She licked him, his cock looking so huge against her small lips.

  Drak. Lost. He was lost in desire and in the other emotions mixing wildly inside him.

  He kept thrusting, and started to lose his rhythm. He reached down, one hand pressed to the bed and the other tangling in her hair.

  “Regan.” Her name was torn out of him.

  Her tongue licked at the mushroom head of his cock again, and a second later, his release hit him with the force of ten gladiators.

  His seed spilled over her breasts and neck. He groaned, sensation tearing through his spine, and he kept going until there was nothing left inside him.

  When he could finally think again, he dragged air into his burning lungs. He dropped down beside her on the bed, unable to tear his gaze away from her.


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