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Tangled: A New Adult Romance Boxed Set (12 Book Bundle of Billionaires, Bad Boys, and Royalty)

Page 19

by Lakes, Krista

  She finally drew a deep breath, opening her eyes. He was still watching her and she reached up, holding his face in her hands. His lips curved into a brief smile before he closed his eyes, as his body sought release, taking his pleasure in her now that she was satisfied.

  This was so very different than the previous night. He held himself above her, moving deliberately, until she felt his body stiffen before burying his face against her neck. She felt his hips pushing forward once, twice...holding himself inside her then, the only sounds a series of soft exhalations that she felt more than heard.

  As he finished he rolled to his side, pulling her hard against him, his arms and legs wrapped around her body, before he gradually relaxed, the tension slowly leaving his body.

  He held her so long she thought he gone back to sleep. But when she moved, he opened one eye, a lazy smile playing on his lips.

  “You want breakfast?”

  “Do you cook?” Angela smiled back.

  Liam made a face, shaking his head. “Not exactly. But I do know of a great little Greek diner just around the corner. Serves up an awesome breakfast.”

  “I should call home first, let them know I’m alive.”

  “Checking in with the parents? That’s....”

  Angela caught his look and he apparently caught hers. She frowned.

  “I live at home. They worry. It’s just being considerate.”

  Liam shrugged. “I’m going to take a shower. You’re welcome to join me after you make your call.”

  She watched as he walked across the bedroom, marveling at how she’d ended up here, in bed with this strange man. But then something caught her eye, something she hadn’t noticed before in the dim lights of last night.

  Scars ran across Liam’s back, white lines marring his perfect skin. They looked different from the scar on his chest, not raised, thin and there were many of them. She leaned forward; aware she was staring, but powerless to look away.

  Liam turned, catching her eye. “You change your mind about calling home?”

  “ I just...” She flushed, feeling like she’d been caught looking at something she wasn’t supposed to have seen.

  There was a silence, Liam watching her for a moment. His face had taken on a closed look. He nodded slightly, his jaw clenched as if he were remembering something painful. Then he turned away.

  “I’ll be in the shower.” As Liam walked into the bathroom, she pulled the sheet from the bed, wrapping it around her body. Within minutes she could hear the water running.

  It took her several minutes to find her purse. She checked her phone for messages; there were none from home, but several from Rachel and Laura. I’ll deal with those later.

  As the call went through, she looked around the living room. It was as sparsely furnished as the bedroom, containing just a sagging couch and battered coffee table. The kitchen, if it could be called that—it was more like an extension of the living room—held a Formica table with two unmatched chairs, a refrigerator and a stove that looked unused. It was messy; it looked like a typical guy’s apartment. But underneath the surface clutter it seemed clean. There were no dirty dishes in the sink, no piles of dirty laundry in the corners of the bedroom.

  Someone finally picked up at her house.

  “Good morning. Reynolds residence.”

  “Sophie? It’s Angela. I’m looking for my mother or father. Can I speak to either one?”

  “Oh, Miss Angela. No, neither one is home right now. Mr. Reynolds has left for work. Mrs. Reynolds is...I think at one of her charities this morning. May I take a message for you, dear?”

  Angela sighed. “No, thank you, Sophie. I just wanted to let them know where I was and that I’m okay. I didn’t come home last night...I just didn’t want anyone to worry.”

  As she slipped the phone back into her purse, she wondered if they even knew she hadn’t come home last night.

  “Everything okay?”

  She looked up. Liam was leaning against the bedroom doorway, watching her. She clutched the sheet around her body, suddenly feeling very vulnerable.

  “Fine. know what it’s like with parents sometimes.” She forced a smile onto her face.

  “Actually, no. I don’t.” Liam held her gaze for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then he smiled, a smile that transformed his face, lit up his eyes. He held out his hand.

  “Come on. Let’s take that shower and get some breakfast. I’m starving.”

  The shower lasted longer than she expected. Liam’s idea of a shower involved generous time spent caressing her body, running his soapy hands over every inch of her smooth skin again and again until she was arching against him, moaning softly. Daringly, he slid his hands lower, between her legs, his eyes locked on hers as he slowly, deliberately stroked her. She was gasping beneath the stream of hot water, her body coming alive. Something wild broke loose in her, something that had surfaced last night. It was a feeling she wasn’t used to but wanted to experience again.

  Reaching for Liam, she pulled him to her, her lips and mouth claiming his this time. He responded, his tongue in her mouth, probing deeply. Her hands were on his slick cock, stroking him, relishing the feeling of him in her hands, the response she elicited, the soft moan against her mouth as he thrust himself against her.

  But more than that, she wanted him again. And that surprised her. There had never been anyone who had excited her this much, so quickly. The attraction she felt was something powerful, irresistible.

  The intensity in Liam’s blue eyes was almost enough to make her look away, but she held his gaze as she slid one leg up his muscular thigh. He ran his hand beneath her leg, holding her firmly. He guided himself into her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly as he pushed her against the shower wall.

  “Liam...” There was a moment where she felt suspended, on the edge of something unknown. Not only the physical, poised on the edge of release, but of something else, something deeper. Liam was still holding her gaze, watching her face as he held himself inside of her.

  “Liam...” Her voice was breathless, barely recognizable. “I want...”

  “What?” His voice was low. “What do you want, Angela?”

  “ want you...”

  Liam pulled back, holding himself still for a beat. Then he thrust upward.

  “You want this...” He thrust again, harder.


  And again, he thrust into her, his fingers digging into the back of her leg, the other hand braced against the wall beside her head.


  Liam buried his head against her neck as she cried out in time with his thrusts. She could feel his lips on her skin, first planting kisses beneath her ear, then his open mouth against her neck, his breathing harsh.

  Angela clung to Liam, her body lost to the sensations he created in her. When she came, it was with a dizzying rush, her head hitting the wall behind her. If Liam hadn’t been holding her so tightly, she would have slide down the shower wall.

  Liam’s body was pressing her against the cool tile. She could feel every part of him sliding against her, slick with water and soap, his fingers clutching her leg as he drove himself into her. His cries were muffled against her neck, his hand sliding down the wall to cradle her face. She turned her head toward his and found his lips with hers, his kiss almost desperate in its intensity.

  Angela cradled his head, fingers wrapped in his wet hair, as he spent himself in her body. When he finished he released her leg, and she let it slide slowly to the floor. He still held her pressed to the wall with his body, his forehead against hers, his fingers on her cheek. After a long time he opened his eyes, kissing her briefly.

  “Yeah...okay. Breakfast.” He smiled, pulling her back under the stream of hot water.

  “And you need to put some clothes on. You’re far too tempting to leave undressed.”

  The diner was small, just one long counter with no tables. Liam held her h
and as they walked to the back, finding two stools side by side. A few of the customers nodded to him as he passed. Angela could feel several of the men looking her over, but no one said anything. She felt vaguely out of place.

  The counterman appeared to take their order while Angela was still reading the greasy menu. Liam ordered and the man turned to Angela.

  “Um...a bagel, lightly toasted, with cream cheese...and tea. Earl Grey, please.” There was a non-committal noise and she looked up at the man.

  “No tea. Coffee, water, juice.”

  “Oh. Coffee then.” She slid the menu back into the metal holder at the edge of the counter.

  Two heavy white ceramic coffee cups appeared and the man filled them with steaming black coffee, turning back to the kitchen.

  “Excuse me.”

  The man turned back.

  “May I have cream, please?”

  A battered cream pitcher appeared in front of her. Angela poured a dollop into the coffee, fished two sugar packets from the container in front of her. She held up the spoon, eyeing it briefly before stirring her coffee. She suddenly realized Liam was watching her, a bemused smile on his face.

  “What?” She returned his look.

  He shook his head. “Nothing. You seem a little out of your element. Sort of like last night...on the street. And maybe in my apartment.” Liam took a drink of coffee.

  “Oh...well. Yes, we were...I was.”

  There was an awkward silence. I really don’t know this guy at all, other than what he looks like naked...and what he can do to me in bed.

  She felt herself blushing at the sudden images of Liam that flashed through her mind. Flustered, she took a sip of coffee, coughing briefly before adding two more packets of sugar.

  “So, someone said last night you were dragged out to have some fun? Do you not like going out, having a good time?”

  Liam was looking at her over the edge of his coffee cup, a sly gleam in his eyes.

  “Oh...well. I...just broke up with someone, a guy...and they...Rachel and Laura...thought I needed to get out...try and meet someone new.”

  Liam was grinning at her, obviously amused.

  “Not what they had in mind then, meeting me?”

  Angela shook her head. “Not at all. Laura was pretty sure you were going to kidnap me or...worse...” She felt herself blushing, again.

  Liam leaned over, his arm against hers. “And was it worse?”

  She looked down, toying with her spoon, her hair swinging across her face. “No, it wasn’t worse. It was...pretty amazing.”

  “ was.” Liam reached over, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  She looked at him, into those blue eyes that held so much. There was a moment where the noise and bustle of the diner faded. She thought Liam was going to say something, or kiss her, or...she didn’t know.

  The bang of their breakfast plates on the counter broke the moment. Angela jumped; Liam held her gaze a moment longer before turning to the mound of food heaped on his plate.

  “You sure you don’t want something more than just that?” He pointed to her bagel with his fork.

  “No, I’m fine. I’m not much for breakfast.” She didn’t want to admit she was too nervous to eat.

  They ate in silence, Angela watching in amazement as Liam made his way through eggs, hash browns, toast and several cups of coffee. He finally put down his fork with a contented sigh.

  “I love this place.” His gaze took in the dingy walls, the faded Formica counter, the harried counterman, finally settling on Angela. “I guess this isn’t what you’re used to. I get the impression that the Bronx isn’t your territory.”

  She shook her head. “It’s fine. I mean, I have been out of Manhattan before.”

  “I’m sure. Listen, you finished? I should be at the gym. Frank gets aggravated when I’m late.”


  “My trainer. He cuts me no slack. Even if it’s for a pretty girl.” He smiled at her again, just to watch her blush.

  Liam pulled out his wallet. He had just enough left to cover breakfast but not leave a tip. Next time...

  He caught Angela watching him count out the bills, setting them on top of the check, before stuffing his empty wallet back into his pocket. He guided her out onto the bustling sidewalk.

  “Thank you for breakfast, Liam. And for...well, last night...and everything else.” She hesitated in the bright sunshine, blushing. How do you thank someone for the best sex you’d ever had?

  People jostled them on the sidewalk, but Liam ignored them. There was a not-unwelcomed sense of possession as his arms went around her, his hands sliding down her back, almost but not quite cupping her ass.

  “I want to see you again.” His voice was low, his eyes searching hers.

  Angela’s breath caught in her throat. It had occurred to her breakfast might be more of a polite way of getting rid of her than being with her. She’d never thought he’d want to see her again. They were so different, seemed to have nothing in common.

  Except for the overwhelming attraction she felt for him. And he apparently felt for her.

  “I want to see you again...soon.” His mouth found hers, brushing softly against her lips.

  He pulled back slightly, looking down at her, his fingers tracing the contours of her cheek. There was something so gentle in his touch, such a contrast to the tough guy exterior, to the edge in his eyes. And briefly she saw a longing, a need that touched her.

  “Okay. Yes. I mean...I’d like that.” She watched his face, saw a fleeting glimpse of relief pass over his features. Then he smiled, that charming grin that lit up his face. It amazed her how a simple answer from her could produce such an affect.

  “Give me your number.” He reached in his pocket, extracting his cell phone. She recited it and he quickly punched it in.

  “I’ll call you. We’ll have a real date, go someplace nicer than that dive we ended up at last night. Have a chance maybe to have a conversation.” He pushed a wind-blown strand of hair off her forehead before stepping to the curb, expertly hailing a cab.

  He pulled her against him again, his lips finding hers. They seemed to be unable to let go of each other. There was a brief honk of a horn. Liam broke their kiss, a smile lingering at the corners of his lips.

  “Your driver’s getting impatient.” He leaned forward, kissing her once more, lips lingering for a moment on hers.

  “Do you need cab fare?”

  Angela blinked at him. She knew he didn’t have any money; he’d obviously spent the last in his wallet on breakfast...on her breakfast. But he was trying to be nice.

  “No, I’m fine. I have cash. But thank you.” She looked closely at him, a fleeting embarrassed look crossing his face. That was the last thing she wanted him to feel. But she didn’t know what to say to make it better.

  Liam opened the cab door for her and she slipped inside.

  “I’ll call.” He closed the door, giving her a wave.

  As the cab pulled away, she turned, catching sight of him moving off through the crowd. He had an easy confident way of walking, but there seemed to be an equally aggressive quality to his walk, almost a dare to anyone to confront him.

  The cab ride seemed to take forever. There was a nagging headache lingering in her temples that was asserting itself again. She attributed it to the effects of far more alcohol than she ever drank, the late night and the excitement. A long nap right now sounded like the best thing in the world.

  The doorman held the lobby door, dashing ahead to call for the elevator for her. Sophie was in the kitchen when she let herself in to the apartment. The small woman turned, greeting Angela as she walked into the kitchen. Sophie’s accent always made Angela think of someone’s babushka, images from her Russian Lit classes popping into her head. But Sophie had long outgrown her Russian roots; she was as much a New Yorker now as Angela was. Except for the trace of a Russian accent that still lingered.

  “Are my parents home, Sophie?”
  “No, Miss Angela. Your father called. His flight was delayed; he may not be home till much later today. And your mother is still out.” Sophie gave her a pat on the shoulder and a slight smile.

  “You look tired, Miss. Why don’t you lay down? I’ll bring you some tea?”

  Sophie knew her better than her own parents did sometimes. Or at least she saw more of Sophie some days.

  “I think I will lay down. And no, thank you, Sophie. No tea right now.”

  Angela sighed, climbing the stairs to her room. She knew her parents loved her, if in a somewhat detached way. But once in a while she felt abandoned by them. Her mother had her charity work, something Angela was confused over. There seemed endless days when her mother was out, continually at some function or fundraiser or at some vague location early each morning.

  Her father was a different story. If Angela wanted it and it could be bought, her father would find a way for her to have it. There were days when she was certain he had a column on a spreadsheet that totaled how much love he’d bought for her. There were also days when she longed to tell him that all she really wanted was him, for a day, just to be with him, do something together. Or just spend the day talking.

  She remembered a day from her childhood; she’d been maybe four or five. Her dad had taken her to the Central Park Zoo, on a weekday, taking a day away from work to spend with her. She’d been obsessed with the monkeys and he’d patiently sat with her for hours as she watched their antics. He’d bought her every gooey sticky treat she could have possibly wanted, every toy or souvenir she had shown any interest it. For years, Angela was convinced he’d even tried to buy her a monkey.

  But what she remembered most was just him being there with her, holding her hand as they walked from exhibit to exhibit, his big hand holding hers. When she’d grown tired, he’d carried her to the car, her head resting on his shoulder.

  Angela pulled the drapes shut, blocking out the view of Central Park. She stripped out of her clothes, dropping them to the floor, pulling back the comforter and sheet on her bed. As she slid between the crisp linen, she thought about Liam, the worn sheets on his bed. She wondered again about this strange man she’d found, or who had found her. There were so many things she wanted to know, but didn’t know how to ask.


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